Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1953)
« Aggies to Meet Here Saturday rip ® ® g 1 rimty Night The Aggie cagers Saturday night will meet Trinity University at DeWare Field House in the first home game of the season. Smarting from the 88-68 wallop ing handed them- by the Lamar Tech Cardinals Tuesday night in Beaumont, the Aggies began work ing Wednesday to polish up their fast break and to develop better control of the backboards. In the Lamar Tech game, mar red by 52 personal fouls assessed against the two teams, the Aggies were unable to break through the tight Cardinal defense or to get open for set shots. Only in the first quarter was A&M able to make a game of it, and after a 21-21 deadlock in the opening moments of the second period, the Cardinals began to steadily pull away. The Saturday night home opener was originally scheduled with Oklahoma A&M in the new physi cal education building, but when completion of the building was de layed, Trinity was selected to re place Oklahoma Aggies. Probable starters will be Roy Martin, center; James Addison and Rodney Pirtle, forwards; and Joe Hardgrove and Don Moon, guards. VARSITY BOX SCORE A&M <C8) 1'G IT I’F TI* Moon 2 2 5 6 Pirtyle 8 3 3 19 Martin 3 9 4 15 Fortenberry 2 4 4 8 Addison 0 3 2 3 Hardgrove 5 0 3 10 Boring 1 0 4 2 McCrory 1 1 2 3 Kennedy 1 0 3 2 Totals 23 22 30 68 Lamar Tech (88) FG FT Ftf TP J„ Kilpatrick 4 6 2 14 Gordon 8 10 1 26 Walton 3 2 5 8 Gilson 5 2 4 12 Carpenter 5 4 5 14 Miksch 5 4 3 14 Touchstone 0 0 2 0 West 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 28 22 88 Score by quarters: A&M 17 13 15 23—68 Lamar 20 22 16 30—88 Officials: Dick Forrester and Hal Al brecht. Free throws missed—A&M: Moon, Pir tle 5, Martin 4, Fortenberry 4, Addison 3, Hardgrove 4, McCrory. La mar: Kilpatrick 4, Gordon 2, Walton 3, Gibson 2, Carpen ter 7, Micksoh 3. FISH BOX SCORE A&M Fish (61) FG FT PF TI BI ood 5 0 5 10 Gattis 3 0 1 6 Pen field 3 0 3 6 Harvey 0 0 5 0 Harrod 6 2 2 14 Mehaffey 3 2 1 8 Smith 1 1 3 3 Phipps 5 1 2 11 Wilson 0 0 0 0 Henry . 1 1 1 3 Stephens 0 0 1 0 Williams 0 0 3 0 Totals 27 7 27 61 Lamar Frosh (35) FG FT PF TP FoIImer 0 2 0 2 Hendrix 2 3 2 7 Neal 0 1 0 1 Hector 2 3 2 7 M r)CW'—r^-vT' Wills . . . ! ! ! 1 2 3 4 King 0 0 0 0 Withers 1 0 1 2 Willey 0 3 1 3 Bean O 0 1 0 Moore 0 0 0 0 Totals , 9 19 11 35 Score by periods: Fish 16 14 17 14—61 Lamar 1 I 7 7 10—35 Free throws missed—Fish: Harrod 2, Mehaffey 4. Lamar Frosh: Follmor 3, Hcnrix 2, Neal 4, Rector 3, Morrison 9, Ford 2. 60 Ag Swimmers Uegin Workouts About 80 varsity and 30 fresh man swimmers started regular practice Monday. They played water polo until the Thanksgiving Day holidays to get in shape. The first swimming meet is Jan. 9, when the Fish compete against the Houston YMCA. The varsity starts its season Jan. 16 in the Southwest conference relays at SMU. Other meets are scheduled with the University of Texas, SMU, Texas Tech, Georgia Tech, Emory university, University of Florida, Florida State and Northwestern Louisiana institute. Dick Weiclc and Norman Ufer are expected to be top performers this season. Weick made last year’s all-American team in the 100-yard back stroke. Ufer was an all- America high school swimmer in Houston. Aggie Soccer Team Plays Chance Vought The A&M soccer team Sunday will play Chance Vought Aircraft Manufacturing Co. in the fourth Cadet game of the season. The Aggies will