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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1954)
Battalion Editorials Page 2 TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1954 General Motors Expansion Answers Depression Rumors If it be true that money talks, the an nouncement by General Motors that it will spend 1 Billion or so to expand its produc tion facilities is a resounding statement of the corporation’s faith in the future of Amer ica. A soundly managed industry does no! spend that much money for expansion, if its top officials are not convinced it will pay oif. And no one ever has accused GM’s managers of not knowing their business. In making the announcement, Harlow H. Curtice, GM president, gave his views on fu ture business conditions in this country. He said he can see no depression in sight, adding that in his opinion “the national economy should be strong and healthy throughout the year.” And he gave some compelling rea sons for his belief. Mr. Curtice said: “The fact that we are embarking on an unprecedented expansion program at this time is evidence that we have con fidence both in the immediate future and in the long-term growth of the mar ket for our products. This program is a measure of our faith in our country.” The GM announcement folowed by a few weeks one by Henry Ford II that the motor company he heads will spend some $600 Mil lion on an expansion program. It would ap pear that both giants of the automobile in dustry are confident that the nation will take the cessation of hostilities in Korea without stumbling into a depression, but, instead, will go forward into a healthy peacetime economy. What these two are doing is being done also on a smaller scale by business firms everywhere. Instead of losing momentum and cutting back to see what may happen, they are enlarging facilities and making plans to go after new business. It would appear on the whole that only those who like to be frightened are paying much attention to those who moan of hard times ahead. — Houston Post .Lewis Denounces Eisenhower Nominee WASHINGTON — (A 5 ) _ John L. Lewis today denounced Albert C. Beeson, President Eisenhower’s nominee for the National Labor Relations Board, as a “self-styled unionbuster” who “possesses an as tonishing bias” against labor. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, wired all members of the Senate Labor Committee, not considering the nomination: “It is inconceivable that any senator . . . who takes the time Program to Aid Texas Teachers Of Agriculture Prof. Henry Ross of the Agri cultural Education Department Texas A&M College is directing an organized program designed to bring technical agriculture assist ance to the nearly 1,000 vocational agriculture teachers in Texas. Under the new program, Profes sor Ross meets with area planning committee composed of vocational agriculture teachers to determine the in-service assistance needed in technical areas. He then arranges for A&M specialists to meet with the teachers for training purposes. Dairy, poultry, animal husban dry, entomology, farm shop and other A&M specialists have been called upon to assist in this new program. He estimates that teachers of vocational agriculture will call for 150 such meetings in 1954-55. “Changes in the technical as pects of agriculture take place so rapidly that vocational agriculture teachers must have expanded help from A&M,” Ross says. to read the record would in good conscience unleash, with the power of government behind him, such a raging protagonist of the exploit ers of labor in the nation.” Meanwhile, the committee sched uled a fourth meeting on the nom ination of Beeson, a San Jose, Calif., businessman who would bring the five-man board to full strength. If approved by the committee and then by the Senate, Beeson would be the third Eisenhower ap pointee to take a seat on the NLRB —thus giving the administration a clear majority. Beeson has told the committee he would approach his duties without bias. During close questioning by com mittee Democrats last Wednesday, Beeson said he thought the NLRB under former President Truman had administered the Taft-Hartley law to favor labor over manage ment. Chairman H. Alexander Smith R-NJ expressed confidence that Beeson will be approved by both the Labor Committee and the Sen ate, but a committee vote appeared unlikely today. Democrats have indicated they fear that Beeson might reflect the management point of view in board decisions. Lewis said in his wire that Bee son “admits to a prejudical favori tism toward employers and a vengeful attitude toward labor which borders on hysterical malig nancy. I protest the confirmation of the self-styled union-buster Bee son.” Most recently, Beeson has been industrial relations vice president for the Food, Machinery and Chem ical Corp. of San Jose. The United States has admitted more than 40 million aliens since the end of the Revolution. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Bntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services. Inc., at New York City, Chicago. Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein axe also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. JERRY BENNETT, ED HOLDER Co-Editors Chuck Neighbors Managing Editor Harri Baker Campus Editor Bob Boriskie Sports Editor Jon Kinslow City Editor Jerry Estes Basic Division Editor Bob Hendry Feature Editor Barbara Rubin Society Editor Jerry Wizig Associate Sports Editor Frank Hines, Jerry Neighbors, Bob Domey, Jim Collins, Ray Wall, A1 Elsenberg, Arnold Goldstein, Bill Parsons, Bill Warren, Jack Farley, John Linton. King McGowan, Jay Ireland, Charles Kingsbury, George Manitzas, E. B. McGowan Staff Writers Gardner Collins Exchange Ectitor Bob Palnzer, Tom Skrabznek Advertising Staff James Earle ■ Staff Cartoonist Seymour Smith, Will Holladay, John Meacher Staff Photographers Larry Lightfoot Circulation Manager Roland Baird, Jewel Raymond, Monroe Odom, Tom Syler, Bundy Williams, Russell Reed .. Clrcudatisn Staff Marilyn Gets Suspended By Studio HOLLYWOOD— (A 5 ) —Mari lyn Monroe is suspended again, for refusing a movie role, and there is talk that the picture she rejected may be made without her. She was suspended Jan. 5, when she disappeared. But Frank Sinatra left a reconcili ation with his wife Ava Gard ner in Rome and flew to Hol lywood on time for his role in the same film. Shooting was delayed, and when Miss Monroe turned up married to Joe Di Maggio her studio relented and gave her until yesterday to report. She didn’t, and was prompt ly suspended again. Killer Shot By Highway Police TEXARKANA, Tex., Jan. 26— b? 5 )—Four highway patrolmen last night cornered and killed a 54-year- old former railroad worker who critically wounded his estranged wife and then shot to death a po liceman trying to arrest him. The four patrolmen found C. Jack Strachan in a clump of trees near Simms, Tex., Strachan’s home. The fugitive opened fire, and was killed trying to fire again, though wounded, police reported. Mean time, his wife Josephine, 44, was in critical condition in a Texarkana hospital with a bullet wound in her head. Commentator Sets Pu blica tion Da tes The next issue of the Commen tator should be off the press by Feb. 27, said Bob Hendry, editor. The following issue will be com- p’eted in April and the last one the latter part of May, he said. The next issue of the Agricul turist has been delayed by adver tising, but should be printed by the first part of February said Ed Stern, editor. The next issue should be off the press by March and the last issue will be printed sometime in May, Stern said. Save Your Money! Save Your Clothes! C A M PUS CLEANERS Roadblock Ahead Seen For Federal Held Strike Vole WASHINGTON — OP) — Top ad ministration officials were reported convinced today that President Ei senhower’s proposal for secret gov ernment-supervised strike votes in labor disputes is all but dead. The proposal was certain to come in for more discussion dur ing Secretary of Labor Mitchell’s return appearance at a Senate La bor Committee hearing for further questioning on Eisenhower’s 14- point program for revising the Taft-Hartley labor law. Mitchell, due half an hour later before the House Labor Commit tee, was to be followed at the Sen ate hearing by W. B. Barton, gen eral counsel of the U. S. chamber of commerce. Informed cources who asked not to be quoted, by name said the administration has been doubtful all along that Congress would ap prove the strike vote recommenda tion. They said Eisenhower’s chief labor advisers now feel the pro posal would meet overpowering op position in the Senate. Barton said the Chamber feels Eisenhower’s labor message to Congress had “a sincere ring and paves the way for needed changes” in the Taft-Hartley Act. However, he disclosed that the Chamber supports only about a half the President’s recommenda tions— including a form of the strike vote proposal—and “ques tions” others. Barton said the Chamber be lieves a strike vote should be taken prior to a walkout “and only after collective bargaining negotiations have reached an impasse.” Dr. Gee Is Named To Okla. A&M Post Dr. Lynn L. Gee, of the bacter iology department, will become head of the Oklahoma A&M col lege bacteriology department this week. Dr. Gee will serve in the Schools of Veterinary Medicine and Agri culture, in addition to Arts and Sciences. Dr. Gee, professor of bacteriol ogy here since 1948, is a graduate of Brigham Young university, Colorado A&M college and the LTni- versity of Wisconsin. He is a native of Pocatello, Idaho. Dr. Gee was on the Purdue uni versity staff before coming here. He served four years in the U. S. air corps. News Briefs A SHORT COURSE, sponsored by the Chemical Engirteering depart ment, will be held at the Memorial Student Center Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. “Instrumentation for the Process Industries Confer ence” is the title. Dr. J. D. Lind say is chairman. * * * JANUARY 31 is the deadline for paying poll tax to vote in elections this year. Persons who become 21 this year may obtain exemptions at the Court House in Bryan. RICHARD A. HAAS has been' employed by the Texas Forest - Service as assistant forester at Woodville. He has been employed by a consultant forestry firm in South Carolina. * * * SEVEN STAFF MEMBERS and one graduate student from the De partment of Range and Forestry will participate in the annual meet ing of the American Society of Range Management at Omaha, Nebr., which begins today. ^ .SksISe You helped this ritf|l|]irl to dan-ie again. ) More and more polio victims are making their maximum recovery today 1 with help from the March of Dimes. You make this help possible when you give.' LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp By A1 Capp IN XO DAYS HE'LL NO LONGER BE HUMAN. HE'LL BECOME AN AN I MALA*' The c/s', game warden ARRIVES WITH MOE GAMBO, FAMOUS BIG-GAME HUNTER- THEpREL'S A RARE T AH'LL SPECIMEN IS ) CHECK IT LE.GAL TO TH' SHOOT iT/f / , / GAM! O G O gcmrmm that i «Av» peg SALS MAY MWgg&T A MAN h ymi, £ie... wavs you evise! eiV£N A THOUGHT TO ] 'ONLY when IT PALte ON A SUNG NOW.I ©or A LITTL& S/CXnESs ] INSOKAMCg PQUCY HSKfc.... | APdZZ, T<2M0K r Cb%V, AT Td£ I effANK OP R4WN,you 6CTTA. k glTUPAN'OC> to Work... j yoU.SOT A WIP5 AN’NiriETEEM CVJUMU .4 AM A 0FBCKLB VO& ro support.. 77S.F ALA fpM is- c—^ kO\ By Walt Kelly you IS MogfAL fill GOTTA 1 STAY IN BGP VOP THE- PEST Op I 'Yo’AAt/onAl-uq.&m t-ipe..- V NEVES PO A ^ GEE, rz/Ar '^ 'i ROST A MINUTS you HAP MS wo^Rfiep.. sreoice op woi?k AS in. 1 P O G O IP YOU 1$ $tCK AM T CAN'T SUPPORT VO’ eeAMPA'YoM/iiWF, NtNiTSBNGfffLLRM, AN* THE POO .■■■ r/f/sfioLicysn'/NGfMro Action. ' A E?OCfO£ COME© IN AN’ (PAf&tfif you up-Toes you ipwoivb/r, vey/s i// 9 1 1 in’on yo'myMAcmo^ WO/ENf, X &NOWEDTH£f?£ WAS A ... in it/: I you GOTTA THINK OF THE NffTNPg, sie... pont you bveiz puan i-osr^vo, j A PAIN/ PAVfA vs/ML LETS ■ / COME 'LONG THEY SELFS. I IFU By Walt Kelly you is i/vtovipem^ ip its any how can you ^thimg except J TELL WHAT THE \ PAYAFTES To- MOSCOW MAY m, 3e ? -iiij JAN.20,116 GONNA WeiTE A] nastf letter 1 To the calendar! ^^comPanv. i