Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1955)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Tuesday, November 22, 1955 Texas Knocks Fish Out of SWC Title Proving again that past perform ances mean nothing when A&M tangles with the University of Tex as, the pi’eviously unbeaten Fish were mauled by an aroused Short horn team, 13-0, in Austin last Saturday. In winning their first game of the 1955 ca'mpaign the Yearlings knocked A&M out of a second con secutive Southwest Confernce freshman championship and hand ed the title to the Rice Owlets, who downed Baylor, 28-14, Friday night. A&M couldn’t get started, show ing very little deception and losing five fumbles to the eager Texas crew. The only Aggie threat came late in the fourth period when the Fish stopped a Yearling drive on the three and drove to the Texas 17 before fumbling the ball away. Vince Matthews, Texas’ versatile passing wizard, was the whole show for the underdog Shorthorns, as he passed for the first score and ran 12 yards from the spread for mation for the second. Six of his eight completions were to his big left end, 6-4 Bob Bryant, a glue fingered wingman in the typical Texas tradition. After being stopped cold by the young Aggies on their first try from scrimmage, the Yearlings moved 80 yards in 16 plays mid way in the opening quarter for their first touchdown. Matthews passed twice for 26 yards during the drive and, after having one scoring pass called back for a pen alty, hit Bryant on the same play from the 16. Fullback Clari Branch kicked the point after. Texas pounced on a loose Jackie Hathorn pitchout in the second quarter to set up the other touch down on the Aggie 28. Three plays moved the ball to the five and it looked like the stout Fish line was going to stop the drive as they pushed the Shorthorns back to the 12, but on third down Matthews faded to pass from the spread, found running room and raced into pay dirt. Branch’s attempted extra point was no good, and the score stood 13-0. Statistics Fish Yearlings 12 First Downs . 13 123 Net Yards Rushing. .131 83 Net Yards Passing... .. 77 13 ..Passes Attempted ... .. 13 5 Passes Completed ... .. 8 1 Intercepted By .. 3 5 Ball Lost Fumbles... .. 1 4 ..Punt Number .. 4 30 Punt Average .37.5 7 for 43. Penalties 11 for 75 Walter Fondren Texas Back Squadron 11 Takes League Championship By JOE DAN BOYD Jerry Pitts led Sqd. 11 scoring in upperclassmen basketball with seven points to nail down a 25-16 victory over Sqd. 21 and a league championship. Leroy Foerster sank six baskets, Paul Burnside took five, with four and three points going to S. G. Scott. and Jimmy Carter respec tively for Sqd. 11. Paul Carroll’s five points was high for the Sqd. 21 scoring as Bob Sears and Bob Jewell each followed with four. Don Gainer added two and Rich ard Smith the final one for Sqd. 21. Ben Alcala, Bruce Terry, and Jamo Powell of C-AAA couldn’t handle Sqd. 14’s Rollins Bilby and Jerry Gleason. Sqd. 14 won, 30- 23. B-Armor took a 19-12 decision from Sqd. 2, Sqd. 23 walloped Sqd. 13, 20-12, and C-Armor romped over Sqd. 3, 32-21. Jockey Kenny Church is called “The Prince” by his rival riders because of his blond, wavy hair and good looks. Ronnie Mafrige saved the day for B-AAA when he intercepted a stray aerial from Sqd. 3’s freshman quarterback, Dick Vaughan, and ran 65 yards for the game’s only TD and undisputed claim to their league title. League Tennis champions in Class A competition are C-AAA; A-Ordnance; White Band; Sqd. 1; and Sqd. 10. Class B champs in three bowling leagues are Maroon Band; B-Engi- neers; and White Band. Three Duke University football teams have had undefeated seasons —1888, 1891 and 1920. Two others, in 1938 and 1941, were undefeated in regular season play but lost in the Rose Bowl. DANCE at Shiloh Hall (2 Miles South on Navasota Highway) AFTER BONFIRE $1.00 Per Couple DYERS''FUR STORAGE