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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1953)
* B a I talion Ed i tori a is Page 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1953 LI’L ABNER His Loyal Subjects By A l Capp Questionnaire May Lead To Forgotten Friendships A&M teachers will soon receive a ques tionnaire designed to strengthen fellowship between them and the student body. They will be asked if they would like to open their homes to students for one evening next semester. On this evening classroom restrictions and textbooks would be left be hind in favor of an informal visit between students and their profs. According to the plan, the profs would decide how many students they could accom modate and turn that number in to the office of student activities. Then the students would select the teacher whom they would like to visit. If a student wants to visit a prof who already has his quota filled, he may sign up for another. The plan, which was initiated here by a group from the Student Life committee, will be presented to the students through their councils and clubs. We hope that both students and faculty will favor the idea. Many students and profs are together every day in class without ac tually knowing one another. Consequently both groups miss chances for many valuable friendships. This one evening could go a long way to ward correcting the situation. Santa Claus May Not Visit Some Homes Unless Aid Groups Receive Support College Station, like any other town or city, has its citizens who can not afford the pleasures that many of us know on Christ mas. Many children will awake Christmas morning to find that Santa did not stop at their home. Families will say grace over a meager Christmas dinner with hopes that maybe next year things will be better. The Yuletide spirit will surround the communi ty. But Dec. 25 will be an empty day for these people. * Yet these scenes don’t have to take place. Several groups have remembered that Christmas is a time for giving. They are sponsoring drives to collect gifts and food for needy families. They need your help. Some of these groups include The Col lege Station Kiwanis club, The Battalion, The Council of Church Women in College Station, the Council of Social Agencies of Brazos County, the Department of Public Welfare and the Federated Church Women of Bryan. The Kiwanis club is sponsoring a drive to collect toys, food and clothing for needy children in this area. The Battalion is ac cepting donations for Christmas baskets. The other four organizations have names of poor families. Anyone who wants to find a needy family that he may help may contact one of these groups. Your cooperation with organizations of this kind can make Christmas a reality for those who have had to stop believing in San ta Claus. ONE. -cWOV- l-l'L PAT.y-J THAT'eeTEACH HIM A--, THAT AW ISSTU-L. &OSS, 5 KINCr O'TH'SKONKS THOUGH HE BE. P O G O you we you COW0IRPS KNOW* who Avvesr&p FO&B/Gtf By Walt Kelly THg GRgAf... HE'P JUST sor IHg r&AMi'ATlANTfG €Affl£ bAlP AN’ FOUNP OUT A 67AETUIN6 &l$CQMZ?Ly. m Piecovfcse the Mossss i cepgj IT WA£ ©OOP POg I MESSAGES, GUT h PO&EI&N bANPS COULPU'T i AN£Wg£ TMSy yPlPd'T HAVE NO MMUA60&! ’ / eo’w?) Cj&gss mv \Wl, hs hap to ITU BE I P£TER INVgNTsSp 0OUU- THEN f INVENT A COPE f0( K l! 12.— !0 NOT A PE BP* HUH? ' SPANISH SPAIN, CHINESE FOP CHINA, EN&USH roa THS5 MS. ANP<4 — ANP r AU- LIKE. THAT FOR AMSWfsKINCL" CALUEP (T, NATURAlsj. THE ra-MOESlE CQPg MBXr THEY N&BPBP et-ecTRiciry, eo CZAR 2VAN TOOK A KITS ANO -SCWe *»Tl2iN6 ANO A ttSV Cadet Slouch by Earle What‘s Cooking 7 p. in.—Abilene club meeting, rotunda, Academic building. Dis cuss Christmas dance and party. Beaumont A&M club meeting, room 104, Academic building. Dis cuss final plans for Christmas dance. 7:15 p. in. —Waco-McLennan county club meeting, room 306, Goodwin hall. Discuss Christmas ■party. Land of the Lakes. club meeting, room 106, Academic building. Com plete Christmas dance plans. Guadalupe Valley hometown club meeting, room 3B, MSC. Panhandle club meeting, room 3C, MSC. To discuss Christmas function. San Antonio club meeting, room 301, Goodwin hall. Plans for Christmas party — refreshments. lied River Valley club meeting, room 3D, MSC. Discuss Christmas party. Whispering Pines club meeting, room 228, Academic building. Party plans. Bosque county club meeting, room 307, Goodwin hall. Discuss Christmas party. San Angelo club meeting, Agri cultural building. Christmas plans, and pick up of posters and tickets. 7:30 p. m.—Pallas club meeting, Biology Lecture room. Christmas party plans. Austin hometown club meeting, chapel, YMCA. To plan Christmas party. Wichita Falls hometown club meeting, room 128, Academic build ing. Radio club meeting, radio room, MSC. Sul Ross Lodge No. 1300, AP’ & AM, lodge room. Corpus Christ! club meeting, MSC. To announce plans for Christmas party. Milam county hometown club meeting, YMCA. Discuss plans for Christmas party. Rio Grande Valley club meeting, 2nd floor, YMCA. Plans for Chi’ist- mas party and dance. FI Paso hometown club meeting, Academic building. Collect dues for Christmas party. Permian Basin club meeting, MSC. Distribution of tickets to The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Meehan? ical College of Texas, is imblishcd by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $9.00 per year or $ .75 per feionth. Ad" ertising rates furnished on request. Hntered aa secoiid-clasa matter at Tost Office College Station. Tesaa under the Act of Con- giesa of March 3, iSHO. Member of The Associated Freas Jlepresented nationally by IT at! o'n a I Advertising Services.' ihcV aV New York City. Chicago, Ivos Angeles, and San Shan cldeo. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for repubii- ealion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Eights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved- News contribution? may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall, Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities pffice, Room 209 Goodwin Sail, Christmas dance. Roll will be cull ed. Hidalgo Starr county club meet ing, YMCA. Very important to get dance tickets. Caldwell county club meeting, 3rd floor, Academic building. Port Arthur A&M club meeting, room 106, Biology building. Final plans for Christmas dance. Fddy presiding, should be great. 8 p. m.—Palo Pinto county club meeting, 3rd floor, Goodwin hall. Organizational meeting and plans for Christmas party. Friday 5 p. rn.—Institute of Aeronauti cal Sciences, new Engineering building. Barbecue for members and guests at Bryan Municipal Park at 5:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m.—South Louisiana club meeting, room 301, Goodwin hall. Christmas party plans. LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Editors, The Battalion: Recently 1 read in the Houston Post, ■ a statement by one John Clark, a student who was enrolled at our college a few weeks past. It seemed from the news report that Mr. Clark, who was a probationary student here, has enrolled at a junior college at Odessa. Clark, who is prone to com? plain, was telling the readers that he had received several letters en couraging and congratulating his criticism of our fine, timeproveu traditions. Now I believe everybody is*- within his rights to criticize, providing it is constructive criti cism for the purpose of improve ment and not fault-finding, cap tious, complaints stemming from disappointment and - frustration, (often experienced by those on probation.) The mere fact that Clark was on probation shows either lack of in telligence f which he has shown in- writing his letter) or a deficiency in character in not studying. I would encourage each Aggie to write Clark on his opinion of Clark’s actions and 1 also urge former students, parents of the students, and friends of A&M Col lege to show how closely Aggies f.gratHymg-Ao -CklfriTuma. traditions by expressing their dis gust at his derogatory criticism. My sincerest congratulations to those Aggies who encouraged Clark to enroll at O. U. However it is University would not accept him until he brings, his grades up to a “C” average. Lt. Duane E. Vaiidcnbcrg ’52 Houston, Texas Fence Obstructs View PHILADELPHIA (TP) — Pedes- tumis-Jiave -been, laughing,-at'-this sign oh a bulwark covering a con struction project on busy North Broad Street: “Have patience out, either!” — wc can’t se« JERRY BENNETT, ED HOLDER. Chuck Neighbora.. r fclarrl Baker 1 * hob Boriskie Jon Kinslow : Jerry Estes. Bob Hendry Barbara Eubin. •Jerry W-iLg Bill Turner. Co-Editoiv Managing Editor Campus Editor _h.Sports Editor -City Lditeu .Basie Division Editor Feature Editor Society Editor .Assopiate Sports Editor Advertising Manager ?rai:k Hlsss - Jerry Neljrir'fcsrs Set Scrsey. Jias Cellist S.ay Vail. A! Sntnbsrgr, Arr.c’d cioldetsir:. Sill Parsang, Bill Warren, Jack Farley, Jilin Linter. kins ilcC-ivar.. Jay Ireland. Charles fcrngs'bury, George Uiniteas, E. B. McGowan Gardner ColUns. I. . 7 Bra Sot Palmer, Mem Slcrahanek Advertiaing f Staff James Earle Staff Cartoonist Seymont Smith, Will Holladai, John ilsackcd Staff Photographers Larry L-ghofoor .." . .1: '. .'aiauoi lisaager B-oiand rsairi. Jewel Baymond, Jlcnros Odom, Jem Syler, Baddy Williams, Jaff -V. rr-8SS Bditoi O'* rt Select your CHRISTMAS CARDS THIS CONVENIENT WAY Have you ever bought your Christmas Cards the Boxed Assortment way ? We think you’ll find it a great time- saver—and a real money-saver for you, too ! This year, as always, we are featuring a large variety of Boxed Assortments of Christmas Cards. Each box contains not one, but several different designs-—and the number of cards m each box ranges from 12 up to 25 or more. And the prices are amazingly low. Many tost only a dollar a box-—and some are even less expensive- ' , Come in and select one box each of •several different assortments-—and you’ll find you’ve solved your problem of select ing your Christmas Cards THIS year more easily than ever before The Exchange Store ‘•'Serving Texas Aggies’'* 1 | Hi PvS i WvrA srd! Manhattan Sport Shirts Manhattan Shirts Manhattan Pajamas Manhat tan ’Kerchiefs Holeproof Socks Swank Jewelry and Belts Style Rile Lounging Rohes Euro TV Lounge Sets Evans House Slippers Pendleton Wool Shirts Euro Sport Shirts Catalina Sweaters Monarch Leather Jackets Pendleton Wool Jackets Prince Cardner Wallets Tow ue Luggage Corduroy Coats Conway & Co. i® 'i Tour Clothing Store JOS N. Mam