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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1954)
I X A - Battalion Classifieds - BUT, SEIX, RENT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3c a word per Insertion with a IBc minimum. Space rate In classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send All classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. - ■ • —— 7? • FOR RENT • • FOR RENT • LARGE 3-ROOM apartment. Furnished or unfurnished. North Gate. Utilities paid. $50 per month. 6-2332. LARGE COOL furnished apartment for the Summer. Phone 4-7139. FOR SUMMER MONTHS, two bedroom NICE GARAGE apartment in South Oak- wood for Summer only. Call 4-7712. ( ■l Trade Your Books for Records! Trade Your Books for Records! RECORD SALE Entire Stock of 45 and 33 1 /3 R.P.M. Reduced POPULAR AND CLASSICAL 20r< b oh Remember!! You can TRADE your TEXTBOOKS for RECORDS and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to increase your record library. You Don’t Need Cash Bring Your Books SHAFFER S BOOK STORE North Gate house, large outdoor living terrace, walk ing distance of campus. Phone 6-d526. NICE front apartment, furnished, private bath And garage. Available June 1. Near East Gate. Ph. 4-8742. NICE THREE ROOM furnished apartment, just off A&M campus. Large cook rooms, plenty of cabinet and closet space. Nice furniture. Phone 6-3776 or inquire 601 Montclair by Southside grocery. FURNISHED APARTMENT near campus, utilities paid. 203 Fairview. Phone 4-9956. • FOR SALE • MG SPORT CAR. Late 1952 model in excellent condition. 4-1210 or 4-7966. HELP WANTED LABORATORY technician for Dr.’s of fice. 4-1224. FOUND A WONDERFUL place to buy cr seh. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for prompt courteous service. SPECIAL NOTICE RAISE CHINCHILLAS Plan an interesting and profitable fu ture in fur farming. Highest quality N.C.B.A. Chinchillas offered. Will re produce within 90 days. $500 per pair up. Guaranteed protection on your investment. Liberal terms. JIM SCHWENKE ’49 Blue Diamond Ranch 1310 Choate Circle, Houston Olive 0545 Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 M /> SAVE HERE GROCERIES • o FROZEN FOODS ® MRS. TUCKER’S—3 LB. CAN Shortening; 69c 303 SIZE—LIBBY’S Fruit Cocktail 303 SIZE—LUCKY LEAF . can 25c Apple Sauce can 20c NO. 2 SIZE—DEL MONTE—CRUSHED Pineapple .... 2 cans 51c 14 OZ. BOTTLES—HEINZ BOTTLE Tomato Catsup 23c 12 OZ. CANS—NIBLETS Golden Corn ... 2 cans 35c CARNATION or PET—EVAPORATED Milk . . ... . .2 cans 25c HEINZ STRAINED Baby Food ... 3 cans 25c NO. 2Vi SIZE CANS—LIBBY’S WHOLE Spiced Peaches . . can 41c 303 CANS—HAPPY HOST—SWEET Midget Peas ... 2 cans 37c 1 POUND CAN Folger’s Coffee .... $1.12 TEA GARDEN—20 .OZ.JAR Strawberry Preserves . 41c NO. 2 CANS—TEX-SUN Orange Juice . . . 2 cans 27c NO. 2 CANS—TEX-SUN Grapefruit Juice. 2 cans 25c PICTSWEET — CUT CORN GREEN PEAS PEAS & CARROTS CHOPPED SPINACH BROCCOLI CUTS MIXED VEGETABLES 6 OZ. CANS—PICTSWEET Orange Juice . . PKG. 18 2 cans 31c M A R K E T @ . . lb.67c . lb. 49c DECKER’S—TALL KORN Sliced Bacon . ARMOUR’S STAR Fryers ARMOUR’S—PURE PORK Sausage lb. roll 49c SQUARE CUT Shoulder Roast . . . lb. 49c LOIN STEAK lb. G5c PORTER HOUSE STEAK . lb. 55c VEAL CHOPS lb. 63c SHORTCUT HAM SLICES . lb. 75c • PRODUCE ® CALIFORNIA SUNKIST Lemons doz, 23c FRESH LARGE MEXICO Pineapples each 23c HOME GROWN New Potatoes . . 6 lbs. 19c HOME GROWN Yellow Squash .... lb. 5c Specials for Thurs. Afternoo n, Fri. & Sat. - May 27 - 28 - 29 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ALL SALES Charlie's Food Market North Gate — WE DELIVER College Station News Briefs The Baltimore Orioles have working agreements with 11 minor league baseball clubs. THE SCHOOL of Veterinary Medicine will sponsor a Veterinary conference here June 3-4. Dr. R. D. Turk will b© chairman. Ses sions will be held in the Memorial Ctudent Center and 300 are expect ed to attend. * * 4= A. F. DeWERTH, head, floricul- department, will chair the Commer cial Nurserymen’s short course here May 31-June 2. One hundred persons are expected to attend. * * * THOMAS DOWE, ’42, has re ceived a doctor of philosophy de- Michigan State gymnast Carl Rintz placed in five events in the 1954 NCAA meet to lead