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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1954)
Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent Of Local Residents O -£~i~ ^ # i Jticlttill l PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Number 217: Volume 54 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1954 Price 5 Cents Army Officials Rap McCarthy F avoritism FEATURED VOCALIST—Joan House will sing with Frankie Carle’s Orchestra Satur day night at the ‘Cotton Ball”. The dance will be held in the Grove from 9 to 1. Joan the RCA-Victor recording artist has been with Carle since she broke into the Time” circle,' ‘Big Frankie To P lay Carle Orchestra for Cotton Ball A&M Officials Attend Meet With Mexico Three officials of the A&M system recently met in Lare do with state and school of ficials from Mexico. D. W. Williams, vice-chan cellor for agriculture; John Hut chison, extension horticulturist; and Dr. G. W. Adriance, head of the department of horticulture, met with Dr. Lorenzo Martinez, direc tor of the Antonio Narro Agricul tural School at Saltillo; Lie. Nef- tali Davila, lieutenant governor of the State of Coahuila, Mexico; Dr. Ross Moore, in charge, Office of Technical Cooperation of the Point Four program, Mexico City; and several farmers from the State of Coahuila. Purpose of the meeting, Williams said, was to show the group some of the operation of the A&M sys tem and to learn whether there might be fields of mutual interest for the development of a closer working relationship between the two school systems. While in Laredo the group visit ed an onion variety test plot in a field owned by Norman H. Clark south of Laredo, where a crop was being harvested and checked. The group also visited the Winter Haven Substation of the System to observe work on pasture gi’asses, vegetables and fruits. The Onion Breeding Project in Texas is being conducted operatively by Dr. Henry A. Jones, in charge, onion breeding of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Dr. B. A. Perry, superintendent of the Winter Haven Substation. Joan House will be the featured vocalist with Frankie Carle’s or chestra when it appears here Fri day night. The Carle aggregation will play for the Cotton Ball in the grove from 9 to 1. Tickets are $2.50 a couple or stag and may be pur chased at student activities office. The dance is formal. The Cotton Ball is an annual dance sponsored by the Agronomy society. The cotton pageant has been discontinued this year due to the lack of student interest, said Kerb Goode, president of the so ciety. Slight, chestnut-haired and cameo- featured, Joan is almost exactly the same height as Marjorie Hughes, Carle’s daughter who sang with the band for a time. Joan is five feet four and weighs 120 pounds. On stage, she is often mistaken for Mai'jorie. Joan wanted to become a band Vocalist as long as she could re member. While still a child in Springfield, Massachusetts, she would play recoi’d after record of the leading orchestras, singing along during the instrumental choruses and harmonizing with the famous vocalists. Frankie Carle’s orchestra was her favorite and she looked toward the day when she could audition for him. When she graduated from high school, she and her mother Weather Today went to California where Joan studied singing with one of Holly wood’s leading vocal coaches. When she was “ready”, she looked about for a suitable orchestra. As fate would have it, Frankie Carle was appearing at one of the large ballrooms nearby. With heai't pounding and refusing to think of the overwhelming odds against her chances of succeeding, Joan approached the bandstand and asked for a chance to sing the next number. Carle smiled and escorted her to the microphone. Joan stared out over the crowd ed floor, took a deep breath and started singing. As the music Morgner Receives F acuity F ellowship Aurelius Morgner, associate pro fessor of economics, has been awarded a faculty fellowship by the Fund for the Advancement of Education for the academic year of 1954-55. Under the terms of the fellow ship Morgner will study at Colum bia university in the application of visual aids to the teaching of elementary economics and into the relationship of other social sciences to economics. Morgner came to A&M in 1948 from Northwestern university. He holds the BS degree from the University of Missouri, and the MA degree from the University of Missouri. started she relaxed and concentrat ed on singing. She forgot the hundreds of people watching her. She forgot about the past years of study and anxiety and she just sang with all her heart. The ap plause as she finished gave proof of her talent, and Frankie Carle made her wishes come true by ask ing her to become a permanent member of his organization. With Carle ever since, Joan has appeai’ed in famous night clubs and ballrooms from coast to coast. She has been featured on the Kate Smith Television Show, and record ed for RCA-Victor. Joan also plays the piano and practices her hobby, pen and ink drawing. Joan has been acclaimed the brightest new vocalist to arrive on the music scene in many years. Relay Engineers Meet Here April 26 Chairmen for the session of the seventh annual Conference for Pro tective Relay Engineers to be held here April 2G-28, have been an nounced by L. M. Haupt, chair man. , Dr David H. Morgan, president of the college, will give the address of welcome. The chairmen are J. S. Waters, Rice institute; S. L. Canterbury, jr., Kilgore college; and R. R. Krezdorn, University of Texas. M. C. Hughes, W. J. Lindsay and W. F. Adams will preside at the banquet session, at which E. R. Wagoner of the Texas Forestry service will deliver the principal address. Secretaries Say Such Acts ‘Rare 9 WASHINGTON, April 19—(TP)—Secretary of Defense Wilson and the armed service secretaries have informed Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) that of the many thousands of letters and calls they receive from congressmen each year it is ‘‘rare” for one to ask special favors for individuals in uniform. The secretaries said it is not Pentagon practice to moni tor telephone calls except occasionally when a stenographer’s help is needed to insure accuracy and speed, particularly where facts and Jigures are involved. The service chiefs all said they have no special facilities for handling inquiries by congressmen. McCarthy raised these questions in a letter to the Pen- >tagon last week. He asked Smith To Give the service secretaries how Honors Day Speech Here T. V. Smith, philosophy professor, Syracruse Univer sity, now visting professor at the University of Texas, will be the principal speaker at the Honors Day program to be held May 12 in the new Physical Edu cation building at Texas A&M College. The program calls for the award ing of honoi’s to students of all the schools of the college. Ceremonies will get under way at 10 a. m. and close at 12 noon. Through the efforts of Phi Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic fraternity, Dr. Smith is being brought here as the speaker. G. W. Schlesselman, head of A&M’s Geography department, is chair man of the program,. Dr. Smith is internationally known as a philosphy professor. He is a graduate of the University of Texas and received his Ph. D. degree from the University of Chicago. He holds honorary degrees from Miaird University, Toledo University, Florida State Univer sity and Union College. He taught at TCU, the Uni versity of Chicago and was dean of the college, University of Chica go. Sorrels Elected By Bi azos TB Group department, was elected the new president of the board of the Bra zos county tuberculosis association at its monthly meeting. Other officers included Mrs. P. T. Montfort, secretary and R. H. Fletcher, mechanical engineering department, treasurer. R. B. Grant and Mrs. R. H. Bush were elected to commissioners’ posts. The purpose of the meeting was to elect the new officers for the Partly cloudy tonight. High tern- I following year, make a report of perature yesterday 82. Low this the state convention, and reviewed morning 58, I the x-raying for College Station. CLEAR Clear today with southeast winds continuing until late afternoon. Jockey Hop To Be Informal — Reed The Jet Jockey Hop will be an informal dance, said Bill Reed, commander of the first wing. “This means that cadets will wear class A summer uniform and their dates will wear party dresses,” Reed said. Boots will be optional for seniors, he said. The Hop is this years version of the annual Air Force Ball. It will be held Saturday night from 9 to 12. Claude Harris and his orches tra will provide the music. All contributors to the Air Force fund will be given tickets to the dance, said Hollie Briscoe, ticket chairman. Ground force seniors wishing to contribute to the fund should see Briscoe in dorm 8 room 214. The grove will be converted to a Tiger’s den for the dance. The decorations will follow the theme of “every an man a tiger.” Autographed Book Given to Library An autographed copy of Jesse Jones’ “Fifty Billion Dollars” has been given to the college library through Travis B. Bryan, president of the First National Bank of Bry an. The book is an account of the principle accomplishments of the Reconstruction Finance corporation while Jones was affiliated with it many requests they had re ceived from members of Con gress and government offic ials since the start of World War II for “special assignment and treatment” of military personnel. He also asked what facilities the Defense Department had for han dling such requests and whether conversations with congressmen and representatives of government agencies wei’e recorded or moni- toi'ed in any way. This senator’s questions were asked in connection with his fight over Army charges that he and his aides used pressure in an attempt to get special treatment for Pvt. G. David Schine, who was drafted while serving as an unpaid staff member of McCarthy’s Senate In vestigations subcommittee. McCarthy has accused the Army of using Schine as a “hostage” to get the subcommittee to call off its investigation of alleged Commu nists in the Army. The group’s public airing of the McCarthy- Army dispute is scheduled to ^start on Thursday. In I'eply, the Pentagon sent Mc Carthy letters signed by Secretary of Defense Wilson, Secretary of the Army Stevens, Secretary of the Navy Anderson and Secretary of the Air Force Talbott. The letters, similar in vein, were made public after their general content became known. Wilson said his office receives from members of Congress each (See McCarthy, Page. 2) Smith Awarded Journalism Scholarship Lester S. Smith, senior ag ricultural education major has been awarded a $500 Ander- son-Clayton Foundation agri cultural journalism scholar ship. Smith will receive a bachelor of science degree at the spring commencement exercises, and Will remain at the college another year to take a degree in agricultural journalism. Since entering A&M in 1950, j^mith has served as second and third vice-president of the Col legiate FFA chapter, been named a member of Ross Volunteers, which is an honorary military guard unit demanding high academic and mili tary standards, been a member of the Election commission and of the Browsing Library committee of the Memorial Student Center. During his sophomore year Smith was chosen as best-drilled sophomore in Air Force ROTC Squadron 13, and has served a first sei'geant of Squadron 21. He is a part-time employe of the Agricultural Information Office at the college, and occasionally broad casts the farm and home radio pro gram. Rehearsals Begin For Aggie Players Aggie Players have started re hearsal on a one-act play to be presented as part of the Aggie Fol lies. The play is “A night in an Inn” by Loi’d Dunsany. Bill Stewart plays the lead role of “Toffy.” The Toff’s three stooges are played by Bill Swan, Jerry Neighbors and Alan Soefje. There are three members of the cast with no speaking parts. They are the priests of Klesh and the Idol. John Saravanja is the idol; Don Powell, John Shanks and Tom my Devenport play the priests. Annie Get Your Gun Musical Set Here May 3-4 By JOHN AKARD Battalion Feature Editor The ever popular musical, Annie Get Your Gun, will be presented on the A&M campus in thi’ee per formances, May 3 and 4. ANNIE is the seventh and last Town Hall production for this year. It will be held in Guion hall. Performances will be at 7 and 9:30 p.m. on the third and at 7 p.m. on the fourth. Tickets for all performances are available at student activities office. Town Hall season ticket holders are asked to pick up passes to the performance of their choice. Indi vidual performance tickets are $2 a person. There are no reserved seats. Irving Berlin song hits included in the show are: “Doin’ What Comes Naturally,” “The Girl That I Marry,” *You Can’t Get a Man With a Gun,” “No Business' Like Showbusiness,” “Falling in Love,” “Sun in the Morning,” “I’m an In dian,” and “Anything You Can Do.” The musical unfolds its song and laugh filled plot against a colorful background of Wild West shows complete with cowboys, Indians, tribal dances, shooting contests, and all sorts of activities centering Bottle Losses Increase 1,197 Bottle losses in February amont- ed to 3,237, an increase of 1,197 over the same month last year. Dormitories having the most bot tle losses were 2, 749 bottles; 4, 562 bottles; 5, 445 bottles. The lowest losses for the month were in Milner hall where only 17 bottles were lost or broken. FRANK BUTLER, star of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, tells the boys of his love for Annie Oakley. This scene is from the last Town Hall program of the year, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, which will be presented May 3 and 4. around Buffalo Bill. The action revolves around the exciting story of the rivalry be tween Annie Oakley and Frank Butler for the sharpshooting cham pionship of the world. The contest is finally resolved when Annie de cides that shed rather have her man than her metals. Lynne Torres, who last year was featured in the national company of “Kiss Me Kate,” reaches the peak of her popularity in the role of the lovable, homespun Annie who can’t read or write but who shoots and sings her way to tri umphs before royalty and eventual ly into the heart of the man she loves. Everyone who has ever used a free pass to any kind of show or athletic event has probably heard such complimentary tickets called “Annie Oakleys.” The late Ben Johnson, baseball magnate and for years president of the American League, had often seen Annie Oakley, performing in Wild West shows and in vaudeville. His baseball club used the practice, common then in all show business, of punching holes in courtesy passes, so as to distinguish them from paid tickets. One day, so the story goes, a man who had rented out his^season pass was brought before Johnson. He studied the pass, punched with neat holes, and remarked, “Looks like Annie Oakley has been using this for a target.” The name caught on and became a part of our pop ular language. Seldom has this community been able to attend professional, legiti mate theater right in its own back yard. Annie promises to be a musical comedy which you won’t want to miss.