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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1955)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, September 21, 1955 Social Whirl Aggie Wives’ Bridge Club will have their first meeting of the fall V :30 p.m. Thursday at the Memo rial Student Center. Groups have been divided into advanced, intermediate and begin ners, with classes taught by faculty wives. Hostesses for the advanced group will be Lucille Pryor and Minnette Carpenter with Peggy Weaver and Mary Virginia Lyles for intermediates. All student wives are invited to attend regardless of knowledge of bridge it was said by Mary Dan- nenburg, club reporter. o—o Bernice Thompson was elected president of the Electrical Engi neering Wives’ Club at their first meeting Monday night. Others elected were Bobby Oney, vice-president; Thelma Lyon, sec retary; Patti Me Alexander, treas urer; J’nene Morgan, social chair man, Florence Hunter, reporter; and Gardner Osborn, representative to Counsel. The Social Club, composed of the wives of faculty members, will hold their first meeting Friday. All faculty wives are invited to meet with them at 3 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center ballroom. AAUW To Hear Rep. Teague, Paul Baker Paul Baker of Waco and Rep. Olin Teague will be among the guest speakers during the year at the Amer ican Association of Univer sity Women of Bryan-College Sta tion. Mr. Baker, a widely noted figure in the theatre, will be presented Nov. 7 under the auspices of the Fellowship Committee of which Mrs. George Porter is chairman. Mrs. Keith Dixon of the Legisla tive Study Group announced Rep. Teague’s visit. Mrs. Robert White is president of the group. Members of the Board of Directors are Mesdames Frank Powell, first vice president and program chairman; George Huebner, second vice president and membership chairman; Tola B. Head, secretary; Sol Klein, trea surer; and Walter Delaplane, par liamentarian. Chairmen of the Study Groups are Mrs. Horace Blank, Mrs. Mil- ton Huggett, Mrs. John Barlow, Mrs. Pearle Tenzer. Other Board members include Mesdames C. W. Burchard, Hospi tality Committee, C. F. Richard son, Histoi'ian, Charles Bretschnei- der, Publicity Chairman and Wayne McCully, Editor of the AAUW Newsletter. Following the business session, a skit was given by three members of the Drama study group. The cast was Mrs. Huebner, Mrs. Del aplane, Mrs. John B. Page and Mi's. Eugene Rush. Churches Schedule Mid-Week Services Football It takes TWO to fill the bill . . . or fashion a Christian home TWO by TWO The class for Aggie Couples First Baptist Church College Station (Continued from Page 3) dy, Roddy Osborne and Don Mc Clelland teamed with Grant on the second team, with Gillar alterna ting. With LSU’s quarterback. Matt Burns, having thrown two touch down aerials in the 19-7 romp ov er Kentucky last Saturday, Bryant understandably continued work on pass defense as well as offensive passing. READING TIME 45 SECONDS PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS OLYMPIA—Remington Office Writer — Royal — Smith-Corona and Underwood As long as you are in A & M, bring your portable in. We will blow the dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate and install a new ribbon, and only charge you for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS The Olympia Portable Typewriter has a standard keyboard, plus two extra keys (-(- over =), (! over %) also HALF SPAC ING for writing EXPONENTS, SUBSCRIPTS, and FORMULAS. Furnished in 9Vz” and 13” carriage. We carry a complete line of special characters which is installed here in our shop while you wait. Use our Rental Purchase Plan $6.00 per month, rent applies on purchase of machine, also late model standard TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES FOR RENT. Buy your portable typewriter from an office machine spec ialist, who maintains a service department to give you your guarantee that the manufacturer wants you to have. We offer New Royal Portables for $25.00 off. FREE NO STRINGS NO BOX TOPS Drop your name in the sealed container, here in our store now for the drawing of a portable typewriter of your choice. Time of drawing to be announced. Li. H. ADAMS Bryan Business Machine Co. SALES — SERVICE — RENTALS — TERMS 429 South Main Street — Bryan, Texas FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONED Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church A Service of Dedication will be held at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church tonight at 7:15 Conduct ing the services will be R. J. Hill- dreth, Bernard Halverson, Luther Dube, David Behlen, and Leniel Harbers. Social hour will be held imme diately following the dedication