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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
Family Favorites By Mrs. Raymond George • (Ed. note—Guest editor for today’s column is Martha George, wife of Kay George, former head football coach. The Georges have, two sons, Jack, 11, a student at A&M Consolidated, and Gregg, 5. They are members of St. Mary’s Catholic chapel. Mrs. George is a graduate of the University of Southern California where she was a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She is an active member of the College Women’s Social club, the A&M Garden club, and former president of the Newcomers club.) These are a few of my “pet” recipes. Chocolate Ice Box Dessert Line a dish or pan with wax paper. Cover bottom of pan with a layer of Famous chocolate cookies, breaking remaining cookies into spaces. Moisten this layer with milk or pineapple juice. Roll fine, re mainder of cookies. Thursday, March 18, 1954 THE BATTALION Page Cream: % cup of butter lYs cup powdered sugar Add: 2 egg yolks (beaten) Then fold in beaten whites. 1 cup walnuts chopped fine. Pour over cookie layer. Cover creamed mixture with half the crumbs. Mix % pint cream, whipped and sweetened to taste with 1 can strained crushed pineapple Spread over the crumbs. Cover this creamed mixture with last half of the crumbs. Let stand in the refrigerator overnight. Serve with whipped cream. Serves 10-12. Crab en Casserole 1 can crab Small package potato chips 14 teaspoon Lea and Perrin sauce 1 small can sliced mushrooms 2 hardboiled eggs 1 green pepper 1 tablespoon catsup Mix above ingredients with 1 cup white sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Put in buttered baking dish. Bake until well browned about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serves 4. * Tallarene * 1 pound of ground beef 1 onion G cans of tomato sauce 1 package of noodles (8 ounces) 1 can creamed corn 1 pound New York black rind cheese (grated) 1 can ripe pitted olives 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper Brown your ground beef and onion, salt and pepper. Add tomato sauce and noodles when meat is done. Cook until noodles are tender stirring occasionally. Add corn, grated cheese and olives and put in a cassarole in the oven until hot. Serves to 6. Serve Tallai'ene with a tossed green salad and garlic French bread and a light dessert and you will have a complete meal. Coffee Cake This is a quick delicious, crispy, crunchy, coffee cake. Mix one package of Pillsbury yellow or white cake mix as it tells on the package Pour into a large cookie sheet or 2. or 3 cake pans so that the batter is only about % inch high in the pan. Sprinkle the top with pecans, brown sugar, specks of butter and cinnamon, then bake as directed. u Angell To Describe Point Count to Bridge Club Mrs. E. L. Angell will give a talk on the point count in bridge at the meeting of the Aggie Wives bridge club at 7:30 p. m. tonight in rooms 2A and 2B of the Me morial Student Center. Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Kachell Fowler, Mrs. Lois Lathane, Mrs. Lucille Prior, Mrs. Jay Jones and Mrs. LaVerne Rhodes. At the last meeting high score for the regulars was won by Mrs. Mary Lou Hughes. Second high was Mrs. Rachel! Fowler and low score went to Mrs. Lois Lathane. The high score prize for the in termediates went to Mrs. Kathryn Harms. »PY, SVI.r,. RTCXT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3c a work per Insertion with a Ific minimiua. Space rate in classified iccjion .... title per column-inch. Send »if classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. Ml ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the flay before publication. FOR SALE • Used office equipment listed as follows: Adding machine. Remington, 10-key Typewriter, Royal Typewriter, Remington This equipment may be inspected at Room 302, System administration building, on the A&M College of Texas campus. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service. Texas A&M College System. College Station, Texas, until 10 a.m., Friday, March 26. 