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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1954)
K Page 2 THE BATTALION Thursday, May 27, 1954 The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. * During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days o^ publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation period's and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 pei month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Hntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con- Srests of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Kepresented nationally b> National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Lo* Angeles, and San Eran cisco. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER. Co-Editors Jon Kinslow Managing Editor George Manitzas City Editor John Akard- Feature Editor James Earle ——: Cartoonist Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager Tomy Syler, Russell Reed, Pete Goodwin Roland Baird, and Narman Hill-Circulation Staff Sorrels Conducts Kiivanis Program Joe H. Sorrels, as Dr. I. K., con ducted a quiz assisted by a panel at the Kiwanis club meeting Tuesday. The quiz included the organiza tion, purpose, duties and opportu nities in Kiwanis work. Members of the Kiwanis Educa tion and Fellowship committee served on the panel. ; iSflpi ■ % v i v m;- BE BOP DANCE From Start to Finish! Tuesday, June 1 Shiloh Hall 3 Miles South on Hiway 6 MUSIC BY CHARLES ADAMS Columbia Recording Artist RETRIEVER—CITY BREED FLINT, Mich.—(A*) — Mrs. Rob ert Dolan’s Irish Setter, Bridget, came home with a four-pelt fur neckpiece. Mrs. Dolan called the police. Grace Timmons claimed the minks, after the story got into the newspapers. She had dropped them en route home from a party. All was forgiven. Students Get Awards For the first time, a whole sec tion of students at A&M Consoli dated elementary school received certificates as members of the Tex as Readers club. The section was Mrs. Holzmann’s fourth grade class. To be a mem ber of the Texas Readers club, a student must read ten books dur ing the school year, including five fiction, one biography, one travel, one history, and two other lion-fic- tion. More than 100 fourth and fifth grade children at Consolidated re ceived the certificates at an awards day there Friday. They were Dennis McCannon, Russell Brown, >GayIa Christensen, Mitzie Matie Bassett, William Ber ry, Diaffe Burkhalter, Qharles L. Byrd jr., Patsy Ruth Feldman, Jack George, Mary Ann Harris, Wayne Hawkins. Judy Linto, Joan Loveless, Jans Ann Malik, Jose Martelino, Blair Perryman, James Riggs, Sue Sebember, Patsy Varvel, Condy Pugh, James O’Brien, Ira Brewer, Andy Adams, Freddy Wright. Donna Dale, Jabet Darrow, Tom mie Letbetter, Wanona Garrett, Danny Turner, Sue Ross, Don Wil son, Shirley Rogers, Nancy Neal, James Carey, Patsy Beckham, Mark Luther, Edith Putz, Richard Latimer, Jack Armistead, Sondra Covey, Mike Bloom, Hal Dela- plane. The U. S. Census Bureau esti mates that an American is born every 9 seconds, on the average. Chemistry Announces Phil Fedders, chemistry student, announced what may prove to be the great est discovery since the Hydrogen Bomb. Fedders claims to haVe invented a Taste Tingleometer that measures the degree Dr. Pepper Wakes Up Your Taste. Fedders maintains Dr. Pepper is exceptionally good-tasting and that the ‘tingle’ in the taste im parts the Wake Up Flavor. This tingle, he claims, increases as Dr. Pepper’s temperature nears the frosty cold mark. “When there are little flecks of ice floating in Dr. Pepper, Major Discovery! lii ./ • Harry McClusky, Barbara Brock, Kathlenn Heaton, Margaret Ann Castle, Harry Wayne Lewis, Don na Davis, Janell Yeager, Robert Burt, David Bailey, Judy Mills, Vir ginia McAfee, Carolyn Brazzel, Jimmy Mac Moore, James Baul- dorf, Jan Brooks, Lonnie Carey, Lane Coulter. Harvey Falls, Gerald Fuller, El don Ray Hagler, Arthur Furman Isbell, Michael Krenitsky, Carl Macklin, Thomas Moore, Noel Per due, Donald Reiser, James Stewart, Donald Woodall, Thomas Taylor, Elizabeth Bishop, Susan BAriles, Judy Cole, Helen Frost, Janice Hall. Betty Ivy, Anne Kennon, Mary McNeely, Patsy O’Grady, Allyn Roth, Joy Thigpen, Mary Walker, Patricia Willets, Carole Endicot, Anita J. Norsworthy, Janice Walk er, Carole Murphy, Glenda Enzie. Jerry Smith, Russell Welch, Charles Jackson, Carla Debison, Claire Evans, Susan Redmond, March Goode, Eugene Wilson, Neil Sperry, Winston Cummings, Kay Andrews, Carolyn Harsm. Charles Roeber, Albert Surovik, Sidney Loveless, Bill Newcomb, Pickey Ponthieux, Sandra Sayers, Donna Jo Taylor, Nancy Jane Bea- mer, Judy Clark, Shirley Lorenz, Linda McGuire, Lynn Roy LaMotte, and Lillian Bond. The Texas Readers certificates were presented by College Station’s “story book lady,” Mrs. F. L. Thomas. College Station patrolman Curtis Bullock presented awards to the members of the junior patrol, which he and Principal W. T. Reidel spon sor. Receiving junior patrol awards were Steadman Davis, captain; Ronald Brock, lieutenant; Hugh Lindsay, lieutenant; Dennis Floyd, Fred Brison, James Davis, Mike Walton, David McQuire, Mike Gay, Jerry3fills, Brace Thompson, Matt Gaddis, Bill Farrer, Howard Mitch ell, Mike. Denison, Gordon Darrow, Richard Badgett, Alphonse Holick, Pete Rodriguez, and Jimmy Hol land. Perfect attendance certificates were given by Mrs. C. H. Cres- well, elementary principal. They were given to Brian O’Neill, Bobby Elkins, Larry Cou- fel, Welynda Wright, William T. Jones, Marilyn Workman, William Parker McNally, Joseph J. Skri- vanek, III. Timothy Martin Dougall, Glenda Brown, James Julius Junek, Jean ette Junek, Cranford Holt, Dennis McCannon, Geraldine Blair, James Riggs, Henry Allen, Philip Chaises Butler. DYERS>FUR. STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. 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DIRECTED BY SATURDAY ONLY David Farrar “Night Without Stars” CLOSE FOR SUMMER BOOKS WANTED ® Sell Your Books For Cash © Wc Will Buy Any Book That Can Be Resold Anywhere In The U.S.A. ® We Are In The Mai'ket For Your Text Books © OUR PRICES-'50% of List On Titles That Are To Be Reused Here. High est Available National W holesale Price On Dropped Titles And Old Editions BEFORE YOU SELL .... GET OUR PRICES The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies" i / to taste better! "No question about, it,. Luckies taste better to thousands of college smokers. No question about the re use us wby Luckies taste better, either. Today, nearly everybody knows L.S./M.F.T.—Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. And that fine tobacco is toasted to taste better. “It’s Toasted”—the famous Lucky Strike process—brings Luckies’ tobacco to its peak of flavor . . . tones up this light, mild, good-tasting tobacco to make it taste even better. So enjoy better taste in your cigarette. 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