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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1953)
Page 6 THE BATTALION Tuesday, October 13, 1953 A&M Employee W eel In. Ceremony Sun clay The marriage of Miss Martha Jane Konecny and Troyce La von Stroud was solemnized in a cere mony at St. Joseph Catholic church in Bryan at 4 p. m. Sunday. Miss Konecny, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Konecny jr., 1507 Sandy Point, has been employed by A&M College. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stroud, Throckmorton, was graduated from A&M in 1949. The bride’s gown was star white satin and lace. The scooped neck line was etched with chantilly lace, which continued over the sholders to meet the tapered satin sleeves. The taut bodice dipped over the bouffant satin skirt. Twin panals CHS Kids Sell New Calendars In Local Homes “Buy your Birthday Cal- Rndar from me.” is the request being heard at nearly every College Station home this week as pupils at A&M Con solidated schools compete to see who can sell the m.ost calendars, and get the most “listings.” Prizes are being offered in the elementary grades, in junior high and in high school, according to Mrs. Walter Varvel, president of the A&M Consolidated Band Boosters. The organization is rais ing money to buy uniforms and new instruments. “We expect to raise more than $800 for the band if College Sta tion people support this project the way they always support any thing connected with our school,” Mrs. Varvel said. “All of the advertising for the calendar has been sold, but we do need more people to list their birthdays, anniversaries and club meeting dates at 25 cents for each date,” she said. Deadline for all calendar sales and for listings is Wednesday, Oct. 21. Anyone not contacted by a school child may call Mrs. Varvel, or Mrs. E. W. Fleming at the school, to reserve a calendar or get an event listed. of lace in the back blended into a full circular court train. Her fingertip illusion veil fell from an oval juliet cap, satin covered with lace, encrusted with seed pearls. Chose Attendants The bride chose Mrs. Ed Kosarek as her matron of honor. Her gown of dark champagne net over a bal lerina length irridescent taffeta skirt was strapless with a net jacket. She wore brown shoes and carried pale pink carnations with brown streamers. The bridesmaids, Misses Regina Stetz and Loretta Lanicek, wore identical dresses of pink net. They wore pink shoes and carried deep pink carnations with tan ribbons. The bridegroom chose h i s brother, Frank Truman Stroud of Denver, as best man. Ushers were James H. Konecny, Brother of the bride, and T. L. Farmer of Lott. Father Tim Valenta officiated at the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. R. J. Newland played organ selections. Mrs. Virgil Mauldin sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and Hubert Vykukal sang “Ave Maria.” Reception Held Immediately following the cere--f mony, a reception was held at St. Joseph’s auditorium. Mrs. Ken neth Souter was in charge of the bride’s book. Assisting in serving were Mesdames Roland Willis, Joseph Weaver, a n d Harry Rogers. The couple will make their home in Amarillo where he is employed by the Pacific Finance company. He was a member of the Ross Volunteers while at A&M. Mrs. Stroud was graduated from Stephen F. Austin high school. She was employed as illustrator in the photographic and visual aids de partment. She is a student of Art Instruction, Inc. and a member of the Aggie Players and the Me morial Student Center Art Gal lery committee. Viui Dyke Photograph Vrooman to Speak To Architect Wives Dick Vrooman of the architec ture department will be the speak er for the meeting of the Architec- tual Wives society at 7:3Q p. m. Wednesday at the YMCA. Do oil a insure tomorrow ^/ociuij LIFE, HOSPITALIZATION, POLIO EUGENE RUSH Phone 4-4666 Aggieland Phm’cy. Bldg. North Gate BA TTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SEI.I., RENT OR TRADE. Rates .... 3c a work per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the flay before publication. FOR SALE READ ESTATE FOR SAFE My home on the Wellborn road off Hiway 6, 158 acres. All under hog proof fence. Five room house, garage, and other out houses. Three farm ponds stocked with fish. W. B. Barron Wellborn, Texas EREY COLLAPSIBLE carriage stroller, good condition. $10.00. 