Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1955)
V T T Journalism Department To Host Inspection Team A team of visitors representing' the American Council on Educa tion for Journalism will spend Wednesday and Thursday inspect ing facilities of A&M’s Journalism Department and the college in general. They also will interview students majoring in journalism and members of the college admin istration. The team is here at the request of President Morgan and the Jour- 1 nalism Department. The request was made with a view to accredi tation to the A.C.E.J. The result of the inspection will be announ ced in April at the national meet ing of the Council in New York. Of= ALL. TW PEOPLE OM TW ROAD. I WAD TA CATCW A FilDE. e>ACA TO <i>CM©Ot_ W1TW A <'«>©&?) LOAD OP Battalion Editorials The Riangs, gentle and polite tribesman of southeast East Pak istan, have a strange way of ex pressing apology. They stick out their tongues. On Campus with MaxQhuJman (Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek,” etc.) THE GIFT HORSE Today’s column is about Christmas gift suggestions, and 1 suppose you think I’ll begin by suggesting Philip Morris. Well, the joke’s on you. I’ll do no such thing. Why should I? Anyone with two brains to knock together knows that Philip Morris makes an absolutely smashing Christmas gift. Only a poor afflicted soul with atrophied taste buds needs to be told about the new Philip Morris; its bracing flavor; its freshness, lightness, pleasantness, gentleness; its truth, its beauty, its brotherliness in this discordant world of ours. So why should I waste time telling you what you already know? Page 2 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1955 Lei’s Get Acquainted Tonight provides a good opportunity for both sides of the academic fence to get together for mutual understanding. The Open House for Freshmen will give our new Aggies a chance to see just what their future department has for them. And it gives the faculty of each department a look at “them.” Upperclassmen should attend tonight’s programs, too. Many’s the time that it has been expressed that freshmen do not attend departmental clubs and organizations. So to night, upperclassmen can give the “glad hand” to the fresh men and encourage their participation in activities of the department. Town Hall has been set at a later starting time through the cooperation of Student Activities. Nothing should be more important to all students than this chance to get ac quainted with each other and with one’s major field of study. IVoductio n Expert Paul Howard, General Produc tion Supervisor for Proctor and Gamble, will be the speaker to night for the AIIE meeting at* 7:30 in the new engineering build ing. His subect will be Industrial En-_ gineering activity at Proctor and Gamble from the production stand point. 31 Students Included On CHS Honor Roll '.•S&Ut//=Cy2s7l Let us, instead, turn to less obvious gift suggestions. Here’s one I bet you never thought of: Christmas is the best time of year, but it is,also the beginning of winter. How about a gift that reminds one that though winter has come, spring is not far behind? I refer, of course, to Easter chicks. (Similarly, on Easter one can give Christmas chicks.) Next, we take up the problem, common to all undergraduates, of trying to buy gifts when you have no money. To this dilemma I say—Faugh ! It is not the price of the gift that counts; it is the septiment behind it. Take,, for example, the case of Outerbridge Sigafoos. Outer- bridge, a sophomore, finding himself without funds last Christ mas, gave his girl a bottle of good clear water and a nice smooth rock, attaching this touching message to the gift: Here’s some water And here’s a rock, I love you, daughter, ^ .diround the clock. And "the whole delightful gift cost Outerbridge less than a penny! I am compelled to report, however, that Outerbridge’s girl did not receive these offerings in the spirit in which they were tendered. In fact, she flew into a fit of pique, smashed the bottle on the rock and stabbed Outerbridge with the jagged edge. But the experience was not without value for Outerbridge. First, he discovered that the girl was not his type at all. Second, he learned how to make a tourniquet. But I digress. Let’s examine now a common complaint of Christmas shoppers: “What do you get for someone who has everything?” To this I reply, “Does he?” Does he, for instance, have a unicycle? A sled dog? A serf? A burnoose? A hairball? A bung starter? (The bung starter, incidentally, was invented by two enormously talented men, Fred Bung and Otho Starter. Their partnership thrived from the very start, and there is no telling to what heights they might have risen had they not split up over a silly argument. It seems that Bung was a firm believer in reincarnation; Starter was just as firm a disbeliever. Bung in sisted so violently on the truth of reincarnation and Starter scoffed so positively that they finally decided to go their separate ways. Singly, alas, the two fared badly. Starter gave up business altogether, joined the army, and was killed at San Juan Hill in 1898. He is today buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Bung drifted from job to job until he died of breakbone fever in Elizabeth, N. J., in 1902. He is today a llama in Uruguay.) ©Max Shulman, 1955 The makers of Philip Morris, sponsors of this column, beg leave to add one more gift suggestion — MAX SHULMAX’S GUIDED TOUR OF CAMPUS HUMOR, a collection of the funniest stuff ever written on or about campus — now on sale at your bookstore. The second six-week’s honor roll at A&M Consolidated High School has been announced by J. J. Skrivanek Jr., principal. Thirty- one students made the list. They are as follows: Ninth Grade Kenneth Bailey, Bill Jones, Be atrice Luther, Margaret Dehling- er, Patricia Jackson, Nancy Rog ers, Jeanelle LaMotte, Johnny Bar ger, Billie Letbetter, Mary Varvel and Martha Esten. Tenth Grade Sue Ellen Mowery, Joe Ran dolph, Pat Byrd, Junius Clark, Jerry Mills, Christy Kent, Mary Margaret Hierth