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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1954)
\ i 4 Page 2 THE BATTALION Friday, April 2, 1954 The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per Jnonth. Advertising rates furnished on request. Hntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Loi Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Bights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. bob'BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Co-Editors Jon Kinslow Managing Editor Chuck Neighbors Sports Editor George Manitzas City Editor Barbara Rubin Womans Editor James Earle Cartoonist Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager News Briefs FIRST LT. JOHN H. Edwards, an A&M graduate, is an army aviator with the 987th Field artil lery battalion’s aviation section in Korea. Lt. Edwards entered the army in April, 1953. FIRST CLASS Gilbert L. Mc Donald, son of G. G. McDonald of College Station, was a guest at the Birthday party of headquarters section, 3400th ASU, Ft. Camp bell, held in honor of those men in the unit who had birthdays in March. THE SINGING CADETS will perform at the Marlin Methodist church Sunday at 4 p. m. The cadets Avill be given a reception and dinner by the church after the concert. AIR FORCE CHECKS will be in about May 1, according to an an nouncement issued by the military department. ABOUT 200 homemakers from 14 southeast Texas counties are on the campus today attending a meeting of the Texas Home Demon stration association. The meeting began yesterday. M: * ;|: THREE DISEASES led the list of communicable diseases reported in Brazos county last week. They were chickenpox, measles and mumps. Twenty-three cases of each were reported. * Job Calls * ® April 2—The National Security agency will interview electrical and mechanical engineers for research, design and development in the field of electrical, electronic and electro mechanical communications equip ment. They are also interested in mathematicians for work involving utilization of automatic computers of the most advanced design and a • variety of computational facilities. ® April 2—Representatives of the Soil Conservation service, U. S. De partment of Agriculture, will in terview graduates in agronomy, Jackson Named To Committee J. R. Jackson of the agricultural education department has been re quested to serve on the adult and young farmer education committee by the Texas Education agency. The purpose of this committee, according to E. V. Walton, head of the agricultural education depart ment, is to develop ways and means for improving adult and young farmer education in those com munities of Texas where vocational agriculture is taught. Jackson has developed adult and young farmer programs at La Grange. Jackson taught vocational agriculture in La Grange high school before joining the staff of the agricultural education, depart ment. Men’s Chorus Gives Program Next Sunday The Men’s Community chorus will present a program at 4 p. m. Sunday at the A&M Presbyterian student center. The choi'us, directed by Mrs. Bill Guthrie, will present a program of religious numbers and tradition al English and American songs. range and forestry, agricultural engineering and civil engineering. © April 2 and April 5—North American Aviation, Inc. will inter view physics, electrical, mechanical, civil and aeronautical engineering graduates at e^II degree levels for work on their guided missile pro ject. ® April 5 — Burroughs Adding Machine company will interview business administration and ac counting majors interested in sales work. © April 5—Rohb & Haas company will interview chemical engineers, mechanical engineers and chemists for research projects in Alabama and research and production pro jects in Philadelphia. © April 6—Seismic Explorations, Inc. will Interview geological engi neering, mathematics and physics majors for employment as com puter trainees on seismograph,field parties operating west of the Miss issippi, between the Gulf and the Canadian border. ® April 7—The Dallas Power & Light company will interview June and summer graduates in mechani cal and electrical engineering, for their student training course. © April 7—The Republic National Bank of Dallas will interview June and summer graduates in business administration, economics and agri cultural economics, for their train ing program. • April 8—Owens-Corning Fiber- glas corporation will return to the campus to interview June and sum mer graduates in mechanical engi neering, chemical engineering, in dustrial education, business admini stration, economics, civil engineer ing, industrial engineering and electrical engineering, for their general training program leading to assignment in sales, production, engineering, process control, pur chasing, research and development. Film Library Adds New Shows The Cen-Tex Film Library has added several new films since the first of the year. > Among the best of these films, said W. W. Mcllory, director of the library, is, “Silver Anniver sary”. This film is about the Fu ture Farmer organization and is receiving wide acclaim from teach ers of vocational agriculture in Texas. Twenty-five copies of this film have been placed in various li braries throughout Texas. The films were donated to the Future Farmer organization by the Fire stone Tire and Rubber company. The Cen-Tex Film Library has one copy of “Silver Anniversary” which is circulated among the teachers of vocational agriculture who are members of the library. The American Plant Food Coun cil, Inc. has placed on deposit with the library, “Milking The Most of a Miracle”. Mcllroy says this is an unusually good film. Other films purchased by the library for the use of the agricultural edu cation staff and members of the library are “ABC of the Automo bile Engine”, “ABC of The Diesel Engine”, “Diesel, The Modern Power”, and “ABC of Hand Tools”. The library has also purchased a copy of, “We Are The Aggies.” This film is used by members of the agricultural education staff LETTERS Editors, The Battalion: It was very encouraging to read the article in The Battalion con cerning the organization of a group of non-military students on this campus. May I take this oppor tunity to congratulate you on your action which in my opinion was long overdue. There has been considerable criticism of non-military students by cadets this year as in past years. There has also been con siderable criticism of Army by Air Force Cadets, criticism of Infantry Cadets by Armor Cadets, etc. and vice versa. Much of this criticism is indicative of group pride. Some of it is well founded and some of it is not. But is it the Artillery’s place, for example, to feel slighted because the Signal Corps criticizes them and attempt to get all Artil lery Cadets on all the various func tions by organizing the Artillery in a block ? Or is it their place to select the best men for the job regardless of branch ? I have attempted to draw a par- raled between what could happen on this campus and what is about to happen should the new group organized become, shall we say, misguided. This was of no concern to me until the so called “. . . pre judice from the corps . . .” became an isteue. So rather than an open split between this group and the corps I would like the opportunity of meeting with the unnamed spokesman of the group or the leaders of the group at their con venience so that we might work together toward a “Greater A&M” as was the objective stated in the article. I live in 119-12 and would consider it a pleasure if you would allow me to aid you in greater non- reg-corps relations. F. M. Mitchell ’54 Cowboy Theme Set For Story Hour Cowboys will be the theme of the Children’s Story Hour at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Carnegie Public Library in Bryan. This week is the centennial of the Pony Express, and the story hour will emphasize books about cowboys. A record which tells the history of the Pony Express will be played. The two clowns from the Inter collegiate rodeo will be at the meeting, and members of the A&M Saddle and Sirloin club will do rope tricks. Two girls from Stephen F. Aus tin high school in Bryan will tell cowboy stories to the children. Welcome Aggie. For Your ig Pleasure — TRY OUR — HIGH QUALITY FOOD AT LOW PRICES Kelley’s Coliee Shop & Forral “Good Food . . That’s All’ 201 South Main Bryan, Texas when they speak to high school groups. Mepibers of the library also have acess to this film. These films bring the total num ber to 345 different titles in the library. In addition these are 50 sets of 35 mm slides and over 100 different 35 mm filmstrips. All of these films, slides, and film strips are available to members of the agricultural education staff and members of the library. The Cen-Tex Film library is operated by the agriculture edu cation department for Texas vo cational agriculture teachers. THAT *©// STEER EVERYTIME I TRY BULL DOC, ' IM ? SEE TWE RODEO THIS WEEV-EViol JUNIORS . YOU MAY W1N Your Brand Now Made-to-Order SENIOR BOOTS — For — $10.oo Como by our shop and lot us explain our CLUB PLAN HOLICK’S “Serving A&M Since 1891” cool summer comfort, now told by the on ourj OTANY^SOO’* SUITS You’re dressed in the coolest^ most comfortable suit made by man when you’re wearing one of these new ^BOTANY” “500” Light- weight Suits. And you’re “in the know” about every phase of suit-selecting once you take a look at the amaz ing x-ray TAG on the suit. For the x-ray tag tells all, shows all... all about the fabric', the workmanship, the interlining, and the many other unseen details that determine true quality and value in a suit. It’s proof positive that you’re getting the most per dollar invested —and investing well in your appearance, thanks to the newest fashions! The Fabric is the Soul oj the Suit OB* SCREEN-COOL WORSTEDS Nature's Jinest answer to the problem of looking cool and crisp daring the hottest weather. A wonderful fabric that resists ivrinkling, always assures a neat and well-groomed appearance. In the new shades. $55 W. S. D. Cloth i ers Located in Bryan *Rcg. U.S. Pat. Office Cadet Slouch ... by James Earh LI’L ABNER SENATOR PHOGE.OUND REGRETS HE CAN'T BE HERE IN PERSON — BUT, HE'S PROVIDED SOMETHING PRACTICALLY THE SAME. HIMSELF— By AI Capp PO G O /aan: i ie woezp Ot/rs TPOMPIN'AU- OVES THE 5WAMPAN’ NAey/v/^/viae CDF THE NOPE/ W£ PI N'T 056 THE PUP AN’ WE PIN'T 0EE NEITHB?. APP THAT UP, FAPPHEP. y IN OTHEIS \ T/M£ 1:152 ...Remarks:' / | TOGETHER, THEY 10 Mttt/t/V CHECK! AH 7 YOU CAN APC> (TIME 1:15^) I "JGaJZ&Trt,' Walt Kelly 'the way EV/P£N£g 10 PILIN' up> /rrs i postr/vtiYy i//{CAnwA f TC5£>DBg.P; POP ME- AAV j SOOTSJ