Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1955)
Friday, December 9, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 3 Aggie Basketballers Meet LSU In First Home Game Saturday Cagers To Host Tulane In Game Monday Night CIRCLE LAST DAY “Far Horizon” Charlton Heston —ALSO “Man With A Million” Gregory Peck PARDON ME —A&M’s Neil Swisher, at left in dark uni form, seems to be doing a com plicated dance routine with an unindentified Allen Rambler. Actually he’s just trying to get the ball. (That’s obvious!) The two Aggies at right are Gonzalo Diago (No. 34) and Alex Roberts (No. 44). Allen rambled to its third win of the season, 75-72. SATURDAY ONLY “Cattle Queen of Montana” Ronald Reagan — Also — “Valley of The Kings'” Robert Taylor LAST DAY STRANGELY POWERFUL. GLENN BARBARA NRD-STANWYC II EDWARD G. Dianne FOSTER-Brian KEITH TheJP Vioitvr Men Screen Play by HARRY KLEINER * Based upon a novel by Donald Hamilta Produced by LEWIS J. RACH.MIL • Directed by RUDOLPH MATE SATURDAY ONLY HE’S AFTER THE KILLERS! Randolph By RONNIE GREATHOUSE Battalion Sports Editor Sniffing victory bouquets for the first time in nearly 20 games, rapidly improving A&M opens a three game home standtomorrow night against LSU’s perennially tough Tigers. Game time is 8 p.m. in White Coliseum. KORA’s Mike Mistovich will broadcast a play-by-play description of the contest. Monday night the Aggies host Tulane’s rampaging Green Wave, and Wednesday night tackle the University of Hous ton’s tall and talented Cougars. LEADING THE Cadet point makers so far this season is George (Spider) Mehaffey, flashy 6-4 forward. Mehaffey has dunked 39 points in three games to rank him sixth among Southwest Conference^ scorers. He is also tops in rebounds on the Aggie quintet with 28. Fritzie Connally, only sophomore in the Aggies’ starting ineup, holds down the No. 2 posi tion in scoring with 33 points. Close behind Connally in scoring are Bill Brophy and Ted Harrod. Both have 28 points. Senior John Fortenberry, only two year letterman on the squad, Roger Harvey, 5-11, and John Henry, 6-314, round out A&M scorers in the double figure column. “MY MAIN NEED is a tall re bounder,” says Coach Ken Loef- fler, colorful pilot of the Cadets who hopes to steer A&M info the national limelight. “I don’t want a Wilt and Stilt like Phog Allen. (Wilt the Stilt is a 7-1 Kansas freshman from Philadelphia.) If I had him, I wouldn’t coach. I’d get one of the professors to handle the team and Fm positive he could win.” Although losing the first three games this season, A&M has stead ily improved its firepower. The Aggies have racked up 69 and 71 points in their last two games af ter starting- out with a 43-48 loss to Tulsa. LSU won its first game in three starts last Monday, led by all-con ference forward, Roger Sigler. Sigler has averaged 23 points per game so far. He scored 36 points in the Tigers’ opener with Louis iana College. Bengal Coach Harry Rabenhorst is in his 28th season at the Bayou school. TULANE, UNBEATEN in two games, moves into College Station Monday night. The Green Wave holds victories over Southwestern of Memphis, 95-50, and Louisiana College, 94-51. Leading scorer for the Qi'eenies is Calvin Grosscup 6-4, forward from Auburn, Ind. who began his college career at Purdue before transferring to Tu lane. A complete basketbll player Grosscup scored 27 points against .Southwestern and 17 against Louis iana. He has hit 19 of 30 field goal tries (63.3 per cent), all of his six free throws and is the team’s rebound leader. A TOW OVERHEAD 1 OFFICE OPERATION I £ acted. 