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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1954)
Thursday, March 25, 1954 TIJE BATTALION Page 5 Family Favorites By Mrs. W. D. Hardesty (Ed. note—Guest editor for this week’s Family Favorites is Billy Hardesty, wife of W. D. (Pete) Hardesty, business manager of student activities. The Hardestys, members of A&M Methodist Church, have two daughters, Mela'nie, age 22 months, and Diane, age 6 months. Mrs. Hardesty, a graduate of Kilgore college, is a former president of the Gamma Zeta chapter of Beta, Sigma Phi in Kilgore. After her family, she loves music best and has sung in several choirs, but right now she is actively engaged in caring for her family.) Let’s not say the following - are our favorite dishes for there is nothing like a beautiful T-bone complete with french fries and spring salad. Let’s just say these are dishes we eat often (too often, Pete says) because they are easy to fix and fairly inexpensive. (A point not to be overlooked in this day and age!) Cranberry Ring 1 package cranberries 2 oranges Put in food chopper and grind. Dissolve two packages of Rasp berry Jello in two cups hot water and one cup cold water. Add two cups sugar. Add cranberries and oranges mixture and nuts as desired. Pour into mold. Royal Franks Split wiener lengthwise and spread with mustard. Add a strip of cheese (Velveeta isn’t as stringy when cooked as other kinds) and a slice of either dill or sour pickle. Then wrap a slice of bacon “barber- pole” fashonin around the wiener and secure with toothpicks. Be sure the bacon doesn’t overlap. Then broil until bacon is the desired crisp ness. These franks can be cooked in a skillet and then drained will on absorbant paper. Broiled or Open-Faced Hamburgers V-2. pound ground meat cup tomato catsup (more or less to taste) 1 small onion chopped fine or grated Use the following according to taste: Tabasco sauce Worchestershire sauce Garlic salt Celery salt Black peper Mix well. Spread on bread, covering as much of the bread as possible. Either buns or day-old bread may be used and may be toasted if desired. Broil slowly until meat is done, then sprinkle grated cheese on top. When cheese has melted, serve immediately. Makes five sand wiches. Watermelon Rind Preserves To four pounds of melon add: B cups of water 9 cups of sugar 4 sliced lemons Remove green and all pink parts, cut rind into one-inch squares and let rind stand over night in salt water. Rinse with cold water. Cover with boiling water and cook fast for 15 minutes. Drain. Boil sugar and water for five minutes, add rind,' sliced lemons and perserved ginger. Cook fast until melon is tender and transparent. Seal tightly at once. Tuna Casserole 2 tablespoons preserved ginger, sliced then. X can cream of mushroom soup 1 can English peas 1 can tuna 1 small onion, grated Garlic salt, celery salt and black - pepper. Mix above ingredients and pour into greased pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees to 375 degrees) for about 25 to 30 minutes. Basic Cheese Dip 2 packages Philadelphia Cream ... Juice from 1 lemon Cheese Worchestershire sauce, Tabasco 1 pint Kraft’s Mayonaise sauce, garlic salt, salt and 1 onion, grated pepper as desired. Mix well, chill and serve with potato chips or crackers. Mrs. Campbell Speaks to Dames Mrs. C. B. Campbell delivered a review of the history of A&M at the Dames club meeting Tuesday night. A short business meeting was held and a report was given on plans for the family picnic to be at 3 p. m. May 1 in Hensel park. Angel food cake and fruit punch was served by hostesses Mrs. Louis Longenecker and Mrs. Frances Wendler. Architect Wives Set Family .Picnic A picnic is scheduled for mem bers of the Architectual Wives society at 4 p. m. Saturday. Members and their families will meet in back of the Academia building and from there go to Bryan park. Each family has been asked to bring his own box lunch. Drinks will be furnished by the club. Each club fnember will be a hostess for the picnic. ^ >uy, sitrm, rent or trade. Rates .... 