Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1954)
Thursday, April 8, 19'54 THE BATTALION Page 5 Family Favorites By Mrs. C. H. Godfrey (Ed. note—Guest editor for this week’s family favorites is Jean Godfrey, wife of Bob Godfrey, A&M junior. Mrs. Godfrey, a na tive of Pampa, brings years of cooking experience to the family favorites column. Raised on a ranch, she! learned to cook by pre paring meals for 12 “hands”. The Godfrey’s have two children, Larry, seven, a student at A&M Consolidated elementary school, and Gerry, four. A member of the Nazarene church, Mrs. Godfrey is secretary of the church and leader of the young people’s society.) Frosted Lime Salad 1 package lime jello V2 can pineapple % cup cotage cheese cup celery (chopped) 1 tablespoon pimiento 14 cup chopped nuts Prepare jello as direction on package and cool. Add ingredients as given. Rinse milk from cottage cheese with cool water, so jello will be clear. Mix well and chill. Before serving put this frosting on. Cream together cream cheese, one tablespoon mayonnaise and one teaspoon lemon juice. Oatmeal Crispies (refrigerator) These cookies keep indefinitely and I love to have them on hand for unexpected guests. ■ 1 cup shortening T cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 2 unbeaten eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 114 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 214 cups quick oatmeal 14 cup of pecans (finely chopped) Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla, beat well. Sift dry ingredients adding to mixture. Add oatmeal and nuts. Shape into rolls and wrap in wax paper. Put into refrigerator to chill. Slice and bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Banana Nut Cake 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 mashed bananas 14 cup pecans 14 cup shortening 114 cups sugar 2 eggs 14 cup sour milk 2 cups flour Cream sugar and shortening. Add eggs, milk, and vi dry ingredients together and put into mixture. Beat well and ed bananas. Last put in your pecans. I roll my pecans with a rolling pin. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes. 1 To sour milk put 14 teaspoon vinegar. millE add .. Sift mash- Miss Patricia Zcmanek Zemanek Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zemanek of Bryan announce the engagement of their daughter Patricia to E. Eugene Dayhoff, A&M junior from Houston. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dayhoff of Houstan. The wedding will solemnized use von; . . . Uniform Allowance to purchase your UNIFORMS LAUTKRSTETN’S 211 Varlsco liltl. — Bryan Saturday, April 24 at 9 a. m. in St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Bryan. Maid of honor will be Anna Mae Paholek of Bryan. Charlie Daven port, A&M junior from McKinriey, will be best man. Other attendants are Natalie Lero and Paul Mercer. The prospective bridegroom, a junior majoring in range and for estry, is a graduate of Milby high school in Houston. Miss Zemanek is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin high school in Bryan. She is employed by the college. CAMPUS PROM QUEEN AKOUNCESINGAGEMENT! Immediately after the recent prom, Ima Doll, elected Prom Queen, an nounced: ‘ Yes, it’s true! I’m engaged — in telling folks about the greatest taste ever put beneath a bottle cap. Of course, I mean America’s favorite Wake Up Your Taste drink, frosty cold Dr. Pepper. It’s a truly refreshing drink and you can prove it your self with Dr. Pepper’s famous S^-day test. Simply drink Dr. Pepper three times a day for 8 days. See if you won’t want to keep on waking up your taste with frosty cold Dr. Pepper”. ^%st! DrPeppen Mrs. R. R. Lyle Silver moon roses used in tri-color arrangement Mrs. John Hugh Hill Daffodils count toward sweepstakes win Business Wives Hold Meeting The Business Administration Wives met for the first time for the purpose of organizing a wives club. Mrs. Joy Jones called the meet ing to order and Mrs. LuJuana Crowell was elected as temporary chairman of a committee appoint ed to form a constitution. Plans were made for a picnic to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Leland. The date for the picnic will be discussed at the next meeting which will be held at 7:30 p. m. April 21, in the as sembly room of the YMCA. After the business meeting a social hour was held. The hostesses were Mrs. Margaret Jones, Mrs. Joy Jones and Mrs. LuJuana Cro well. In addition to the twenty- three student wives, Mrs. Leland and Mrs. W. H. Delaplane were present. Garden Club Has Spring Flower Show “Out of the Bookshelves”, the theme of the Annual Spring Flow er show of the A&M Garden club, was staged in the Educational building of the A&M Presbyterian Church. The class rooms surrounding the patio of the Education building were used to stage the arrange ments division of the show. Each room housed the particular ar rangement of a book taken from theme. The Sweepstakes Winner for this division was Mrs. E. R. Baker