Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1956)
Exam Schedule Final examination schedule for tjiis semester is as follows: Classes meeting MWF8, Monday, 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting TThS8, Monday, 1-4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF9, Tuesday, 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting MWF1, Tuesday, 1-4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF10, Wednesday, 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting TThl, Wednesday, 1-4 p.m. Classes meeting TThSlO, Thursday, 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting MWF2, Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF11, Friday, 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting ThSll, Friday, 1-4 p.m. Classes meeting TThS9, Saturday, 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting TTh2, Saturday, 1-4 p.m. LAST TIME WALT DISNEY’S “LADY AND THE TRAMP” — P L U S — “FLAME OF ARABY” with MAUREEN O’HARA SATURDAY “THE CAINE MUTINY” with HUMPHREY BOGART t •JTWX* * TONIGHT PREV. 11 P.M. 20th CENTURY-FOX presents TOM EWELL SMKREE tn the wonder of STEDE0PH0NIC SOUND E TODAY & SATURDAY Warner Bros, present the Court-Martial Bio STARRING of BillyMitchell’ - STARRING Gary Cooler sn Cinemascope WarnerCouor SAT. N1TE PREV. 11 I».M. CiNEMAScOt>£ ? TECHNidoLORi SECOND 5 GREATEST A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE QUEEN TODAY & SATURDAY “Trail of The Lonsome Pine” CADET SLOUCH by James Earle I SEE RIGHT WOW I AONl'T QOWUA* HELP TH‘ AvCOIES 1U TS4‘ COl_OEM CLOVES The Battalion Page 2 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1956 Marching Mothers The Mother’s March on Polio will be held tonight be tween 7 and 8, giving anyone who has not had a chance to contribute to the fight against polio an opportunity to do so. All you have to do is turn your porch light on. The mother will come and take your contribution. So, don’t for get ; those of us who are whole have a moral and social obli gation to help those who are crippled. The battle against infantile paralysis is not yet won. Health Report Diarrhea was the leading disease in the College Station area with 14 cases reported to the County Health Unit. Three diseases—chickenpox, in fluenza and mumps — were next with six reported cases each. One case of polio, that of A&M senior Thomas William Taylor, was re ported. Taylor’s case was the first reported in the county this year. Clark Elected Bill Clark was elected president of the Van Zandt County Home town Club at their last meeting Thursday night. Other officers elected were Richard Whitmire, vice-president; Don Smith, secre tary-treasurer and Hulan Howell, reporter and social chairman. Aircraft propeller blades are us ually made of hollow forgings of alloy steel containing one to two per cent nickle. THRU SATURDAY “APACHE WOMAN” Lloyd Bridges CIRCLE LAST DAY u To Catch a Thief’* Cary Grant & Grace Kelly a L S o “Conquest of Space” SATURDAY ONLY “Creature From the Black Lagoon” Julie Adams — ALSO — “The Raid” Van Helflin The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and va cation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday im mediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-claps matter at Pest Office at Colletre Station. Texas, under the Act of Con- «rea* of March 8, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by I National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los [ Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Don Shepard, Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds News Editors Welton Jones ...... City Editor Barbara Paigre Woman’s Editor Barry Hart - Assistant Sports Editor 3im Neighbors, John West . Reporters Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent Tom Syler Circulation Manager James Schubert, Mike Keen, Guy Fernandez Photographers FRIDAY EXPOSING SECRET LIVES! RICHARD WIDMARK LAUREN BACALL CHARLES BOYER GLORIA GRAHAME ' LILLIAN GISH ,N the oaHWEB msd introducing JOHN KERR a, PRESENTED BV M-G-M IN COLOR AND IM C5 B N eMi**.£S«=C» SATURDAY Distributed by RKO KADIO PICTURES PREVUE SAT. 10:30 P.M. Also Sunday & Monday r M-G-M's BURST OF MUSICAL IV SUNSHINE! IN COLOR AND if i (OV CINemaScoPEE —^ 3 A sip + % —Gene Kelly- Dan Dailey | | Cyd Charisse-Dolores Gray | Michael Kidd «C«.:CBW»5iP0»» $ TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY THAT Dance! THAT Picture! HHHi — you've heard so much about! HOWARD HUGHES JANE RUSSELL THE FRENCH LINE • EDMUND GRAINGER rr.. Let Us Show You Our ... K & E SLIDE RULES STUDENT CO-OP N. Gate VI 6-6715 CONGRATULATIONS AGGIE SENIORS Bring your Parents to the . . . M.S.C. DINING ROOM Open 4:30 to 7 P. M. Commencement Day THE TASTE IS GREAT! the activated ‘ charcoal s/, T Here you have the best in filtered smoking — Filter Tip Tareyton, the filter cigarette that smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier . . . the only one that gives you Activated Charcoal filtration. All the pleasure comes thru... the taste is; great! FILTER tipTAREYTON PRODUCT OF AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp P O G O By Walt Kelly Pge A MIN UTS TVIgSg, POGO, YOU MAD U5 Wg P.'GSSSglD YOU'D 3gCAMg 4 JUNKMAN " 3UT e£S /T£ TMg TAD WM0£ GOtteeVN'AM TMg * - WOW'O YOU U14STOSS ,V-7 PPgg/DgNT? (? fQp %