Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1955)
Page 4 THE BATTA&JQN Wednesday, May 18, 1953 tek- WAS $39.50 NOW $29.95 POWER BRAKES (Installed) 1952 — 1953 — 1954 — 1955 FORD CARS LET US DEMONSTRATE Cade Motor Co. 2?©y Scout News Sales Planned for Magazine 415 N. Main Phone 2-1333 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 2£ per word Two days 3^ per word Three days -, Third day Free Four days. 5^ per word Five days 60 per word Ten day 110 per word Minimum charge—300 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 700 per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 Help Wanted Boy Scout officials of the Ar- rowmoon district are conducting a campaign to sell Boys’ Life maga zine to Scout units. The purpose of this drive is “to bring good literature into the hands of boys not only for its construc tive and cultural worth, but also to discourage purchase of certain types of comic books,” according to Roland C. Dansby, a leader in this program. Boys’ Life magazine is sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America. Plans for financing the magazine For Sale 1949-Encyclopedia set, 30 vol-* ume, 2 annuals, 2 dictionaries. Americana Publication. See Loupot 114t3 (1) 26” Underwood typewriter and (1) 12” Remington typewriter. Elite Super-writer. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Ad ministration Building until 10:30 a.m., May 30, 1955. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all techni calities. Address Business Man ager, A&M College of Texas, Col lege Station, Texas for further in formation. Engineer, AW. Contact Station WT- 114tf Work Wanted Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone 3532. lOOtf Female Help Wanted Medical Laboratory Technician for Clinic work. Call Dr. D. W. Andres. 4-9011. HOtf For Rent Complete Senior uniform. Boots 11c, 17 in. Calf, Pink and Green Boot Pants, 34 waist, Green shirt, 15%-34, Summer Serge, Boot Hookfe, spurs and rack, and all ac cessories. See at 8-227 or call 3-4682. 113t3 1954 Bendix Economat—303 Sul phur Springs Road, Apt. 4. Call 4-7784 after 5 p.m. 112t3 One-way trailers for rent for any place in U.S.—-Get it here, leave it at destination. Also local trailers. Complete line of Fire stone tires. Tire recapping and repairing. Baker Tire Co. Phone 2-8159. 112t8 Wesley Players To Present Comedy The Beta Zeta Chapter of Wes ley players will present a one-act comedy, “Yes Means No,” at 7:15 p.m. today at the Wesley founda tion meeting. Bob Teague, freshman from Childress, is director of the play. The cast includes Vance Engle- mann, John Warner, Bob Teague, Cam Wood, and Virginia Ridings. Sunday afternoon new members of the Beta Zeta Chapter of Wes ley players will be initiated into the organization and Wesley play ers officers will be installed. The party and installation ceremony will be held in the A&M Wesley foundation parsonage. Mrs. Rob ert C. Monk will be hostess. circulation in scout units are being demonstrated in the district. Four new scout leaders were re cently added to Boy Scout work in the Arrowmoon district. They are Carl Kuhnle jr., Ural Ocheltree, Joe Tucker and D. M. Danurant. Kadmle is the new scoutmaster of the Knights of Pythias Troop 364. Ocheltree is scoutmaster of a new troop, sponsored by the Touchdown-club of Bryan. Tucker, formerly a district committeeman, is now scoutmaster of the new troop sponsored by the Brazos County A&M club. Danurant has been added to the Organization and Extension com mittee in the district organization. He is being trained in organization and reorganization of cub packs by Coleman Loyd, district commission er on cub scouting. Summer Camp Plans Seven troops of Brazos and Rob ertson counties already have sum mer camp reservations, according to John M. Lawrence III, chairman of ^camping for the district. Four of these are regular Boy Scout units which will use Camp Strake at Conroe for the period June 12-18. These are Troop 409 of the St. Paul’s Methodist church, Bryan; Troop 383 of the Knights of Columbus, Bryan; Troop 167 of the First Presbyterian church. Col lege Station; and Troop 450 of the Lions club, College Station. Three units of older boys. Ex plorer Scouts, 'will go to El Rancho Cima, a new camp near Austin, for the period June 12-19. These are Explorer Troops 84 of Heame and 383 and 80 of Bryan. ‘AGGIES” Need Sportswear? “FLEETLINE” Sports shirts are a new line with Lou. The price is right for you. Only $2.98 L O U P O T ’ S Trading Post North Gate Two bedroom furnished house. College Hills. Phone 6-1349. 