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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1954)
Page 6 THE BATTALION Tuesday, May fi, Mrs. Wallace Named To Head TSCW Alumnae Mrs. Emmette Wallace was elect ed president of the Brazos County chapter of the TSCW alumnae as sociation at the meeting last night. Other officers for the coming year will be Mrs. Glenn C. Green, vice president; Miss Betty Cana- vespi, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. A. K. Sparks, reporter. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Tom B. King and Mrs. Carl Landiss, president, pre sided at the meeting, the last one for the current club year. Miss Kate Adele Hill, studies and training leader of the Texas Agricultural Extension service and vice president of the board of di rectors of the TSCW alumnae as sociation, presided at the installa tion service, which followed the business meeting. During the social hour, canasta, bridge and scrabble games were played by the 20 members present. Refreshments were served by Mr's. King and the co-hostesses, Mrs. E. B. Middleton and Mrs. Green. TSCW ELECTION—Relaxing after the election of officers for the Brazos county TSCW Alumnae association are (1. to r.) Miss Betty Lee Canavespi, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Carl Landiss, retiring president; Mrs. Emmette Wallace, president; Mrs. Glenn Green, vice president; Mrs. A. K. Sparks, reporter. Jewish Women Elect Mrs. Klein The last meeting of the Jewish Women’s club of College Station and Bryan, for the 1953-54 season, was held at the home of Misses Ethel and Cora Gelber Thursday. Mrs. Sol Klein was re-elected president for next year. Other of ficers will be Mrs. Frank Kahan, secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Morris 'Garber, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Fred Konig, publicity chairman. Mrs. Allen Kurnick was appoint ed to be the new program chair man and Mrs. Norman Abramson was appointed chairman for the “breakfast which will be held in the early fall. Mrs. H. A. Luther was appointed chairman for the Sunday School committee. The next meeting of the club will be held in September. Get in the habit of soaking your saucepans and baking pans as soon as you empty them; They’ll be that much easier to wash later. NCAA Head Lauds College Athletics CHICAGO—CP)—After imposing penalties and reprimands on a con ference and seven colleges, the Na tional Collegiate Athletic Associ ation, has a round of applause for the nation’s colleges in general for their fight against athletic “ex cesses and abuses.” A. B. Moore, NCAA president and dean of the University of Ala bama Graduate School, said at the conclusion of the NCAA meetings Saturday that “our intercollegiate activities are on the upswing to ward a positive future.” “It appears that intercollegiate athletics have done much to curb the excesses and abuses which were a part of its tremendous post war expansion,” he said. Trip Will Be Given To F oreign Student A 10 - day, expense paid trip to Washington, D. C., will be given by Encyclopaedia Britannica to the winner of their essay contest on “How to Strengthen Democracy in the Free World.” Contest entries should be ad dressed to International Forum Contest, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 425 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 11, Illinois. When you use salted nut meats in a candy recipe, be sure to cut down or omit the amount of salt called for among the ingredients. Kreatn and Kow Elects Rathbone Pembroke Rathbone was elected president of the Kream and Kow Klub at their meeting Tuesday night. Other officers elected are Tom my Finfrock, vice' president; L. M. Brazeil, secretary-treasurer; Ar nold Heinrich, assistant secretary; Jack Weatherford, reporter; La- verne McLaughlin, social chairman; Billy Joe Goldsmith, program chairman; and Sam Harris, pai’li 7 amentarian. Betsy Burehard To Be Duchess Miss Betsy Burehard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Burehard, 315 Fidelity, will represent the College Station Chamber of Commerce and Civic Develop ment association at the Brenham Maifest, Friday and Saturday. The A & M band and the Ross Volunteers Betsy w j]i be special attractions at the two-day cele bration. Miss Burehard will be escorted during the coronation ceremonies by William DuPlantis of Baytown, A&M freshman. Make a savory garnish for roast chicken. Mix 6 tablespoons of cat chup together with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar in a skillet; add 6 canned peach halves cut side down and simmer about 5 minutes. Serve hot. j Church Briefs Hiilel Sets Annual Dr. Walter Delaplane, dean of arts and sciences, will be the speaker at the annual banquet of the Hiilel foun dation. The ban quet will be in honor of the outgoing of ficers and the new officers will be installed. The banquet will be at 6 p. m. Wednesday in rooms 2A and 2B of the Me- Dean Delaplane m0 rial Student Center. —0— The Bethel Lutheran church will hold Wednesday vesper service at 7:45 p. m. The sermon topic for I Mothers Annual The State Federation of Texas A&M Mothers clubs held the an nual meeting Saturday morning at the Memorial Student Center. The meeting followed a coffee sponsored by the Brazos county club. Mrs. Spencer Buchanan was chairman for the coffee. The meeting was opened with the invocation by Mrs. A. C. Magee, 1953-54 president of the Brazos club. There were 87 delegates and 58 visitors present. The program, arranged by Mrs. B. A. Wulfman of Amarillo, was opened with greetings by Mrs. David H. Morgan. Special music was presented by Edward Burkhead, A&M student and member of the Singing Cadets. Mrs. Wulfman then presented the guest speaker, Dr. Morgan, who spoke on the college. Mrs. Gus Becker presided over the business session that followed. The officers and committees gave annual reports, and amendments to the constitution were made. Mrs. I. L. Vick of Beaumont, chairman of the nominating com mittee, presented the slate of of ficers who were elected by ac clamation. the service is “Is Yours A Perfect Faith.” —0— The College Heights Assembly of God will hold monthly singing at 8 p. m. Thursday.’ Alta Taylor will be the leader. —o— A meeting of Our P’aviour’s Lutheran church Brotherhood will be held at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Miller will , have charge of the program. —0— A discussion Will be held at the meeting of Lutheran Student As sociation at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday. —0— The Aggie Walter club will meet at 7 p. m. Wednesday at the MSC. This will be the last meeting until next fall. Club Has Meeting The new officers are Mrs. J. F. Van Wert, Marshall, president; Mrs. Morgan, honorary vice presi dent; Mrs. Becker, Mirando City, vice prsident at large; Mrs. Vick, first vice pi’esident; Mrs. Wulfman, second vice president. Mrs. Allen Johnson, Fort Worth, third vice president; Mrs. F. C. Olds, Abilene, fourth vice presi dent; Mrs. V. A. Hinds, Austin, fifth vice president; Mrs. Ted Stevens, Brownsville, recording secretary; Mrs. A. D. Henderson, Marshall, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Alex Walsh, Waco, treas urer; Mrs. E. J. Howell, Steven- ville, historian; and Mrs. H. W. Barlow of College Station, parlia mentarian. The officers were then installed by Mrs. M. T. Harrington, wife of A&M’s chancellor. Any corned beef leftover? Put it through the food chopper with a dill pickle and add mayonnaise to moisten. Makes a delicious spread for sandwiches or crackers. If used j for cracker’s, garnish with a blob of | mayonnaise and capers. Banquet Wednesday evening services will be at 7.'15 p. m. at St. Mary’s chapel. Mass will be held at 0:45 a. m. Friday at the chapel. —0— Bishop Quinton S. Quin will be at St, Thomas Episcopal chapel for confirmation services Tuesday following a covered dish supper at 6:15 p.m. —0— The Christian Science society will meet at the cabin in Hensel park at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. The stu dent group will meet in the MSC at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. —0— A combination of the annual barbecue and senior dinner for the Wesley foundation will be held in area two of Hensel park at 5 p. m. Wednesday. A picnic supper will be served followed by games and entertain ment. All Methodist students are invited to attend and military stu dents may come non-reg. Transportation to Hensel park will be available at 5 p. ,m. at the Wesley foundation. —0— The Fellowship of the A&M Presbyterian church will have a weiner roast in back of the Church at 7 p. m. Wednesday. “Individual Evangelism on the Campus” is the theme of the pro gram to be led by Cecil Ozan fol lowing the picnic. —0— The speakers for this weeks vesper services at the First Bap tist church will be Jerry Michel, Bill Havens and Bill Wilshire. The services are at 7 p. m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. At 7:30 Friday, the Baptist Stu dent Union will go to the Em manuel Baptist church for revival services being held there. A senior ring party for the Bap tist graduating seniors and dates will be Saturday following the ban quet in the Baptist Student center at 7 p. m. —0— The schedule for Wednesday evening prayer meeting includes Fii’st Baptist church, 7:15 p. m. College Heights Assembly of God, 7:45 p. m.; and Church of Christ, 7:15 p. m. BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SKI,I,. KENT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3c a word per insertion with a ?5e minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. AH ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • ONE 4-burner gas range, 1 year 4-9821. old. Call 1940 CHEV. 4-8618. Running condition. $75. Ph. (2) 1948 Chevrolet Carry-alls. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Auditor, College Administration building until 10 a.m., May 17, 1954. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Ad- ress Auditor, A&M College of Texas, Col lege Station, Texas, for further informa tion. • FOR RENT • NICE front apartment, furnished, private bath and garage. Available June 1. Near East Gate. Ph. 4-8742. NICE THREE ROOM furnished apartment, just off A&M campus. Large cook rooms, plenty of cabinet and closet space. Nice furniture. Phone 6-3776 or inquire 601 Montclair by Southside grocery. FURNISHED APARTMENT near campus, utilities paid. 203 Fairview. Phone 4-9956. Furnished 4-room apartment. Phone 4-4364. AVAILABLE June 1. Four rooms. Nice ly furnished apartments in College Hills, summer rates. Ph. 4-7666 c. — . -— — - • WANTED • ADS FOR THE BATTALION Classified section. Buy. sell or trade quickly and easily. For service call 4-5324 or 4-1149. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) • SPECIAL NOTICE • WANTED: Typing. Reasonable rates Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) Will pay |!25 to anyone giving in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief or thieves who broke and robbed postage stamp ma chines In the dormitories of A & M College. Jack Williams Box 196 San Marcos, Texas Official Notice TEXAS ENGINEERS LIBRARY NOTICE All books and periodicals are due in the library May 14, 1954. If there is further need for some mater ials, arrangements may be made at that time. Classes will be dismissed from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesday, May 12, so that students and faculty may participate in the Awards and Merits Day program. J. P. ABBOTT Dean of the College READ BATTALION CLASSIFIED • Blue line prints "■’* • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 TERRY’S ART SHOP Framing- and Artist Supplies Pho. 3544 2617 Hwy. 6 S. BRYAN ATTENTION! Freshmen — Sophomores Our company has openings for several college men to work full time during the summer months in North Central Texas. ’ , Also 3>100 per month GUARANTEED income for a job done during the school term. — Car Necessary — For further information see — MR. MOORE Tuesday May 11 or Friday May 14 Room 3-D MSC Come by at 1, 3, 5, or 7 p.m. MEET RAY ANTHONY AT THE SENIOR RING DANCE Saturday, May 15 th -8:00 P.