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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1955)
Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, August 25, 1955 Student Activities Dept. Completes Coliege Life A&M’s Student Activities De partment, headed by W. L. Pen- berthy, is concerned with almost everything - that happens on the campus that doesn’t involve books. All clubs, military units, dormi tories and classes plan their activi ties with the help of this depart ment. The department also sponsors Town Hall, the theater program that brings classical, semi-classical and popular programs to the cam pus; Guion Hall, which shows first- rate movies at low px-ices; conces sions, which operates candy and soft dx-ink machines in the dormi tories; and intramural athletics, which give all students a chance to play their favorite spoxts. A tentative schedule for this year’s Town Hall offex-s the Robext Shaw Chorale, Stan Kenton and his orchestra, the Four Freshmen, the Philharmonie Piano Quartet, “Don Juan in Hell,” “Fiesta Mexicana,” the Air Force Band and Singing Sergeants, the San Antonio Sym phony Orchestra and a bonus at- ti-action. To make it easier and cheaper for the student to par-ticipate in these activities, all of them, except organizationaF dances, are included in a student activity fee. The fee is $21.90 a semester, payable when you register. The fee is optional, but if you buy sep arate tickets for each event the cost is more than dpuble. The student who pays the fee gets an athletics ticket, the Aggie- land yearbook, a subscription to The Battalion, choice of Student Publications magazine, a Town Hall pass and tickets to the Gi’eat TYPEWRITERS BACK TO SCHOOL with an Olympia—Smith-Corona- Royal—Remington or Underwood Portable TERMS, Trade in Your Old Machine As long as you ai'e in school and need a ribbon bring your machine into our shop, we will blow out the dust and lint with compressed air, lubx-icate your machine and see that it is working all right, install the ribbon and only chax-ge you for the I’ibbon. Students only—please. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. SALES—SERVICE—RENTALS—TERMS 429 South Main in Bryan Free Parking Air Conditioned Issues and* Recital Series. The Great Issues sex-ies is a lec- tux-e series which brings big-name speakers to the campus. The Re cital Series features programs in classical music. Both are sponsor ed by the Memorial Student Cen ter. In the athletic ticket are included all intercollegiate athletic contests sponsoi*ed by the Athletic Depart ment. Jobs, Loans Are Available at College No one can look down on the boys who are woxking their way through school at A&M; there are too many of them doing it. To make it easier for students to get jobs, the college operates the Office of Student Employment and Loans, which is a part of the Place ment Office and is directed by Col. Edwax-d F. Sauer. If you are interested in earning part of your expenses, write the Office now for information. The address is Office of Student Em ployment, Texas A&M College, Col lege Station. Get your application in eax-ly—the jobs go fast. Almost all the student labor positions are on the campus, for there are no big industries or other labor max-kets ai'ound Bryan and College Station. There are many types of wox-k open to students. Just a few ai-e clerical, stenographic and libxary work; libx*ary assistantships; metal and wood shop wox-k; fairn wox-k and livestock handling; janitor work; landscape gax-dening; draft ing; and compiling of reports and statistical data. And of course there are the famous “Sbisa volun- teexs,” the student dining hall waitei’S. The usual student wage is about 75 cents an hour, but a student with a special skill can get the Holds Freshman Gamp YMCA Guides Students An example of the college YM- CA’s sexwice to A&M students, particularly fi'eshmen, is the fresh man camp to be held Sept. 6 thx-ough 9 at Foxt Pai’kei’, near Mexia. The camp’s main purpose is to help bridge the gap between high school and college life. Talks by student leadei’S, group discussions, woi'ship, recreation and fellowship are included in the program. The YMCA’s activities ax-e cen- tex*ed in the “Y” building, a four- story structure in the center of the campus. Its facilities include lounges, TV sets, writing tables, an infoi’mation desk, meeting rooms, sign mater ials, movie equipment, game tables, bowling alleys and table tennis. The YMCA operates Cushion’s Cabin, located in Hensel Pai'k, where churches and other organ izations can hold social activities. Also sponsored by the YMCA are freshman councils. Through these councils new students are able to become acquainted with faculty and student leaders and to enjoy fun, fellowship and inspira tion with each other. Students ac tive in Hi-Y while in high school find the councils a helpful continu ation of interest. All this is only a small part of the YMCA’s varied program. Also included are such things as dis cussion groups, Bible study gx-oups, coffee hours, freshman cabinet, conferences and the United Na tions Club. Students are urged to take par-t in the activities of their choice. General secretary of the YMCA is J. Goi'don Gay, who has served students of A&M over 26 yeai's. He was associate secretai’y of the YMCA fi-om 1928 to 1952, at which time he took over his present pos ition. prevailing wage in that field. Wait ers in the dining halls “sing—or wox-k—for their supper.” But heed this word of warning: The college discourages students from tx-ying to take too much part- time wox-k their first year. This doesn’t mean that they won’t help you get a job. They just know that during your first year you are going to need more time to study and adjust yourself to college life. The college also suggests that no one tx-y to earn more than half his expenses. After all, getting a college education is a full-time job. Students have to be in good scholastic standing to get student labor jobs, and ox-dinarily only those students who actually need help in getting through school are considei-ed for positions. But as the name of the Office implies, student labor is only half of its work. The other half is handl ing student loans. The purpose of the Office is not to lend money to students to get them thi*ough school, but to supply them with small amounts when an emex-gency arises. These are stx-ict- ly “honor loans;” no collatei’al is required. The maximum amount that can be loaned is $50, and loans must be repaid within 30 days. Last year over 5,800 loans were made to students; in all about $90,000 was lent. At pi'esent the Office has $9,000 in capital, which comes from six separate loan funds. “Practically all the money loaned to students is x-etux-ned,” says W. R. Horsley, head of the Placement Of fice, “but there ax-e some ‘dead heads’ who apparently don’t take their honor very seriously. If they would pay up their loans, we would have more on hand to lend to boys who need it.” Kentucky’s REA-financed far power lines report that monthly consumption increased from 90 kwh per fax-m in 1947 to 205 kwh in 1954. Welcome ' ( Aggies To YOU NGBLOOD’S GOOD FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES ENTIRELY REMODELED FOR YOUR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE Rock Building Hiway 6 Phone Midway Between 2-8038 Bryan and College HELLO To you who have already enrolled at A&M, and you who plan to — we want to say “Greetings and Welcome to Aggieland.” We cordially invite you to visit us when you arrive at College Station. Ask your Dad or any other Aggie about WALDROP’S — we’ve been Aggie headquarters since 1896. Aggie Jewelry ★ Pennants and Stickers ★ Novelties of All Kinds ★ Aggie T-Shirts ★ Underwear and Socks ★ Army Footlockers ★ Towels ★ Collar Insignia ★ Ties ★ Webb Belts ★ Trench Coats SLACKS Hi-back 8.2 Cotton Hi-back Green Elastique Hi-back Pink Elastique CAPS It Dress or Overseas Cotton Khaki ii Green Elastique KHAKI SHIRTS Mufti Poplin 8.2 Cramerton SHOES & POLISH Military Tennis Dress We have been serving Texas Aggies for the past 59 years, and with two stores in Bryan and College Station, we are better prepared to serve you. Q..TT|. G3o£cIaoj> 6 Co. 1 MENS CLOTHING- SINCE 189 + COLLEGE STORE —NORTH GATE BRYAN STORE — MAIN STREET BRANDS . . . Every College Man Should Know — McGregor Sportswear Edgerton Shoes Nunn-Bush Shoes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Varsity-Town Suits Superba Ties Cooper’s Jockey Underwear Holeproof Socks Paris Belts Swank Jewelry Mayfair Slacks Airman Jackets Catalina Sweaters Hansen Gloves Rycroft Uniform Shirts Flight Ace Caps