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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1954)
JPage 4 THE BATTALIQN Weg^nes^ay; May* 19 l , 1954 -V* - * M t » I , mm i :$' i V" >«—! ! ■! T- „ :i,. Clifton Bates was chosen student body president at A&M Consoli dated high school in Friday’s elect ions. Elsie Richards , and Shirley Brown were elected s e n i o r and junior an nual business managers. Helen Ross was elected head yell leader, and Jean Buddy is seliior yell lead er. Ann Flem- ing and Claire Clifton Rogers were chosen junior yell leaders. Students elected to membership on the student council will be an nounced later. —0— Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Williams and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Williams will be hosts to a barbecue honor ing Ann and Dan Williams. It will be held at the Wellborn community center at 6 p. m. Satur day. Invitations have been sent to students in the senior class, faculty members and other guests. —0— Texanne Esten was chosen Sports Queen at the annual sports day festivities Friday. Sports day was sponsored by R. L. Boone’s tenth grade class. During the Cypress - Fairbanks game, the queen was presented with a corsage and a jewelery set. She. threw out the first ball of the game. About $30 was raised for the 10-2 class, sponsors of the day. —0— An informal party was held yesterday afternoon at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Floeck Hostess was their daughter Marilyn. Guests were the girls in the senior class. —0— The boys in the senior class and the men who teach at the high school were entertained at a stag barbecue Monday honoring John Ed Simek, graduating senior. It was held at the home of Victor J. Boriskie, Highway 6. —0—- At the final meeting of the year, the high school student council discussed possible projects and made recommendations for next year’s council. —0— Bobby Jackson and Janice Lati mer were honored Sunday with a game party given by their parents at the Latimer home. All seniors were invited. The students’ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jackson and Col. and Mrs. Hugh Latimer. Cooner Will Head CHS Student Body Kenneth Cooner will be student body president next year at A&M Consolidated junior high school. Sar% Kay Wright was elected head yell leader. Nancy Rogers will be the other senior yell leader, Junior yell leaders are Patsy Wilkins and Bonnie Watson. School Names 42 Students On Honor Roll Consolidated high school officials have named 42 stu dents to the fifth six weeks honor roll. Seniors are Fred Anderson, Bobby Jackson, Robert Cleland, Janice Latimer, Sandra Couch, Penny Laverty, Carolyn Landiss, Marian Gaddis and John Simek. Juniors on the honor roll are Henry Phillip, George Litton, Eugenia Rush, Betsy Burchard, Bonnie Carroll, Elise Richards, Anna Beaty, Jack Smith and Jerry Oden. Sophomores on the list include Margaret Berry, Marilyn Davis, Anna Parsons, Claire Rogers, Anne Fleming and Bobbie Miller. Ninth grade students on the list are Maurice Olian, Jarqps Martin, James Couch, Lucy Rogers, David Lloyd, Larry Leighton, Ernest Tanzer and Charles Deleplane. Joe Marek, Jo Ann Walker, Mary Lou Ergle, Marcia Smith, Donald Patton, Dali McCannon, Melanee Way, Donald Gandy, Marcus Reynolds and Jerry Kin- mon. CHS Graduating Seniors Hickman On Crutches After Arthritis Attack Fred Hickman, chief of campus security, will have a hard time running down traffic violators now. Hickman has arthritis in his right leg and is using crutches to get around. ■1“ WANTED YOUK UNWANTED Text Books Sell Your Books for More C A $ H !! SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Finchers Head Couples Class Don and Phene Fincher were elected Sunday to head the Kum Dubl class of the First Methodist church. Other officers are Mexie and Rosie Newsom, vice president; Fred and Joyce Hander, secretary- treasurer; Norman and Marjorie Flados, sunshine committee; and Dave and Kathy Ranney, worship and study committee. The recreation committee will be composed of Lane and Elizabeth Fletcher, Ensel and Allene Stutts and Alfred and Della Nichols. These couples will serve during the summer term. The Kum Dubl class is composed of young couples that attend the First Methodist church. AF Wives, Fiancees To Be Honored Friday Wives and fiancees of all grad uating air force seniors will be honored at a coffee at 3:30 p. m. Friday in the Memorial Student Center, said Maj. H. O. Johnson, senior air science instructor. Mrs. John Way and wives of senior instructors will serve as hostesses. Foods Group To Hold Final Luncheon Friday The foods group of the College Women’s Social club will meet at 1:15 p. m. Friday at the A&M Christian church for the final luncheon of the year. Mrs. J. R. Oden is hostess for the day. Co-chairmen are Mrs. T. R. Hollemon and Mrs. G. R. Huebner. The menu will feature salads. - Battalion Classifieds - BUT, SE1X, RENT OR TRADE. Rate, ... 3c a word per insertion with a *5c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • GE Refrigerator, S75. Studio couch $25. Phone 4-4041, 735 Eagle Pass, Bryan. ’39- OLDSMOBILE, club coupe, now $75, . good auto radio $15. Contact Room 208 Bizzell. MG SPORT CAR. Late 1952 model in excellent condition. 4-1210 or 4-7966. KENMORE WASHER. Must sell by Friday. B-2-X, College View. Good condition. Can be seen at APT. WASHER and wringer, like new, $20; 28” bicycle, $12; youth bed. $20; double bed, $30; 11 cu. ft. Philco re frigerator, $90. D-7-Z College View. Ph. 6-3093. BOOTS—Size 8% or 9. Calf 14%”, Serge, khaki, pink boot pants. Summer serge blouse, green blouse. Akard 8-214. (1) REMINGTON typewriter, 13”, elite type. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Auditor. College Adminis tration building until 10 a.m.. May 24. 1954. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Auditor, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Tex as, for further information. BENDIX Ecconomat washing machine, $50. B-12-D. • LOST • EXTRA CASH textbooks at Gate. by not selling my unwanted Shaffer’s book store. North K&E SLIDE RULE. David Cline printed under flap. If found return to M.E. office. FOUND • A WONDERFUL place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for prompt courteoue service. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) FOR RENT MY FURNISHED home three bedrooms, two baths, living room, dining room, kit chen, study and screened porch. Avail able at least 12 months and possibly 15 to 18 months. 304 Gilchrist east, Col lege Hills. Ph. 4-7981. D. M. Vestal. FURNISHED apartment. North Gate, also large room, 2 beds, private bath, win dow fan, private entrance. Phone 4-4819, 500 Main St. LARGE three room apartment partly fur nished. North Gate. Utilities paid. $50 per month. 6-2332. FRONT BEDROOM, adjoining bath for weekend guests. Phone 2-7913 after 5:30 p.m. NICE front apartment, furnished, private bath and garage. Available June 1. Near East Gate. Ph. 4-8742. NICE THREE ROOM furnished apartment, just off A&M campus. Large cook rooms, plenty of cabinet and closet space. Nice furniture. Phone 6-3776 or Inquire 601 Montclair by Southside grocery. FURNISHED APARTMENT near campus, utilities paid. 203 Fairview. Phone 4-9956. Furnished 4-room apartment. Phone 4-4364. AVAILABLE June 1. Four room*. Nice ly furnished apartments In College Hills, summer rates. Ph. 4-7666. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Phone 4-4312. Lady Fair Beauty salon. LABORATORY technician for Dr.’s of fice. 4-1224. SPECIAL NOTICE • KIL BUSS LODGE NO. i:«M> A.F. * A.M Called meeting. Thursday May 20. 6:30 p.m. Work in M.M. Degree. Edward Madely, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. TERRY’S ART SHOP Framing and Artist Supplies Pho. 8544 2617 Hwy. 6 S. BRYAN WANTED RIDE to New York City or vicinity, some time after May 26. Will share expenses and driving. Contact R. T. Foust, D-8- C College View. Official Notice All senior students in engineering who plan to register for Nuclear Engineering, ChE 447, in the fall term of 1954-55 should pre-register for this course in the Chemi cal Engineering Dpartment, Room 308 Pet. Bldg., before May 31, 1954. J. D. Lindsay All classes will be dismissed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Thurs day, May 20. in order that faculty and students may participate in the Inaugura tion of President David H. Morgan. J. P. Abbott Dean of the College NOTICE TO JUNE GRADUATES At 8 a.m. Thursday, May 20, there will be posted on a bulletin Board in the Reg istrar’s office a list of those candidates who have completed all acadmic require ments for a degree. Every candidate is urged to consult this list to determine his academic status. H. L. Heaton, Registrar RENTAL caps and gowns for Faculty, of ficial delegates and candidates for de- .grees are now being delivered from the second floor of the Exchange store build ing. AT 9 a.m. THURSDAY, May 20, all un delivered regalia for the Inauguration will be moved to DeWare field house and can be picked up there. AT 5 P.M. FRIDAY, May 21, all unde livered regalia for graduation exercises will be moved to DeWare field house for delivery there. ALL PERSONS using rented regalia for the inauguration and who will not re use it for graduation are requested to turn in regalia at DeWare field house immediately following the inauguration. ALL OTHER persons using rented regalia are requested to turn it in at DeWare field house immediately following grad uation exercises. ALL RENTED regalia must be packed and reshipped on the 10:18 a.m. train Sat urday. • Blue line print* • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 8-6887 A#*:' bl Fred Anderson William Arnolc) Roland Beasley Jimmy Bond David Bonnen Bobby Carter Robert Cleland Pinkney Cooner k, a k. Sandra Couch Joveline Elbrich Alice Evans Marilyn Floeck Melvin Free Marian Gaddis Pete Hickman Jerry Holmes Ik M nmn— •wmi*. .mm- mm Dorothy Huff Robert Jackson Charles Johnson Carolyn Landiss Penny Laverty Mary Lou LloycJ Jimmy Richards Richard Not Pictured Sherrod Pat Owen George Sousares Barbara Greer Douglas Norcross Jose Merino ,..r Edward Simek Dan Williams Martha Williams Jane Daniels Janice Latimer Mary Leonard However You Spend Your €S€€8fH AlJ Have THE BATTALION Sent To You. ONLY $2.25 . . . for the entire summer . . . anywhere in the United States m \ py Ii 1 p? . Enclosed find $2.25 for a summer subscription . ur Just clip this coupon and send with cash, | to THE battalion. check or money order to . . . Student Activities Office Goodwin Hall Texas A&M College College Station, Texas NAME j ADDRESS • | CITY STATE ’ I Mail To: STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE | Goodwin Hall Texas A&M College College Station, Texas I