Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1955)
Page 6 THE BATTALION ~ Thursday, October 20, 1955 w ’Murals (Continued from Page 5) vision. Class A’s 300-ft. freestyle was featured by winner Mike Kuich of Leggett Hall and William Robert son of B-Engineers, who took freshman honors in that event. C-AAA’s Boyd Smith was the number one diver of Class A com petition and John Lyon of A-Ath- letics was the Class B winner. Class A and B 300-ft. medley re lays were won by A Chemical and B Engineers respectively. Sq. 7 was first in Class A’s 400-ft. re lay and B Engineers was on top in Class B. Passes and penalties helped move the squadron 6 freshmen past A-Quartermaster i n yesterdays’ Intramural football headliner. Fi nal score was 6-6. A margin of two penetrations handed the game to Sq. 6. The passing prowess of A-Quar- termaster’s Ray Hart and Sq. 6’s Jerry Tice was strained to com pensate for yardage lost via the red flag. Both teams were assess ed heavy penalties throughout the game, nullifying two touchdown passes. Tice, Sq. 6’s passing ace, also starred on defense as the airmen refused to let the QMC advance on the ground. Don Maskal was also outstanding on defensive play. The Quartermaster forward wall led by Joe Grubbs, Charles Drury and Jimmy Butler staved off sev eral scoring threats to retrieve the ball on downs. A-Signal romped over Sq. 5, 30- 0; Sq. 9 blanked B-Composite, 12- 0; Sq. 8 beat A-Composite, 13-0; and Sq. 17 shut out A Chemical, 16-0. Tom Giles led the scoring in yes terday’s upperclassman basketball thriller with 10 points, as Sq. 5 edged A Signal 22-21. Wendell Creamer also pushed Sq. 5’s lead i>y scoring six points. In other games A-Quartermas- ter topped Sq. 6, 25-17; A Engi neers slipped by Sq. 14, 17-14; and Puryear A beat Milner in a civilian game, 17-15. Trimble (Continued from Page 5) Watch. They watched and those same “buts” turned to exclamations of amazement as Murry climbed up the ranks to a starting position before the Rice Slime game. He kept that starting Fish posi- lion and this year has shared left guard duty with Jim Stanley. A fine defensive man, Trimble has to half-block, half-tackle an oppos ing runner, but his slashing play helped demoralize the big TCU line and he poured salt in their wounds late in the final period when he broke through and smashed quar terback Chuck Curtis for a vital (ive-yard loss. Trimble’s athletic ability is not limited to football, however. As a Fish baseball pitcher he had a 2-1 Record and doubled in the winning **un against the Texas Shorthorns. Miron’s Courier Cloth Tailored in Rochester by 1 MICHAELS-STERN An efficiency expert—this handsome suit is capable of taking care of a whole week's agenda. It puts in a smooth day at the office, is active socially and comes the week end it relaxes wonderfully. It’s Courier Cloth, Miron’s remarkable yarn dye sheen worsted—now in new exciting Fall colors, weaves and models. $65 Conway & Co. 103 N. Main Bryan HUNT’S SUCEV orHMVES PEACHES Ho.Vfz CAN Snoworoj) or Birdseye—Frozen STRAWBERRIES . 2 10-oz. pkgs. 49c Bi rdseye—Frozen CHOP BROCCOLI . 2 10-oz. pkgs. 39c Gulf Stream Jumbo—Frozen BREADED SHRIMP .... 10-oz. 49c Italian Style—8-oz. bottles WISHBONE DRESSING . . 2 bot. 35c Mrs. Tucker’s—Coupon Removed SHORTENING 3-lb. can 64c French BLACK PEPPER 4-oz. 25c Dill _ , ROSED ALE PICKLES . . No. 2l/ 2 29c MOUSE TRAPS . . . pkg. of 4 for 25c Fruits & Vegetables SWIFT’S CANNED HAMS St* 5.98 ORR’S GOLD SEAL VEAL ROAST 3SSESL 33c ORR’S GOLD SEAL ROUND „» LOIN STEAK ntSLu, _69c FRYERS S,!""""' _ 49c TTTOf/FVC NICE HEN TURKEYS rtft 1 UlOVUi I ^ FULLY DRESSED—Lb DVC BACON to™ SUNVALE 45c KRAFT “CRACKER BARREL” r" fk Ujllliflljolii MELLOW—Lb 59c TOMATOES NEW CROP TEXAS ORAIs POUND BAG FRESH FIRM CELLO CARTON 10 Hunt's Delightful FRUIT COCKTAIL mo 2 , „„ 37c Delmonte cut green BEANS Whole Kernel Corn NSBLETS ° 1201 Alma Fresh No. 303 Can 21c .. 2 29c Mo. 300 23 C PLAIN CHILI 49c BLACKEYED PEAS 2 c.„„o, Austex—Big I'/z lb. Can FRESH CRISP FIRM CALIFORNIA LETTUCE HEAD SUGAR IMPERIAL PURE CANE 5 Frito—No. 1 Can BEAN DIP ... 23c Honey Boy—Tall Can SALMON .... 39c Ldbby’s Vienna—2 Cans SAUSAGE .... 29c FRESH, Large Size K7ZAET&ALAV DRESSING- EGGS 4Q C DOZEN - H Jr CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP TALL CAN 10c Delmonte "healthful, nutritious" PINEAPPLE JUICE Texsun Unsweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 46-oz. cans for 49 r Popcorn V CRACKER JACK 13 c 5c boxes for COLGATE’S TOOTH PASTE Giant Tube 33 !! BCACKHAWK TRUSHAY HAND LOTION Towle Thrown ManzanlUa—Stuffed OLIVES Towie Plain Queen OLIVES Gama Pure PEACH PRESERVES . .. Med. . . Size 39c . 4 . S . J °J 35c 29c ,2 °, 23c MEADOWLAKE MARGARINE (With Coupon, Thursday’s Bryan Eagle)—Pound Without Coupon Pound 15c 26c , . .Glass Admiration COFFEE 85c Q. Lb. Pkg. Maryland Club COFFEE 91c Lb. Tin DELSEY TOILET TISSUE Rolls 49c liplll mmm * TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER MARKETS LILLY MELLORINE V2 gal. 55c