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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1955)
t Pag^e 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, October 13, 1955 ' vi ■' ' ■ V THE TIGERS 1 hese eleven boys handle most of the playing chores for A&M Consol- idated (left to right) Manuel Garcia, Ed Linton, David McNeely, Steadman Davis, Garland Andrews, John Beaty and Dick Hickman make up the line. Backfield mem bers are Edgar Feldman, quarterback, Wayne Thompson, Bill Kavanaugh and Alton Ar nold. [Jndefeated, Untied Kittens To Meet Huntsville Tonight By MAURICE OLIAN CHS Sports Correspondent The undefeated and untied A&M Consolidated Kittens meet Huntsville tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Huntsville in what may be the deciding game, of the junior high district championship. Consolidated’s Kittens rolled over Huntsville earlier this year on Tig er field, 13-6, and will be out to duplicate the trick tonight against one of the district’s strongest team. In three games the Kittens have only been scored on once when Huntsville managed to turn the trick. The Kittens romped over Navasota last week, 33-0, and beat Hearne in a non-district go earlier in the' seaosn, 26-0-. Of the four teams in Consoli dated’s district, only Huntsville BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 2^ per word 10 per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale Bridge bronze lamp, $8; 2 metal lounge chairs, 3 positions, inner spring cushions, $17.50 each; all practically new. 6-1489. 30t2 RCA Radio, Zenith radio, com bination cabinet, two matching card tables. Drop leaf table, two extra leaves, chair. Phone 6-5783. 28t4 Kenmore Ironer with matching chair. Perfect condition. $75.00. Phone 4-7979. 27t5 For Rent Room for rent: Southeast bed room, private bath, meals, ph. 3-4375. Mrs. Maggie Parker. 28tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brougbt, mailed, M telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, 4-6324, hours 8 - 12, 1-6, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—Director. October 31 is the last date on which or ders for Senior Rings may be placed for delivery before Christmas holidays. Un dergraduate students who have 95 hours and who are in good standing may pur chase the A. and M. ring. All rings must be paid for in full when placing the order The Ring Clerk is on duty only from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Tuesday through Saturday. H. L,.. Heaton, Registrar 30td All student club officers are reminded that their club must be registered with the Deparment of Student Activities, 2nd floor Goodwin Hall by November 1, 1955. Registration Is necessary for all student clubs regardless of their nature. W. D. Hardesty Club Advisor 30t9 Identification cards which were made In connection with registration on Sep tember 16, 17, for the current semester are now ready for distribution in the Registrar's Office, College Administration Building. They should be claimed in per son immediately. H. L. Heaton Registrar 29t3 Wanted Male Help Wanted—Part time butcher, weekends. No Sunday work. Some experience preferred. Pood Town, Bryan. Phone 3-6785. 28t3 Lost Galveston Ball High School ring in Duncan Mess Hall. Initials f.J.D. Reward. 10-221. 29t7 Found Found red bicycle under Kyle Field stadium. Owner claim at Training Union. See Billy Pick ard. Identify and pay for ad. 29t3 Pets Students: Board your' dogs at special low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf Work Wanted Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone 3532. iQOtf Special Notice Would like to keep one or two children, ideal back yard, fenced, shade trees, TV, convenient to Col lege View. 6-1489. 30t2 Date fall through ? If you have an unneeded date ticket for TCU game, please call Glenn Green at 3-8454, College View. 29t3 Piano lessons . . . beginners and Ldvanced. Mrs. Ed. B. Avery. Phone 6-6701. .305 Ast St. 27t8 ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS—leave your children in my care. . . . large fenced-in back yard, two large shade trees. . . . TV set, plenty of relaxation, games and art, two balanced meals daily. Rates; 350 per hour, $2 per day, $10 weekly. . . . open 24 hours, also Sundays.' . . Phone 3-2057. 1908 Cavitt Drive. 17tl5 German native tutors German and French. Reasonable rates. Prepares for Ph.D. examination. Contact Trudie Adam, room 309, Biology Department, campus. 