Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1956)
i Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, January 11, 1956 Mid-Week Services Scheduled St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel An annual meeting- of the con- greg’ation of the church will be held tonight beginning with a cov ered dish supper at 6:15 p.m. The business meeting and election of church officials for the coming year will follow at 7. The meeting is opep to all members and friends of the chapel. Raptist Student Center Roy Johnson will lead vespers at the BSU at 7 p.m. Thursday. Mirl Kimberling is the song leader for the week. First Baptist Church Teachers meeting and supper will be held beginning at 6 this (Do&e' does 'ioX, TJdU, u You feel so new and fresh and good — all over — when you pause for Coca-Cola. It’s sparkling with quick refreshment . . . and it’s so pure and wholesome — naturally friendly to your figure. Let it do things — good things — for you. •OTTLEO UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA COIA COMPANY BY BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Cok*" it a r«9itt«red trade-mork. © 1956, THE COCA-COtA COMPANY evening. Bob Barr will lead the prayer service at 7:30. Men’s prayer service will be held at 7 a.m. Thursday at the church. Bethel Lutheran Church “Noah walker with God” is the sermon-topic for vespers tonight at 7:45. Aggie Walther Club will meet at 7 tonight in the Memorial Student Center. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church A meeting of the Lutheran Stu dent Association will be held at 7:30 tonight. Christian Science Society Evening services will be obser ved at 8 tonight at the church. B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation Final meeting for the term will be held at 7:15 tonight in theYM CA. The program will consist of a farewell address by Fred Ablon who graduate in January* St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Evening services will be con ducted today at 5:15 at the chapel. Mass is said every week day at 6:30 a.m. except Wednesdays. Wesley Foundation A panel of students will conduct discussion talks tonight at 7 p.m. on the Student Volunteer Move ment Conference held last month in Ohio. Included in the panel are Kihlo Park, Konrad Losen, Joe Blair, Stewart Coffman and Bill Reveire. Church of the Nazarene Services will be held at 7:30 to night at the church. Church of ChrLst Mid-week services will be con ducted at 7:15 tonight by Bob Dav idson, minister to students. David son is taking the place of James F. Fowler, former pastor of the church, until a new pastor is ap pointed. Fowler recently become R.&F. Club Elects Landers President Fritz Landers was elected presi dent of the Range and Forestry club Tuesday night. Other officers elected include Dean Bibles as vice president and progi-am chairman; Robert Sims, secretary-treasui’er; Orville Lind sey, social chairman and John Specht as repoi'ter and attendance chairman. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION of the COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK College Station, Texas at the close of business December 31, 1955, a State banking institution or ganized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS Cash, Balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection $ 767,246.93 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed : 857,192.709 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 51,500.00 Corporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) 4,500.00 Loans and discounts (including $12,843.15 overdrafts) 952,398.22 Bank premises owned $26,500.00, furniture and fixtures $14,500.00 41,000.00 Real estate owned other than bank premises 1.00 Other Assets 1,500.00 TOTAL ASSETS $2,675,338.85 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $1,728 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ 341 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) - 138 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 458 Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS $2,472,833.27 Other Liabilities 21,733.35 ,750.97 ,036.65 ,752.03 ,330.21 ,963.41 TOTAL LIABILITIES $2,494,566.62 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital* ...I $ 3 00,000.00 Surplus 60,000.00 Undivided profits 20,772.23 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 380,772.23 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $2,675,338.85 *This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $300,000.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities for other purposes $ 892,592.70 I, T. E. Whitley, Cashier of the above-named bank, hei'eby cei'tify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEORGE E. POTTER CORRECT—-ATTEST: HAROLD SULLIVAN L. G. JONES, Directors STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of January, 1955. LOIS BETHEA Notary Public pastor of the Church of Christ in Irving, Texas. College Heights Assembly of God Prayer meeting will be held to night at 7:30. A&M Christian Chu/ch D isciples Student Fellowship will be held at 7:15 tonight. A&M Presbyterian Cfiurch Fellowship program will be held at 7 at the church tonight, con sisting of a panel of students dis cussing the recent Student Volun teer Movement Conference held on the University of Ohio Campus last month. Reporting on the con ference are Harry Scott, Steven I^ove, Max Casalta f.nd Robert Coffman. RSI J Aggies Invited To TSCW Banquet Today is the last day that Bap tist Aggies can purchase tickets for the TSCW “Winter Wonder land” banquet, according to Ger ald Thornton, BSU social vice- president. The banquet is scheduled for Sat urday at 7 p.m., and tickets may be purchased from BSU Council members for 75 cents. Overnight accomodations are available for those making a reservation, said Thornton. The speaker for the affair will be Dr. Kearnie Keegan, Southwide BSU director from Nashville, Tenn. “Winter Wonderland” is spon sored by the TSCW Baptist Stu dent Union. Wives Elections Take Spotlight for Week ARCHITECT WIVES CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 n the lobby of the Memorial Student Center, then go in groups to the Lone Star Gas Co. in Bryan for a cooking demonstration. “Since they are sending a repre sentative from Waco fcr this dem onstration,” said Beverly Jenkins, president of the Wives Club, “we want to have everyone, including anyone interested in the demon stration, turn out for tnis affair.” i 6 SjC CIVIL ENGINEERING Wives Art Group To Hold Annual Fall Show Regular and associate members of the Art Gallery Group Aull be participating for honors in the annual Fall Semester Art Show to be held Jan. 19 through F?b. 1 in the main and Serpentine Lovng- es of the Memorial Student Cen'ver. The show, which will be pre sented by the Art Gallery Group, will be judged by Preston Boltor, former student of A&M and nov a member of Barnstone and Bol ton Architects in Houston. About 125-150 entries are ex pected to be submitted in the com petition. Club will hold an election of offi cers for the spring semester at 8 tonight in room 3-C of Memorial Student Center. Graduation party for mid-tenn graduates’ wives will be held. * * * AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Memorial Student Center. # :*« # AVMAA, American Veterinary Medical Association Student Wives Auxiliary, will hold election of of ficers at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Memorial Student Center social ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will meet at 7:30 Thurs day in the library of the Animal Husbandry Building. -?• 4- MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Wives Chib elected Evelyn Brady president for the spring semester Monday. Assisting her are Joanne Lutz, vice-president; Betty Moore, secretary; Sandra Grim, treasurer; and Mary Glynn Barrett, reporter. The semi-annual graduation pro gram will be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Crawford, 4200 May- wood Monday evening. Mrs. Craw- S ford is honorary sponsor of the wives club. * * * Turner Will Teach Course In Music A course in Music appreciation will be offered at A&M next se-; mester. It is called “Survey of Music Literature” and will be list* ed in the catalog as Administration 201. An elective for students m all departments of the college, it will be a two hour course. Meeting time for the new course, which is to be taught by Bill Tur ner, director of the Singing Ca dets, will be 10 a.m., Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. The course is open to students with little or no formal training in music. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING l Wives Club heard Dr. J. D. Lind- 1 say, head of the Chemical Engi neering Department tell the wives what they could expect after grad uation. Lions Set Date For Conference More than 40 Lions Clubs making up District 2-S3 of the L/ons Inter national will meet Sunday, Jan. 15, in the Memorial Student Center for the mid-winter conference. Finis Davis, an international di rector, will be the main speaker at the conference, which lasts all day Sunday. Charles H. Young, dis trict governor from Kyle, is in charge of the conference. ROPED IN BY WASHDAY WOES? LET US SET YOU FREE! Thanks to our quick efficient service, your laundry is done in a jigtime. Center Craft Has Doubled The Craft Committee of the Me morial Student Center has more than doubled its membership this semester. There are at present 110 mem bers, of which ten are associate membex-s, 35 are students, and the remaining 65 are student wives. Last year there were only 50 members, of which 20 were stu dents and 30 were student wives. The club wox - ks mostly with ce- x-amics, with leathex-woi-k being the second most popular craft. Among the more than $1,000 worth of equipment owned by the club, be sides tools and equipment for ce ramics and leatherwoi-k, are tools for making pottery, cutting gems Committee Mem bersh ip and tooling copper. Membership in the club costs $1 a semester, with all instructions and use of tools furnished free of chaxge. Members pay a nominal cost f<*>r such materials as clay, paint and glaze, leather and oi’na- ments. Chap] ains ,5 Brass Corps Chaplains ai’e now wearing silver crosses in lieu of outfit brass since the Thanksgiving holidays. Permission for the excesses came from Col. Joe E. Davis, comman dant, who pinned the first cross on Coxps Chaplain Harry Scott. READING TIME 45 SECONDS PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS OLYMPIA—Reminglon Office Writer — Smith-Corona and Underwood Royal — As long as you are in A & M, bring your portable in. We will blow the dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate and install a new ribbon, and only charge yoxi for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS The Olympia Portable Typewrite.!' has a standard keyboard, plxis two extra keys (-P over =), (! over %) also HALF SPAC ING for writing EXPONENTS, SUBSCRIPTS, and FORMULAS. Furnished in 9%” and 13” cari'iage. We carry a complete line of special characters which is installed here in our shop while you wait. Use our Rental Purchase Plan $6.00 per month, x'ent applies on puichase of machine, also late model standard TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES FOR RENT. The OLYMPIA Standard Typewriter is catching on fast. L. H. ADAMS Bryan Business Machine Co. SALES — SERVICE — RENTALS — TERMS 429 South Main Street — Bryan, Texas FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONED J. Paul Sheedy* Kept Gelling The Bird Till WHdroot Cream-Oil Gave Him Conlidenee "Sheedy, you worm,” chirped J. Paul’s little chickadee, “your lack of confidence is driving me cuckoo. If you don’t do something about that messy hair I’ll never beak to you again !” So J. Paul hopped on down to his favorite toiletries counter and pecked up a bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil. Now he has confidence in any situation because Wildroot keeps his hair handsome and healthy looking the way Nature intended . . . neat but not greasy. Contains heart of Lanolin, nature’s finest hair and scalp conditioner. If you catch your roommate robin yours, tweet him to his own bottle or tube of Wildroot Cream-Oil. Great for making your hair look good to other peeple! ^ of 131 So. Harris Hill Rd., Williamsville, N. V. Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y. Wildroot Cream-Oil gives you confidence ! ATTENTIO AGGIES! Are you cramjniii" for exams? Take a break with donuts from the . . . A 6l M DONUT SHOP —- NOW OPEN 24 HOURS — FRESH DONUTS (Open all night for your convenience) North Gate