1954, on forms available upon request. The right is re served to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Director, Texas Forest Service, College Station, Texas, for further information. o HELP WANTED o BFAUTY Shoppe. OPKRATOR. Pruitt’s Beauty HELP WANTED ® EARN MONEY . . . AT HOME ADDRESSING ENVELOPES Preparing: mailing: list. $25 per week possible. Tower Addressing Service I$nx 1683 WACO. TEXAS ® PASSENGERS WANTED ® RIDERS from Bryan to College. Dial 3-1042. FOR RENT AVAILABLE June 1st in College Hills: cool, nicely furnished four-room apart ments. Summer rates. Phone 4.-7666. SPECIAL NOTICE ^ATTENTION MOTHERS! Working moth ers, I will keep your children age 3 months and up. Phone 3-2607. TYPING- WANTED. Call 2-7461. Reasonable rates. CALL 4-9099 for typing and related work, after 5 and on weekends. WANTED: Typing. Reasonable rates Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) SUE ROSS LODGE NO. 1800 A.F. & A.M. Called meeting, Thursday, March 18, at 6:30 p.m. Work in E. A. degree. E. D. Madeley, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y Zarapc’s Restaurant Open Sunday at Noon and Monday thru Sat. - 5p.m.-11 p.m. COLLEGE STATION • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 Official Notice Identification cards which were made in connection with registration of January 29, 30, for the current semester are now ready for distribution in the Registrar’s Office, College Administration Bu'ljing. They should be claimed in person immediately. H. L. Heaton, Registrar Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1J41 BRYAN K&B DRIVING RANGE is now open every day from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Finfeather Road Bryan, Texas Extension Service Club Women Get '’Year 9 Honors it r. MRS. FRED ELLIOT “Member of the Year” Club Chooses Chairmen For Flower Show The flower show committee of the A&M Garden club met in the home of Mrs. Sidney Loveless to make final plans for the spring flower show. The theme for this year’s show will be “Out of the Bookshelves.” The flower show will be held April 7 in the Educational build ing ox the A&M Presbyterian church. Mrs. W. W. Armistead and Mrs. Loveless are the co-chairmen for the show. The committees named are as follows: Mrs. Armistead, and Mrs. Loveless, schedule; Mrs. C. B. Campbell, judges. Mesdames A. B. Nelson, M. V. Grenitsky, Carl Landiss, Walter Delaplane, and J. P. Covan, stag ing. Mesdames Frank Anderson, Wayne Stark, Ray George, and Ty Timm, entries. Mrs. Edward Madeley and Mrs. Marion Pugh, arrangement, place ment and classification. Mrs. R. E. Snuggs and Mrs. R. E. Schiller, horticultural, place ment, and classification. Mrs. E. L. Angell, Mrs. L. S. O’Bannon, clerks. Mrs. H. W. Barlow, ribbons; Mrs. Bill Dayton, publicity; and Mrs. B. W. Williams, donations. Mrs. Dick Hervery, and Mrs. Barlow Irvin, hospitality. Two members of the Extension Service club recently received new honors. They are Mrs. Ide P. Trotter, named “club mother of the year” and Mrs. Fred C. Elliott, “club member of the year”. They will represent the Extension Service club in district and state contests among other Federated clubs in Texas. Mrs. Trotter is the mother of two sons, Ide and Ben. She is a former student of Springfield Teacher’s College in Missouri and Missouri University. Mrs. Trotter helps with the crippled children’s clinic each year, as well as the Blood Bank and U. S. O., and she has been a den mother for cub scouts. At the Bry an First Baptist Church, she has taught Sunday School for 15 years and at present is leader of the Baptist Training Union. A former president of the Ex tension Service club, Mrs. Elliott has served on almost every com mittee the club has and she has played a prominent part in the progress of Girl Scout work in Bryan and College Station. Her most recent contribution to the community has been her visits to schools in Brazos County to talk about civil defense and to show a movie, “Duck and Cover”. Mrs. Elliott is the mother of 13-year-old, Alma Ann. Before her marriage she was county home demonstration agent in Motley, Young and Lubbock counties. A high point