Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1954)
'4 THE BATTALION ’Thursday, SeptemHer 23, 1954 Rights Reserved To Limit Quantities Pius Tax on taxable Items In our Produce Department you'll find a larger variety and daily freshness because it is delivered by our fast refrigerated trucks NOT LAST WEEK, NOT DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY, but TO DAY, the day it is sold to you, our customers in the Bryan area. Buy Weingarten's produce and youTl say it's the very best at the lowest price consistent with its fine quality. U. S. NO. 1 CRISPY CALIFORNIA Finest Quality Firm Solid Fresh From California Horne Head Mustard Greens 2 is Golden Carrots- 2 Fresh Prunes ^'2^29 Pkgs.i OW U. S. No. 1 Fine Flavor Per Pmoid! Frozen Dessert, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla MELLO FREEZE Big V2 Gal Carton 49c Del Monte or Food Club, Slices or halves in heavy sugar PEACHES Huge No. 2Viz Can THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF HUNDREDS OF EVERY DAY LOW SHELF PRICES i|*l Woodbury COLD CREAM Special Package! Choice of Cold Cream or Dry Skin Cream * VITALIS it3e flair Tonie LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Two 45* Tubes c MONTE Pineapple Juice t 46 oz. Can SCOT Per Boll Mouth Wash KLINIK 16 Oz. Antiseptic Kraft Dinner 2»,25 Creamy Shor: We Reserva Right to Limit Quantities Plus Tax Taxable Items G. E, Automatic 9 cup Coffeemakex 19 9S ELECTRIC MIXER Automatic POP-UP TOASTER MEL-JAX List Price! $29.50 Save $9.55. Save time. Makes offee just the way you like It—automatically. No watch ing . . .no waiting. Now $6.95 Value 99 with Plastic Cover IT - NEW WESTIHGHGUSE STEAM and DRY IRON You'll find the iov/n's largest assortment of cakes, breads, cookies, rolls, pastries made in Wein garten's own spotless bakery where the fine quality is strictly controlled. All these fine products are shipped to you FRESH EVERY SUNRISE and we guarantee that you'll be pleased. With Thai Delicious Pineapple Flavor PINEAPPLE CAKE C ^ A Whips, creams, peats, mixes. Complete with graduated glass bowl. U. L. approved. Buy one now and save 3.96. $24.95 Value! Control tor light, medium or dark toast. Removable crurhb-tray. Gleam ing chrome finish. Uses AC or DC current. Buy now for Christmas 99 $17.95 List Price m Two 8-inch silver layers, iced with pineapple cream icing. A moist, delicious cake that will prove a favorite with your family. You chet in o Th< New open handle design means no strain on hand or wrist. Changes from steam to dry instantly. Special for 3 days only. 49 Orange Coconut LAYER CAKE ; this new rnjCC book rncc J ^P^4® ;< *** : *^* i * | **' s ' With GILLETTE $1 Super-Speed Razor and 6 Blades 10c ROITAN CIGARS I Zippo Lighters Choice of OQ^ Box of 5jj88 I $3.50 Chkpe* ... « for Ww" 50 4 I Value......... $#*99 $3.00 Value Monoply Game for Eight $2.17 KAMKAP CASH REGISTER 2.89 Everyday Low Prices: KOTEX box of 12 25c 60c J&J Baby Lotion 39c CIGARETTES popular brands ctn. 2.09 10c Tobaccos 3 for 25c Prince Albert pkg, Chic Electric Hair Clipper Set Three golden layers flavor ed with orange juice . . . iced with 7-minute icing and orange cocoanut. Apple Sauce tin 2 for 25s lookiec on aiwui M . u HOW TO OUT LAIR AT HOMS SET INCLUDES • AmCHMENT COMB • BARBER COMB (. • BARBER SCISSORS^ * RICH CAKE 69' Tender and light with orange summer icing. Orange Chiffon Oblong CAKE fres: FRESHER QNDIES Spicy moist and tender layers with 7-minute brown sugar icing. butters^et fudgesARS 30c Vue NU Old Fashioned /. Coffee CAKE A rich sweet dough filled with peaches and frosted with vanilla icing. c APPLE PIE With tender, flaky crusts. fidget TOC-SIE ROLLS i oz. baq 27 i