be after their third win of the season against one loss. Game time is 2 p. m. on the soccer field west of Law hall. Fifteen foreign countries are represented on the team, including Mexico, Germany and Central and South American countries. Coaches Choose Best 7 Tigers Picked On All-District Seven members of the ’53 A&M Consolidated high school football team were selected on the 22 man all-district 25-A team picked by the district coaches. Bellville placed six players on the team. Sealy had three, followed by Tomball and Katy with two each. Cypress-Fair- banks and Waller had one each. The coaches voted for the top eight backs and The best 14 linemen. They did not place them at positions. Consolidated players on the team are: Linemen - Bobby Carter, Pinky Cooner, George Litton and Melvin Free. Backs - David Bonncn, Fred Anderson and William Arnold. The complete team, with the players regular positions, follows: Line-Carter, end; Cooner, center; Litton, guard; Free, tackle; Jack Clark, Bellville, guard; Herman Koehn, Bell ville, tackle; Jack Kloss, Bellville, tackle; Eldon Brast, Bell ville, center; Paul Maywald, Cypress-Fairbanks, linebacker; Danny Nicholson, Tomball, tackle; Jack Hughes, Tomball, guard; Robert Maler, Sealy, guard; Paul Schroeder, Sealy, end; Lloyd Hall, Katy, end. Backfield - Bonnen, fullback; Anderson, quarterback; Arnold, halfback; Dudley Rench, Sealy, halfback; Charles Witte>.,Be!lville,...halfback.; B ruce- -Deefrertr Belhd+le, -quarter* back; Floyd Hall, Katy, halfback; Duane Snow, Waller, full back. Select your CHRISTMAS CARDS THIS CONVENIENT WAY Have you ever bought your Christmas Cards the Boxed Assortment way? We think you’ll find it a great time- saver—and a real money-saver for you, too! This year, as always, we are featuring a large variety of Boxed Assortments of Christmas Cards. Each box contains not one, but several different designs—and the number of cards in each box ranges from 12 up to 25 or more. And the prices are amazingly low. Many cost only a dollar a box—and some are even less expensive. Come in and select one box each of several different assortments—and you’ll find you’ve solved your problem of select ing your Christmas Cards THIS year more easily than ever before. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” - Battalion Classifieds - HTT, SELL, RENT OK TRADE. Rates .... 3c a work per Insertion with a loe minimum. Space rate In classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send ill classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. AH ads must be received tn Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • LOST • LIBRARY BOOK >n Geology building, “American Association of Petroleum Ge ologists”. If found turn in to Geology building or library. VICINITY of Tennis courts Thursday. La dy’s 17 Jewel Bulova gold watch with snake band. Call 4-8173. BOY’S BLUB, belted jacket with fur col lar. near Park Place bridge. Phone 6-3253. Alex Rush. • Blue line prints ® Blue prints • Photostats SCOATES INDUSTRIES Phono S-SSS7 • FOR SALE ® FOR SALE: Large desk, $15.00 and side board, $10.00 A-9-B Col. V. FOR SALK—1948 English Ford. Fair condition—35 miles per gal. See Roy Goode, A&M Press. • SPECIAL NOTICE • WANTED: Typing. Reasonable rates Phope: 3-1776 (after 5 p.m.) READ B A T T A L I O N CLASSIFIED GUY H. DEATON, ^0 TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE We Buy, Sell, Rent, Reoair 116 S. Main Ph, 2-5254 BRYAN • FOR RENT • TSBWING machines. Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. • WANTED • WANTED—good used girl’s 22”. Call 4-1272 after 1 P bicycle, m. 20”- Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN Dr. N. B. McNutt DENTIST Office Over Ellison’s Pharmacy j Entrance—-107 E. 26 St. Fh. S5SS Bry^r. Thursday, December 3, 1954 THE BATTALION Pag'0 5 George Story Hasn 7 Basis— Penberthy W. L. Penberthy, dean of men and chairman of the A &M athletic council, yesterday denied published reports that Coach Ray George will be asked to resign. “The rumor is absolutely without basis,” said Penberthy. “The athletic council has not even met to discus the foot ball program for the coming year. Ray George is our head coach, and there has been ab solutely no discussion in re gard to a change,” he said. Ellis to I‘lay Blue-Cray Tilt Don Ellis, A&M’s all-Southwest conference quarterback, has. ac cepted an invitation to play in the annual Blue Gray game in Mont gomery, Ala. Dec. 26. Ellis will report before Dec. 19, when the Grays begin woi’kouts. He will compel for the man-under position with Jackie Parker of Mis sissippi state. A Infantry, Squadron 10 Tie \ A infantry and squadron 10 bat tled to a scoreless tie in a muddy intramural football game yester day. They also tied, 1-1, in pene trations. Squadron 10 was sparked by Tommy Skrabanek, who threw a pass to Doug Scott for 40 yards and the top play of the first half. A infantry unreeled the best play of the last half when Film Kimzey took the ball on a double reverse and ran 40 yards. On the last play of the game, A infantry’s Gene Smith intercepted a pass by Skrabanek and ran to Three Vets Start For Tigers Friday Three lettermen will be in A&M Consolidated high school’s starting lineup when the Tigers open their basketball season on the road against Navasota Friday night. The varsity game will start at 8, and the B team game will be gin at 6:45. Coach Jim Bevans announced the following varsity starters: Bobby Jackson, Fred Anderson, Pinky Cooner, J. B. Carroll and Roland Beasley. Jackson, Anderson and Cooner won varsity letters last season. Carroll and Beasley are up from last year’s B team. what appeared to be the winning penetration, however, an official had blown the play dead. Elo Zatopek of A armor com pleted a pass for the winning point after touchdown to help his unit edge A signal, 7-6. Dale Kemp returned a punt 60 yards for A signal’s only score. Ron Averiette burst though center for 80 yards and a touchdown for A armor. Ed Palm caught a pass on his own 30 and scampered 70 yards for the only touchdown to help squadron 11 down A transporta tion corps, 8-0. Sq. 16 Blanks B Arm. Squadron 16 defeated B armor, 6-0. Squadron 5 defeated squadron 14, in a 6-6 tie. H. D. McCuistion scored for squadron 14. Larry Kester inter cepted a pass to set up squadron 5’s score. Gene Stubblefied scored from the 2-yard line for squadron 5. Basketball H Helig scored eight points to help Mitchell hall slip past Post Graduate hall, 23-20 in basket ball. John Smith was high man for Post Graduate hall with eight points. Dormitory 4’s Howard Tiller scored eight points to help his unit defeat Leggett hall, 19-7. Bowling Squadron 22 edged squadron 23, 404-394. George Pyland was high for the winners with 162. Max Walker was high for squads ron 23 with 149. AAA’s W. T. Burge bowled 152 to help down A armor, 397-377. Ambrose Boubel was A armor’s high man with 142. B. R. Ricks, company B, rolled 153 to help beat company C, 425- 376. for YOU CAN’T FIND BETTER CHRISTMAS BARGAINS! Available at The Exchange Store DECEMBER 9 9 A.M. Wide Selection LOWER PRICES on Christmas Trees ★ MARKET SPECIALS ★ Freshly Ground Hormel 1st Grade Dairy Ground Beet lb. 29 c Bacon ..... lb. 69c (In lots of 5 lbs. or more .... lb. 28c) ui?ijen Lean Baby Beef w* n If Brisket. 