in her career came when Mie was selected to tour Europe and learn of the arts and customs in homemaking in Eng land, France, Germany and other countries. DIRS. IDE P. TROTTER “Mother of the Year” Eiwanis Clubs Flan April Pancake Supper All the Pancakes you can oat for fifty cents is the promise of those in charge of “Operations Pancake”, a Bryan - College Station com munity-wide pancake supper to be held on Saturday, April 10, from 5 to 9 p. m., at the Bryan Country Club. The Bryan and College Station Kiwanis Clubs are co-sponsors of the pancake bupper, and all net profits will be used in the two communities to carry on boys and girls recreational activities and work for under-privileged children. Woody B riles of the College Sta tion Kiwanis club is general chair man of “Operations Pancake”. Doug Conlee of the Bryan club is co-chairman. Other committee assignments in clude: Tickets — Charles LaMotte and Jerry Massey, co-chairmen; Dick Hervey and Jess Thames, as sistant co-chairmen. Procurement, equipment, and food preparation— Hershel Brugress, co - ordinating Allison To Enter Next Governor Race FORT WORTH, March 18—DP)— A retired chiropractor who former ly operated sanitariums for alco holics in Texas and California said yesterday he will be a candidate for governor. He is Dr. H. C. Allison of Smithfield and Pecos. Band Wives Elect Mrs. Reed For Puchess Ruth Reed, wife of A&M senior Raymond Reed, ’'Was chosen Cotton ball duchess by the Band Wives club at a meeting’ Tuesday night. The meeting was held at the home of Betty Scott in College View. Plans were made for a picnic to be held at Normangce lake on April 24. The picnic will be for all band wives and their husbands. Band members and their dates will also be invited. Each person is asked to bring his own lunch. The club will furnish drinks for the group. The party will meet at the band dorm at 1:30 p. m. and travel to the lake. A new member was introduced at the meeting. She is Jane Moss, wife of Ken Moss, A&M junior. The hostess served refreshments with a St. Patrick’s day theme car ried out in shades of green. The next meeting of the club will be March 30 at the home of Betty Connolly, 1026 Foster. Co hostess will be Thelma Zak. 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 chairman; Henry Miller and Billy Beard, co-chairmen of procurement; Charlie Hart and W. H. Badgett, co - chairman of equipment and utensils; Wayne Stark and Ralph Stacy, co-chairmen of Chefs and cooking. Publicity chairman, Otis Miller. Seating, tables, and silverware, Tom Mahoney and Donald Conlee. Waiters, C. A. Bonnen, chairman. Bus boys, George Webb, chairman. Reception, Ralph Rogers, chairman, and John Vitopil, assistant chair man. “Of course we’ll' furnish plenty of good syrup, coffee, and other ‘trimmings’ with the pancakes,” said Woody Brilfis, General Chair man of “Operations Pancake.” “Not a Flop in a Flap” is the guaranteed assurance of Wayne Stark, chief Chef of “Operations Pancake”. MOW’D YOU LIKE TO... earn $5000 a year AND be an officer r in the U.S. air force? Lt. John M. Gaskins and Aviation Cadet Selection Team No. 204 are coming to Texas A&M to show you how. They’ll be here 29, 30, 31 March and 1 April. Meet them at the MSC dur ing their stay. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS MEAD'S STEAK HOUSE Enjoy the finest foods, prepared with care by master chefs . . . perfectly served in a pleasant atmos phere ... at sensible prices. DINE HERE SOON! Open—Noon till 11:00 P.M. Closed Monday Special Smorgasbord - Saturday II P.M. MEAD'S STEAK HOUSE 701 Hwy. 6 College Station Pho. 6-4946 How the stars got started Alan Ladd says: “I was a Hollywood ^ stagehand. One day I fell 20 feet off a scaffold. I wasn’t hurt, but I decided acting was safer. I went to acting school, played bit parts ... finally I hit pay dirt in ‘This Gun for Hire’.” a Mik/ nesS 3*/ flavor- /Started smok/ajg camels BECAUSE SO MANY OF MY FQ/EMDS D/D. OA/CE / STARTED, / KAJEYJ CAMELS WERE FOR ME. FOR MILDNESS AND FLAVOR, YOU CANT BEAT 'EM ! Camels R.J. R#yrio!d» Tnbaeco Co., Wins ton-Salem. N.C. THAN ANY ‘ OTHER CIGARETTE!