of Somerville, for her contemporary arrangements in black dyed drift- wood. The Tri-color Award Winner was Mrs. R. R. Lyle. The First Prize winners were: Mesdames E. R. Baker, two blue ribbons; Armstrong Price; John H. Hill; George Potter; R. R. Lyle; C. C. Doak, two blue ribbons; C. B. Campbell; R. D. Lewis; T. R. Timm; A. B. Nelson; Ray George; Fred Hale. The Second Prize Winners were: Mesdames C. W. Pewthers; Tom Taylor; E. R. Baker, two ribbons; J. E. Roberts, two ribbons; Wayne Stark; Armstrong Price; Marion Pugh; Edward Madeley; Donald Ogden; Bill Dayton; Ed Garner. The Third Prizjb Winners were: Mesdames Robert Schiller; J. E. Roberts, two ribbons; John H. Hill; A. B. Nelson; Charles Bret- schneider; D. W. Williams; Robert Reid; R. R. Lyle; C. B. Campbell; Bill Dayton, two ribbons; George Potter; W. H. Delaplane. The Sweepstakes Winner for the Horticultural division was Mrs. John Hugh Hill. The Tri-color Winner was Mrs. J. E. Roberts. The First Prize Winners were: Mesdames, P. W. Burns, four rib bons; John H. Hill, five ribbons; R. L. Brown, three ribbons; J. E. Roberts, four ribbons; C. C. Doak, five ribbons; L. S. O’Bannon, four ribbons; Chas. Crawford; Barlow Irvin; Lionel Angel, three ribbons; J. D. Lindsay, two ribbons; Ruby Hesse; A. B. Stevens; D. W. Wil liams, two ribbons; Ran Bonwell; Joe Woolket; A. B. Nelson; Carl Landiss; J. P. CoVan; E. R. Baker, two ribbons; C. B. Campbell, two ribbons; Norman Anderson; E. Madeley; Fred Hale; Robert Schil ler; Ray George; A. F. Isbell; Ar den Scales. The Second Prize Winners were: Mesdames, E. Madeley; R. R. Snuggs; John H. Hill, three rib bons; Lionel Angel, two ribbons; Chas. Holland; A. R. Burgess, two ribbons; Fred Smith; George Wil- BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SEI.E, RENT OR TRADE. Rales . . . Ac a word per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... title per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES tUT'lt E. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 on the day before publication. FOR SALE 1947 '/j-'I’ON PICKUP, S3f>5 <10. Marin outboard motor 7'/j hp., $95.00. Gloss surf rod and reel, $17.50. Bamboo surf rod, $6.00. Eight inch table saw 14 hp. motor, $55.00. All excellent condition. 319 E. Kyle. (1 ) 1939 DOnGE ton Pickup truck. Sealed bids will be receivied in the Office of the Auditor. College Administration Building until 10 a.m., April 19. 1954. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all tech nicalities. Address Auditor, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information. BENOIX AUTOMATIC Washing machine, couch, baby bed, high chair, and desk. K. B. Hampton, Apt. A-7-D, College View. FOR RENT • SMALL furnished house, only. Phone 3-2961. Close in. Couple HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR. Shoppe. Pruitt’s Beauty HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER, reasonable price. Two bed room home near College. Garage, garden area, fenced yards, attic fan, newly re decorated. GI or FHA financing. Call 6-1498 after 5:30 p.m. or anytime week ends. • SPECIAL NOTICE • By placing your measure with us this week, we can deliver your new officers uniform in time for graduation. LAUTERSTEIN’S 214 Varisco Bldg. Bryan, Texas CALL 4-9099 for typing and related work, after 5 and on weekends. WANTED: Typing. Reasonable Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) *CL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. A A.M. Stated meeting Sul Ross No. 1300 AF and AM. Thursday, April 8, 7 p.m. E. D. Madeley, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. Watch for the showing of Lauterstein’s uniforms at M.S.C. Monday night and Tuesday. IF YOU SEE this ad, other people will sec the ad you run. Call 4-5324 or 4-1149 for Battalion Classified Ads. LOST GREEN PARAKEET. Vicinity of College View. If found call 6-2702. K & Jil SLIDE RULE with initials S. R. engraved. Reward. Reward. Return to 15-322. Official Notice The School of Agriculture of the A&M College of Texas is co-opcrating with all other Land-Grant Colleges, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the United States Civil Service Commission in a study of the qualifications and train ing of our agricultural graduates for civil service and similar state and federal posi tions. This study necessitates that all graduating seniors in the School of Agri culture take the Civil Service Exam for Junior Agricultural Assistant. The test involves two parts requiring approximately 3 hours each. You will therefore be excused from all classes on Friday, April 9 for the purpose of participating in this test. You will report to the Biology Lecture Room at S.’OO a.m. and again at 1 p.m. The suc cess of this test depends on the partici pation of all graduating seniors, and I earnestly request your full cooperation. Charles N. .Shepardson Dean of Agriculture Classes will be dismissed at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, in order that all stu dents and faculty members may attend hte Annual Aggie Muster Program at which Governor Allan Shivers will make the principal address. J. P. Abbott Dean of the College REGALIA FOR COMMENCEMENT For the Commencement Exercises and Baccalauretc Service in accordance with action taken earlier by the Academic Council, all non-military students who are candidates for degrees will wear academic regalia. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree and candidates for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine will wear the Doctor’s cap and gown. Candidates for the Mas ter’s and professional degrees will wear the Master’s cap and gown, and those re ceiving the Bachelor’s degree will wear the Bachelor’s cap and gown. All military students who are candidates for degrees will wear Uniform No. 1. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree are re quired also to have a hood. This will not be worn in the procession since all Ph.D. candidates will be hooded on the stage. All faculty members above the rank of instructor are expected to attend the Com mencement Exercises unless excused by their deans. Those with the Doctor’s de gree will wear cap. gown and hood. The wearing of the Master’s or Bachelor’s hood is optional for other members of the in structional staff. The academic regalia can be rented from the Exchange Store on or before April 30 but it is desirable that orders be placed as soon as possible. Rental fees cover the use of the regalia by the faculty for the Inauguration as well as for Commencement and Baccalaureate services. The rental fee is $3.90 for Doctor’s cap and gown. $3.60 for Master’s cap and gown, and $3.30 for Bachelor’s cap and gown. The rental fees for hoods are the same as those shown for caps and gowns. REXALL’S ORIGINAL 1c SALE WED. THRU SAT. APRIL 7, 8, 9, 10 Aggieland Pharmacy North Gate I’ho. 4-4344 For Easter Greetings SELECT VOI R HALLMARK EASTER CARDS — At — Taylor’s Campus Variety North Gate • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats &COATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service- 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN son; W. M. Potts; George Draper; J. E. Roberts; C. B. Campbell, two ribbons; R. L. Brown; Chas. E. Neelley; A. B. Stevens, two rib bons; W. Delaplane, two ribbons; Ran Boswell; Carl Landiss, two ribbons; Robert Schiller, two rib bons; R. V. Andrews; G. B. Wil cox; J. D. Lindsay; A. D. Folweil- er. The Third Prize Winners were: Mesdames, John H. Hill, three rib bons; C. B. Campbell; Edward Madeley, two ribbons; Ruby Hesse; David Morgan; Carl Landiss, three ribbons; Robert Schiller; A. F. TIME IS . . . Running- Short Huy your UNIFORMS LAUTERSTEIN’S 214 Varisco Bid. — Bryan LOU’S RIGHT WITH YOU . . . Buy from Lou—you have 30 days to get your money back. Sell to Lou—your have 30 days to get your books back. 30 Day Guarantee at LOUPOT’S Isbell; P. W. Burns, two ribbons; R. R. Snuggs; C. C. Doak; . E. Roberts, four ribbons; Marion Pugh, two ribbons; J. P. CoVan; Joe Davis; Bob Cook; Fred Jenson. Fresh Shipment of Peat Moss Makes Gorgeous Gardens! 100 Lb. Bags ...... $2.98 50 Lb. Bags $1.69 25 Lb. Bags $1.10 Taylor’s Campus Variety North Gate Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS ; Bonnets! for Gutter unci^After 1 ^ GROCERIES PET OR CARNATION—EVAPORATED Milk 2 tall cans 25c 12 OZ. CANS—DEL MONTE Pineapple Juice . 2 cans 19c 46 OZ. CANS—LIBBY’S Tomato Juice . . . can 29c NO. 2 CANS—TEXSUN Grapefruit Juice.2 cans 23c 20 OZ. JARS—TEA GARDEN—STRAWBERRY Preserves jar 47c NO. 2'A CANS—LIBBY’S Pear Halves can 41c NO. 2 CANS—DEL MONTE CRUSHED Pineapple 2 cans 51c NO. 2'/ 2 CANS—HUNT’S Peach Halves . . 2 cans 51c 3 LB. CAN Crisco 79c NO. 2 CANS—VAN CAMP’S Pork Sl Beans . . 2 cans 35c 12 OZ. CANS—NIBLETS Mexi-Corn .... 2 cans 39c NO. 300 CANS—MAGIC CIRCLE—SMALL Whole Beans ... 2 cans 51e NO. 303 CANS—LIBBY’S WHITE Cream Corn ... 2 cans 41c 7 OZ. CANS—STAR KIST Solid Pack Tuna . . can 41c MARKET JUICY RUBY RED Grapefruit . Also Beautiful . . . & Mojud Hoisery • Dawnelle Gloves • Jewels by David • Handkerchiefs and Flowers REAL HAT SHOP EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY Ridgecrest Addition Next to Substation Post Office ^ FROZEN FOODS ^ PKG. 17c — PIC T SWEET CUT CORN MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS & CARROTS CHOPPED SPINACH WESTERN WONDER Strawberries . . . pkg. 25c PICTSWEET—6 OZ. CANS Orange Juice . . 2 cans 29c ★ DECKER’S TALL KORN Sliced Bacon . Round Steak . Loin Steak . . . . . lb,67c . . . ll>. 65c . . . lb.59c Porter House Steak, lb. 55c SQUARE CUT Shoulder Roast . . . lb. 55c MEATY Short Ribs lb. 29c BONELESS. SHORTCUT Ham Slices lb. 75c ix- PRODUCE A CRISPY Celery stalk 10c Carrots bag 10c JUICY FLORIDA Oranges .... 5 lb. bag 29c each 5c Specials for Thurs. Afternoon - Frl. & Sat. - Apr. 8 - 9 -10 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ALL SALES Charlie's Food Market North Gate — WE DELIVER — College Station