3c n work per Insertion with a J5c minimu?... Space rate in classified lection .... GOc per column-inch. Send ►II classifed to STUDENT ACTIVITIES DEFICE. All ads must be received in Bludent Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before pubUcation. HELP WANTED FOR SALE 1951 FOUR DOOR Chevrolet Deluxe. Good price. Bill Crouch. Bryan Field exten sion 332. FOR RENT TWO ROOM furnished apartment avail able April 5, utilities paid. Phone d-lSOS. NICE BEDROOMS. Private home. 3 blocks from Main street. One girl, share bath with one. Phone 2-X275. ONE GUEST ROOM in yard. Gentleman. Shower bath. Phone 2-^275. NICELY FURNISHED two bedroom apart ment. Available April 5. 201 Church Street, College. Phone 4-8709. • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 EXPERIENCED stenographer to fill im portant position. Must be proficient in shorthand and typing. Excellent work ing conditions. LADY with journalism experience includ ing writing, layout, make-up, art work. Editorial experience with trade maga zine, house organ or newspaper desirable. Applicants should apply by typewritten letter outlining experience to Box 7368, College Station. BEAUTY OPERATOR. Shoppe. Pruitt’s Beauty • SPECIAL NOTICE TYPING WANTED. Call 2-7461. Reasonable rates. CALD 4-9099 for typing and related work, after 5 and on weekends. WANTED: Typing. Reasonable Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN Zarape’s Restaurant Open Sunday at Noon and Monday thru Sat. - 5p.m.-11 p.m. COLLEGE STATION K&B DRIVING RANGE is now open every day from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Finfeather Road Bryan, Texas For Newc<miers Meet s up Club Holds Fashion Show SHOOT THE CUSH PLEASE!—Dan Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Brady of Georgetown, seems to be im patiently asking for his first birthday cake. Dan’s father is 1949 graduate of A&M. Beta Sigma PM Elects Miss Smith President Miss Martha Lou Smith is the new president of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority. She will be assisted by Miss Effie Jean Sairbairm as vice-president. Other officers elected Tuesday were Mrs. Burt Beautuiar, record ing secretary; Mrs. Barry Colson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Alyce Bock, treasurer; Mrs. Frank Eddins, reporter; Mrs. Mary Carl ton, historian; and Mrs. Morris Bloodworth, extension officer. Mi’s. W. S. Howell will be the sponsor and Mrs. L. 1’. Coffey, director. The new officers will be installed at the last meeting in May. Miss Doris France presided at the meeting, and it was decided to send an Easter outfit to the club’s ward in Girls Town. The history of Beta Sigma Phi and the purpose and scope of the sorority was given at the meeting by Miss Patti Reynolds and Miss Beverly Hairrell. Miss Helen Ludwig gave the history of the Eta Zeta chapter of the sorority in Bryan. Mr. W. C. Davis was a guest speaker and his topic to the group was “Oratory”. Two rushees, Miss Diane Car- roll, and Miss Hope Reid, were pre sent at the meeting. Visitors at the meeting were Mesdamcs Rosalind Eskcw, Doris Springer and Betty Patterson. Always wash and dry lemons and oranges well before you grate off their peel for use in cooking. When grating, take care to remove only the colored portion of the rind. About 90 members attended the luncheon and fashion show spon sored by the Newcomers club yes terday, in the garden of the Oaks. Guests of honor were Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist, Mrs. M. T. Harrington, Mrs. A. D. Folweiler and Mrs. Frank Anderson. The welcoming address was given by Mrs. Keith L. Dixon, club presi dent. She thanked the members of the committe for the show headed by Mrs. Ray George. Other committee members were Mrs. Louis Gimbrede, Mrs. D. R. Fitch, Mrs. R. G. Layer, Mrs. D. R. King and Mrs. H. Thigpen. Beverley Braley commented for the show. V - °UR o^{ CtEAN//^ for ^ Save Your Money! # Save Your Clothes! CAMPUS CLEANERS The centerpiece for the head table was made of navy and pink Easter hats. The other tables were centered with ceramic roosters containing arrangements of spring