Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1955)
Thursday, September 15, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 7 Freshman Reception 1,600 Attend Open House More than 1,600 new students attended the Open House and Re ception held in the Memorial Stu dent Center last Sunday. President David H. Morgan wel comed the new students to the re ception. Others in the receiving line were Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kamm, new dean of student per sonnel services and wife; Bud Whitney, president of the MSC council, and Dick Wall, MSC coun cil vice-president. Students met deans, and heads of the various departments of the college, such as Student -Activities, Student Affairs, Basic Division, Office of the Commandant, MSC, Registrar’s Office, Dining Halls, YMCA, Exchange Store and Ath letic Department. MSC committees set up booths Pet.E. Department Gets Equipment A new reservoir fluid and core analysis equipment apparatus has been donated to the petroleum En gineering Department, according to Robert L. Whiting, head of the department. The equipment was given by the Core Laboratories, Inc., of Dallas. WE HAVE SERVED TEXAS AGGIES for the past 30 years — therefore, if you don’t know JEWELRY, know SANKEY PARK Your Trusted KEEPSAKE Jeweler 111 N. Main Ph. 3-6835 BRYAN WELCOME AGGIES TO AGGIELAND AND TO . . . CLOTHIERS We Extend to Each of You a Cordial Invitation To Visit Our Store in Bryan . . . You will find all of us on our toes, ready to help you with your . . . CLOTHING NEEDS with complete lines of SMART MEN’S WEAR for the College Man. Here Are Some of the Lines That Are the Choice of Best Dressed College Men on Every Campus. TIMELY CLOTHES . . . MAYFIELD 4 STAR CLOTHES MERIT SPORT COATS HIGGINS SPORT SLACKS SPORT JACKETS ARROW DRESS SHIRTS ARROW AND TRU-VAL SPORT SHIRTS WESTERN DRESS SHIRTS WESTERN SLACKS British-W’alker Oxfords Fortune and Massagic Shoes HOME OF TlMEIYggCLOTIlES clothiers 212 N. Main Bryan and displays in the ballroom with leaders there to welcome students and explain the committees to them. Also on hand to greet the students were many girls from College Station and Bryan who met the students, introduced them to officials, and directed them to the various exhibits. Freshmen also took the opportu nity to look over the facilities of the MSC. The dark room, art gal leries, craft shop, record room, piano room. Ham Club room, browsing library, directorate of fices and game room were open all afternoon. Capers Combo furnished musical entertainment in the fountain room and Miss Sandra Sevier of Crock ett played the organ in the main lounge. BA Department Hires More Instructors An associate professor, H. G. Kenagy, and four new in structors have been employed recently by the Business Ad ministration Department, an nounced T. W. Leland, head of the department. Kenagy was formerly vice-pres ident in charge of public relations for the Mutual Benefit Life Insur ance Co. of Newark, N.J. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri and has a master’s degree in economics from the University of Minnesota. New instructors are James N. Byers of Lubbock who received his Bachelor of Business Administra tion degree in management from Texas Technological College and also received his masters there in accounting; Dan Copeland Lowe of Bryan who has an A.B. from Lon Morris College and a B.S. and M.Ed. from Stephen F. Austin; Ed ward S. Packenham from Gales burg, Ill., a graduate of Lombard College; and James H. Dozier of College Station who deceived his L.L.B. degree from the University of Texas. A&M 12th B fKm i - Whether the Aggies win, lose or ' carried off the f e’ draw, and it’s usually been lose, time left to play, K the whole state of Texas knows to one backfielti sul »tr> e sent a “hump-it” leader lie slands to find Gill and out on 1'- the game but since he was called upon from the stands and was! ready, he became the first “Twelfth the 12th man on the team—the foot-sore A&M student body. The Twelfth Man tradition was born in Dallas, Jan. 22, 1922, in a game between the Aggies and the famous Praying Colonels of Centre College. As the game entered the fourth quarter, the Aggie coach, Dana X. Bible, now athletic director at the University of Texas, saw his fast wasn’t exactly the team. the bes p.i Gill d d not play in Man.” Then he remembered a sopho more back who had been working out with the squad all season, a boy named King Gill, with plenty of heart but without the weight apd experience. Gill had not been taken to Dallas with the team but, like all good Aggies, had gone to the game and was in the stands but light backs one by one being with the Cadet Corps. McGee Body Shop BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING AND REFINISHING 735 Highway 6 So. College Station Phone 4-4682 Reserve Program Now Underway Under the new Reserve Act of 1955, qualified young men are eli gible to participate in a six-month Army training program in the United States Army Reserve. Plans are curently underway to conduct training under this pro gram at Fort Bliss, Tex., and Camp Chaffee, Ark., depending upon the reservist’s branch assignment. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., will also be the location of a training camp in 1956. Interested persons may obtain additional information by contact ing the local USAR training center. This center for the College Station- Bryan area is located two miles south of Kyle Field on old High way 6. White Coliseum Anniversary Near A&M’s G. Rollie White Coliseum will celebrate its first anniversary next Wednesday. The new build ing was dedicated on this day. Sept. 21, last year. MODERN EQUIPMENT MODERN METHODS and the best supplies are not enough in modem day dry clecfning. It also takes a personal desire for per fection. Here you get all of these. "Definitely Better" Quality Cleaners 409 South College Ave. Phone 2-1412 Bryan apPSK****** /V*5 £ AKf* TO AN EE T 300H AS V & FISHi C> U UMM 'f.5 £> G W CAAow Down ta lad's T&AtHWiS '* UUTLLri Ah V # * 4' A H R i v T £ j I I M ft•-n>^ . :: ■>: - VV1 4 - ■rr* wmmM GUT ' VO AN' USEt> Boojk : f is j % 'G<* PtN* jy\ r £ Ar****?! ? tv?) ' *. jrr 0 ft? ^ *4 l UMroms AN" M ! ^ $ iSi? ^ I r f■ rl f I \ >. V wu nr Mt 4 s A V' ? 5-h MAite jel vote :■ ■ ' ■ C v' uccrrr & tobacco co. FOR YOU / LiccrTT it Mvgn Tf»*rro Co-