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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1954)
4 THE BATTALION Tnosday, March 0, 1954 Church Briefs Si. Thomas Sponsors Sale The Woinei) Auxiliary of the St. Thomas Episcopal chapel will Sponsor a bake sale Saturday. Cakes and cookies will be sold in front of Miller’s Supermarket from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. A covered dish supper for the congregation and students will be hold at 6:15 p. m. Wednesday fol lowed by the Lenten service at 7:15. —0— The Brotherhood of Our Savior’s Lutheran church will meet at 7 p. m. Tuesday at the cKurch. A bus iness meeting will be held follow ing a barbecue supper. Mr. L. J. Tolle will be in charge of the program of the Lutheran Student association at 7:45 Wednesday evening. The theme is “The Ecumenical Role of the Lutheran Student Association”. The program will be held at the church. A special Lenten Service at 7:15 p. m. Thursday on the theme of “What Shall I Do With Jesus?” will be “Forsake Him?”. A Free Lecture entitled “Christian Science: A Religion of Answered Prayer” by Arthur C. Whitney, C.’ S. of Carmel, California TVIember of the Board of Lec- tureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Thursday, March 11 <S p. ni.. Church Edifice Highway 90 Christian Science Society Anderson, Texas Cordially Invites You Arthur C. Whitney of Carmel, Calif., former army chaplain and widely known lecturer on Chris tian Science, will speak in Ander son at 8 p. m. Thursday, it was announced today by Christian Science Society of Anderson. Whitney’s topic will be “Chris tian Science: A Religion of An swered Player”. Now on extended lecture tour, he is a member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. He will speak in the, church office on highway 90 in Anderson at 8:00 p. m. on Thursday. Members of the Christian Science society have invited the general public to attend without chai’ge. —0— The monthly meeting and supper of the Men of the Church at the A&M Presbyterian church will be at 6:30 Tuesday night. The supper will be followed by a debate and business meeting. —0— The Aggie Walther club of Bethel Lutheran church will meet at 7 p. m. Wednesday at the Me morial Student Center. Architect Wives Set Discussion “Flower Arrangement” will be the topic of discussion at the meet ing of the Architectual Wives so ciety at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday in the south solarium of the YMCA. The talk will be led by Malcolm Smith of J. Coulter Smith florist, and will include demonstrations of several arrangments. A short business meeting will proceed the program, and refresh ments will be served. “Questions for Christian Stu dents” is the theme for the meet ing. “Second Witness for Prose cution” is the theme of the Lenten services each Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. at the church. —0-— Wednesday evening services will be at 7:15 p. m. at St. Mary’s Chapel. Mass will be held at 6:45 a. m. Friday at the chapel. —0— The schedule for Wednesday evening prayer meeting includes First Baptist church at 7:15 p. m., College Pleights Assembly of God at 7:45 p. m., and Church of Churst at 7:15 p. m. —0— The Fellowship program of A&M Presbyterian church will meet at 7:00 p. m. Wednesday. —0— “Religion and Science” will be the talk by Dr. Medlin at the Wesley Foundation meeting at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday. The Wesley group will meet at the foundation. HAPPY KIDS—These two, attending the San Antonio Livestock Exposition, seemed happy at having their pic ture taken. The day-old Angora goat kid apparently also is enjoying being held by royalty—Miss Donave Davis, who is “Miss Mohair” of 1954, sweetheart of the Texas Angora Goat Raisers Assn. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, Sabinal, Tex. Mrs. Hutchinson Elected When you are buying ready made curtains of a patterned fabric, make sure that the design is matched in each pair of curtains and that the arrangement of the design units is the same in all the pairs you buy. Huy MOORE’S WALL SATIN rubberized Paint for an Ultra-modern Interior Finish. The Perfect Material for Wallpaper and Sheel Rock in 21 Handsome Colors. Cliapinan’s Paint & Wallpaper Co. Bryan, Texas Mrs. John E. Hutchinson was elected president of the Extension Service club at a meeting Thurs day at the Memorial Student Cen ter. Other officers are Mrs. W. S. Allen, vice president; Mrs. I. B. Boughton, recording secretary; Mrs. A. H. Karcher, corresponding secretary; Mrs. I. W. Rupel, treas urer; Mrs. A. H. Walker, reporter; Mrs. W. J. Moore, parliamentarian; and Mrs. R. R. Lancaster, his torian. Mrs. Hutchinson was elected the official delegate to the fourth dis trict convention of the federated clubs in Houston. Mrs. Allen was named alternate. The meeting was opened with the club Collect led by Mrs. W. W. Armistead. Mrs. Dora Barnes, re presenting the public welfare com mittee, moved that the club en dorse a petition that would call for a tarined probation officer in Brazos county. The motion was carried. ■*. Mrs. G. G. Gibson, membership chairman, presented the name of M rs. J. E. (Monk) Vance as a new member. The program, presented by the youth committee, had a theme of glimpses of 4-H club work in Brazos county. Committee members are Mes- dames R. H. Bush, A. L. Smith, T. B. Wood, W. W. Armistead and Miss Frances Reasonover. • Miss Reasonover introduced Emily Ritter, Brazos county home demonstration agent, who present ed nine 4-H club members, who presented the program. Following the program club members had a social hour during which coffee and eclairs were served. Youth committee members were hostesses. The tea table was centered with an arrangement of blue and white iries and redbud springs. The club will meet again March 18, which has been proclaimed by the club as “Texas Day.” The style show luncheon has been set for May 19. Banquet Marks Scout Celebration Cub Scout Pack 102, A&M Con solidated School, celebrated the 44th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America Wednesday at the an nual Blue and Gold banquet. About 350 persons were present at the ceremony which Was held in the CHS gym. A film, “The Cul^ in the Home”, was shown by Leonard MePhearson, area scout executive. In an impressive ceremony, the Pack Charter was presented to Mrs. John Bertrand, vice president of the A&M Consolidated Mothers and Dads club, by “Preacher” Tatum of the area scout com mittee. Also presented were the regist ration cards to the adult leaders, as follows: Capt. Joe Brusse, in stitutional representative; Capti Charles R. Byrd, pack master; Jack L. Fugate, assistant pack master; Frank Coulter, pack comjjiittee chairman; and also Mike Krenitsky John Pruitt, Omer Sperry, J. F. Fowler and J. K. Riggs, commit teemen. Recognition was given scout den chiefs Mike Walton, Troop 450; Gordon Darrow, Troop 450 Larry Godfrey; Troop 411; Bruce Thomp son, Troop 411; Kenny Thompson, Troop 450; and Bill, Farrar, Troop 450. The following Den Mothers re ceived .certificates of appreciation; Mrs. John Pruitt, Mrs. J. S. Mc- Cannon, Mrs. George Reynolds, Mrs. R. E. Collins, Mrs. I. G. Adams, Mrs. T. R. Jones, Mrs. Jack Fugate, Mrs. C. G. White, Mrs. Garlyn Hoffman, Mrs. S. L. Loveless, Mrs. R. J. Bauldauf, Mrs. E. C. Wright, Mrs. Robert Hauze. Attendance award was split be tween Dens 1, 7, 3, 11 and 9, all 100 per cent in attendance of par ents and cubs. The best decorated table award went to Den 1. Cubs receiving advancement and achievement awards were Hal Delaplane, Alex Quisenberry, Neil Sperry, Call Machin, Steve Wil liams, Jay Pruitt. These -were from Den 1. Den 2: John Southern Jr., Chuch Wrooman, Joe Martellino, Steven Smith. Den 3: William Lucas, Rus sell Brown, Pat Thompson, Richard Latimer, David Reynolds, Bobby Whiting. Den 4: Terry Holland, Harry Lewis, Donald Woodall, Ray Col lins, Larry Lewis. Den 5: Andy Adams, Mike Emerson, Jimmy O’Brien, N i e I Purdue, Randy Ransdell. Den 6: Chailes Kirk, Bill Jones, Den 7: Sidney Coufal, Sherman Baggett. Den 8: Tommy Letmet- ter, Bobby Adams, Jack Armstead, Bob White, Den 