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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1955)
Page 6 THE BATTALION hursday, September 29, 1955 Season Tickets Available For Music Program Student season tickets may be purchased for the Bryan- College Civic Music Associa tion 1955-56 program. “Season tickets for the pro gram,” stated Iris Bullard, pub licity chairman, “which does not conflict with the Town Hall series, will be $3 for students and student wives.” Scheduled to appear in Bryan this season are: Harry Shub, Vio linist on Nov. 21; Carl Palangi, Bass-Baritone on Jan. .26; and Jean Graham, Pianist on March 13. “Members of the local associa tion may attend Civic Music con certs in any city”, said Mrs. Bul lard. Many members haxe exer cised this privilege by attending the Waco concerts, she added. Scheduled in Waco are Gola and Matteo, Spanish dance team, Nov. 21; The Rubinofs, Violin-piano team, Dec. 12; Roberta Peters, So prano, Jan. 19; Winged Victory Chorus, Feb. 13; and Earl Wild, Pianist, April 23. Adult tickets, which are $6, and student tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jesse Coon, 6-2954. Social Whirl Approximately 50 student wives were guests of the Dames Club at the annual welcoming tea held Tuesday nfght. Refreshments were served by the club’s sponsors: Mrs. Harvey Ken nedy and Mrs. George Potter. “Guests are invited to all of our regular meetings,” said Karen Pickring, reporter. First meeting will be Oct. 11 at the YMCA. Beverly Humphries is president of the Dames club while other offi cers are Helen Sear, vice-president; Ouida Capps, secretary; Juanita Sims, treasurer; Nina McCarter, social Chairman; and Mrs. Pick ring, reporter. —o— Aggie Bridge Club will meet to night at 7:30 in the assembly room of the MSC. Hostesses this week will be Sally Hosteller and Nancy Hungerford for the regulars; Joyce Nussbaum and Mary Lynn Hartung for inter mediates and Ann Nicholson and JoAnn Bell for beginners. Prizes won in regular competi tion last week were given to Bar bara Cloninger, high score and Marilyn Dixon, low. In interme diate competition Violdt Palmer had the high score and Ruth Guil- loud, low. Warren Rice, of the Mechanical Engineering department, will lec ture at the M.E. Wives meeting Monday at 7:30 in room 113 of the Biology Building. The topic of his lecture, “History of A&M,” w'ill be presented to club members and their husbands. Electrical Engineering Wives’ club will meet at 8 p.m., Monday in the social room of the Memorial Student Center. Butler To Judge Dr. O. D. Butler of the Animal Husbandry Department will judge the cattle sale at the Brazoria County Fair, held in Angleton Oc tober 6. MODERN EQUIPMENT MODERN METHODS and the best supplies are not enough in modem day dry cleaning. It also takes a personal desire for per fection. Here you get all of these. “Definitely Better” Quality Cleaners 409 South College Ave. Phone 2-1412 Bryan FREE—$15000 IN GROCERIES FOUR—$25.00 CERTIFICATES TEN—$5.00 CERTIFICATES Register at Either ORRS SUPER MARKETS RUNT-FOR THE BEST, FOLKS?) yes, HUNT FOR THE BARGAINS! THERE’S AN ORE’S NEAR YOU! Specials Good AH Day Thursday, Friday and Saturday HUNTS Tooth Paste—Giant Size COLGATES. 35 c Lustre Creme—$1.00 Size SHAMPOO! 69c Schick Injector 2 Pkgs of 20 BLADES... $100 Crustene SHORTENING 3 Pound /T O Carton 0^3^ Gold Medal FLOUR 5 Bag 4?c Hunt's Whole Unpeeled APRICOTS 4 Hunt's Tempting . . . Delightful FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 Ca „, Hunt's Halves Bartlett PEARS 3 No. 2V2 Cans For No. 2V2 No. 2Vi Cans For 1.00 1.00 1.00 HUNT'S Sl/CEV or HALVES Hunt’s Solid Pack TOMATOES . . 5—No. 300 Cans for $1.00 300 Cans PATIO FRIED BEANS 4 cans 49c Hunt’s Whole New POTATOES .. 10—No. 300 Cans for $1.00 Hunt’s Purple PRUNE PLUMS . 4—No. 2‘/a Cans $1.00 Hunt’s Cut GREEN BEANS . —5 No. 300 Cans $1.00 303 Cans PATIO PLAIN CHILI ... 3 cans $1.00 PATIO—300 Cans CHICKEN TAMALES ... 4 cans $1.00 303 Can PATIO CHICKEN ENCHILADAS . . 39c Betty Crocker SPICE Betty Crocker SPICE CAKE MIX 3 1.00 CAKE MIXES 4 LOO Boxes for 20-Oz. Joxes foi (Your Choice of: Devil's Food, Yellow, White) “For Cooking or Salads" WESSON OIL 59c “Healthmul—Nutritous" CHERRIOS 2 7-Oz. Boxes for 31c TOKAY GRAPES SWEET RED - LB 9 c Snowcrop Frozen Sliced—10 Oz. Pkgs. gEWK ifp*. immm J* BMMi |9B3I STRAWBERRIES. . . 4pkgs.for$1.00 RED POTATOES U.S. No. 1 New Pasco Frozen—6 Oz. Cans ORANGE JUICE .... 6 cans for $1.00 Morton’s Frozen—Apple, Peach, Cherry—lO'/j Oz. FRUIT PIES 4 for $1.00 Florida Fresh Crisp Green BEANS .... 2 lbs. 25c AVOCADOS . . each 10< “ORR’S COLD SEAL MEATS” Shoulder Roast Gold Seal Baby Beef-Lb. 37c A BABY BEEF Round Steak . . . BABY BEEF Loin Steak .... BABY BEEF Brisket — for Stew . ARMOUR STAR Hams — shank half . lb. 69c ARMSTRONG PENNANT Bacon . lb. 43c lb. 69c SMALL LEAN Pork Ribs . lb. 49c 11>. 23c LEAN BOSTON BUTT Pork Roast . lb. 39c lb. 49c WISCONSIN DAISY Cheese . lb. 49c ★ TWO CONVENtENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER i ; I; MARKETS I BEST IN BRYAN —Illllll II I I II I tKSCT ORR’S RIDGECREST STORE OPEN SUNDAYS — 7 A.M. TO » P.M.