flowers. Pots of greenery were Yom Buy is the BEST QUALITY! GUARANTEED v Good Housekeeping^ \\ PERFECT in writing by; 1. Keepsake 2. Good Housekeeping 3. Sankey Park *150-0° LEE Also $200 - 225 V/edding Ring $87.50 Rings enlarged fo show details. Prices include Federal tax. Choose Your Diamond with Confidence at SANKEY PARK Jewelers Bryan, Texas placed around the garden. Mrs. Dixon announced that the next meeting would be April 21 at the home of Mrs. T. W. Leland. Elections will be held at that time. MOW’D YOU LIKE TO... earn $5000 a year... be an officer m the air force... get an exciting head start in jet aviation... AMD belong fo a great flying team? Lt. John M. Gaskins and Aviation Cadet Selection Team No. 204 are coming to Texas A&M to show you how. They’ll he here 29, 30, 31 March and 1 April. Meet them at the MSC dur ing their stay. * RED STA IS ¥ WATCH FOR A FAROE RED STAR ON YOUR CASH REGISTER RECEIPT Six winner Saturday, winning - a total of $16.89 in free groceries. Largest winner $9.34. Monday’s winners , four. Total for last week, 20 winners, $35.06 in Free groceries. Details of Game in store. FUN — SUSPENSE — PROFIT !!! TMSS 1-LB. CAN OF When you Buy B I G 3-LB. CAN AMAZING GUARANTEE... Use the 1-lb. can. If you don’t like it BET TER than ANY other Shortening, bring the 3-lb. can back and get 3-lbs. of ANY Short ening you prefer. 3-LB, CAN ONLY... GROCERY SPECIALS J/2 Gal. But.—Sanitary Grade A Pasieurixedl AHilic 2, for 75 c Coffee is up another 5 cents per pound Fully Guaranteed CDM—Vacuum Can Local, Mixed Sizes and Colors—In Paper Bags Coffee 1 ib 99< ^99* d “- 43 Halves or Large Pieces—Fresh Shelled Our Very Best—Large White Infertile Peccms ib. 99^ Eggs ^oz. 55 £ Mrs. Pickford’s No. 1—Tall Can—Gold Standard—Chum Oleo 1 «> 19< Salmon COO 35 Fine for Candy Making and Cooking—Raw No. 1 Spanish —2 Lb. Cello. SHELLED PEANUTS .... 53c 25c SIZE—White or Yellow—3 Minute Brand POPCORN lb. 21c 1000 Single Sheets-—Softex TOILET TISSUE . roll 10c 80 Count—White PAPER NAPKINS .... pkg. 10c About 5c Per Can Under its Real Value—Libby’s 303 Cans Rosedale Cream Style GOLDEN CORN .... 2 cans 27c FROZEN FOODS Cook 1 Minute in Pop-up Toaster—(Pkg. of 6) DOWNYFLAKE WAFFLES . . 15c 10 Oz. Can—Snowcrop STRAWBERRIES . each 27c 6 Oz. Cans Snowcrop ORANGE JUICE .... can 15c Morton’s CHICKEN POT PIES . each 27c Salmon Steaks . . . pkg. 83e 12 Oz. San Juan Libby’s GARDEN PEAS . . . . 2 cans 27c Full Quarts—Best Maid — Whole Sour or DILL PICKLES .... each 2 ( Jc 303 Cans Kimbell’s CUT GREEN BEANS . . . can 15c Popular Brands CIGARETTES .... carton $2.03 (Other Brands Proportionately) Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS . . . . 1 lb. box 25c No. 300 Cans Vi via no PREPARED SPAGHETTI . 2 cans 25c No. Vz Cans—Tuxedo TUNA FLAKES ... . 2 cans 39c Extraordinary Meats At Ordinary Prices 3 to 4 Oz. Each—FILLET MIGNON Steaks 49c Armour’s Star Heavy Beef—Choice SIRLOIN STEAK . . . . . lb. 79c Armour’s Star—Choice Heavy Beef POT ROAST . . . . . lb. 45c Freshly Ground Wholesome GROUND MEAT . . . 3 LBS. — $1.00 . . lb. 35c Lean Brisket STEW MEAT . . . lb. 25c Choice Beef PORTERHOUSE or SEVEN STEAKS . . . lb. 55c Just About the Best—Heart O’ Texas Fryers 49< Kraft’s Cheene Food—2 Lb. Box Velveeta 79c Armour’s Star Pure—1 Lb. Roll PORK SAUSAGE . . . . 49c Lean Fresh Pork PICNICS . . . . . lb. 49c Hormel All Meat FRANKS . . . . . lb. 49c No. 1 Loin End PORK CHOPS . . . . lb. 59c BREAKFAST BACON SPECIALS Hormcl’s Midwest . . .lb. 73c Armour’s Banner . . . ,1b. G9c Decker’s Korn Kist . . .lb. 59c l. PRODUCE SPECIALS Large Fruit—Central American BANANAS 2 lbs. 25c 150 Size Extra Fancy and Fancy WINESAP APPLES . . doz. 47c 28 to the Bag—Florida Juice ORANGES ... 5 pound bag 39c Cello. Pack CARROTS . . . . bag 9c Size 80 Florida Pink GRAPEFRUIT ... 2 for 13c Southside Food Market WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS: 8 a.m. — 7 p.m. Daily Open 30 Minutes Earlier Fri. & Sat. — Closed 3 Blocks Due South of Kyle Field, College Sundays. A Complete One-stop Market Specials Starting 4 P.,M Tlmrs. March 25 thru Saturday, March 21th