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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1956)
p Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, January i9, 1956 J By 14-12 Score 1 Sqd. 3 Nudges Sqd. 11 By JOE DAN BOYD Intramural Sports Writer Dick Vaughan paced a scrappy Squadron 3 quintet to a 14-12 win over Squadron 11 in freshman has ketball yesterday. Vaughan’s two baskets were tops in team scoring while his defensive efforts smoth ered Sqd. ll’s pointmaking. Bob Carey was the game’s lead ing scorer and was the big gun for Sqd. 11. Teammate Bill Ander son sank two baskets and George Lodoen provided the final tw points. Other Sqd. 3 scorers were Rob ert Siner, Dick Hussey and Don Weinacht. Sqd. 19 rolled over D-Infantry by a score of 455-395, in freshmen bowling. Tom Fetters, Alvin De iss, and Ronald Stallings contrib uted the winning points. Bob Wil kins, A. T. Hearne, and Frank Me ier bowled for D-Infantry. Sqd. 16 took a 2-1 series from A-AAA in class B tennis. Grady Barr and Bobby Wilson defeated Jim Taylor and Duncan Watwood for the lone AAA win. Bill Mc Neill and Roy Truesdell clipped Phil Richman and Otho Compton for Sqd. 16’s first victory. Harry Gould and Dick Clements whipped Lloyd McCaskill and Jerry Parr to wrap-up the series. A-Ordnance blanked Sqd. 13 by taking all three games in another freshman tennis tilt. Bill Hitt, Davis Ford, Richard Dorrell, Bob Richardson and Kenneth Fischer composed the Ordnance line-up. Other tennis victories went to Sqd. 14; D-Inf.; and A-Armor. A-Infantry romped past Sqd. 14, 2-0, in upperclassmen horseshoes. Ray Parker and Jim Groves led off the Infantry victory. Roy Pen- dor and Bobby Smith downed Bob by Bowen and Marvin Warren for another Infantry win. John Cox and Harold Conrad fell to Sqd. 14’s Rob Roy Spiller and Taylor Scott. Sqd. 18 took the measure of Sqd. 16 2-1 in another horseshoe tilt. Bill McCallum and Gerald McLeod blanked Sqd. 18’s Jerry Griffin and Larry Griffin for Sqd. 16’s impressive, but only victory. Bill Hobbs and Wayne Lee defeat ed Ronnie Mayhew and Wyman Battise for - a Sqd. 18 win. Ray Proctor and A. L. Warren finished things up for the Sqd. 18 team by downing David Jones and Bill Thurman. Jim Spencer led D-FA gridders over A-QMC, 6-0, in upperclassmen competition. Wayne Dirks and Harry McBrierty played fine ball for the artillerymen. Ronnie Brad ley and Bob Smith were other ar tillery standouts. Sqd. 10 clipped C-Armor, 14-6 in another class A football game. B-FA defeated Sqd. 13, 7-0 and B-Armor edged Sqd. 23, 7-6. t I ’MURAL STANDINGS All Sports V CORPS (Class A) Team Pts. B-Engineers 305 1 Squadron 17 300 Squadron 10 295 Maroon Band 287 Va Squadron 7 285 A-Engineers - 275 1 A-Transportation 275 B-Infantry . 274 1 ] CORPS (Class B) 33 5 1 Squadron 12 300 B-Field . 297% B-Infantry 290 D-Infantry 285 C-Infantry .... 285 Squadron 17 285 A-Armor 280 CIVILIAN Leggett Hall 390 Milner Hall .... 180 Mitchell Hall 170 College View 120 Law Hall ...... 90 Puryear Hall 70 Dorm 16 50 Hai't Hall 40 Day Students 40 Tigers Lead Loop; Try Waller Friday Calvert To Speak At Press Meeting Wesley D. Calvert of the Jour nalism Department will be one of the speakers at the mid-winter meeting of the Texas Press Asso ciation Saturday in Austin. Publishers will also hear Sen. Price Daniel; Weldon Hart, execu tive director of the Texas Employ ment Commission; and Hal Bi’ed- low, Texas x'epresentative for Stamps-Conhaim, advertising mat manufacturers. Sen. Daniel will hold a press conference following his speech in which he may announce whether he will be a candidate for gover nor. David C, Leavell, Galveston News-Tribune, will serve as chair man of the daily group session and Frederic Oheim, New Braunfels Zeitung-Chronicle, will head the weekly discussion group. A&M Consolidated’s Tigers, bid ding to extend their undefeated record in the District 25-A cage ace, move into Waller Friday night to battle the Bulldogs. Coach Larry Hayes’ charges will be out to even up their season re cord, which stands at 7-8, and strengthen their hold on the lea- ue lead. Tonight in another out-of-town contest the Junior High Kittens hope to put their record on the 500 percentage mark at Leona. The Kittens, with a 1-2 record so far, will meet the district fav orites in Leona, a quint that took unner-up honors in the Huntsville Junior High tournament, losing to Big - Sandy in the finals. Coach Horace Schaffer’s five pened with a 17-21 loss to Nava- sota, slaughtered Hearne, 30-7, and were bounced by Huntsville, 14-23. m $ Starting for the Kittens tonight will be Captain Virden Smith, sec ond highest scorer with 12 points, at center, Tugh Condy and Billy Mac