16tf ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS We guarantee that your child will be happy in our nursery school. Ages through 4. Music, art, games, meals. 24 hour service. Phone 4-9761. 9tf SUL, ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. College Station //\\ Regular monthly meeting Thursday, Octboer 13. 7 p.m. Members and visiting brethi ren cordially invited. L. S. Paine. W.M. 29t2 N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. poses a definite title threat to the Kittens. The starting offensive lineup for the Kittens tonight includes left end Virdon Smith, left tackle Morris Stone, left guard Ken Ca sey, center Brenner Sayers, right guard Joel Mills, right tackle Ho ward Mitchell and right end Ben Jackson in the line. Buddy Holick calls the signals for the Kittens from his quarter back post. Tommy Bramble and Dee Smith will man the halfback positions and Jimmy Wright starts at fullback. On defense the Kitten lineup shows three changes. Harold Al ford goes in for Casey, Fred Wright takes over Sayer’s posi tion and Condy Pugh moves into Holick’s place. Consolidated high school takes on Cypress-Fairbanks tomorrow night on Tiger Field in the last non-district bout for the Tigers. Game time is 8 p.m. The Tigers will be out to snap a three game losing streak suffered at the hands of non-district foes. Tomorrow night’s game will pit two teams of almost equal strength against other. The Cypress-Fairbanks Bobcats have a 1-3-1 won-lost record for the season, while A&M Consoli dated boasts one 'win against four losses. Three of the Tiger’s top players, Larry Leighton, Alton Arnold and Bobby Witcher, may miss the Bob cat fracas because of injuries or illness. Fish Football (Continued from Page 3) gainer with 50 yards on three thrusts, one a 24-yard sprint to paydirt in the third quarter. Pas- cuzzi took a Hall pass for the first touchdown and kicked three of four extra points. Pascuzzi will start tonight at halfback along wdth Paul Delfeld, stocky speedster from North High in Dallas, who hit the double stripe from 33 yards out for the Aggie second scoi’e and ended the evening with 44 yards on four carries. Aggressive play in the Fish for ward wall contributed heavily to the Fish victory. Tackle Clarence Hays, from Ft. Worth’s North Side High, recovered the TCU fum ble that led to the first Aggie score in the second period and Baytown’s Leo Wotipka, Hays run ning mate, set up the second touch down with a recovery early in the third quarter. Center Dick Goff, guards Tommy Howard and Carl Luna, tackle Har old Price and ends Don Usry and John Tracey were standouts in the Fish line. Tracey, 6-3 and 216 pounds, comes from Philadelphia, Pa., where basketball coach Ken Loeffler knew of his ability and recommended him to Bryant. OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS ALL by RESERVATION ONLY MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL 2-5089 “The Oaks” — 3-4375 BRYAN UBS Cj racer ij. —p e c i ct i 5 SLADIOLA OR BORDEN’S POP OPEN LIBBY’S Biscuits 4 cans 39c Catsup 6 -z $ i 00 VAL VITA—SLICED Peaches 4 ci *i 00 BAMA GRAPE Jam 6 ^^i 00 HUNT’S PRUNE NORTHERN—WHITE OR COLORED—PAPER Plums 5 cai $| 00 Towels 6 rou. $i 00 WELCH’S—GRAPE Juice 3 -- $ | 00 AL GOOD Oieo i7cLb - S Lb. pkgs. $ | 00 SANITARY, LILLY OR CARNATION ROSE DALE—CREAM STYLE—SWEET Corn 9 «“ $ 1 00 Mellorine 55<= NABISCO VANILLA TRAPPEY’S Wafers c 13c Yams 6 H 00 IMPERIAL a FRANCO AMERICAN Sugar 5 £ 46c SPAGHETTI 8 “ir *fo° SODA WATER ■ LIBBY’S—CUT JkJkr* D 6 bottle ^ Or Jrlfml © ISP Mm Cartons TF ^ Beans 7 "1 *i 00 SUPREME CINNAMON © -jwn. fly- BITS O’ SEA Crisp ‘"i.r 39c Tuna 5 n $ i 00 LIBBY’S VIENNA WRIGLEY’S Gum 59c Sausage 6 'ir $ f 00 PLANTER’S Peanuts ^ 29c Heart of Texas FRYERS clS 49c BACON Cudahy’s Sliced lb. 39c 11 STEAK Tender Veal Round lb. 67c Bologna Armour’s Sliced lb. 3 9c 11 ROAST Choice Veal Pot lb. 35c FRESH GROUND MEAT lb. 29c 3 lbs. 85c uce J-^roch CELERY Crisp Green stalk \ 3c COCONUTS Fresh each 10c APPLES Fancy Red Delicious lb. 15c BANANAS Golden Ripe lb. 12c 3 rozen 10 oz pkg. 39c JUICE Libby’s Orange 6 oz Cans 29c d l-Jl ^ B AA O Breaded iAl H Grosso’s © LIBBY’S VEGETABLE SALE © Chopped Broccoli, Spinach, Cut Corn, Mixed Vegetables and Green Peas .... 6 PKGS. $«goo I MILLER'S SUPPER MARKET FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ... WE ARE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 9 P. M. EVERYDAY Specials for Thursday P. M., Friday & Saturday - October 13th - 14 th & 15th