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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1954)
Battalion Editorials Page 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1954 Will Sports Day Visitors Next Year's Freshmen? High School day for more than 1,000 visiting seniors will begin Saturday morning with a welcoming speech by President Mor gan. His speech will be followed by an activity-packed schedule. A showing of the recently completed movie “We Are The Aggies” and tours of the campus will keep the seniors busy during the morning. The "afternoon sports schedule will in clude a varsity-freshman track meet, an Aggie-Rice baseball game, a freshman-High- land Park (Dallas) high school swimming meet and a Baylor-A&M tennis match. An intra-squad football game Saturday evening will complete the High School day activities. Since first impressions are often lasting ones, everyone connected with the school should make an extra effort to see that the visitors enjoy themselves thoroughly while they are here. When they return home to tell their families and friends about every thing they saw and did at Aggieland, it would indeed be nice if the good impressions were carried over into the fall when they begin selecting *a college to attend. There is no w T ay of rating High School Sports day as to the number of seniors who decide to come to A&M as a direct result of that particular visit,, but the number is probably large. If only one senior chooses A&M because of what he sees here Saturday, the day will be a success to a small degree. But regard less of where they intend to go to college, we should make sure that when they leave here, it will be a hard choice to decide on some other college. One of the Last Rebel Dons Gray Again By S/Sftt Richard A. McCunc Bryan Air Force Base Walter Williams was sitting quietly in the living room of his country, home near Franklin, the day the U. S. air Force moved in on him. -.a-ujj#. This might not be unusual except that Walter Williams is the oldest living veteran of the Civil War and the air force was there to brief him for a' job he will do on Sunday, March 28. The 111-year-old Williams will be honorary base commander of Bergstrom air force base, Austin, when the jet fighter base plays host to the National Sport Car laces. Two weeks ago, Maj. Victor W. H. Rankin, project officer from Bergstrom, began the task of co ordinating Williams’ visit. He located the veteran at his farm home north of Bryan and promised that he would be back in a week to bring full particulars as to Wil liam’s part ii* the day’s activities. Supplemented with a writer and a photographer, as well as an authentic Confederate States Army uniform loaned for the occasion by Paramount Studios, of Hollywood, Calf., Major Rankin returned. He m was met at the Wilfiam’s home by the veteran’s wife, Ella Mae, 80, who marveled at • the uniform. “Both he and his daddy had uni forms, but they were burned in a house fire years ago,” she said. With the couple, Aho have been married for 65 years, was a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gene Wil liams, and Williams’ nurse, Mrs. Francis Moss. Youngest of 19 children, Gene Williams was work ing cattle on a nearby ranch. Gene was a paratrooper in World War II and has recently been in the prize money as a rodeo performer at Madison Square Garden. Outfitted in the gray uniform, Williams stood beside his frame cabin to be photographed. He posed with his sun-bonnetted wife and Rankin, then lifted a military salute to his hat brim. Texas weather, in the form of dust and high wind, harrassed the picture-taking, but “the colonel,” as the air force has dubbed him, seemed not to notice. Although he enlisted in the army in Mississippi during the War between the States, he returned to Texas after 11 months of service and has lived here for nearly a century. When asked about his rank in the Confederate army, Williams replied that he was a forage-mas ter. His duties included riding heard on 100 head of cattle to pro vide Ijeef for the rebel masses. Was he anxious to attend the races, the major asked. Yes, was the reply, he was looking forward to it. The old gentleman then went on to tell that he had taken an airplane ride last October when he was a guest at the State Fair in Dallas. “We took him all over,” said his wife, “it was so beautiful there.” “I like to ride in airplanes,” said Williams, adding that he was pleased that Trans-Texas airlines was to fly him to Austin for the day. He will travel with Mrs. Moss and son Gene, but his wife will not make the trip. Meeting Williams at his home Sunday will be Maj. Joseph S. Michalowski, of Bryan air force base, who will drive him to Easter- wood airport to board the air craft. When he arrives in Austin, race officials have many honors planned Tor the >honorary com mander”, including a parade, re view and a close-up look at the stock cars. THAT’S HIS NUMBER KNOXVILLE, Tenn. VP)—Robert Brody was at the Knox county courthouse seeking a license num ber for his car “with a lot of 13s in it.” He explained: “I was inducted in the army on Friday the 13th, assigned to the 13th infantry, am home on a 13-day leave and have to report back to the base on the 13th of the month. Figured I might as well get a license number to keep the luck up.” KSIk PRESENT ARMS—Walter Williams, 111-year-old Confed erate veteran from Franklin, salutes to show off his new Rebel uniform. He will be base commander for a day at Bergstrom AFB Sunday. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications ai’e Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 pex Jnonth. Advertising rates furnished on request. Bntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally bj National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Lot Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in j the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights ! of republieation of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be | placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. ...Co-Editors Managing Editor Sports Editor - City Editor i Womans Editor Cartoonist Circulation Manager BOB BORISKIE, HARRI BAKER Jon Kinslow Chuck Neighbors George Manltzas •Barbara Rubin. James Earle Larry Lightfoot He’ll Be on campus to show you how to . . . earn over $5000 a year .. . become an officer in the air force get a head start in jet aviation ... be a part of a great*! flying team ... as an Aviation Cadet. 1 See him while you can.^ Lt. John M. Gaskins and Aviation Cadet Se lection Team No. 204 will be at the MSG Monday thru Thursday. He will be available be tween the hours 10:00 to 3:30 to those desir ing further informa tion on career opportu nities in the Air Force. Ellington Air Force Base Firebombs Spark French Air Attack HANOI, Indochina, March 26— <2P)—F r e n c h planes dropped streams of firebombs on Vietminh troop positions around besieged Dien Bien Phu today in a tremen dous aerial assault. The French said their American- strengthened air arm inflicted heavy losses on the Communist-led rebels and upset their timetable for renewal of new attempts to crush the northwest Indochina for tress with mass infantry attacks. In a political development, a for mer Premier of Viet Nam called for a cease fire if possible now. Tran Van Huu, who held the pre miership of Indochina’s laigest state from 1950-52, appealed also to negotiators at the forthcoming Geneva conference to end the war, now in its eighth year. TROUBLE IN OIL OMAHO <2P)—When the Ervin R. Simons of Omaha redecorated their basement, they converted their furnace from oil to gas. Later their oil man came along with a tankful for another house on the same street and purely from force of habit stopped at the Simon home. Eighty gallons of fuel oil had poured over the Simon’s new base ment before Mrs. Simon ran qut and put a stop to it. HP Jjf T* i J; P dm : K.a ■ W’ Hiv* Aajjjh . ■ AC A-'IPb 'fW CLASS REVIEW—Col. Shelley P. Meyers, PMS&T, left, and Col. John A. Way, PAS&T, right, watch the corps of cadets as it formed yesterday in a practice for the review to be held next Thursday for officers here for the school’s annual federal inspection. Tile federal inspection will be Wednesday and Thursday. Cadet Slouch . . . by James Earle q 7'MiKkh yU O' MUP'P" L OO JCIM ' D, 'S o U C M VO 1 iS A COM PL5 C AT j£ D —OjOPECj! M E Ki / y rb- —— r -sr— IS a 'TIK-BO N ¥ { c* ilOCC p&n * Si HUj j 5 ] j pc> * r Mfn st? riUYt ! fWj&S £\ DiP'PFCUUT 4 piAM i M AvnOF \ t e;AV, ; ? jvvu&T ukppcmayo *e . I [TO TUAT Oq&R Y<y f jW-AT* *3 M OK YJ * w U C *4 ti . \ j I [I L.OO*Xl> m NdO Mj30-rM?/TC KI Ki o i TURO£ HiU IM ; i tKvd b "V% \ i 11 [\\y » i I K. ■ F 1*4 NExt ’MS*. ^ V LI’L ABNER 5HMOOS WAS TH' MQST COMVEN! E.MT ANIMALS// FRIED, THEN TASTED LIKE CHICKEN' il » --m.i^.,.v-r.-.t E»UT broilei>,thev came UP STE.AK//- AN' THAjk WARN' NO WASi NX ff£ \ Tm P.o U S Po* OP —AM r.Qhn f.pervert -L—X .'111 1 . "' iu, i» nil THAR EVES MADE TH' FINEST SUSPENDER BUTTONS -AN'THAR MUSTACHES MADE MAGNIFICENT TOOTHPICKS . rr By A1 Capp Ns ah'll take vo'to Th ■ ^ VALLEY OF TH' SHMOON" -WMAR Tbl EV-G a I.P/- USED TO COME F(JM LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp TH' DAD THING ABOUT TH' SHMOOS WAS, THEY WAS TOO GOOD FO' PEOPLE — -SO THEY WAS DECLARED ILLEGAL, AN- G iFp. r -DESTROYED. 7 j —NOW,THAR'S NO SHMOOS ' LEFT IN TH'VALLEY OF TH' SHMOON ■y 3 P O G O By Walt Kelly m COtfc CM IN,POiSKV FINE. I 10 (SITTIM’ KEADY TO SO OUT LOOKIN' FOI? PMPPOG. HE'S* CHECKED IN UM,I WAS ABOUT TO 0TAKTMANNUAL eP&UQ TIME COUNTIN'OF MlZ> HEF/lSAH AN’ IS COMg , FEI? THE BQ5?£Y OF yd 1 MANDOLIN 'CAUSE MY BAGPIPES IS BUST. 'i Thelp yov;- S5LF,0ON. ALeo rmi IS A BOX OF CANDY I IS -[CO&W- To SiVe <&Asr R, T , P O G O ;4£Y. r CscusE m&, MA'M-’) ‘F2AID 7H& CANDY IS STALE, PO60 fOH.WEU-, SHE'LL 60TTA LOVE YOU POZ Yo’MUSIC.. YKAJOW T///5 UNLOAD U5Z-"} I'LL cxzzy IHl- RDlVDE/? AH’BALL AN’OIVE YOU , A HAND WOm fog THE PUP. i UNLOAD HEfZ IF SHE IOA0BQ COULDN'T LIFT H&Z AT ALL- /7-S /C’surx To USB A LOAPBP GUN. d By Walt Kelly THEKE'S OL'F!T.B«J£?^Ei^?gr-. AL3EET A6CEED TO OO ClKCUSSiN’ WITH Hl/h ONLY NOWALBSET IS GOT ‘SIDETRACKED PLAYIN’ GOP -rr-MSu- IN THE CASE OF THE , have you SEEN ALBERT 9-h r £'£ at the eracmiST Wa must hit the ROAD! ALS££T£ BEIN' A ^^'TSCTIVE. AH’THE WAY , HE'S WOK KIN 7 THE CASE'LL BE A LONGTIME CRUNCHMDNT^ X MUST AIR THE WllD BEASTS m?S££TS While we AWAIT his arrival?. 7 Tf/AH AIN’T NO SEA'ST oes’Cause ME PUT A CAGE Ov'Eg JBS BABY- J THE CAGE AIN'T/ OUT OP PLACE / HOWSOMEVSe. rTi ALteiGHF THiM&PffA&SLS, PL Ay HIM SOME SX BRAHMS =» — \A/AL-T