and Millie Caugh- lin. Eleventh Grade Larry Leighton, Maurice Olian, Jo Anne Walker, Charles Dela- plane and James Martin. Twelfth Grade Ann Fleming, Norman Floeck, Vivian Sullivan, Marilyn Davis, Marcia Smith, Margaret Berry and Claire Rogers. ’56 Class To Meet Tonight in Center Letters (Ed. note: The following poem was submitted by Frank Tam- borello, ’59, in lemory of James E. Sarran who died Nov. 24 from injuries received in a truck-car accident Nov. 21. Before he was hit, he pushed two other boys to safety.) THE HERO OF AGGIELAND The sparks were flying gaily. The crowd was all aglow, With cheers both fast and slow. But in the hearts of some, There was .only darkness and gloom. For in the hospital bed lay, A boy all mangled and bruised, Waiting to die most any day, Because of school spirit he could not lose. The day of the game the boy was dead But he died a hero on that bed. What’s Cooking 4:30 The Handball Club will meet in the old gym to discuss the possi bility of going to the Sugar Bowl tournament. 7:15 There will be an A. G. C. meet ing in room 404 of the Academic Building." The speaker will be from the Libby-Ownens-Ford Class Co. Refreshments will be served. Junior Collegiate FFA chapter will meet in the YMCA. The Physical Education Club meets in room 231 of G. Rollie White Coliseum. Speaker for the meeting is from the Southwest Conference Physical Education As sociation. Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental so cieties , will meet in room 107 of the Biological Science Building. Plans for a party will be made. Although many people find the whippoorwill’s call pleasant at a distance, it sounds harsh when heal'd :it close range. The senior class will meet to night in the Student Center Ball room at 7:15. Class President Allen Greer said that the meeting would be kept to about 30 minutes in length so as not to interfere with Town Hall. Greer also said that this meet ing would be a very important one since work has to get started on -the Ring Dance and most of the committees, will be appointed to night. In addition to the appointing of the Ring Dance committees, the class wifi vote on their choice of commencement procedure and cov- ei~s for the Aggieland. Voting on the last issue will de cide whether or not the traditional ring will be used on the Aggie land cover. Greer urged that all seniors try to come to the meeting since the issues at hand were of importance to everyone. In the face of danger he had come through, To save the lives of his two friends, He was a hero everyone knew. And here his story ends. But never will his name be gone. For in the hearts of Aggies he still lives on. Frank Tamborello, ’59 Editor, Battalion: I’m sure that you get tired of hearing complaints all the time— I’d hate to put up with that kind of mail in my mail box. I’m afraid that I do have a gripe, however; the reason I write to you is because of your ability to arouse ol’ Army’s opinion. I have just come from the show and found my roommate’s parking place filled in the parking lot. I parked his car two blocks from the dorm and felt darn lucky. On my way back to the room I noticed the spacing between cars for one block. There was enough room between cars to allow four or five more cai's to park on that one block, had the spacing been uni form. (See LETTERS, Page 6) The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Viewj of the Student Editors The Battalion, newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by stu dents four times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published once a week, and during examination and vacation periods, once a week. Days of publication ar-e Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, Thursday during the summer terms, and Thursday during examination and va cation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday im mediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con- gress of March 8, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City. Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran- The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Publication Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Don Shepard, Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds News Editors Welton Jones City Editor Barbara Paige Woman’s Editor Barry Hart Assistant Sports Editor Jim Neighbors, John West Reporters Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent Tom Syler > .Circulation Manager James Schubert, Mike Keen, Guy Fernandez Photographers LOOK! | Texans have been (saving money with | STATE FARM MUTUAL More than 25f£ out of every $1 has been re turned to Texas policy holders by State Farm Mutual, the "Careful Dri ver Insurance Company.” For top notch protection call U. M. ALEXANDER ’40 215 S. Main Ph. 3-3616 B R Y A N > -o- •sa=>.' on business or pleasure ' SAVE, A DAY/ rr travel the Continental way MJ&JES STATE FARM INSURANCE ,{ lt pays to know your STATE FARM AGENT!" HOUSTON FT. WORTH 42 mins. \ 2 hrs. 11 mins. NEW YORK 8 hr^ * Via Connecting Airline Call Continental at 4-5054. 12 mins. 'onfimnfe! KEYS MADE While You Wait! For / ts*. Dorms Autos Etc. L O U P OT gr~T * A , Have that Portrait Made . . . before Dec. 10 for Christmas. A&M Phot Shop No. Gate 4-8844 OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL * 2-5089 “The Oaks” — 3-4375 BRYAN We Highly Recommend To You SPRED SAT9M—100% Latex Paint 5 25 Gal. 59 1 Qt. SPREAD SATIN is the most beau tiful, most washable, easiest to use paint we’ve ever seen. Do it yourself and get beautiful results on walls and woodwork. Chapman’s Paint & Wallpaper Co. 210 W. 26th BRYAN Phone 2-1318 DYERf'FUR STORAGE HATTERS moncan Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate 50 million times a day at home, at work or while at play There’s nothing like 1. You feel its LIVELINESS. 2. You taste its BRIGHT GOODNESS. 3. You experience PERFECT REFRESHMENT. ■ w. mm V‘: il BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Cok." is a registered trade-mark. © 1955, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY