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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1954)
Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent Of Local Residents The Battalion Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Number 215: Volume 53 PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE^ COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1954 Price 5 Cents COMFORTABLE—When developer John L. Tompkins started his Padre Beach resort area on the south tip of Texas’ Padre Island he didn’t have to worry about hunting a mod el to point up Padre’s resort charms. He simply called on his daughter, Carolyn. Here she is enjoying the warm weather on Padre’s white sand. The Gulf of Mexico is in the background . A&M Student Gets Fulbrigid Award The first Fulbright award to an A&M student has been granted to Glenn H. Jung of Rocky Ford, Colo. The award is a U. S. govern ment grant permitting a student to study abroad for one year with all expenses paid. Dr. Ralph Steen ot the history department is the local Fulbright program advisor. Jung is a graduate student majoring in oceanography and will be the first oceanographer from A&M to carry out a part of study program abroad. While a graduate student he has worked as research assistant, associate in oceano graphy and as acting assistant professor. Prior to coming to A&M Jung Was a research assistant at the •Massachusetts Institute of Tech- :&ology, from which he received S. R. and S. M. degrees in ocean- ography. He also was a weather of ficer in the air foi’ce from 1944 to 1947. Jung is a member of the Ameri can Meteorological society and Sigma Xi. He has written articles which were published in the Joui’n- al of Meteorology and in the Journ al of Marine Research. He and his family plan to ar rive in Oslo, Norway, July 3. The award makes it possible for Jung to study in the country where Council Discusses Magazine Plans The Arts and Sciences student touncil last night decided that it wanted The Commentator to be a terious literary type magazine, lather than a humor magazine. The Commentator is the official magazine of the School of Arts and Sciences, with its editor elected by the council. Members of the council said they wanted the magazine to print ar ticles “of interest to all students.” Bob Hendry, editor of The Com mentator, and Karl Elmquist, man ager of student publications, were at the meeting. Next year’s editor of The Com mentator will be selected at the May meeting of the council. The council also selected three professors in the School of Arts and Sciences to receive their fac ulty appreciation awards. The names of the three faculty members will be released at the May meeting, when they will re ceive their awards. Weather Today PARTLY CLOUDY Cloudy to partly cloudy with oc casional thunder showers. Little change in temperature. High yes terday 80, Low this morning most of the early theoretical de velopment of oceanography and meteorology took place. Norway also is the home of several world authorities in physical ocean ography. Among them are Dr. H. U. Sverdrup and Dr. H. Mosby. Local Stations Will Hold Charity Day The 32 members of the Brazos Valley Service Station association, will give 10 per cent of their total sales to charity, Tuesday Mary 4, said John R. Bachus, president of the group. The day will be officially desig nated, Texas Service Station Ap preciation Day. The purpose of the day is to help local service or ganizations in their charitable work, Bachus said. The idea for the Appreciation Day originated in Fort Worth. It is sponsored by the Texas Service Station association of which the Brazos Valley group is a member. As the customer enters the sta tion on May 4, he will be given an opportunity to designate which or ganization he wishes his purchase to be credited. The 10 per cent will apply to all purchases, including gasoline, oil, washing, lubrication, tires and ac cessories, Bachus said. If the sta tion is too busy to take the custom er’s car on that day, the customer may pay for the service and have the work done within the next six days. The purchase will still be credited to the organization of his choice. All services rendered or ordered between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. will be counted in the total. “We don’t expect to make any money that day; we just hope to break even,” Bachus said. L. H. Courtney is program chair man for the day. “We hope to have this type of program about four times a year, for the benefit of various chari ties,” Bachus added. Aggie Painter To Speak in MSC E. M. (Buck) Schiwetz, ’21, na tionally known painter of Texas scenes, will give a demonstration lecture in the fountain room of the Memorial Student Center at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 21. Schiwetz will lecture on his style of work and will demonstrate his techniques in sketching and water color work. His trip is sponsored by the MSC art gallery committee. Jules Vieux is chairman of the commit tee and Gary Bourgeouis is in charge of the arrangements. Texas oil fields, dusty border towns, Gulf coast scenes and Loui siana bayous seem to be Schiwetz’ favorite subjects. He was recently given the 1954 Non-member Award of the Ameri can Water Color Society. He has published a portfolio of his sketches entitled “Twelve from Texas” and a brochure, “Texas Sketchbook,” _ _ TISA Convention Votes Integration A resolution favoring racial in tegration in Texas colleges was passed by the annual Texas Inter collegiate Students association con vention in Dallas last Satuiday. The vote in favor of the resolu tion was passed unanimously by the convention. Panel discussions were held on various problems concerning stu dent government. Students from the various colleges told how the problems are handled at their schools and the groups discussed ways of improving them. A&M’s representatives to the convention wei»e Don Sheffield, Rodney Heath, Charlie Seely, How ard Childers, Don Benefield, Frank Ford, Sonny Tutt, Ide Trotter, Lar ry Kennedy, and Scotty Parham. College Awards Given May 12 An all college Honors Day pro- gram has been set for May 12 from 10 a. m. to 12. The program this year will in clude all the schools of the col lege and will be held in the new physical education building, said G. W. Schlesselman, chairman of the committee planning the activi ties. Speaker for the program will be T. V. Smith, noted philosophy pro fessor. Details of the program have not been completed. “We haven’t had a regular pro gram in the past,” said Schlessel man. “We want all the students and faculty members of the college to attend this one.” This program will replace the individual awards and merits con vocations of the various schools of the college, he said. Smith is now the visiting profes sor at the University of Texas. New Publication Sets May Issue The English department maza- zine will be published sometime in May. * * This first volume of the MSS One will contain a story, poem, descriptive narratives, library criti cisms, and reviews of books and essays. It will be 100 pages and in pocket book form. Editors for this issue are Guy Dawson, Ray Gossett, Charles Don ohue, and William Willis. Engineering Men To Be On Panel Four members of the School of Engineering have formed a panel for the annual southwest section meeting of the American So ciety for Engineering Education to be held in Austin April 16-17. Those on the panel are Lee Thompson, L. S. O’Bannon and Norman Abramson. R. H. Fletcher will introduce the panel. The subject is “Recognizing De grees of Student Maturity,” and will be developed by questions for panel and audience participation. Journalist Issue To Come Out in May The third issue of the Texas A&M Journalist will be published about May 1, said Jerry Wizig, editor. Included in the bulletin will be stories about former journalism students and events of interest to journalism students and news papermen. Bail Extra Set Tonight MSC Ban on Fatigues For Election The Battalion will publish a special extra edition tonight with the class run-off election results. The extra will be a mimeo graphed page and will be placed in the dormitory boxes about midnight. “Since we will not have a paper tomorrow, we felt the students would want to know the results pf the election be fore they left for the holi days,” said Harri Baker, co editor. The announcement of the appointment of the corps ser geant major may also be in the extra, Baker said. 800 Attend Kiwanis Club Pancake Meal More than 800 persons at tended the pancake supper co sponsored, by the College Sta- tion-Bryan Kiwanis clubs at the Bryan country club Satur day. This supper is the fii’st of what plans to be an annual affair co sponsored by the Kiwanis chib with the proceeds going to under- priviliged children and youth activities. There was steady line of persons waiting for their share of pan cakes the four hours in which the pancakes were served, said Charles LaMotte, chairman of ticket sales of College Station. The supper went over very smoothly and everyone had plenty to. eat, said LaMotte. It was a .very wonderful ex perience and we learned mafty new things, said Wayne Stark, head chef of the supper. People who attended both of College Station and Bryan saw and met new friends and seemed to have a good time, said Stark. I recall many who came by for second helpings and even a few who had more than that, said Stark. Mrs. R. M. Sherwood said that the pancakes served at the sup per were the best pancakes she had ever eaten. Revoked Council Lack of Policing Force Given as Rule Weakness The Memorial Student Center council voted last night to recommend to the academic council that the clause prohibit ing wearing of fatigues in the MSC be deleted from the col lege regulations. Students will be expected to select proper clothing. In the last business meeting of the year, the council voted appreciation awards to various persons who contributed greatly to furthering the functions of the MSC. The awards wil be presented at the annulal MSC banquet on April 20 in the MSC ballrpom. Don Friend resigned his position on the council to enable him to properly carry out his duties as editor of the 1955 Aggieland. Jules Vieaux was - *” selected to replace Friend on the council next year. Council President John Samuels announced the nomi nating committee selections for committee chairmen nominees. Of those named, Frank daggers was appointed chairman of the Music Committee; Charlie Jordan, camera committee and Herman Hassell, great issues chairman. A motion that permission for the Aggie Muster to be held on the MSC grounds was passed with the observation that the Muster is closely tied to what the MSC sym bolizes. Samuels said the MSC and the Muster are both memorials to Aggie dead. Sanmels said the Sex Relations program of the council was a complete failure because the com mittee failed to coordinate the speaking dates with the publicity. The three Rue Pinalle shows held were highly successful, Samuels said, with two of them being fi nancial successes. Members of the council and di rectorate were urged to buy their banquet tickets early so that ar rangements for fhe meal can be worked out. Sergeant Major Choiee May Be Made Today The appointment of the corps sergeant major will pi’obably be made late this afternoon, said Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant. If the announcement is made, The Battalion will publish his name in its special election extra Wed nesday, said Harri Baker, Battalion co-editor. Four Students To Receive Scholarships The faculty committee on scholarships has announced the four winners for this year. Those receiving the awards are Jerry Hosek, Lolan Pullen, Richard Gentry, Jack Spell. Hosek received the $500 Krueger award. The scholarship is given to a member of the junior class. Pullen won the $300 Albert D. Banta senior award. This award is also given to a junior. Requirement for these two schol arships are students who are working. Their scholastic record, evidence of leadership, character and extra-curricula activities are considered. Gentry was chosen to receive the $200 Lulie Hughey Land awaixl. This award is given to a sophomore majoring in liberal arts and taking military science. He must have outstanding qualities of scholar ship, leadership, and character and special consideration is given to a student who has ovei’come difficult obstacles. Spell received the $100 Brazos county A&M Mothers award. This scholarship is given to a junior who has a reebrd of outstanding qualities of leadership and charac ter with preference given to a resi dent of Brazos county. +— Thompson to Be New President Of CS Lions Herb G. Thompson of the business administration de partment has been named president of the College Sta tion Lions club for 1954-55. Elected yesterday at the Lions club weekly meeting in the Me morial Student Center, Thompson will take office officially ,«in July. Other officers named for next year are 1st vice-president, John Milliff; 2nd vice president R. P. Wood; 3rd vice president D. W. Hood; secretary, J. J. Skrivanek, jr.; treasurer, L. E. McCall; Lion tamer, Leon Gibbs; tail twister, H. E. Weaver; to the board of di rectors, Don Young and Howard Berry. Present directors who will serve out the rest of their two- year terms next year are R. C. Bell and Fred P. Jaggi. Along with this year’s president, Lucian Moi’gan, the new president, first vice president and secretary will attend the annual district 2-S-3 meeting April 25 and 26 in the Stephen F. Austin hotel in Austin. For their speaker at Monday’s meeting, the Lions heard Dr. J. V. Irons, director of the state health department laboi-atories in Austin. Dr. Irons is on the campus for the short course in animal diseases be ing held in the MSC. Dr. Irons discused the activities of his office and stressed the pos sibility of catching psittacosis (parrot fever) from parakeets and related birds. MSC To Be Closed For Easter Holiday The Memorial Student Center will be closed Friday and Satur day, said J. Wayne Stark, director. The dining room, coffee shop and browsing library will be closed Thursday. The building will b£ reopened at 11 a. m. Sunday. Mon day the dining room, coffee shop and the bowling area will be closed. The regular schedule will be re sumed Tuesday. The Aggieland Inn will be closed from Wednesday to Tuesday. MSC Making Plans For TV Installation News Briefs The television system is al most ready to be installed in the Memorial Student Center. There will be two 50 foot masts on top of the new physi cal education building. Each mast will have four antennae which are connected to eight outlets in the MSC. The total cost of the antennae system is $2,500. Of this equipe- ment, $1,500 has already been bought. This does not include the TV sets. Another $1,000 is needed to complete the antennae system. Two TV sets have already been donated. One set was donated by R. H. Finney, a member of the board of directors and the other was donated by the southwest terri tory of Sears and Roebuck com pany. The TV sets and antennae are now on display in the fountain room of the MSC! A GROUP of non-military stu dents met yesterday with Bennie Zinn, assistant dean of men, to discuss formation of a non-military student council. The group plans another meeting for April 22. * * * JOHN H. HANCOCK, ’52, was recently promoted to first lieuten- nat while serving with the Korean military advisory group. A native of Eastland, he entered the army in August, 1952. The MSC TV drive display in the fountain room. THE SENIOR PETROLEUM engineering class left Saturday for its annual field trip. Sixty senior students and faculty sponsors, Dr. H. T. Kennedy, J. W. Amyx and John Pedio, are making the trip. * * * TOP SPECIALISTS from schools, army and civilian research centers and schools of medicine all over th® country are on the campus for the fourth annual conference on Dis eases in Nature Transmissible to Man. The conference closes today. * * * DR. STANLEY OLSON, dean of the Baylor School of Medicine, was the speaker for the Pre-med and Pre-dent society banquet Saturday at Maggie Parker’s dining hall. * * * WILLIAM L. RUSSELL of the geology department will speak on “Inclined Fluid Contacts in the Midcontinent Region” April 14 at the annual American Association of Petroleum Geologists convention in St. Louis. * * * LES ROBINSON was elected vice-president of the Diocese of Texas Canterbury association at its annual convention last week end. The Episcopal student con vention was held in Austin under the sponsorship of the UT Canter bury Club. * * * GEORGE F. CRAVENS, JR., former student, and R. L. Moore were killed in a plane crash at Ft. Worth recently. Both men were currently enrolled in TCU. ERVIN WILLIAMS of College Station is being trained as an air force technician at Warren air force base, Wyo. * * * A. E. CUDLIPP, industrial exe cutive of Lufkin, will be the prin cipal speaker at the annual ban quet of the Business society and the Marketing society May 10 in the Memorial Student Centex.