his team to a fifth place finish. ICI.. ROSS JLODGK NO. 1X00 A.F. * A.M Called meeting, Sul Ross Lodge No. 1300 AF and AM. Thursday, May 27, 1954 6:30 p.m. Work in MM degree. Edward Madely, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held In the City Hall of the City of College Station, Texas, at 7:30 p.m, June 21, 1954. on the city’s budget for the “tscal year 1954-55. How Christian Stance TH^oH ‘GRIEF CAN BE HEALED” WTAW (1150 kc.) Tuesday 9:45 a.m. gree at Kansas State college. He receded a bachelor of science de gree from A&M. 4-- .1= * CAPT. JOHN PRESCOTT of College Station discussed the troop-carrier doctrine Monday at the weekly training meeting of the 9807th air reserve squadron here, ’opt. Ralph Miller of College Sta tion will give the second lecture in the series next Monday. LEGAL HOLIDAY Decoration Day Falling on a Sunday, the undersigned will observe as a holiday and not be open for business MONDAY, MAY 31, 195,4 the same being a legal holiday. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CITY NATIONAL BANK FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK B71YAN BUILDING & LOAN ASS’N Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS The Church...For a Fuller Life...For You... CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:45 A.M.- 10:45 A.M.- -Bible Classes -Morning Worship ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Church. School Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon COLLEGE STATION BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Training Union 8:00 P.M.—Evening Worship. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 800 S. College Ave. Bryan, Texas 9:30 A.M.—Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 9:45 A.M.- 11:00 A.M.- 7:00 P.M.— 8:00 P.M.- -Sunday School -Morning Worship -Young Peoples Service -Evening Worship A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 5:00 P.M.—DSF OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:15 A.M.- 9:30 A.M.- 10:45 A.M.- —Morning Worship -Church School and Bible Classes -Morning Worship ST. MARY’S CHAPEL Masses at 8:30 and 10 a.m. A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M.—Student League and Fellowship CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY New Building, Cor. Patricia and Boyette 11:00 A.M.—Sunday School and Church A&M METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:55 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—MYF Meeting HILLEL FOUNDATION 7:30 P.M.—Friday night m i fty* % p- I Two little girls left alone! It sounds like the beginning of a sad story. But look again. There are certainly no tears. There is a comfortable home; and pretty clothes. But these children have been given a great deal more than the ordinary comforts of life. There in the older child’s hand is a book, “The Story of Jesus.” How reassuring to see that they have been given the advantages of a Christian training. Somehow all doubt has been removed from our minds. We feel that these little girls will be safe—not only during this one evening, but through their entire lives. All of us want our children to be shielded from life’s hardships and temptations, but we can guar antee no such protection. Our surest course is that we rear them in a Christian atmosphere, sending them to Daily Vacation Church School and taking them to the services of the Church regularly. Then, and then only, will we know that we have done everything in our power for their future success, happiness and salvation. Copyright 1954, Keist*- Lr* Sovvice. Strasburg, Va $$ City National Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BRYAN Bryan Building & Loan Association BRYAN The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” College Station’s Own Banking Service College Station State Bank NORTH GATE Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN HARDWARE • CHINA WARE • CRYSTAL GIFTS • Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Bank & Trust Co. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BRYAN LAUNDROMAT HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY & CLEANERS One Block East of College View Apts. COLLEGE STATION MILLER’S Hardware PHONE 4-1145 Lilly Ice Cream Co. Bryan MELLO CREAM “A Nutritious Food”