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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1955)
11 Page 3 THE BATTALION Wednesday, November 30, 1955 ' -1 mU rrr , ul Directors Approve (Continued from Page 2) Tieatrice M. Smith, stenogi'apher; ^Athletic Council, Mrs. Alice L. Mund, secretary-bookkeeper; Com mandant’s Office, Major Hugh R. Williams, tactical officer; Easter- wood Airport, Mrs. Beverly Col lins, stenographer; Hospital, Mrs. Frances Badgett, head surgeon nurse; Library, Mrs. Annaliese Breitenkamp, eataloger, Miss Dor othy J. Cline, reference assistant, Mrs. Patricia Fly, typist-clerk, Mrs. D’Love H. Pletzer, secretary. Office of Manager of Student Apartments, James M. Henry, plumber, Mrs. Betty J. Moore, sec- retary; Memorial Student Center, Mrs. Bobby Huss, assistant book keeper and voucher clerk, John D. Murdoch, baker, Mrs. Betty Ann Traganza, program consultant, Mrs. Elvie L. White, catering su pervisor; Registrar’s Office, Mrs. DeLois J. Beasley, stenographer. Mathematics, Louis G. Reis, Jr., Edward L. Roberts, both teaching fellows, Arthur J. L. Robertson, in structor, Edmund Nelson Roots, Jr., teaching fellow, Mack L. Wil liams, instructor; Oceanography, Joe S. Creagor, Ivar Dugstad, Her man G. Gode, William H. Hildreth, Jr., Kinjira Kajuira, Peter B. Kel ly, Frederick C. Marland, A. Con rad Newman, George Moskovits, Edward H. Shenton, James B. Smith, Pramatna Srivastava, Ma rius Todsen, Eugene D. TYaganza, all graduate research assistants and graduate assistants; Physical Education, Arthur William Kaech- elle, custodian; Basic Division, John R. Bowen, personal and voca tional counselor and associate pro fessor. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Economics and So ciology, Alton W. Tieken, research assistant; Agronomy, Ann M. Con- dray, clerk, Henry C. Springfield, Jr., technician; State Chemist, Beverly L. Hoffman, Jeanne M. Stockton, Dorothy A. Julian, all technical assistants; Animal Hus bandry, John J. Guenther, Duane C. Kraemer, both research assist ants; Biochemistry & Nutrition, George G. Green, Carl E. Johnson, both research assistants, Joanne P. Wilcox, technician; Farm Service, Joe P. Maifinez, laborer. Feed Control, David R. McDon aid, Auditor; Plant Physiology & Pathology, Marciano Morales-Ber- mudez, research assistant; Poultry Husbandi'y, Jane B. Champion, technician, Clai’a E. Huggett, book keeper-clerk, Gerald L. Feldman, Archie H. McDaniel, Harry O. Wheeler, Haskell E. Willingham, all research assistants; Range & Forestry, Diana L. Newcomer, ste nographer-bookkeeper; Veterinary Medicine, Carole A. Speck, techni cian; Substation No. 14, Sonora, John L. Baker, foreman; Substation No. 19, Winter Haven, Victorio Cerda, tractor operator, Jesus Min- jarez, laborer; Substation No. 21, Gonzales, Brack Fryer, laborer; Substation No. 23, McGregor, Jerry W. Storrs, machine operator, Grant Shelton, Julian J. Nelson, both la borers; Dairy Husbandry, Charu- datta A. Mulay, research assistant, Margaret B. Gilmore, technical as sistant. Texas Agricultural Extension Service Robert Dean Adamson, Thomas G. Hollmig, William S. Lilly, Rob ert F. Lynch, Charles H. Mills, Thomas K. Shotwell, Dave G. Til ler, Jr., all assistant county agri cultural agents, Lucy May Burrus, Barbara Fain, Betty K. Heaton, Mrs. Neva C. Lovell, all county home demonstration agents, Mrs. Elizabeth Cypert, stenographer, Joyce K. Hazelton, assistant county home demonstration agent, Eldred A. Jordan, associate county agricul tural agent, Hulene Orr, clei’k, C. T. Parker, Jr., county agricultural agent, Emerson Sanders, negro county agricultural agent, Dr. Har lan E. Smith, plant pathologist. Texas Forest Service Fire Control Department, Lufkin, Emory L. Rogers, specialist engi neering aide; District No. 2, Hen- derson, Leon B. Patrick, crewlead- er; Distinct No. 4, Woodville, John H. Schultz, distinct mechanic, John B. Faggard, Jr., crewman; District No. 6, Conroe, Robert C. Harris, Kerry D. Dixon, G. B. Cotton, all junior crewman. Texas Transportation Institute Mary Katherine Thomas, secre tary, Marie Grace Barrett, Amelia Ruth Biard, Catherine Duncan Henderson, Margaret V. Harrison, Reba Jean Tubbs, all clerks-typists, Dolores Lou Ann Harrell, stenog rapher. Social Whirl The Aggie Wives Council will hold a called meeting in room 2B of the Memorial Student Center to night at 8. “It is most urgent that everyone attend this meeting,” said Gardner Osborn, president. Civil Engineering Wives Club will hold a business meeting to night at 8 in room 3C of the Me morial Student Center. Christmas party will be discussed. Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Student Center. Hostesses for the regulars are Maudene Chambers and Libby Graham. Intermediate hostesses are Jackie Hungerford and Linda Warren and Yvonne Lawson and Elaine Gipson are hos tesses for the beginners. Prizes awarded at the last meet ing went to Pat Henderson for high score and Marilyn Dixon, low score, both in regulars. High score went to Peggy Weaver and Travel ing Game went to Ann Kinney, in the intermediate section. Church Briefs Mid-Week Services Planned College Heights Assembly of God The week-long revival that start ed Monday will continue tonight with services at 7:30 at the church. The Rev. H. D. Vincent, pastor of the Caldwell Church, and the Rev, R. L. Tumlinson, pastor of College Heights Assembly of God, are con ducting the services. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor from Snook are singing with the group along with the Rev. and Mrs. Vincent. The revival will end with ser vices Saturday night. All services will begin at 7:30 thru Saturday. A&M Presbyterian Church Fellowship program will begin at 7 tonight at the church. Church of the Nazarene Special services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday featuring V. H. Lewis of Houston who will speak in the interest of Home Mis sions. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Canterbury Association will meet tonight at 7:15. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Lutheran Student Association will meet at 7:30 tonight. Dr. H. H. Hadley will be in charge of the program which will have as its theme “A Christian’s Attitude To ward Desegregation.” Christian Science Society Services will be held tonight at 8 at the church. Bethel Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) “John the Baptist’s Faith in Jesus Christ” will be the sermon- topic for the 7:45 services tonight at the church. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Services will begin at 5:15 to day at the church. Mass is said every weekday at 0:30 a.m. except Wednesdays. Hillel Foundation Cultural meeting will be held to night at 7:15 in the YMCA. Fri day services will also begin at 7:15 p.m. in the YMCA. Wesley Foundation Foundation meeting tonight will feature the Rev. Mr. Walter Jenk ins, minister of music of First Methodist Church in Houston, and his wife presenting a worship-in- song program at 7 p.m. Public is cordially invited. First Baptist Church Worker’s supper at 6 tonight is followed by the teacher’s meeting at 6:30. Prayer Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Men’s Prayer Service is held at 7 a.m. Thursday at the church. Coffee and doughnuts are served following services. Church of Christ Prayer meeting will begin at 7:15 tonight at the church. The Ladies Bible Class will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday at the church. A&M Christian Church . Disciples Student Fellowship will meet at 7:15 tonight in the YMCA. OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS ALL by RESERVATION ONLY MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL 2-5089 “The Oaks” — 3-4375 BRYAN BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 2^ per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale 1951 Oldsmobile “98” 4-door. Al most new motor with good Royal Master tires. Good condition. $650. Dorm 12, Room 405. 55t4 North Oakwood, well constructed three bedroom home, wall and ceil ing insulation, attic fan, double garage, screened breezeway and porch, large wooded lot, conven ient to bus, school and shopping center. E. R. Wagoner, 6-1512. 55 A 57 Two gas radiant space heaters, 25000 BTU Rating, one Dearborn. Call 4-8359. 54t4 Stacked all channel TV antenna mast lead in guy wire, $20.00, 6-1713, 806 Welsh, College. 43tl3 Work Wanted Neat, accurate typist would like to type for you in my home near campus. Phone 4-4643. 54t5 Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone 3532. after 5 p.m. lOOtf For Rent Furnished apartment with gar age—1024 Foster. Mrs. O. F. Al len, phone SUnset 9960, Ft. Worth. 54tf Room for rent: Southeast bed room, private bath, meals, ph. 3-4375. Mrs. Maggie Parker. 28tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE 2-1941 BRYAN Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) All types of T.V. Antennas Top Quality — Reasonably Priced — Complete Kits — $20.00 up . . . See — LARRY FRANCIS EE Dept or 806 Welch College — 6-1713 Pets Students: Board your dogs at special low monthly rates. The Ba- /ard Kennels, on Highway 6 south M College. 6-4121. 75tf Lost Person who picked up shortcoat with leather gloves in pocket in Chemistry Lab. Tuesday moming may exchange for original coat in Room 310—Dorm 12. 55tl Glasses in brown case. Return to 207 Goodwin Hall. Student Pub lications. 53t3 Special Notice DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS We guarantee that your child will be happy in our nursery school. Ages through 4. Music, art, games, meals. 24 hour service. Phone 4-9761. 9tf ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. * A.M. College Station Called meeting Thursday. December 1, 7 p.m. Work in t.he E.A. Degree. Mem bers and. visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. N. M. McGinnis, W.M. L. S. Paine, Sec’y. 55t2 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, n telephoned so as to arrive tn the Office of Student Publications (807 Goodwin, 4-S324, hours 8 - 12, 1 - 5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—Director. ALL DEPARTMENTS: The Official directory of offices, staff and students are ready for distribution now at 76c each. You may get your copy now at the Office of Student Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 84tf • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS WE’RE OUT FOR VOLUME — We’re Out to Double Any Previous Year’s Sales — In Order to do this we will sac rifice profits and that is your good fortune — SEE US NOW AT THE ROY HENRY PONTIAC CO. Hearne, Texas 2j»-550,000 IN PRIZES s{ 10 Ford ThunderMrds PLUS 40 COLUMBIA Hi-Fi Phonographs THE 50 COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO WRITE THE BEST NAMES FOR VICEROY’S PURE, WHITE, NATURAL FILTER! HINTS TO HELP YOU WIN! You’ll think of dozens of names when you read these facts: The Viceroy Filter is the most modern in the world today! Perfected through 20 years of research! It contains no cotton, no paper, no charcoal, no asbestos, no foreign substance of any kind! Instead, it is made from pure cellulose—a soft, snow-white, natural material found in many good foods you eat. Only the Viceroy Filter has 20,000 filter traps— twice as many filter traps as the next two largest- selling filter brands! No wonder Viceroy gives you that Real Tobacco Taste! Name this amazing filter and win! It’s easy! NO OTHER FILTER LIKE VICEROY! No cotton! No paper! No asbestos! No charcoal! No foreign substance of any kind! Made from Pure Cellulose- Soft ... Snow-white... Natural! It’s easy to name this amazing Viceroy Filter when you know what it’s made of. . . why it’s superior . . . why Viceroys give you that real tobacco taste you miss in every other filter brand! Remember, the Viceroy Filter is made from 100% pure cellulose — a soft, natural material found in many good foods you eat! There are no impurities in the Viceroy Filter. So nat urally it lets the real to bacco taste come through! Name the Viceroy Filter! Enter this $50,000 con test, today! JUST FOLLOW THESE EASY RULES On any plain paper, write the name you think most suitable for the pure, white Viceroy Filter described on this page. It’s easy! You can think of dozens of names like “Super-Pure,” “Filtron,” “Naturale,” “Flavor Flow,” “Cellutrate,” “Twice-The-Traps.” You can use one, two or three words. Any name may win! Mail your entry to Viceroy Thunderbird Contest, P. O. Box 6A. Mount Vernon 10, New York. Write plainly or print your name, the name of your college and your mailing address at college! Submit as many entries as you wish—but with each entry include the picture of the Viceroy Filter Tip torn or cut from the backs of two (2) Viceroy packages. 3 Contest open to all students attending colleges and universities in the U.S.A. 4 Contest closes midnight, January 31, 1956. Entries judged by The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation on the basis of aptness of thought, originality and interest. <51 Prizes listed elsewhere in this ad. Winners of the ten Thunderbirds will also be permitted to designate the school organizations to which Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation will award RCA Victor Color TV Sets! Write the name of the organization you want to receive (his award on your entry. -yw v-i-: Viceroy filter CIGARETTES KING-SIZE