Miller at forwards, Larry Godfrey and Buddy Holick a t guards. Holick leads the Kitten scorers with 24 points. Ace point-totalers Norman Flo- eck and Manuel Garcia, returning all-district choices for the Tigers, continued to pace Consolidated in their wins over Sealy, 54-41, and Tomball, 47-26. Down 19-21 at the intermission in the Sealy game, the Tigers got hot in the third per iod, hitting for 16 points in six minutes, eight by Garcia, to take a lead they never relinquished. Floeck picked up 22 to lead the scorers and his 24 against Tomball gives him a 23-point district aver age. Garcia scored 15 against the Cougars to hold his runner-up scoring pace. SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL—Two freshmen basket- bailers fight for possession of the ball in yesterday’s in tramural cage headliner between Squadron 3 and Squadron 11 in DeWare Field House. The Sqd. 3 Fish edged Sqd. 11, 14-12. Bob Carey, Sqd. 11, was the game’s leading scorer. Dick Vaughn paced the Sqd. 3 quint. ~7o . fo/nsrAef... A> s&ve &/}</ ^ GROCERIES ^ KimbelFs—300 Size Cans PORK & BEANS 3 cans 28c Nelda Brand -— 303 Cans TOMATOES 2 cans 25c Trellis Brand—303 Cans GREEN PEAS . . 2 cans 27c Armour’s Stax-—12 Oz. Can T R E E T 39c Folger’s Mountain Gx-own COFFEE . . . . 1 lb. can 87c No. 2 Cans—Sliced Lucky Leaf PIE APPLES . Woodbury’s—Bath Size TOILET SOAP . . 2 cans 45c . 4 cakes 39c * FROZEN FOODS ^ Pictsweet BABY LIMAS FORD HOOK LIMAS FRENCH CUT BEANS Pkg. .27c GREEN PEAS PEAS & CARROTS MIXED VEGETABLES ★ PRODUCE Pkg. 19c ★ California Iceberg LETTUCE . . . 176 Size—Florida ORANGES ... FLORIDA CALAVOS CELERY . . . 2 heads 15c . dozen 33c . . 2 for 25c . stalk 10c ^ GROCERIES ^ Libby’s—303 Cans—Sliced PEACHES . . Libby’s—303 Cans FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 cans 45c . 2 cans 49c Libby’s—303 Cans—Small Whole RED BEETS 2 cans 35c Libby’s—303 Cans—Cream Style GOLDEN CORN ... 2 cans 31c Libby’s—14 Oz. Bottle TOMATO CATSUP 19c Mrs. Tuckei*’s SHORTENING . . 3 pound can 75c Star Kist Blue Label—7 Oz. Can SOLID PACK TUNA ★ MARKET Armour’s Pure Pork SAUSAGE . . . Hormel’s Dairy Brand WIENERS . . Decker’s—Tall Korn SLICED BACON . Armour’s LUNCHEON MEAT 1 lb. LOIN STEAK T-BONE STEAK . . . VEAL CHOPS .... PORTER HOUSE STEAK Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . . . 39c ★ roll 31c . Ib. 45c . lb. 35c . lb. 39c .lb. 69c . lb. 69c . lb. 59c . lb. 49c . lb. 39c CHARLIES FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — JAN. 19 - 20 - 21 CASH for your . . . BOOKS L O U P o T ’ S Southpaw pitcher Johnny Old ham, who will be getting a spring trial with the Cincinnati Redlegs, played four years of baseball at San Jose State College. EmSSBBBEi JgL A LOW OVERHEAD 1 OFFICE OPERATION ' Sav+L you. 7/p. 40 Oh Engagement- Set, and Fine Diamond Jewelry DYERS>FUR STORAGE HATTERS DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate TALKING THINGS OVER are (1. to r.) Norman Floeck, Coach Larry Hayes and Manuel Garcia of the A&M Con solidated basketball team. The Tigers are leading district 25-A play with a perfect 2-0 record. Let Us Show You Our ... K & E SLIDE RULES STUDENT CO-OP N. Gate VI 6-6715 ACCREDITED BIBLE COURSES — SPRING SEMESTER — Six Hours Credit May Be Allowed Toward Your Degree Course No. Description Credit Section Time Teacher Place 312 Gospel of John (1-0) 1 500 Th8 Smith Baptist Student Center 312 Gospel of John (1-0) 1 501 F9 Smith Baptist Student Center 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 500 WF8 Smith Baptist Student Center 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 501 TThll Smith Baptist Student Center 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 502 TTh8 Monk Wesley Foundation 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 503 TThl Darwall YMCA 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 504 TThll Workman YMCA 314 Survey of Old Testament (3-0) 3 500 MWF10 Smith Baptist Student Center 317 The Minor Prophets (2-0) 2 500 MW11 Monk Wesley Foundation 318 The Book of Acts (1-0) 1 500 ThlO Workman YMCA 319 Epistles of Paul (2-0) 2 500 TThlO Anderson YMCA 319 Epistles of Paul (2-0) 2 501 WF11 Elmer St. Mary’s Student Center 320 The Book of Revelation i (1-0 1 500 T8 Smith Baptist Student Center ooo The Life of Jesus (3-0) 3 500 MWF11 Smith Baptist Student Center 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) 3 501 MWF9 Elmer St. Mary’s Student Center 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) 3 502 MWF8 Workman YMCA 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) 9 O 503 MWF10 Monk Wesley Foundation 324 The Major Prophets (3-0) 3 500 MWF9 Swygert YMCA 327 Introduction to the Bible (2-0) 2 500 TTh9 Darwall YMCA