HATTERS Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate Future All-American Fondren Follows Doak’s Footsteps AUSTIN (Spl) — The Fondren family gave Rice and SMU $3,000,- 000 libraries. To the University of Texas they gave Walter, and loyal Longhorn rooters will tell you they ■ ■ ■ ! w t umJ NAN’S BLOSSOM SHOP PHONE 2-1658 1105 S. College Bryan got the best deal. For years sports writers have discovered footballers so versatile they could do everything with a football but make it talk., cook or improve on the abused description of diversity. So, it should come as no sur prise that the Longhorns have such a football player in Walter Fon dren, the super-talented sopho more from Houston who consistent ly appears to be every bit as good as you heard he would be. As an all-around footballer, he is already being classed along side incom parable Doak Walker, a three time all-America selection. If you will excuse the worn ex pression, he is a coach’s dream, a footballer’s player, and, of all things, a fan’s player. Everybody but the opposition appreciates him. Homer Norton, who was coach ing at A&M when Walker was a soph and now syndicates analyses of Southwest football, calls Fon dren “the best soph I ever saw when he sees daylight.” One needs to look no further than the weekly Southwest Confer ence statistics for proof of Fon- dren’s versatility. Some of Fondren’s figures thus far are better than Walker’s soph omore statistics. The 19-year-old Longhorn star has averaged 5.5 yards per rush, compared to Walk er’s 4.01, and has a 37.2 mean at punting to measure against Doak’s 34.3. New and Wonderful! REIS PERMA-SIZED T-SHIRTS GUARANTEED NOT TO SHRINK OUT OF SIZE $ 1 .25 Famous problem Reis solves for good. shrinkage • Reis Perma-sized T-Shirt also has collarette strengthened by nylon and guaranteed to hold its shape. • When Perma-sized, T-Shirts fit as well after launderings as before. REIS PERMA-SIZED COMBED ATHLETIC SHIRTS With Same Guarantee • . • • • $1.00 T-Shirt Sizes in S, M, ML, L—$1.25 Extra Large—$1.50 Athletic Shirts 34*46—$1.00 LEON B. WEISS “The Store of National Brands” Next to Campus Theatre awteJ m/ltc ...THE TASTE IS GREAT! © A. T. CO. PRODUCT OF the pleasure comes thru in Filter Tip Tareyton. You get the full, rich taste of Tareyton’s quality tobaccos in a filter cigarette that smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier.;.and it’s the only filter cigarette with a genuine cork tip. Tareyton’s filter is pearl-gray because it contains Activated Charcoal for real filtration. Activated Charcoal is used to purify air, water, foods and beverages, so you can appreciate its im portance in a filter cigarette. Yes, Filter Tip Tareyton is the filter cigarette that really filtersi that you can really taste...and the taste is great! FILTER T1 rTAREYTON AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES P O G O By Walt Kelly „ COME 0A'/ HEV/ H£Yff/£¥S P£OP EVE&yTMNGr WHAT YOU 15 POIN'- I0OTA SPECIAL ZVJ’-PATCH FLA6HEP HEPE FPCM RT. B(?JPGEPO!?T AN' TAMMANANNY WHAT WENT UP TO Z&PIO CITY TO THEIK FORTUNES’ IN 'TOA THE T££V/0S. TWAT KIN KEEP' THIS HERE'S A SPEClAU AEf-UVERAPy MESSAGE , ppom two HAW- SYNPiffATE INC P O G O AT LAST MJ^TRIUyiPKAXT • ^ 3&ETUJ2JM =£237 TRIUMPHANT /PBTUfPNPr , YOU CALU PAPPUN AUU THE WAY h'OME PPOU JERSEY CITY OM A 5LOWEP UP RUBBER HORSE A rJEfl/MPH? IS IN CHARGE WHILST THEY IS IP SO,MEESE I KIN LEAVE THI5 WITH YOt/, \ SIR, AN'I KIN SIGN THE C£Er Foe YOU-' WHAT'S THE NAME ? r gnxb- mAT?, A Thrill backed ADVENTURE INVITATION MOW PO YOU SPELL THE ^TADSNAME? I'M GONNA / SIGN THIS FOR HIM SOS To' HOT DISTURB YOU, MY PEAR SI R -HOW'e /T GO AGAW'~* OESUNP/fOM'? By Walt Kelly BEFDRE ACCOMPLISHED by JRS*M0mL MAN ★ ££>3ATP INVITATIONS at Jers ^ the < Dfr BREATH , l/KT AH WHAT THEY INVITEP US TO PO WAS BLOW —AN'ALL WHAT THEY GIVE US WAS TWENTY MINUTES-TO IN FLATE. OUR HORSE AN’ HIT \ THE HUDSON"- THAT'S ALL WHAT TOOK MY f