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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1954)
THE BATTALION Tuesday, February 2, 1954 Brazos Mothers Feature Supper March of Dimes Fund Increased A two dollar’ addition to the fund raised by the Mbrch of Dimes dance last week brought the total of the fund to $326.22. The dance was sponsored by the Promonaders of College Station and the Golden Slippers of Bryan. The Battalion erroneously re ported the amount raised by the dance as $342.22. The $326.22 is the largest amount that has ever been raised in the five years that these dances have been held. The January meeting of the Brazos County A&M Mothers club was opened with a covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ide P. Trotter Thursday. After the luncheon Mrs. A. C. Magee, club president, opened the meeting with a greeting from the year book of .the state federation by Mrs. Gus A. Becker, the state club president. The chairman of the member ship committee, Mrs. Trotter, re ported 57 paid members. Mrs. E. C. Klipple, extension chairman, told of the prganiza-tion of the Milam county A&M Mothers club at Cameron. Mrs. Magee, Mrs. R. M. Sherwood and Fred E. Weick accompanied her. The financial chairman gave a report on proceeds from the game party by which the club raises funds for a yearly scholarship. Mrs. Weick, hospital chairman and Mrs. Howard Barlow, student activities chairman, reported. Mrs. Magee appointed a hominat- ing committee with Mrs. Ed Par nell as chairman, and Mrs. W. D. Harris and Mrs. J. D. Lindsey. Hostesses for the meeting ’with Mrs. Trotter were Mrs. Klipple, Mrs. LaMotte, Mrs. W. E. Street and Mrs. Spencer Buchanan. Lutherans Install Officers Installation of officers for church council, the brotherhood, and the missionary society was held at the 10:45 a. m. service Sunday at Our Savior’s Lutheran church. Councilmen are Marvin Giese, E. J, Fuchs and G. E. Jaefme. Council officer? are Harold Sorenson, presi dent; Jesse Heine, vice president; Fuchs, secretary; and Giese, finan cial secretary. Brotherhood officers are Marvin Jgndt, president; Otto Richter, vice president; Giese, secretary; and R. L. Kneschke,, treasurer. Missionary society officers are Mrs. A. L. Giesenschlag, president; Mrs. Heine, vice president; Mrs. Henry Adams, secretary; and Mrs. John Vitopil, treasurer. When you pause...make it count...have a Coke Church Briefs Israel To Be Discussed A discussion of the economic status of Israel will be the program for the meeting of the Hillel foundation at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday in rooms 2A and 2B of the Me morial Student Center. Capt. Bill Lichtman, formerly with the Israeli Hagana, and Sam uel Nadle, field representative of the national United Jewish Appeal will lead the discussion. Ed Wulfe and Wilfred Herrman, who represented the local chapter at the Southwestern UJA regional conference in San Antonio Sun day, will also report at the meet ing. The Newman club will meet after services at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday in the basement of St. Mary’s chapel. Plans for the dance scheduled for this month will be discussed. A business meeting will also be held. Mass will be held at the chapel at 6:45 a. m. Friday. Services are being held at the First Baptist church at 7:45 and 9 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. each day this week during revival. Dr. Herbert Howard of the Park City Baptist church in Dallas is the Evangelist, and Rev. Gene Layman is conducting the music. “The Corinthian Congregation— A Picture of Congregations Today” is the sermon topic for vesper ser vices at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday at the Bethel Lutheran church. B. B. Hankins of Corsicana is conducting revival services each day this week and next week at 7:30 p. m. at the College Heights Assembly of God. Music is being led by Baron Giesenschlag accompanied by his wife at the piano. The Lutheran Student association will meet at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday at the Lutheran Student center. Coulter to Speak To Newcomers Frank Coulter will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Newcomers club at 2 p. m. Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Frank Anderson, 501 Fairview S. In his talk “How to Mix Oil and Water” he will tell how to deco rate a home to look expensive with a small amount of money. Hostess for the meeting is Mrs. R. C. Bell. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY THE BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY “Coke” is a registered trade-mark. © 1954, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BATTALION BUY, SEIX, RENT OR TRADE. Rates .... 