5 lbs. Pork Roast. lb. 49j From Choice Baby Beef Pot Roast. . lb. 39 c Extra Good Home Made COUNTRY STYLE Produce' Size Number 5 LETTUCE SIRLOIN—From Choice Baby Beef e • o SEVEN—Lean Tender . . 2 heads 15c Steak..... lb, 45 c Fresh Snow White Heads CAULIFLOWER , . . head 19c Fancy California CUCUMBERS .... lb. 9c US No. 1 Clean YELLOW ONIONS . . lb. 5c EXTRA LARGE BUNCHES HOME GROWN TURNIPS & TOPS . 2 bun. 25c Choice Baby Beef (Tub Steak. lb. 55 c Cold Cuts- FIMIENTO LOAF PRESSED HAM BIG BOLOGNA SALAMI Sausage . .. lb. 55 c | k ^ Hormel All-Meat Wieners... lb. 49c Mild Hoop Cheese.... lb. 59 c Decker’s Tall Korn Bacon .... lb. 59 c o « Hormel Pre-Cooked—4 to 5 Lbs. II), A!) 11 Baking Kan, lb. 55* ★ GROCERY SPECIALS ★ Just Received. Fresh shipment Shell ed Nuts from Bain. Note how much cheaper prices are when we packaged items locally. New Crop, Large Pieces Full 16 Oz.—Cello. Shelled Pecans. 93 c Shelled 2 Lb. Cello. Raw Peanuts.. 57 c One of the better brands. New for mula spreads at refrigerator temper ature. Keyko Oleo. lb. 22 c 3 Lb. Carton Armour’s—Vegetable Shortening. ea- 67 c By Our Keeping Coupon. Deal Crisco. 3 lb, can 33 c 1 Lb. Can—(Limit 1 Please CAN Folger’s Coifee 87 c Magic White ‘Bomb’ Type, Sprays on Xmas Snow. ea. 89 c Permanent Type Most Attractive Tree Stands . ea. 2V1> Cans—Del Monte, Bartlett CAN Pear Halves • 39 c Buffet Size Cans—Libby’s CAN Kadota Figs . . 15 c 16 Oz. Cans—Nu Crest 3 CANS Pork & Beans . 25 c Buffet Cans—Tangy, Zestful Frosts 4 CANS Tomato Sauce . 25 c No. 2 Cans—Grade A—Fancy Texas GRAPEFRUIT Juice .... can 10 C 46 Oz. Cans—Blue Bird GRAPEFRUIT Juice • a • • » 25 c No. 303 Cans—Curtis Standard Tomatoes. 2 ens 25 c Popular Brands Carton Cigarettes .,. $2-09 1000 Single Sheets—High Grade Softex ROLL Toilet Tissue. „ 10 c PKC. (Limit 2 Please.) 16 Oz. Hershey’s CAN 80 Count—Charmin or Northern Paper Napkins. 10 c Limit One Please Imperial 10 LB, BAG Cane Sugar ... 89 c Choc. Syrup... 15 c 8 Oz. Jars Del Dixi—Sour or Dill JAR Whole Pickles. 15 c One of the Better Brands—4 Oz. Cans Red Crown 3 FOR Vienna Sausage 50 c TnaoUFi: i V<, Our Store as Official Local Headquarters for the 1954 “Mrs. America” Contest. Entry Blanks will be in the February Issue of Better Living Magazine, Co- Sponsors with Lone Star Gas Co. Now on Sale, December Issue .... \ Belter Living Magazine . . copy 5e ★ Frozen Foods ★ New Crop SNOW CROP—6 Oz. Cans ORANGE JUICE . 2 cans 35c Yt Gal. Lilly or Holiday MELLORINE . . . each 59c J 0 Oz. Pkgs.—Birdseye GREEN PEAS . . 2 pkgs. 35c New Size—10 Oz. Pkgs.—Snow Crop STRAWBERRIES . . pkg. 29c Morton’s Individual CHICKEN POT PIES . ea. 25c Southside Food Market STORE HOURS: 8 a.m.—7 p.m. Daily. Open 30 Minutes Earlier Fri. & Sat. Closed Sundays 3 blocks due South of Kyle Field, College A Complete One-Stop Market WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Specials 4 pail Tburs* Afternoon^ Friday & Saturday - December 3 4 „ r