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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1955)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, September 15, 1955 Z^cwiilu 3, ciuori lies College Station Churches Set Services By Mrs. R. B. Hickerson This week’s guest editor, Altha Hickerson, who is the wife of the Farm Radio Editor for the Agricultural Extension Service, teaches at Ben Milam Elementary. They have two children; Ann, who works on the campus and Dicky, a junior at Stephen F. Austin High. JOHNNY KNOWSIT This dish is wonderful for an after-football supper—quick to pre pare and yet perfect for your family and guests. 2 lbs. ground meat (brown in 1 large onion skillet) 2 sticks celery 2 bell peppers 1 button garlic Combine the peppers, onion celery and garlic and brown in skillet with butter. 2 pkgs. noodles—cooked 1 can tomato puree or paste until tender and drain 1 can tomato soup 1 small jar stuffed olives Dash pepper sauce (sliced) Mix all incregients together and put in a large baking dish. Sea son to taste. Grate % lb. cheese and sprinkle over top. Bake for 25 or 30 minutes and serve while hot. (This can be prepared early and left in refrigerator until ready to bake). LIME, CHEESE, PINEAPPLE SALAD This is a spectacular salad for those extra-special occasions when your cooking means so much. % cup finely chopped celery % cup chopped pecans t. salt 1 cup heavy cream (whipped) 1—No. 2 can crushed pineapple 1—3 oz. pkg. lime jello % cup grated American cheese % cup chopped pimento or 1/3 cup, if preferred) Drain pineapple—heat juice and add jello to hot juice. Cool. When the jello mixture begins to thicken, add pineapple, cheese, pi mento, celery, salt and nuts. Fold in whipped cream. Line bottom of 7” mold ring with sliced stuffed olives. Pour in jello and chill. Serves 10 or 12. FRUIT CAKE With the nearness of fall our thoughts dwell on the well-known Fruit Cake. Here is another variation. 4 eggs (beaten separately) 1 t. vanilla 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 4 cups nuts 2 lbs. dates 1 lb. candied cherries 2 t. baking powder (rounded) Vz t. salt Chop nuts • and fruit . . . cover with flour that has been mixed with other dry ingredients. Add sugar to beaten egg yolks and work into fruit mixture with hands. Fold in beaten egg whites. Cook at 250 degrees or 275 degrees for two hours. Put a lid over the cake pan and set a pan of water in the bottom of the stove under the cake. Since the cake has long to cook, the steam from the water will keep the bottom of the cake moist. APPLE SAUCE CAKE Another good cake recipe with 1—No. 2 can apple sauce 2 t. soda 2 cups sugar 2 T. molasses % cup Crisco 3 cups flour Cream sugar and Crisco, add apple sauce . . . flour, soda and ather dry ingredients should be sifted together then add to sugar and apple sauce mixture. Add molasses and pecans. Bake 1% hours at 300 degrees or until done. College Conference To Be Held Here The Twelfth Annual Junior Col lege Conference will be held on the campus Oct. 3-4, according to C. H. Ransdell, chairman. Registration will be held in the lobby of the Center from 2-6 p.m. Oct. 2. Meetings will take place in the Assembly Room of the Union Building. A luncheon and banquet will be held Oct. 3. Tickets may be pur chased at the registration desk. a new tang is the apple sauce cake. 1 cup raisins 2 cups pecans 1 t. cinnamon 1 t. cloves 1 t. nutmeg Iran Parasitologist Visits Campus Dr. Aziz Rafyi, director of the Razi State Institute of Vaccin and Serra, Iran, visited the A&M cam pus recently to see the facilities of the School of Veterinary Medi cine. His trip was sponsored by the Foreign Operations Administra tion in cooperation with the Uni ted States Department of Agri culture and land-grant colleges in the United States. A Revival, remodeled church nursery, and an annual Round-up headline the church news for the week. Church of The Nazarene The Rev. Mrs. Thelma Steelman will be the visiting Evangelist for the week-long revival to be held at the Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Steelman, from Gilmer, Tex., will head the revival which begins Sunday, Sept. 18 and lasts through Sept. 25. She has pastored churches in California and East Texas. Sunday school will begin at 10 a.m. with the morning worship at 11 a.m. The Nazarene Young People’s Society meets at 7 p.m. and evan gelistic services will be held again at 7:45 Sunday night. Services will be held every night at 7:45. The Rev. Mr. Harold Carlisle is pastor of the church. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Parents may attend Holy Com munion, church school and morning worship while their children are kept in the remodeled nursery and kindergarten of St. Thomas Epis copal chapel. Under the direction of Dr. George Huebner, of the oceano graphy department, and Dr. Milton Nancy of the history department, the church men repartitioned the building, put a new roof, laid as phalt tile and painted inside and out. The nursery is open at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Holy Communion will be observ ed at 8 and 9:30 a.m. Church school will be held at 8:30 a.m. and the morning prayer and sermon start at 11 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Robert L. Darwall is vicar of the church. First Baptist Church The annual Fall Roundup will be held at the First Baptist Church in College Station Sunday. Around the theme of the rodeo and roundup a high attendance in Sunday school has been planned by the School Superintendent, C. H. Ransdell and Education Director, L. E. Layman. Immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service, a chuck wag on dinner will be served in the church patio to members, their friends and Aggies. Training Union is schedule^ for 6:30 and worship, at 7:30 p.m. The Lottie Moon Business Wo man’s Circle will have a book re- Heat a can of pork and beans in tomato sauce—the 1 pouhd size. Meanwhile split and broil frank furters and frankfurter rolls. But ter the cut surfaces of the rolls and spread with a good prepared mustard. Now ladle the hot beans into the rolls, top with the hot frankfurters and call the gang! view tonight at 7:15 in the home of Mrs. W. D. Lloyd, 500 Main. The book, written by Mrs. T. A. Patterson in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Texas Woman’s Missionary Union, will be reviewed by Mesdames L. E. Stark and E. J. Kx - ause of Bryan. Preceding the review a buffet supper will be served on the lawn. Invitations have been issued to all women of the church. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Mass will be read at 7, 8:30 and 10 a.m. Sunday morning by Father Charles Elmer. Confession will be held fi’om 6:30 to 7:30 Satux-day night. . A&M Christian Church The A&M Christian Church will begin their Sxxnday services with coffee time which is held at 9:30 a.m. Immediately following, Sun day school will begin. The Rev. Clarence Ketch will deliver the seiunon at the moi’ning service at 11 a.m. At 3:30 p.m. the Children’s Fel lowship is held and at 5 p.m. both the Christian Youth Fellowship and the Disciples Student Fellowship will meet. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services for the Church of Jesus Chi-ist of Latter Day Saints will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday in the YMCA Chapel. Church of Christ James F. Fowlei 1 , minister of the Church of Christ, will deliver the sermon “Playing Church” at the 10:45 a.m. morning sex-vice. Sun day school is held at 9:45 a.m. Special school for Aggies will be held at the same time at the YMCA. Young people’s class will meet that evening at 6:15 and evening services will be conducted at 7:15. A&3I Methodist Church “Who Is a Christian” will be the sermon-topic for Sunday at the A&M Methodist church, said the Rev. Mr. Nolan Vance, minister-. Sunday school is held at 9:45 a.m. and morning worship begins at 10:55 a.m. Intermediate MYF begins at 5:45 p.m. and 6:30, for Senior- MYF. Christian Science Society Key-noting the Lesson-Sermon entitled “Matter” at the Christian Science Society this Sunday, is the Golden Text from I Corinthians (10:14): “My dearly beloved, flee fx-om idolatry.” Morning worship is held at 11 a.m. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. Faith Evaxxgelical aixd Reformed Church The Rev. Mi-. R. F. Buck will deliver the sermon at the 10:30 a.m. morning worship on “Left over for God.” Sunday school is held at 9:15 a.m. ACCREDITED BIBLE COURSE — FALL SEMESTER — Six Hours Credit May Be Allowed Toward Your Degree Course No. Description Credit Section 306 New Test. Character Studies (1-0) 1 500 311 The Synoptic Gospels (2-0) 2 500 312 Gospel of John (1-0) 1 500 312 Gospel of John (1-0) 1 501 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 500 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 501 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 502 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 503 313 Survey of New Testament (2-0) 2 504 314 Survey of Old Testament (3-0 3 500 317 The Minor Prophets (2-0) 2 500 318 The Book of Acts (1-0) 1 500 318 The Book of Acts (1-0) 1 501 319 Epistles of Paul (2-0) 2 500 319 Epistles of Paul (2-0) 2 501 320 The Book of Revelation (1-0) 1 500 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) 3 500 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) . 3 501 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) 3 502 323 The Life of Jesus (3-0) 3 503 324 The Major Prophets (3-0) 3 500 327 Introduction to the Bible (2-0) 2 500 Time Teacher Place T10 Fowler Church of Christ TTh9 F owler Church of Christ Th8 Smith Baptist Student Center F9 Smith Baptist Student Center TTh8 Monk Wesley Foundation TThll Smith Baptist Student Center TThll Workman YMCA TThl Darwall YMCA WF8 Smith Baptist Student Center MWF10 Smith Baptist Student Center MW11 Monk Wesley Foundation W10 Fowler Church of Christ ThlO Workman YMCA TThlO Anderson YMCA WF11 Elmer St. Mary’s Student Center T8 Smith Baptist Student Center MWF8 Workman YMCA MWF9 Elmer St. Mary’s Student Center MWF10 Monk Wesley Foundation MWF11 Smith Baptist Student Center MWF9 Swygert YMCA TTh9 Darwall YMCA A film strip entitled “A Matter of Fact” will be shown at the eve ning sex-vice at 7:30. A&M Presbyterian Church The Rev; Mi-. Noi*man Anderson will begin the moming wox-ship at the A&M Presbyterian church at 8:45 and 11 a.m. with the sei-mon “Our College Church.” Chux-ch school will be held at 9:45 a.m. This is the regular fall schedule. Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. at the Px-esbytei-ian Student Center on the campus, according to the Rev. Mr. Charles Workman, director of the center. Westminster Fellowship, moder ated by Bud Whitney, begins at 6:30 p.m., also at the Center. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Church School at Our Saviour’s Luthex-an church will begin at 9:30 a.m. Sunday with the morning worship starting at 10:45 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Thomas H. Swygexrt is pastor of the chux-ch. College Heights Assembly of God Sunday school begins at 9:45 a.m. Sunday at the College Heights Assembly of God chux-ch with wor ship service stax-ting at 11 a.m. The Christ Ambassadoi-s hold their meetings at 6:30 Sunday night with the evening service be ginning at 7:30. Bethel Lutheran Church The Rev. Mr. William C. Peter son will conduct the moi’ning wox-- ship at 10:45 a.m. Sunday at the Bqthel Lutheran church. Sunday school is held at 9:30 a.m. Hillel Foundation Jewish Rosh Hashonal sex-vices will be held tomorrow night at 8 at the Temple Frieda in Bx-yan. Sol Klein will officiate at the New Year ceremonies. Services will also be held Satui’- day morning at 9 a.m. at the tem ple. It takes TWO to fill the bill . ... or fashion a Christian home TWO by TWO The class for Aggie Couples First Baptist Church College Station THESE VALUES GOOD TODAY THRU SATURDAY AT OUR BRYAN STORE 1010 South College at Pease r uou \^iuo Peach Halves, no. 2®/ 2 can 27' Can Milk Carnation o'Pet 2 Large Cans c Food Club Tuna Chunks, no. % con 21' Spry Shortening 3 lb. can 75' FLEECY BLEACH, 1 / 2 Gal 25c SALAD DRESSING Food Club, Qt. 39c Pork and Beams, Jack Sprat 3 Mo. 300 23c Mohawk or Jasmine New Crop Jonathan's APPLES U. S. No. 1 Missouri. New Crop lb. 10' HAMS Whole or Shank Portion lb. 49' Butt Portion lb. 55< Fresh Veal Crown Table Trimmed Egg Plant lb. 6c ROAST lb. 29c FRANKS. Armour Star lb. pkg. 37c BOLOGNA, Armour Star lb. Pkg. 35c DRUG SPECIAL OVEN FRESH Woodbury Sh ampoo ■ 39' $1.00 Size 2 - Layer Orange Cake Delicious Orange Cake with T-minutc Orange Icing 55'