9: Robert Nord, Den 3 0: David Bailey, John Stark, Ricky Howard, Bill New comb, Mike Krenitsky, Buzz Love less, Merrill DuMont. Den 11: Janies Bauldauf, Charles Jackson, Russell Welch, Paul Hancock. Den 12: Larry Randolph, Den 13: David Gay, Neil Matzen, Bobby Hauze, Kurt Shember, David Templin, James McAfee. The meeting was closed by a short prayer given by C. H. Rans dell. Today's Chesterfield is the a Best Cigarette Ever Made! IliPlIf . I" ‘Chesterfselds for M' The cigarette tested and approved by 30 years of scientific tobacco research. •AS; ; -A WMW Travel in Style at just PENNIES PER HIM . . the airline with convenient arrival and departure times! Low, 6c per mile PIONEER fares . . . Buy round trip - save an extra 10% returning HOUSTON .$6.30 I.v 3:16 pm, 8:36 t>m with excellent eonneetions to NEW YORK 4 % hrs. WASHINGTON, D.C 4 hrs. NEW ORLEANS . . [■*/» hrs. Tone way, plus tax) ■m. i fimsM ■ jiM Ac Beat today’s 8c, 10c and 15c per mile auto travel costs! And you really save with Pioneer’s Family Fa Fare Plan — ask about it! for travel service that really serves . . . call 4-5054 - Battalion Classifieds - RFt.r,. KENT OK TRADE. Kates , ... 3c a work per Insertion wltb a |Rc mlnlinuika. Space rale In classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send Ml classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. »II ads must be received In Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR SALE • 146’ FENCING 1 X 4” wooden pickets. 507 Gilchrist or call 6-3809 after 5. EASY SPINDRIER washing machine. S-lo.OO. See D-S-Y College View after 5 p. m. ]9IO BLACK tudor Chevrolet. Good tires, good condition, $175.00. Carter Price, 504 Guernsey. • FOR RENT • ■BWING machines. Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. NOTICE Veterinarians JUST RECEIVED — Clinic Jackets 2 Styles — Limited Number LOUPOT’S Trading Host • HELP WANTED • STUDENT to deliver Houston Chronicle on campus and College View. Monthly earning approximately $75.00 per month. Must have afternoons free from 2:30 on. Phone Rueben Bond, 2-1437. MAN OR WOMAN—to distribute Watkins Nationally Advertised Products to estab lished customers in College Station. Full or part time. Earnings unlimited. No car or other investment necessary. I will help you get started. Write Mr. C. S. Griffin, c-o this paper for a personal interview. LADIES: Want to make $52.80 a week vis iting friends selling a Nationally Adver tised Product? It’s easy. Just sell five dozen Vanilla. For full information write to Mr. C. S. Griffin, c-o this paper for a persona] interview. WANTED stenographer, preferably with some knowledge of medical terms. Phone 6-4074. • WANTED • TWO RIDERS from Bryan to College. Phone 2-2766. • SPECIAL NOTICE • TYPING WANTED. Reasonable rates. Call 2-7461. CALL 4-9099 for typing and related work. SPECIAL NOTICE WANTED: Typing. Reasonable Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) WE ROSS LODGE NO. F<00 A.F. * Tuesday. March 9th, 1954, 7 p.m. Work in M. M. De gree. Also examinations. Ed Madeley. W.M. W. N. McGinnis, Sec’y. Official Notice Identification cards which were made in connection with registration of January 29, 30, for the current semester are now leady for distribution in the Registrar’s Office, College Administration Bu'lding. They should be claimed in person immediately. H. L. Heaton, Registrar All currently enrolled pre - veterinary Medicine students who expect to qualify as applicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine in September, 1954, should file their applications in the Reg istrar’s Office not later than April 1. Forms to be used in making application for admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine are available at the information desk in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton Registrar Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phone 3-6887 ‘Chesterfields for Me!' The cigarette that gives you proof of highest quality—low nicotine — the taste you want — the mildness you want. > HI V. America’s Most Popular Copy right 1954, Liccrrr & Myers Tobacco