services. Church of the Nazarene The Rev. Mrs. Thelma Steelman will continue her Revival services at the Churdn of the Nazai’ene ac cording to the Rev. Mr. Harold Carlisle, pastor. Mrs. Steelman is the visiting evangelist from Gilmer, Tex. Services begin at 7:45 p.m. at the church. Wesley Foundation A talent show will headline the services here this week. Anyone interested in donating their talent may call the center at 4-1257. Rev. Robert C. Monk is director. Hillel Foundation Services will be held by the Hil lel Foundation 7:30 p.m. Friday night at the YMCA chapel. Church of Christ Church of Christ Young People’s class will meet tonight at 7:15 to plan the program for the year. The training class will be held Wednes day night following the devotional period at 7:15. Bob Davidson, min ister for the students, will conduct these services. College Heights Assembly of God College Heights Assembly of God will hold their regular mid week services tomorrow night at 7:45. A youth rally will be held at the Bryan Assembly of God, Friday at 7:45 p.m. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Holy Cqmmunion will be held at 6:30 tomorrow morning at St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel followed by breakfast in the parish hall. Canterberry Association, will hold evening prayer at 7:15 p.m in the chapel. Choir practice will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Mass is read at 6:45 a.m. every morning at St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel, and at 5:15 p.m. Wednes day afternoon. A&M Christian Church Choir practice will be held at 8 p.m. at the A&M Christian Church Regular mid-week services will be resumed beginning next week. First Baptist Church Worker’s supper is held at 6 p.m. Wednesday with the Officer’s meeting following at 6:30 p.m. Teacher’s meeting will be held at 7 p.m. and regular prayer service begins at 7:30 p.m. Bethel Lutheran Church Vesper services will be held at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday night con ducted by the Rev. Mr. William C. Peterson, pastor of the church. Presbyterian Student Center Westminster Fellowship will hear Stewart Coffman speak on Why Am I Here” at 7 p.m. Wed nesday to be followed by a movie, Wheels Across Afiica” at the Presbyterian Student Center. Phone 4-532.4 For Classified Ads Tickets On Sale For Film Society Film Society season tickets are now on sale at the main desk in the Memorial Student Center. Tickets are available for non students, student wives and also for single admissions. Prices are $1.50 for non-student tickets, $1.25 for student wives and 25 cents for single admission. Student tickets are included in the price for the student activity fee paid at registration. Use Sidewalk; Stay Off Grass Signs are up around the main drill field even though it is not time for the Bonfire. Anyway, the annual burning of this symbol may not be held on the drill field anymore. But these signs are a request made by the college that students stay off the grass and use the new sidewalk, eight-feet wade and con crete all the way across, on the east side of the field. TEXAS AGGIE BAGS “Get ’em for the Week-end” Student Co-op Store N. Gate Milk Division Phone 3763 Ice Cream Division. Phone 2*1246 * * farm dairies Bryan, Texas STUDENTS!/T& LUCMDROODLE T/M&AGAW/ Got a Lucky Droodle your noodle? Send ft fn and MliC BOWLING BALL FOR CENTIPEDE Ann Rosier Sarah Lawrence BLANK VERSE John Vancini Boston College Hundreds and hundreds of students earned $25 in Lucky Strike’s Droodle drive last year—and they’ll tell you it’s the easiest money yet. Droodles are a snap to do—just look at the samples here. Droodle anything you want. Droodle as many as you want. If we select your Droodle, we’ll pay $25 for the right to use it, with your name, in our advertising. And we always end up paying for plenty we don't use! Send your Droodle, complete with title, to Lucky Droodle, P. O. Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Include your name, address, college and class. Please include, too, the name and address of the dealer in your college town from whom you buy cigarettes most often. While you droodle, light up a Lucky, the cigarette that tastes better because it’s made of fine tobacco . . . and “/t’s Toasted” to taste better. DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price IT’S TOASTED” .o taste better! Co. product of .J&n&iuzcvn c/udfucco-£vrryMi7rp America’s leading manufacturer of cigarettes FIASH! COLLEGE STUDENTS PREFER LUCKIES Luckies lead all other brands, regular or king size, among 36,075 college students questioned coast-to-coast. The number one reason: Luckies taste better. • THANKS OLE ARMY YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! LOU POT