Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1955)
1 In Bryan Fish Cagers Play A l ien Tonight at 8 By RONNIE GREATHOUSE Battalion Sports Editor Acro.iI h i?- V ndGf ? ate .f , un t ied > unscored on—and unplayed— h +n m n k + 6 the i r debut a ^ ainst a strong Allen Acad- cmy basketball team tonight at 8 in Bryan Alien Ov^J H , E f t l001 ' f0 *; the first this season, at Allen Gym, the first-year Aggies meet one of their most ac^d Close t 0 n P sn nen - tS t 0f the year - The Rambl “s have aver- ftged close to 80 points per game against their four foes. •m* cor u e s mto tonight’s contest with a record of two I lld t 7 0 f 1 ° S - SeS; 9P enin £ with a one-sided, 87-56 victory • 7<Z even^oZr™ ^ ^ ,0 ° k/d "ve “n { °" r b ;^ a hj g h 3c ° rin g Lon Morris “ ^5 noints. Allen Coach Leslie l° r lts J 10 ' ne opener with Louisiana Robinson has five lettermen back from last year’s Zone 2 championship team, and with - — *- the addition of an outstanding more a PP r opnate time than in their transfer from A&M, appears well Colleere Station annoavor./> 0 ~-e w av to another crown. -wt.v ONE Te-an will be in the -'■--•Unnr line un for the Fish to night. He’s Neil Swisher, an all stater from Victoria, who is also the shortest player in the line up at 6-1. Other starters include Gonzalo Diago, 6-3, from Santurce, Puerto Rico; Stewart Heller, 6-6, McKees port, Pa.; James McNichol, By JOE DAN BOYD H. R. Patterson and Gary Leslie pi., , , 6 " 6 ’ won the °Pen handball champion- from pi P ^tw t f 0bertS ' G ‘ 2 ' . S,,ip last . n if ht - defeating: Bill Ash. from Pawtucket, R.I. Curtis Hill, 6-1, Harry Max, 6-1, _ , Jack Schwake, 6-5, Erwin Turner, nance eked out 6-4, and John Tracey, 6-4, make up the Fish second team. Tracey, provided all the scoring between and outstanding fullback and end the defense-minded teams. High- on the freshmen football team, has been out only two weeks but is showing definite promise. I think they’re a vei*y promising gi oup, said Coach Ken Loeffler. “Some of them could help us out on the varsity this year.” ASSISTANT coaches John De- Witt and Joe Hardgrove both agreed the tefem has more potential than any Fish team they have seen here in the past four or five years. Meanwhile, back at the Loeffler ranch, A&M’s varsity is preparing Job Calls The following interviews will be held at the Placement Office to morrow: LOS ANGELES CO. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION will in terview civil and architectural en gineers for work which involves civil engineering investigations, research, design, preparation of plans and supervising ^he con struction of public works. CARPENTER PAPER COM PANY will interview Business Ad ministration, Economics, Agricul tural Economics, and Industrial Education graduates interested in sales and merchandising. ^55? ~ ' 7 —- ~ Bowl Team Coaches Snip Rosters To 33 Patterson, Leslie Win ’Mural Handball Title p> E wHi??q ME - H + AF ^ EY is A&M ’ S fading basketball scor ei with 39 points. George hails from houston. Both opposing 12th Man Bowl coaches, Larry Winkler of the Ma roon team and Ronald Robbins of the White team, will cut their squads to 33 men today. Iii previous workouts the coach ing staffs have been concentrating on evaluating their candidates. Now they can begin working hard on their offensive and defensive units. Assisting Winkler are John Gilberi and Gene Stallings, line coaches, and Don Watson and Gene Henderson, who are working with the backs. Robbins has help from his brother, Donald, Dee Powell and Henry Clark, all of whom work with the linemen. Full pads will be issued after Saturday’s practice and both teams will begin contact work Monday. The Maroon team will run from the split-T and will use a 5-4-2 defense while the White team will be using an unbalanced-to-the- Bill Stits, Detroit Lions half back from UCLA, works as a mo vie extra in Hollywood during the off-season. KEYS MADE While You Wait! / € ' For Dorms Autos Etc. right T and will have a 4-5-2 de fense. Proceeds from the game, to be played