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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
>3 Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, January 5, 1956 Fish-Cubs (Continued from Page 1) tiles and 20 seconds the score was knotted five times. Turner and Swisher brought the score to 63-58 with 1:24 remaining to play and it looked like the Fish had a safe lead when the Cubs be gan to hit. The Fish play their next game against the Rice Slimes in Houston Saturday night. FISH BOX CUBS (65) fg ft pf tp Moore, c 8 Fite, f 5 O’Neal, g 3 McCarley, f 3 Pack, g 7 Orsak, f 0 Davis, g 0 "Ware, f 0 Rutledge, g 0 Totals . . FISH (63) Diago, g 2 Roberts, g 0 Swisher, g 5' Heller, c 6 McNichol, f 2 Schwake, c — 4 Turner, f 3 Hill, g 0 Max, g 0 . 26 13 20 65 fg ft pf tp Totals 22 19 20 63 Officials: Bonneau and Cherry. Halftin^: Fish 34, Cubs 29. Texas Seed Supply To Re Discussed Members of the Texas Cei’tified Seed Breeders Association will dis cuss the 1958 seed supply for Tex as farmers at a three day meeting, beginning Jan. 11 at A&M College. Formal meeting of the associa tion will be Jan. 12-13, but smaller gi’oups will hold meetings and dis cussions Jan. 11. John D. Wells of Plano will preside at the formal meeting. Dr. E. O. Humbert of College Station, secretary-treasurer of the association, is in charge of the progi’am and local arrangements for the meeting. tm MINIMUM PRICE -MAXIMUM QUALITY Specials for January ' Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ^42^’ ORR’S RIG fiMe&wAs mvoatte MBAN&tmiiiiii Social Whirl Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Me morial Student Center. Hostesses will be Elaine Goolsby and Kay Tucker for beginners and Tack Calloway and Kathy Rowin for regulars. Prizes were won at the Chidst- mas bridge party by Dorothy Mills, Tack Calloway, Marilyn Dix on, Mary Hill, Maudene Chamber, Sally Mosteller, Wanda Wheland, Mary Ann McClelland, Mary Ain- old, De Lois Beasley, Shirley Mil ler, Amy Holmes, Janette Willi ford, Nancy Larson, and Kathy Rowin. ★ Aggie Wives Council will meet ftt 8 p.m. Monday in the Memorial . Student Center. “If either of the club represent atives will be unable to attend, please send an alternate to this meeting,” Gardner Osborne, presi- ient of the council, said. ★ Industrial Education Wives Club will hear James L. Boone of the department at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the YMCA. Boone will speak on “Industrial Education.” ★ Range and Forestry Wives will meet in the home of Mrs. John (Billie) Buck at 301 Ehlinger, Bry an at 7:30 p.m. Monday for their meeting. ★ Chemical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mon day in the south solarium of the YMCA for a business meeting. Hostesses will be Pat Calhoun, Ann Walker, and Judy Hayes. ★ Dames Club will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the YMCA. THURSDAY & FRIDAY I I LATEST ! H-BOMB! j 5-6-7 mm of too tS? PORK SALE! SCOT Golden Quarters Gold Craft—914 Oz. 7=&esH t^ion/o cur PORK lb SUNGOLD OLEO PEANUT BUTTER NESTLES MORSELS o. LIBBY’S VIM 21 ,bs. Vegetable Juice—r-46 Oz. Can GOLDEN CORN 1>e ' Monte 2 303 Cans BRIGHT & EARLY COFFEE' °" J COFFEE Lb. Can FOLGERS ADOLPHUS RICE 1 Grain Released thru I United Artists I RATH’S SUNVALE BACON =... RATH’S BLACKHAWK 35« PORK SAUSAGE Sr 29c FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER29c “ 85c NICE LEAN SHORT RIBS Pound 19c ORR’S GOLD SEAL SHOULDER ROAST St 27c 49c 59c Theltowetolflours TENDER - TEMPTING LAMB PATTIES U.S. GOOD VEAL ROUND STEAK Pound Pound PEACHES F^EMPws 11 Bm lb. 1 2*4 OAH Morton’s Frozen POT PIES BUTTER BEANS BROCCOLI CUTS CUT CORN SPINACH ORANGE JUICE Sweet Frost Frozen Sweet Frost Frozen Sweet. Frost Frozen Sweet Frost Frozen Pasco Frozen MELLORINE ,,y '/2 Gallon oz. 29c COLD TABLETS .3, y 19c 2 29c VICKS VAPORUB 29c 229c COLGATES HAS^E-GW 35c 2 29c SHAMPOO Creme-^.OO Size . 69c 2 129c TRELLIS PEAS 2^, 25c Can" 39c GREEN BEANS ^ mxi 303 £\r Cans ^icIC 55c CHOPPED BEEF ^r C a„ 29c FLORIDA NAVEL OUR O ranges WOLF PLAIN C H I L I No. 2 Can 43c MAYFIELD’S FEATHER CREST gm/erty F/zestf ■ w- SsCS Large Size DOZEN — Medium Size DOZEN CAULIFLOWER Snowball Fresh — LB. FRESH ONIONS Fresh Carrots MILK SUGAR Bunch Cello Pkg. Sanitary Homogenized—Va Gal. Imperial Pure Cane Lb. Bag ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ Qj/am Patio sliced and chipped BARBECUE £„ 300 . 45c Orange Drink HI“C 46-oz. Can 29C Uncle Willi am PORK & BEANS 3 No. 300 cans for dL#v Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR 20 b “ 17c HISKIES DOG FOOD....2«™.27c SUPER ORR’S BEST IN BRYAN MARKETS °AN W/VG 200 E. 24th ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE.