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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1954)
Battalion Editorials Page 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1954 21 s Left- Why No Policy? There are 21 days until graduation—and still A&M’s air ROTC seniors don’t know what the air force wants to do with them. This problem is not being faced only at A&M. Air ROTC seniors at colleges all over the country are in the same boat, which increases the importance of the situation. This is another example of how the United States mili tary establishment is “losing face” with the coming gene ration. Graduating seniors aren’t necessarily asking that a specific plan be followed in utilizing ROTC graduates. They just want to know what is going to happen to them; they want any policy, as long as it is settled. Everyone knows the air force is in a period of more or less constant reorganization, based on technological changes, international situations ^nd budget problems. But some kind of policy should have been established by now, to take care of this year’s seniors. Even if the policy were changed next year, seniors Would be able to answer that embarrassing prospective employer question — “When will you have to go into the service?” Or more important, they could answer the other question, asked by everybody, including each individual asking him self — “What am I going to do with my future?” Football League Sets Telecasts NEW YORK, April 29—-<A>)—The National Football League will tele vise a heavy program of Saturday pro football next fall, including two Saturday afternoon games in a coast-to-coast network, in addition to its Sunday afternoon “game of the week” and various regional telecasts. Plans for the 1954 season were announced jointly today by Bert Bell, N F L commissioner, and Thomas J. McMahon, director of sports for the Du Mont Television Network. Except for the two Saturday afternoon games, the program will follow the pattern established last year. More than 60 games will be Egyptian Police Nab Med Suspects By ED POLLAK CAIRO, Egypt, April 29—(A 1 )— In swift predawn raids squads of Egyptian military police arrested 12 army officers and 40 civilians today on charges of conspiring with Communists to promote May Day riots. The police acted on direct orders of Lt. Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt’s strong man Premier. A spokesman for Nasser said the action, taken after a lengthy meet ing of the ruling Revolutionary Council, was aimed at purging the army of “dissident elements.” Among the 12 officers were nine who had opposed Nasser last Feb ruary when he removed Maj. Gen. Mohammed Naguib as President and Premier. The nine had been arrested then on charges of en gaging in Communist activities, but released a short time later. Naguib was restored to power as Premier and President for- a while, but Nasser* emerged as um disputed No. 1 man 19 days ago when he took over the premiership from the ailing Naguib, who re tains his title as President. Maj. Amin Shaker, chief aide de camp to Premier Nasser, told newsmen the 12 officers would be tried by court-martial and handed out the “most severe punishment.” He did not say what tribunal would handle the civilians. Among them was Ihsan Abdel Kouddous, co-owner of the weekly Rosa El Youssef, described by Shaker as Leftist. Of the army officers Shaker add ed: “This time the accused were caught red-handed. They will be brought before a court-martial— and this time there will be no pardon. I can tell you the punish ment is going to be very severe.” The officers, ranking from lieu tenant to major, were members of a cavalry unit commanded former ly by Maj. Kaled Mohiedden, who was ousted from the Revolutionary Council for alleged leftist sympa thies. He is abroad on a trade mission. Mohiedden’s group was said to have played an important part in the brief restoration to power of Naguib. Texas Western Art Displayed In MSC An exhibit of paintings, typo graphy, jewelry and ceramics by Texas Western college students is now in the showcases of the Me morial Student Center. Part of an exchange exhibit, it includes design compositions, com mercial art, etchings, water colors, figure drawings, ceramics, jewelry and silver work. The exhibit will be up until May 5. Foreign Students To Learn Customs A&M students from foreign countries will be given an oppor tunity to learn American social, religious, and political, customs next year, said Bennie A. Zinn, assistant dean of men. The faculty and students of the college T will join with the American Association of Univer sity Women of Bryan and College Station in orienting the foreign students. About 150 students re presenting 32 countries are ex pected to enroll next fall. The students will be encouraged to take part in local activities and also to speak before different groups and clubs, Zinn added. What’s Cooking Southwest Texas Club — 7:30, YMCA—Officer election discussion. Hntered aa second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1370. Member of The Associated Press Store Has Graduate Caps, Gowns May graduates may get their caps and gowns at the Exchange Store iyi a y 18. Storage will be where the Campus Cleaners were. About 750 requests are expected from corps and civilian candidates, faculty members and visiting dele gates, said Carl Birdwell, Exchange Store manager. Outside of the usual line of complaints, graduates have been very cooperative in their ordering the gowns, he said. Traditionally black, the gowns will be of different styles for the Bachelors, Masters and Doctors de gree candidates. “Graduates are urged to return complete outfits immediately after the- exercises,” said Birdwell. The Exchange Store’s complete personnel will be at DeWare field house to accept the regalia, which will be returned the next morning. shown either nationally or regional ly from Sept. 25 through Dec. 11. From four to seven games will be televised eaqh week-end. In all cases the games will be “blacked out” in the city and im mediate area in which they are played. The blackouts include Green Bay when the Packers’ “home” games in Milwaukee are televised. The two Saturday afternoon games to be aired are Baltimore at Los Angeles, Dec. 4, and Balti more at Sun Francisco, Dec. 11. Both arc scheduled to start at 2 p.m. local time—4 pan., CST. It is not expected that these games will conflict with college football, since most college teams will have ended their seasons by that time. The NCAA football television pro gram extends thxough Dec. 4. The schedule for the Sunday tele casts has not been completed. One “game of the week,” to be chosen as the season progresses, will be carried each Sunday on a national network of from 50 to 100 stations. In addition, “road” games of the teams will be televised in their home territory over regional sta tion lineups. All nine of the Saturday night games will be carried on regional station lineups, whose cities will depend on the teams playing and the sponsors. Small Animal Post Goes To Beamer Dr. Russel James Beamer is the new head of the Small Animal clinic at the Veterinary, hospital. Beamer is- filling the vacancy left by the promotion of Dr'. W. W. Armistead to dean of veterinary medicine. Beamer was graduated from Iowa Veterinary school in 1940. From 1940 - 45 he was in Iowa City. Then he practiced at Cleve land, O., with H. E. Jensen. From Cleveland he went to Fattuma, Iowa where he had his own small animal clinic before coming here Feb. 15. English Magazine To Be Out Soon The MSS One, an anthology of writings sponsored by the English Majors club, will be released some time next week. The 69 page collection contains imaginative writings, narratives, essays on science and general es says selected from manuscripts submitted by students and through English instructors. The editors who volunteered to work on the anthology were Charles T. Donohue, W. D. Willis, G. W. Dawson and Raymond D. Gossett. They worked under the supervision of Robert Feragen, faculty advisor. The anthology, similar to those at other major colleges, was pro posed last year by English in structors Carl Hartman and Feragen. Sales will be made in the dormi tories and at news stands. Cadet Slouch by James Earle Job Calls • April 30—The McCullough Tool company will interview June and summer graduates in petroleum engineering and geology for train ing for positions as field engineers. A summary of the training pro gram is on file in the placement office. Also available is a list of employee benefits. ® April 30—The Arkansas Fuel Oil corporation of Shreveport, Louisiana, will interview June and summer graduates in mechanical, electrical, industrial, chemical and petroleum engineering, and geology and architectural construction. • May 5—The Rock Island Rail road company will interview grad uates in civil, electrical, mechanical and industrial engineering, as well as in business administration and industrial education, for their rail road officer training program. They are interested in talking to anyone who is interested in rail roading as a future. This company has a two-year training program in the various phases of railroading, leading to assignment as a junior official or to a staff position. Penberthy, White To Go to Roanoke Dean of men W. L. Penberthy and C. G. (Spike) White, manager of student activities, will leave to day to attend the annual meeting of the National Association of Stu dent Personel Administrators May 1—5 in Roanoke, Virginia. From Roanoke, Penberthy will go to New York City for the 4th annual conference on Health in Colleges, May 5-8. . About 62 per cent of U. S. energy consumption in 1952 was supplied by oil and gas. Students Pampered Asserts Old Grad The Sweetest Way to honor the Sweetest of Mothers Assorted Chocolates ... a vari- 1 cty of fresh, delicious chocolates , beautifully decorated especially ■ for Mother’s Day. " $1.25 lb. 2 lbs. $2.50 CANDIES , When you give Russell Stover candies . . . always fresh . . . always delicious . . . you're sure it’s the finest Mother’s Day gift. A&M Student Undergoes Appendicitis Operation Gerald Drew, Junior veterinary medicine major from Pittsburg, is recuperating from an appendect omy in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bryan. The operation was performed Monday night after an attack earlier in the day. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examinatior and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per ilnonth. Advertising rates furnished on request. Represented nationally t>> National Advertising Services, Inc., at Ne-W York City, Chicago, Lo» Angeles, and San Fran cisco. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news oi^spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other mattei* herein are also reserved. BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER - Co-Editors Jon Kinslow Managing Editor Chuck Neighbors Sports Editor George Manitzas - City Editor Barbara Rubin Womans Editor John Akard Feature Editor James Earle Cartoonist Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager Tomy Syler, Russell Reed, Pete Goodwin Roland Baird, and Narman Hill Circulation Staff Miss Rue Pina lie To Be Chosen Miss Rue Pinalle of 1953-54 will be chosen from the audience of the semester’s final Rue Pinalle program, said Miss Margaret Long, program consultant of the Me morial Student Center. Rue Pinalle will present an all girl show May 14 at 8:30 p. m. The Ticket Sisters of TSCW and a group of dancers from Laredo will headline the program, Miss Long added. Phi Efca Sigma Holds Annual Banquet The annual Phi Eta Sigma ban quet vyill be held May 6. Members are urged to get their tickets from the office of the dean of the Basic Division by Monday, said John Bertrand, dean. The earth is slightly flattened at the poles, the north-south diareter being about one thr*ee hundredth less than that across the axis. Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS Williston Glum, Class of ’18, snorted yesterday at the lux uries afforded present-day col legians. “In my time,” said Alumn Glum, “we used to have to walk for blocks to get a cold Dr. Pepper. It was worth it, of course, even the Day of the Big Wind, April 2nd, 1916, that was. “Today’s students don’t ap preciate what they’ve got. Why, within easy walking distance of any spot on the campus Dr. Pepper is available . . . and it’s alwayS frosty cold — you know, with tiny flakes of ice in it. Yessir, that’s mighty con venient!” Asked if he’d like to go back to the good old days, “Hang no!” shouted Alumn Glum. “I’d Special for Mother’s Day . . . 2 lbs. chocolates beautifully wrapped in rich blue foil . . . satin ribbon . . . pretty pink rose. $3.25 2 lbs. _ mmm ppaipiBr"" Home Fashioned Favorites templing assortment inc pecan roll, fudge, butter jellies. $1.25 lb. 2 ibs. $2.50 gPji v rather be living now when you can always, easily . . . Wake up your taste with frosty cold Dr. Pepper!” Dr Pepper, STcxi £ C C A N O i E EXCLUSIVE AT Gift Shop 5M0RIAL STUDENT CENTER LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp By Walt Kelly