'If(Uc Ifp. %1 40 On Engagement Sets and Fine Diamond Jewelry Tigers Take On Allen High Five In Bryan Today Consolidated’s Tigers- take on Allen high school today at 12:30 p.m. in the opening game of the seventh annual Bryan Chamber of Commerce age tourney. If the Tigers win, they’ll play the winner of the Caldwell-Nor- mangee game in Stephen F. Austin high school gym tomorrow at 10 a.m. Finals in two day tourna ment will start at 7 Saturday night The game, to be played in Lamar junior high gym, shapes up as a close one. The Tigers go into the contest with a record of 1-2. Allen boasts a season mark of three wins and two losses. Six players are currently stiaig- gling for the starting positions on the CHS team. Norman Floeck, Manuel Garcia and Dick Hickman are almost certain to start, while Jon Ray Perryman, Bobby Potts and Bill Hall battle for the remain ing two places. Hurry Hurry Hurry Yes, if you’ll hurry you can still take advantage of those wonderful book values at The EXCHANGE STOKE Original stocks are broken but there’s still lots to choose from. To those of you who were disappointed on certain titles we have wired for new stock on the following: BERNARD SHAW & MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL DOGS ARE COMPANY PHOTOGRAPHY AFIELD THE STORY OF A&M THE STRUCTURES OF THE FOWL OUTSTANDING MODERN QUARTERHOKSE ESSAYS IN PHYSICS SCRAP FUN FOR EVERYONE RELATION OF PHYSCHOLOGICAL TEST TO PSYCHIATRY A BACHELOR S ESTABLISHMENTS MEMOIRS OF A BUCCANEER DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN WORDS MODERN ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY DANTES DIVINE COMEDY DEAD CITIES AND FORGOTTEN TRIBES TWENTIETH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY THEY SAW IT HAPPEN If you still want a copy, dial 4-5644, a«k for Mr. Jackson and he will reserve you a copy. These ghould be here not later than Thursday, Dec. 15. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL RESPONSE THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” T H E ACT I VAT E D /z&a<fat£ cdwceJ 'fi/t/uc ...THE TASTE IS GREAT! SAT. PREVUE { A SLICE OFlOLLYWOOD LIFE! 1 the: m KNI starring JACK PALANCE SHELLEY WINTERS IDA LUPINO WENDELL COREY JEAN HAGEN ROD STEIGER with JOCELYN BRANDO • RICHARD BOONE SKIP HOMEIER • DONNA MARTEIL • MJ0NS0 BEDOYA Screen Play by KENNETH GAME! • A SCOTT-BROV/N PRODUCTION Produced by HARRY JOE BROWN • Directed by BRUCE HUMBERSTONE PREVIEW SAT. 10:30 P.M. Also Sunday & Monday M-G-M PRESENTS THE LOVE STORY OF THE BEAUTY AND THE BARBARIAN] IN COLOR AND Cinemascope JUPITERS DARLI1VG STARRING ESTHER WILLIAMS HOWARD | KEEL * MARGE and GOWER CHAMPION GEORGE SANDERS AN M-G-M PICTURE TE — LAST DAY — “ONE DESIRE” with ANNE BAXTER Plus “SUDDENLY” with FRANK SINATRA — SATURDAY ONLY — “ON TOP OF OLD SMOKY” with GENE AUTRY Plus “JOHNNY DARK” with TONY CURTIS — SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY — “THE COUNTRY GIRL” with BING CROSBY Plus - “SHANE” with ALAN LADD A. T. CO. .All the pleasure comes thru in Filter Tip Tareyton. You get the full, rich taste of Tareyton’s quality tobaccos in a filter cigarette that smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier ... the only filter cigarette with a genuine cork tip: Tareyton’s filter is pearl-gray because it contains Activated Charcoal for real filtration. Activated Charcoal is used to purify air, water, foods and beverages, so you can appreciate its importance in a filter cigarette. Yes, Filter Tip Tareyton is the filter cigarette that really filters, that you can really taste...and the taste is great! PRODUCT OF FJLTER Tl pTAREYTON AMERICA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES