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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
¥' Page 6 THE BATTALION ?!* j ■» ^ Mr 1*1 JIP Thursday, October 7, 1954 Newcomers Tea Held By Mrs. David Morgan $4i m k;s ’ ■ I; ;j RECEIVING LINE formed to greet Mrs. John A. Way includes Mrs. David H. Morgan, Mrs. M. T. Harrington, Mrs. Frank Anders,on, Mrs. Henry Rakoff, Mrs. Albert Sparks and Mrs. George Huebner. The Newcomers club was hon ored with a tea given by Mrs, Da vid H. Morgan at her home, Jones street, Wednesday afternoon. The 1 president’s wife’s tea traditionally begins the club’s social year. Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. M. T. Har rington, Mrs. Frank Anderson and the officers of the club, ‘Mrs. George L. Huebner, Mrs. A. K. Sparks and Mrs. Henry Rakoff received the guests. The club’s committee chairmen, Mrs. David R. Fitch, Mrs. Arthur F. Isbell, Mrs. Marc G. Davenport, -Mrs. Raymond V. Hite, Mrs. John P. Barlow, Mrs. George K. Reid sr Mrs. Sam Johnson, Mrs. M. P. Mitchell and Mrs. Henry L. Phil lips were the hostesses. Various activities sponsored by the College Women’s Social club were described to the newcomers by Mrs. J. R. Mogford, Mrs, L. S. O’Bannon, Mrs. W. B. Martin, Mrs. J. D. Lindsay, Mrs. H. N. Abram son, Mrs. Fred Weick, Mrs. Joe Davis, Mrs. Clark Allen and Mrs. Frank Anderson. Mrs. G. H. Draper and Mrs. R. D. Lewis, vice-president of the Social club, also welcomed the newcomers. An autumnal centerpiece of ma roon and white chrysanthemums adorned the tea table, and maroon candles in glass candelabras com pleted the theme. DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS ^2-15 84m Students ... Use Our Convenient Pick Up Station At Taylor's Variety Store—North Gate Family Favorites By Mrs. Wayne Stark (Ed. note—Mrs. Stark, the wife of the director of the Memorial Student Center, lives at 311 Lee Street. She offers recipes for apple crisp, ham-asparagus shortcake and tuna- noodle casserole.) REGISTRATIONS BEING ACCEPTED The Oaks Nursery School 601 Maryem St. — College Station BALANCED PROGRAM Qualified Teachers — Transportation Available Separate Rooms For Rest and Play LARGE SHADED PLAY AREA Hours 9-12 — 8-5 For Appointment Phone 4-8179 Ocean Spray—Strained 17 Oz. Can Cranberry Sauce . . . 19 c Gladiola Flour .... 5 lb. bag 39 c n Can ’ l . 31b.can79 c Apple Crisp % teaspoon salt 1 unbeaten egg 1/3 cup melted and cooled shortening baking dish. Mix flour, sugar, 5 to 6 cups sliced apples 1 cup sifted flour Vz cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder Place apples in greased 6”xl0 baking powder, salt and egg. Pour shortening over mixture and bake with apples 30 to 40 minutes in a moderate oven (350 degrees). Serve warm with cream or ice cream. Ham-Asparague Shortcake 3 cups biscuit mix 2 cups cubed ham 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 package frozen asparagus 3 cups cheese sauce cuts, cooked and drained Prepare biscuit dough, following directions on package. Roll out % inch thick, and cut into 18 rounds. Brush 6 rounds with Rutter and top with 6 more rounds. Repeat. Bake in hot oven, (450 degrees) for 18 to 20 minutes. Split biscuits and fill top with cheese sauce mix ture. , Cheese Sauce. Combine 3 cups medium white sauce and 1 cup grated cheddar cheese. Stir over hot water until cheese melts. Add ham and aspargus’ cuts. Tuna-Noodle Casserole Arrange in casserole layers of drained tuna, cereal, chopped onion and cooked noodles. Pour over each layer cream of mushroom soup (one can) which has been prepared as directed on the can. Make the last layer a thin one of cereal. Pour remaining soup over all. Bake in moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes or until onions are tender. A flaky cereal is preferred. UofH Sets Supper For BSU Members The University of Houston Bap tist Student union will have a buffet supper for members of the A&M BSU before the A&M-U of H football game in Houston Satur day. The supper will be at 5:30 p.m. The Lilly Jolley School of Nurs ing will have a social after the game at Memorial Hospital. Baptist students and their dates are invited, and Cliff Harris, BSU director, requests that reservations be made to him by Thursday. Seated Tea Study Club Formally opening the club year, the Campus Study clnb held a seated tea in the Social room of the Memorial Student Center Tues day afternoon. Guests were received by mem bers of the executive board of the organization together with the presidents of other federated clubs of the district. Mrs. John E. Hutch inson of the Extension service club, Mrs. C. C. Lanham of the Reading club, Mrs. W. L. Porter of the Bry an Women’s club and Mrs. J. R. Bach of the Beta Sigma Phi soror ity formed the receiving line. Preceding the tea hour, Mrs. Morris J. Garber, program chair man, presented the Harmony Chor- Opens Year TODAY & FRIDAY 2 ALL-TIME GREATS in ONE big Show! KIRK DOUGLAS as the, “EXCITING! ’’-Tims Ma& 00" ...of the men he fought,. and the women he lovedUl “A KNOCKOUT!” WHITER WIHCHELLI “POWERFUir-feitpshMst ftodoced by STANLEY KRAMER 1 Directed by MARK ROBSON He-Released thru UNITED ARTISTS al club, directed by Mrs. Grace Krug. Mrs. C. W. Simmons accom panied the choral group in their three selections. Mrs. Barton Adams, Mrs. John Hill and Mrs. C. H. Groneman formed a violin trio. Covering the tea table was an Italian cutwork embroidered cloth. The centerpiece was an arrange ment of ruby red lilies and coral vine in a silver container. It was presented to the Study club in memory of Mrs. F. B. Clark. . Mesdames T. O. Walton sr., J. S. Mogford, E. P. Humbert and Ida Kernodle, all life members of the'-, organization, presided at the silver tea service throughout the after noon. —Y FREE PORTABLE TYPEWRITES Drop your name in the container at the BRYAN BUl- NESS MACHINE CO. Drawing- will be Nov. 12. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES Use our rental purchase plan. $6.00 per month, tent applied on purchase of machine. Also late model sand- ard typewriters for rent. Buy your portable typewriter from BRYAN BUSNESS MACHINE CO. We maintain a service department to place your machine in good operating conditioi before it is sold, and to give you your guarantee that tie manu facturer wants you to have. As long as you are in A&M, bring your portalle in. We will blow the dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate, and install a new ribbon, and onlycharge you for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS! We will install half spacing for writing ezponents, sub scripts, and formulas. We also carry a complete line of special type which is installed here in cur shop. Come in and drop your name in for the drawing of the free portable of your choice. Bryan Business Machine Co. 429 South Main street Bryan, Texas — Phone 2-1328 rf FALL With 10c Coupon on Can Skinner’s—-7 Oz. Pkg. Macaroni ... 2 for 21c NuCrest — In Heavy Syrup—2 Vs Can Elberta Peaches . . 25 c Headstart—No. 300 Can. (Limit 4) 4 for 25 c Texsun—46 Oz. Can FWwrv *-1 dT\ s* • * V • “1 £ 11II IS • • Grapeirmt Juice . « . 19 c D ^ Casserole—1 Lb. Pkg. Snider’s—14 Oz. Bottle. (Limit 2) FI* ■ FI Catsup .... 2 for 25c Pmto Beans • • • 10c Casserole—Large—1 Lb. Pkg. Texas Magic—8 Oz. Can F * FI Tf c'X Tomato Sauce ..... 5 C kuna Beans .... 19 c Libby’s Cream Style—303 Can Golden Corn . Casserole—Great Northern—1 Lb. Pkg. . 15c Beans 15 c Clorox ... quarts 15 c Clorox . . . V2 gal. 29 c Planter’s—8 Oz. Can Cocktail Peanuts ... 33 c Sugaripe—1 Lb. Cello Pkg. Santa Clara Prunes .. 29 c Lustre Cream—$1.00 Size Shampoo ..... 79 c Large Package Tide .... . . . 25 c Large Package Oxydol . . . ... 25c Personal Size Ivory Soap . . . 4 for 21c Bath Size Camay . . . . .2 for 25c Regular Size Camay . . . . 2 for 17c Premium—1 Lb. Box Crackers . . . . . 25 c New Assorted Colors—Northern 3 FOR Toilet Tissue . . 3 for 23 c Reynold’s—12” x 25’ Roll Aluminum Foil e • • 25^ ★ PRODUCE ★ ★ LIBBY’S FROZEN FOODS -k ★ MEATS ★ WASH. DELICIOUS APPLES Sb 15c LIBBY’S SWEET PEAS _ 10 Oz. Pkg. LIBBY’S CUT CORN _ 10 Oz. Pkg. Jasmine Peek-A-Boo SLICED BACON ... lb. 59c CELLO. CARROTS 1 ©g LIBBY’S ORANGE JUICE _ 6 Oz. Can ^ IE* Heart of Texas FRYERS .... lb. 49« 1 Roll—Jasmine I^uie CELLO. TOMATOES | 3 ** 50c PORK SAUSAGE . . lb. 39< LOIN STEAK ... lb. 65^ Assorted—Bologna—Olive—Pickle-Pimiento LUNCH MEATS . . Ib. 39« 10 LB BAG IDAHO POTATOES 38c MAIS SUPER MARKET 501 Hiway FREE DELIVERY Phone 4-8514 We Give Pacific Blue Stajnps