3c a work per Insertion with a |5c minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send All classlfed to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. Ill ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the •ay before publication. • FOR SALE • One 1950 Chevrolet Business Coupe One 1949 Chevrolet Club Coupe One 1949 Chevrolet Business Coupe These motor vehicles may be inspected by contacting the Texas Forest Service, System Administration Building, A&M Col lege of Texas, Campus. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Texas A&M College System, College Station, Texas, un til 10 a.m. Friday, February 5, 1954, on forms available upon request. Address the Director, Texas Forest Service, College Station, for further information. TWO BEDROOM home at 1318 Milner st., College Hills, for 1950 or earlier house trailer. SIAMESE CATS. Attractive seal points. Make ideal house pets. Female 17 ’ months, three weened, house-broken kit tens, 10 weeks. 425 Sulphur Springs Rd., Bryan. • FOR SALE OR TRADE • 1947 DELUXE Plymouth coupe with dual pipes, good body, new tires, for motor cycle. Phone Jock 6-1372. SIX WEEKS OLD wired haired fox ter rier registered and pedigreed. 1318 Mil ner St., College Station. • FOR RENT • v . . LARGE UNFURNISHED apartment. $40.00; month. Children welcome. See at 4407, Aspen, Bryan (about 6 blocks from North Gate) after 6 p.m. or call Mr. Herman Morehead between 8 and 5 at 4-8044. FURNISHED APARTMENT, bills paid, walking distance,’ couples only. Phone 3-2964 or 4-9844. ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom unfurnished du plex apartment with carport and utility room near Millers Shopping center on Hwy. 6, phone 4-1162. ROOM with private bath and private en trance. Phone 4-7204 between 8 and 5 and 4-4094 after 5. PRIVATE ROOM, private bath, private entrance. Prefer student or instructor. Phone 4-7099. ROOM in College Park, private entrance, private bath, radiant heater, southwest exposure. Phone 4-9159 afternoons or evenings. SMALL apartment, partly furnished. Pri vate bath, entrance. $30 month, expenses paid. 405 Boyett, North of Campus The atre. ONE nice comfortable bedroom in my home. Phone 4-7054 or come by 401 Dexter South, College Station. •SWING machines. Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 803A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) CLASSIFIED • FOUND • CUFF LINKS behind Dorm 5. See B. J. Oglesby, dorm 7, room 228. ONE “FLYING STAR” bicycle, fed with geen trimmings. Call Sgt. Callendar, 4-5674. Owner may claim by paying for ad. • SPECIAL NOTICE • Young mother would like to keep children for working mother. 811 Fairview, College Station. REGISTERED NURSE will keep child for working mother. Apartment B-3-C, Col lege View. WOULD LIKE to keep 2 or 3 children for working mother. Convenient to North Gate. 4305 College Main, 6-3856. CALL 4-9099 for typing and related work. LET ME help you with your dress making and alteration problems, also bound and machine made button holes. Mrs. Ed ward F. Smith, 702 Crenshaw, Bryan, phone 3-6004. WANTED: Typing. Reasonable rates Phone: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) Official Notice Modern language 401 is in need of ad ditional students. This course in scientific French is designed to assist the graduate student in his preparation for the language examination requirement for the PhD. In terested graduates and undergraduates should contact the department of modern languages, room 119, Academic building at once. No prerequisits are needed. J. J. Woolket Head Modern Language Dept. Administration 601, “College Teaching”, which carries two hours of graduate credit will be offered in the spring semester for faculty mmbers and interested graduate students who expect to do college teaching. The course Will be under the direction of Professor A. R. Burgess, Head of the De partment of Industrial Engineering. The first meeting of this class has been sched uled for 4:00 p.m., Thursday, February 4, in Room 207 of the New Engineering Build ing. The course will be conducted principally as a seminar, dealing in turn with the effective use of various teaching techniques. Consultants from several agencis on the campus will be drawn on for the benefit of their specialized experience. Topics to be included in this course are: Principles of learning, the class room lecture, conference type teaching, problem solving and the case method, laboratory instruction, ef fective use of the library, visual aids, and the design and grading of examinations. J. G. McGuire, Chairman Committee on the Development of Teaching Personnel READ BATTALION CLASSIFIED • Blue line prints • Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES , Phone 3-6887 Chance Vought Aircraft’s Guided Missile “Regulua” iV'diVrr.Wi^ ( ans. For the complete answer to these questions and others that you might have regarding engineering employment at Chance Vought Aircraft, contact our representative, Mr. W. C. Schoolfield, who will interview at your Engineer ing Placement Office on February 8 and 9, 1954.