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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1955)
t t ' *%MiKW'****m~' Page 2 THE BATTALION Thursday, August 25, 1955 Few Local Girls; You Have To Import Date By KERSTIN EKFELT Battalion Woman’s Editor At a normal (i.e. coeducational) college, a date is a pretty routine affair, hardly different from a date with your girl friend back home. You ask a girl anywhere from a month to an hour in advance; she accepts (or, if she doesn’t, you ask someone else) ; you pick her up at the appointed time; you bring her back by curfew. But at all-male A&M the situation is slightly dif ferent and desexves some attention. Here’s the gruesome set-up: The College Station-Bryan area boasts an all-male military college (that’s A&M) with more than 6,000 students, an air base with some 3.000 personnel and a military pi*ep school with an enrollment of more than 400. But the two cities also have a business college, numerous offices and two high ^schools, and in these places are GIRLS. The only prob lem is to find a way (preferably a respectable one) to meet them. The easiest method is to go to church. The local chui-chcs are just loaded with young women who are only too happy to extend a welcome to a homeless Aggie. And nothing surpasses this in respectability. The girl can tell her mother, “He’s an Aggie, but he must be nice. I met him at church.” Another good way to get a date is to have a car. (Anything with four wheels .and a means of pro pulsion comes under this classifica tion.) Once your buddies find out that you have a Means of Transporta tion, you will be swamped with of fers of blind dates. With no effort at all on your part, you can have a date any night of the week. There are other good ways to meet the fair females of the com munity. Some of these ways are, in brief, working on the various com mittees of the Memorial Student Center, visiting professors who have daughters between the ages of 12 and 25, enrolling in the MSC danc ing classes (this is a dandy, inci dentally), attending community functions, having a roommate who dates a local girl who has friends, hanging around the doors of the high schools at 3:30 in the after noon, and having friends or re latives in Brazos County. Once you’ve met a girl, you’ve made it over the highest hurdle. The actual date is as simple as Simon. Any advice on the subject can be found in an etiquette book, or in an advice to the lovelorn column. So we shall move on to another facet of the dating problem at A&M. Let us suppose (a) that there is a big weekend coming up and (b) that all the girls you know in College Station are booked up —this frequently happens—and (c) that you, therefore, are without a date. Do not despair. You can im port a girl from out-of-town. In fact, you will discover that you will import most of your dates for big games and dances. Now on this sort of date the pro cedure is a little more complicated and probably less familiar to you. The first thing to do is, of course, to invite the girl—at least three weeks in advance. Your letter should be casual, as if this really weren’t a Big Deal. It won’t be the last time you write to her about the weekend, so save most of the vital statistics. Just be sure to mention what the occagion is, when you expect her to come, and how long you want her to stay. You wait. She won’t answer right away because naturally she doesn’t want you to think that this isn’t old stuff to her.Finally after about ten days you get a letter. Buried on page three is a sentence to the effect that she would love to come. This delay doesn’t bother you, be cause of course you made all the ar rangements before you ever asked her, knowing that she wasn’t your only possibility. Your next move is to write the letter of information, a delicate composition which must tell her everything she needs to know with out giving her the impression that you doubt her sophistication. In this letter be sure to say how to get to A&M and when. Don’t leave it up to her to look up the train or bus schedules. It’s safer to tell her what train to take out of what station at what time arriv ing where when. If she’s new at this game (but for heaven’s sake, don’t let her know what you think she is!), it’s nice to find out which of her friends or schoolmates are coming down for the weekend, so that she can tuck herself under a Money Is a Problem Even at Cheap A&M Although A&M is one of the least expensive schools in the country, you’re going to have to have some money, and money al ways involves problems. The best way to keep your CHILDREN AND ADULTS BALLROOM INSTRUCTION THE MANNING SMITHS 4-1259 4-8402 money is to start a checking ac count in one of the local banks, in either Bryan or College Station. This will keep your money safe, and give you valuable training in handling check stubs and bank books. When you come to the campus, don’t bring all the money you will need in one big check; it will be too difficult to cash. Have a check made out for about the cost of your fees, as outlined in the college bulletins, and have two or three smaller checks made out for books, uniform extras or other clothing. Your books will run you from $15 to $25 dollars, depending on whether you get new or used ones. If you will study engineering or any other major where you will need special tools, like slide rules or drawing instruments, be sure and include the cost of these in your figuring. If you are going to be in the corps of cadets, you will need some extra uniform items, besides what you will be issued. Your company commander will tell you exactly what, but briefly, you will need a couple of caps, brass and cloth insignia, belts, a khaki shirt and pants suit, and another pair of winter uniform pants. Cash Refund for Two Weeks uu come L hor YouTl find what you want at Caldwell’s . . . the finest in watches, silverware and other finery ... at prices you can afford. There will be special days ahead . . . we have just the thing for Mom, Pop, brother or sister. Or if you’re thinking of your best girl, you’ll find the beautiful and economical ... at Caldwell’s. Iliamoiicls — W atelies — Silverware Ex, >ert \\ aleh ami Jewelry Repair Caldwell’s J E W E L R Y 112 NORTH MAIN S T O R E PHONE 2-2435 wing if she needs one. Make it plain how to find you when she arrives. You’ll meet her at the station if she comes by train or bus. If she comes by car, ar range a specific time and place for the meeting (The MSC is a good place—it’s easy to find and has comfortable chairs to sit in while you wait. You’ll probably have to wait.) Let her know what the two of you will do right after she arrives. This clues her about what to wear for the trip. She’ll want to know whether she’ll have a chance to to change clothes or if she’ll go di rectly to a party. Be sure to tell her exactly where she will stay. The move is to get her a room in the MSC, but chances are that alf rooms are booked solid for the next five years. So if nei ther of you has friends in College Station or Bryan, you’ll either keep her in one of the Bryan hotels or else see the Housing Office for a list of rooms for rent. These are in the homes of local families and are usually very inexpensive. Be precise about the name, ad dress and phone number of the spot (emergency information), and also tell her what kind of place it is. Whether it’s an adjoining-bath or a cold-dormitory type of stopover spot makes a difference in her packing. Finally, give her a semi-detailed sketch of plans for the weekend. You don’t have to spell this out quite as carefully as you planned it; the idea is to coach hei* on what to wear when and where. Be direct only about the big events—whether the dance is fortnal or informal and if the picnic calls for jeans. If you don’t tell her everything she needs to know, she may try to guess, and she’ll probably guess Freshmen Eligible For Singing Cadets The Singing Cadets, A&M’s glee club, is open to members of all classes. Rehearsals are held four times a week, from 5 to 6 p. m. Monday through Thursday, at the Music Hall, which is near the South Area dormitories. Bill (Pop) Turner, director, urges any interested student to participate; music reading or ex perience are not necessary, but they will help. The Singing Cadets give a con cert on the campus each year, and make a tour through the state each spring, singing in different Texas cities. wrong. And if she turns out to be the only girl at the dance not wear ing a formal, she’s going to be mighty uncomfortable. And so, my friend, are you. On the other hand, she might just play it safe in a little “basic black” that she can dress up or down. And there are few garments as unexciting as a “basic black.” Make the plans for the weekend with at least one other classmate, becouse the secret of college week ending is this: Stay with the crowd. Unless you and she are exceptional ly crazy about each other’s com pany, you will find that to be alone on a college weekend is to be lonely and left out. The way to avoid that is to plan everything in advance with your friends. Don’t leave anything at all up to the girls. Nothing will dismay them more than having to speak up about what they want to do. They will expect you to have made all the plans, and if you haven’t, your’re in for quite a bit of aimless wandering. As for expenses, they’re all on you, from the moment your date ar rives to the moment she leaves the campus. You pay for her room— usually in advance. If you have put her up with local friends where there is no question of paying for the lodging, you give the hostess a bread-and-butter present, and you take your date out for her meals. Expenses, by the way, can get pretty expensive, especially if your date is a high-toned lass who ex pects ritzy living quarters, steak for breakfast, and a black orchid for every party. You’ll discover, though, that most girls don’t have such champagne tastes, and that the amount of money spent on a weekend is not necessarily a mea surement of the pleasure derived. There is only one thing that the girl pays for: that is her trans portation. If she brings a car and turns it over to you, you might fill the tank for excursions during the weekend, but you wouldn’t pay for her to-and-fro gas any more than you’d send her railroad ticket. To sum up the whole mess—your career at A&M need not be a series of stag parties. These are women around. They’re harder to find than at Denton, for instance, but they do exist. BOOTS, SHOES In Stock Makers of The Famous "Texas Aggie Senior Boots Custom Made Boots & Shoes Complete Repair Service HOUCK'S A&M Since 1891 North Gate College Station Student Discount 15% OFF of Retail Price Low Down Payment Monthly Payments Less than Rent on the ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITER “THE PORTABLE OF A LIFETIME, FOR A LIFETIME” to the STUDENTS OF TEXAS A&M COLLEGE AND ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS during SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER at Brazos Office Equipment 116 South Main BRYAN, TEXAS Phone 2-5254 OFFICE EQUIPMENT—SALES—SERVICE and RENTAL . OFFICE SUPPLIES