Thursday, Dec. 15, at 3 p.m. on Kyle Field, go to the 12th Man Scholarship Fund and Student Aid bund. Through 1954 more than $4,000 had been donated to the fund through the game. All class es will be excused at 3 p.m. on the day of the game. OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL 2-5089 “The Oaks” — 3-4375 BRYAN burn and Charles McCandless. IN CLASS A football, A-Ord- a one penetration victory over Sqd. 9. Two safetys lighting play in the 2-2 deadlock were Dick Lott and Joe Cooper for A-Ordnance. Jack Steele and Jim Pruitt were outstanding for Sqd. 9. Don Lacy led Sqd. 3 to an 8-0 win over B-Engineers, shaking loose for the game’s single TD. A safety provided the other 2 points. Sqd. 10 displayed strong offensive power as Tommy Harris led them to a 15-0 victory over Sqd. 14. C-Infantry remained in the Class B football title race by nosing out Sqd. 12, 13-12. A pass from Frank Brunson to Jim Vrba rang up C- Infantry’s initial score. Vrba later made it 12 when he climaxed a long scoring drive with a 5-yard end run. It was one-man action for Sqd. 12 also as Henry Coy was credited with all 12 points. Coy’s 55-yard jaunt provided the first tally and another run from the 10 completed the Sqd. 12 scoring. D-INFANTRY bowed to B-En gineers in another Class B playoff, 6-0. Jim Vester passed to Calvin Brummet for the winning TD. Glenn Hill’s pass to Bud Hogan carried D-Infantry within a few feet of paydirt in the second half but couldn’t score. White Band defeated Sqd. 7 in a Class A semi-final tennis game yesterday. Sqd. 1 took a 3-0 de cision from the Maroon Band, and in Class B tennis B-AAA downed Sqd. 17, 2-1. A-QMC stopped Sqd. 22, 2-1. Class A horseshoe victories were chalked up by Sqd. 2, B-Composite, B-Infantry, Sqd. 17 and Sqd. 18. ’MURAL STANDINGS All Sports CORPS (Class B) Teams Pts. 1. B-Field - 247% 2. B-Infantry .. . 240 Sqd. 12 240 3. B-Engineers . . 235 4. C-Infantry ... . 225 D-Infantry ... . 225 5. A-Transportation .. 220 CORPS (Class A) 1. B-Engineers . . 130 Sqd. 17 . 130 2. A-Chemical .. . . 120 D-Field 120 A-Engineers ... . 120 3. Maroon Band 115 Sqd. 7 . 115 4. A-Transportation . . 105 CIVILIANS 1. Leggett Hall .. 160 2. Mitchell Hall . .. 70 3. Walton Hall . 65 Tigers To Op en Bryan Tourney A&M Consolidated and Allen high school open the seventh an nual Biyan Chamber of Commerce basketball tournament at 12:30 Friday in Lamar junior high gym. The Tigers go into the contest boasting a season record of o win and two losses. Allen has 3-2 record so far this year. Allen beat North Zulch, 51-19, last Tues day night, while CHS lost its last game, 42-36, to Bellville. Teams entered in the tournament will be divided into two brackets of eight teams each. Making up the A division will be South Oak Cliff and Sunset of Dallas, Bryan Laredo, Conroe, Baytown, Lufkin and Port Neches. Consolidated, Caldwell, Brenham, Spring Branch, Kinkaid, Allen high school and the Bryan B team com pose the B bracket. Championship, runner-up tt q • .i . , ., . consolation trophies, donated by -Have that portrait made be- thejocal businessmen, will be pre- fore Dec. I oth for Christmas ' ’ A&M Photo Shop No Gate 4-8844 A WONDERFUL INVESTMENT IN HAPPY GIFTING . . . SLACKS FROM THE SLAXATORIUM 110 College Main We will appreciate a visit to see our HOLLYWOOD JACKETS Priced $19,50 — Regular $25.00 DYERf 'FUR STORAGE HATTERS Students . .. Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate 0 Shaffer's suggest the TREASURY OF FAITH NEW FAITH EDITION OF THE KING I AMES BIBLE Combined With Deluxe Pocket Edition of THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING Norman Vincent Peale Both in a Beautiful Gift Package Specially Priced $6.95 The Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible from 3.50 to 15.00 SHAFFER'S BOOK STORE College Staton North Gate sented. The major league record most grand slam home runs .. „„ set by Lou Gehrig of the Yankees who hit 23 from 1927 through 1938 for was T IRE HEADQUARTERS B. F. 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