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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1956)
$ Page 2 THE BATTALION Thursday, February 2, 1956 Been Wondering? Tax Director Tells Who Pays on What The many inquiries received by this office indicates that there is a misunderstanding regarding the taxpayer status of dependent child ren earning $600 or more, R. L. Phinney, District Director of In ternal Revenue Service in Austin has announced. A child earning $600 or more qualifies as a taxpayer and must file a return and pay tax due. This is true whether the parent claims the child as a dependent or not. Parents are responsible for the tax due from minors. Parents may claim the depend ency deduction for a child earning $600 or more under certain condn tions. The parents must furnish more than half the support of the child to qualify the child as a de pendent. The child must be under 19 years of age, of if 19 or over must meet the qualifications of a student. A student must attend a full time school during at least 5 months of the calender year. Such schools include only institutions with a regular faculty and student body and do not include correspon dence school, night schools and employed training schools. For example, a child 21 attended a college as a full-time student during 1955 and earned $720 which he used for school expenses. The father spent $850 for the child’s support. The child is required to file an income tax return and pay tax on the above earnings. The father can claim the child as a dependent on his return since he contributed over half to the child’s support. A child earning less than $600 and who has had tax withheld should file a return so that the tax withheld may be refunded to him, Phinney said You Give LOU LOU Gives You Any 500 Book... ...Basic 107 Poultry 201 & 95c A. H. 107 Biology 107 & 75c Biology 108 Biology 107 & 45c Biology 101 A. H. 107 & 75c : .Poultry 201 Trade With LOU . . . He’s Right With You! LOUPOT S TRADING POST North Gate Traffic School Scheduled Here Feb. 20 - 24 The first annual short school on traffic engineering will be held here Feb. 20-24. The school will be sponsored jointly by the Texas Trans portation Institute and the Civil Engineering Department, with the cooperation of the practicing traf fic engineers throughout th,e state. The coarse is being offered to assist medium-sized cities in the training of personnel responsible for the various traffic engineering functions. Subjects to be covered include traffic engineering problems, traf fic engineering organization, traf fic laws and regulations, speed studies, i-egulations and zoning, traffic surveys and studies, traffic planning, parking, traffic signs, signals and markings, geometric design (streets, intersections, chan nelization and others). D. Grant Mickle, director, traffic engineering division, Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, will deliver the opening address and take an active part in the pro ceedings. A&M Professor Authors CE Book A book, “Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods,” written by R. L. Peurifoy of the A&M Civil Engineering Department, has re cently been published by the Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. The book was designed to serve the needs of students in civil en gineering and architecture, consult ing architects and engineers, con tractors and manufacturers of con struction equipment. It has already been adopted for use as a .text by a number of en gineering colleges. Peurifoy also wrote another book, “Estimating Construction Costs,” which was published in 1953. He is serving as chairman of the Civil Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education during the current year. As chairman, he will be in charge of the program given by the Divi sion at the annual meeting at Iowa State College in June. The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and va cation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday im mediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered, as second-class j Represented nationally by matter at Post Office at ! Member Of National Advertising College Station. Texas. Servjces, Inc. at New gresT" of h Ma A rch °l IsTi. The Associated PrCSS Ingeles. and S^n °Fr£n! 1 cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL - FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Don Shepard, Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds News Editors Welton Jones . City Editor Barbara Paige Woman’s Editor Barry Hart Assistant Sports Editor Jim Neighbors, John West. . Reporters Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent Tom Syler Circulation Manager James Schubert, Mike Keen, Guy Fernandez Photographers THURSDAY & FRIDAY “HOW TO BE VERY, VERY POPULAR” with BETTY GRABLE PLUS “WOMAN’S WORLD” with JUNE ALLYSON SATURDAY ONLY “BORDER RIVER” with JOEL McCREA PLUS —, OUTLAW STALLION’ with PHIL CAREY THURSDAY & FRIDAY HOWARD HUGHES presents ROBERT MITCHUM-JEAN SIMMONS ARTHUR HUNNICUTT _ She couldn't say HO] EDGAR BUCHANAN • WALLACE FORD • RAYMOND WALBURN SATURDAY IN COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR -Plus- 1 GLENN FORD ANN SHERIDAN Appointment in Honduras t r s *o co-ilarring P * # U ^_ZACHARYSCOTL PREY UK SAT. 10:30 P. M. Sunday and Monday “TRIAL Starring Glenn Ford and Dorothy McGuire • -L / -fiwUc... An the pleasure comes thru ... the taste is great! Filter Tip Tareyton smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier, \ and it’s the only filter cigarette that gives ^ you Activated Charcoal filtration. FILTER TIP TAREYTON PRODUCT OF cS/l& AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES ©A. T. CO. OA L FILTER P O G O QOZ5 YOU M£ANJ TO iMPtY THAT/ GOTTA £EAWU_ into A rr*®**^ YOU AM'ACT '-M*/ / you CO'" 0 UlCg A ( po anything CHUCK( oA? KIN. lly >Valt Kelly P O G O IF? VO' (SONNA wgu? our .&Y 0£IN'A 6QOWCHUCK POR expgAzwNT you can't 'UOILBR (T AUeiSHT" /T'5 GgOL/VD- ' A/OG £>AV" YOUf AO A 0ONA O&OUN CHUCK ^GROMHGS, IO , CffAWUN' OUTSNJ YO' -AN COMge AlrONS ^4 v.P' LA 2 I PON'T pm VE£V GROUH' HQGGV WOOF' WQQF'y, 'yJ L o By Walt Kelly WOOr VyOCr ? HQW YvjOO? GROW 1 HO&S Y AY ^APOW^ OANNOU-tAV / YCO? , j WU'TeAZK/ DON'T FAUUCVgS WOP UOOP WATCH/Tf J YOU 607 j ruBR MA&T£ze> ) s* woo,- <1 Yo' zuuZZ \ eiTweB">m£;2, J WOO? $ \ M\X£0. 15^ mobf; A eSTRlCH. P O G O By Walt Kelly f« { I'££ 61A0 Of THAT, MR.'COON, 'CAU6£ CONS: ONg V O G O PUffi puff puff Puff fuff Puff PUff PUff puff pupp puff pupf OUJU S Iff IN' HIM CMA5IN' AAAC? AN CHA'S'N 1 Of U$ PINT U6.6UQ.g / GO MUCU TICS M£OU7, PINT M A6 UgBl/M/N YOU ? yl AWAY FROM HIM 'XL™ By Walt Kelly AN'All - TAINT AAt'S CHt/HDOOMFY^ rUAYG fOZ WWAT-f ' U'XB'niBtze IK UIBNBW , kUUB 1 OO WAB \ ON PURPOBB") &ORNBP * ACCIDENTAL ) m / //(4EAr//E/?. r \ /3A0ys/SrE& HIM- "—^ ' f 0 fi 1 ©’ | I wAW" It