110t8 Large 4-8031. Cool bedroom. Phone 106tf Cool one bedroom redecorated apartment in College Hills. Nicely furnished—summer rate — Call at 707 Enfield or phone 4-7666 be tween 12 and 2 p.m. 102tf Lost One sofa, two over - stuffed chairs, two end tables. A-12-A, College View. Phone 6-8401. 112t5 Practically new single Hollywood bed, vacumn cleaner, man’s wor sted wool suit, size 38, $10.00. New Hollywood deep fry, $15.00, phone 6-5483. 112t3 Fat calves, half or whole. Pro cessed for your deep-freeze. Phone f-5802. Illt8 Juniors: Senior Uniform com plete, excellent condition, cheap. Law 2-C. 109t8 Servel Gas Refrigerator recently Werhauled. Phone 6-9541 or see It 502 Adams, Bryan. lOOtf Wanted to Buy Baby after 5. Bed. Contact A-7A C.V. 112t3 One Schaeffer, life time foun tain pen, brown plastic bottom, sil ver metal top on May 11 around the chemistry Building or the Col lege Administration Building. Re ward. Call A. F. Isbell, 4-5514. 113t4 Rhinestone bracelet, at the A& M Consolidated Auditorium Satur day night. Call 4-9801. 113t2 Special Notice Hillel Foundation Will Meet Tonight The last meeting of the year for the B’nai B’rith Hillel foundation will be a banquet at 6:30 this evening in the Memorial Student Center assembly room. Incoming and outgoing officers will be honored, and Hillel honor keys will be awarded to outstand ing seniors. The name of the out standing senior will be announced. The speaker at the banquet will be Archie Kahan, director of the A.&M Research foundation. Guests will be Dr. David H. Morgan, pres ident, and Jay Silverberg of Cor sicana, president of the state B’nai B’rith association. Quick repair service on all small household electrical appliances. Lee’s Electric Service, 2219 South College. 114t8 $100.00 REWARD No questions asked for return of Leica & Bolsey Cameras and Bin oculars taken from the Blue Chry sler on Mother’s Day. Call collect Lisle Wayne, Hillcrest 34584 or Hillcrest 34375, Victoria, Texas. 114t3 Will the person who picked up two keys outside DeWare Field House last weekend please return them to box 254, Faculty Ex change. 114t3 Found A wonderful place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 for prompt courteous serv ice. Wanted Qualified housekeeper and baby sitter with reference. Call 4-9652 before 5 p.m. or see at D-9-X Col lege View after 5 p.m. Young lady desires ride to base by 6 a.m. with someone in College vicinity. Call 6-4788. Will pay. 114t3 Would like to contact someone who will be vacating house or apartment about Sept. 1. Please see or write John Montgomery, 501 Thompson, College. 113t4 Pets Students: Board your dogs at special low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 808A East 26tb Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) “SUBURBAN SPECIALS” 167 lb. Comp, shingles $4.95 sq 90 lb. Roll Siding .95 Sq. %” Celotex Plankboard ....08% ft. 3%” F. M. Butt Hinges .60 pr Assorted used lumber $4.50 Hd. Used doors and windows. . $1.00 up Used sheet Iron $5.00 sq. Bargain Paint and Builders Hard ware Rental equipment and hand tools. SUBURBAN SUPPLY CO. 917 South Washington Phone 3-3883 96tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications <207 Goodwin, 4-5324, hours 8 - 12, 1-6, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—Manager. Mrs. Bell Wins At Wives Club Mrs. Dottle Bell won high for the regulars at the last meeting of the Aggie Wives Bridge club in the Memorial Student Center Thurs day night. Hostesses were Mrs Teenye Price and Mrs. Francis Smith. Low was won by Mrs. Kathryn Harms, and lucky prize was won by Mrs. Barbara Proctor. Host esses for the next meeting Thurs day in the MSC are Mrs. Allene Stutt and Mrs. Doris Harris. For the intermediates, hostesses were Mrs. Arlie Powell and Mrs Erma Ingram. Prizes were won by Mrs. Price, high, and Mrs Gladys Webb, low. Hostesses for the next meeting are Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Joy Bal derach. At the Thursday meeting, Bridge-O party was held before the regular bridge playing began Gifts were given to club sponsors Mrs. J. J. Woolket, Mrs. E. E. Me Quillen, Mrs. Hershel Burgess and Mrs. E. L. Angell. Hostesses for the beginners will be Mrs. Jo Ann Grosenbacher and Mrs. Ann Kinney. All persons Interested In managing concession In the Dorms 1-12 Duncan area for the school year 1955-56 must obtain an application form from Major Goff, Dorm 2. All applications must be sub mitted to Major Goff by noon May 23, 1955 for approval by Concessions Com mittee. John D. Cunningham, Chairman 113t4 BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR . . . Best “TUNE-UP” In Town BRUNER CO. BATTERY & ELECTRIC Bruner ’44 28th & Main Phone 2-1218 • KNGINEKRING AND ARCHITKCTUKAI. StTPPUES • BLUE I .INK PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRTAN, TEXAS LOU GETS BEST PRICES OF THREE HOUSES Longs College Book Co. Barnes & Noble Alabama Book Store YOU CAN TOO! Trade Your Books at L O U P O T ’ S Reclaim for Same Price in 30 Days NEW MARLIN 322 High Velocity 222 Super - Accuracy of Micro - Groove Rifling Acclaimed by America’s foremost Gun Editors as the most accurate 222 ever made. SEE THIS FAMOUS 222 AT HILLCREST HARDWARE SUL er J The Friendly Store Serving the 1 ^ Men of Texas A. & M. OFFERS FREE OF CHARGE Completely Air Conditioned for Your Comfort Self Selection for Your Buying Convenience Courteous, Efficient Clerks to Assist You Lowest Prices on What We Sell Complete Lines of Nationally Advertised Products Highest Cash Prices Paid For Books SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Across From Post Office This new AIR-FLITE will last longer than any other high-compression ball ever made! No other high-compression ball can resist scuffing like the new DURA-THIN* covered AIR-FLITE.® This ex clusive Spalding cover adheres to the ball with a new strength to defy cutting up . . . even on high-iron and explosion shots. It’s a more compact ball, too ... offers you longer play and real economy. Play your next round with this great new Spalding AIR-FLITE. You can expect AND GET new uniformity in distance and accuracy . . . better shot control . . . better golf. ♦Trade-mark Spalding sets the pace in sports REMNANT SALE AT A DOUGHNUT FACTORY Barbara Rotondo U. of Bridgeport BANANA, SPLIT Donald Mills U. of Alabama DR00DLE BUGS! HERES ANOTHER BATCH! WHAT’S THIS? For solution see paragraph below. YOU GET A GOOD CLOSE-UP of college smokers’ preference for Luckies in the Droodle at right, captioned: Lucky Strike column in a college cigarette-vending ma chine. On campuses all over Amer ica, college students automatically get Luckies. Why? Simply because Luckies taste better. They taste better, first of all, because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then that tobacco is toasted to taste bet ter. “It's Toasted”—the famous Lucky Strike process—tones up Luckies’ good-tasting tobacco to make it taste even better . . EGOTISTICAL TUGBOAT (OR) PANICKY DRAWBRIDGE OPERATOR Zone Thompson U. of Maine O O- TWO NEEDLES SEEING BYE TO EYE C. Eugene Nichole Indiana U. cleaner, fresher, smoother. Next time it’s light-up time, why don’t you pull for Luckies? DROODLES. Copyright 1953 by Roger Prioej VS jq-taste. toast#* <! r—% i •—1 i 4uckv\ \STRlKtl COLLEGE SMOKERS PREFER LUCKIEST Luckies lead all other brands in colleges—and by a wide margin— according to an exhaustive, coast- to-coast college survey. The No. 1 reason; Luckies taste better. 13ertea taste Luckies... ® A. T. C«. PRODUCT OP LWK'ES TAstt better ...Cfieane/i, Ffteslte/i, ^vtootlie/ii America’s lbadino manufacturer OF CiaARBTTBS