425 Old Sulphur Springs Rd., Bryan. ® WANTED TO BUY • WANTED: Suit of winter greens, size 14 % x 33—30 x 34. Quinton S. Raab, 11-2*20, Box 5212, C. S. PAIR OF SENIOR BOOTS—9 y 2 or 10C, 16” calf. Mrs. Smith, contact 6-3677 after 5. USED upright piano. If high priced do not call. 4-8172. FOR RENT LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnished apart ment. North gate. Utilities paid. $50 a month. Phone 6-2332. SEWING machines. Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. • FOUND • FOUND—a watch at the College Golf course. Owner must pay for this ad. LOST BROWN LEATHER wallet, Thursday, Oct. 8. Contents very valuable. If found, contact Leslie Phillips, B-3-B College View. •DIRECTORY OF* BUSINESS SERVICES • WANTED WANTED—Rider in car pool. College View area to BAFB. 8 to 5 schedule. Phone 6-2244 after 5:30. WANTED—two people to share expenses in ride to and from college. At 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Call 2-2329 after 5:15 p.m. MARRIES EX-STUDENT—Mrs. Troyce Lavon Stroud, the former Miss Martha Jane Konecny, who was married at St. Joseph’s Catholic church Sunday. Stroud, an A&M graduate, was a member of the Ross Volunteers. Mrs. Stroud was employed by the photographic and visual aids department. They will live in Amarillo. Texas Garden Clubs Meet Here Wednesday Foods Interest Group To Meet The foods interest group of the College Women’s Social club will meet at 1:30 p. m. Friday in the A&M Christian church. Mrs. C. F. Richardson, chair man, invited all members of the Social club who are interested in joining the foods group to come to this first meeting. Reservations for the Friday meeting must be made before noon Wednesday by calling Mrs. L. S. O’Bannon at 4-5358. The foods interest group meets the third Friday of each month. WhaVs Cooking TUESDAY 7:30 p. m. —Horticulture society meeting, room 2b, MSC. Fish and Game Club meeting, 3rd floor, Ag. Eng. Building. Slides of Yellowstone Park v/ill be shown. Refreshments. A&M Dianetics Group meeting, room 3b, MSC. Society of Automotive Engi neers, room 3d, MSC. Pre-Med Club meeting, room 107, Biological Sciences Building. A film to be shown on amputation. Other films to be scheduled throughout the year. MSC Bridge Club; 7:30 p.m.J MSC Social Room. 8. p. m. Student Chapter A. I. A. Biological Lecture Room. 8 p. m.—Petroleum Engineer ing Club meeting, American Legion Hall. Get Acquainted party. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p. m.—Knights of Colum bus, Basement of St. Mary’s Chapel. THURSDAY 7:30 p. m.—West Club meeting, Y. M. C. A. Waco - McLennan County Club meeting, room 306, Goodwin hall. Election of officers. FOR AN EXCITING HALLOWEEN PARTY — See Our New Assortment - of HALLOWEEN ® Hats ® Noise Makers ® Masks © Tambourines ® Pinatas ® Pinata Fillers © Party Baloons ® Invitations ® Place Cards © Tallies GIFT SHOP Memorial Student Center A meeting of Division two of the Texas Garden Clubs will be held Wednesday at the ^Memorial Student Center. The meeting will open with re gistration and a coffee hour at 9:30 a. m. The morning meeting will be held at 10 a. m. Mrs. A1 B. Nelson, chairman of division two and a member of the A&M Garden club, will preside. The invocation will be given by Mrs. D. W. Williams of Bryan and will be followed by a welcome from Mrs. Marion Pugh, president of the A&M Garden club. A short business meeting will follow. Mrs. J. W. Batts, program chair man for the meet, will then lead a forum on “Problems and Projects.” Members of the horticulture and landscape ai’chitecture department at A&M will lead a horticulture forum. Following a luncheon at noon, A. F. DeWerth, head of the flori culture and landscape architecture department, will speak on home landscaping. At 1:30 p. m. there will be a special flower arrangement dis play. , • SPECIAL NOTICE • Working Mothers I.oavf your children in the compe tent care of an experienced mother. We will care for your child five days a week for only $25.00 monthly. We also have weekly and daily rates. For further information. SEE MRS. T. L. HUFFAKER C-18-A COLLEGE VIEW Official Notice The second installment on fees for the fall semester is payable now, and penalty will be added after October 16. The second installment includes: Board to Nov. 18 $40.60 Room rent to Nov. 18 11.00 Laundry to Nov. 18 3.55 Total .$55.15 Applications for the College Qualification test given by the Selective Service System are now available at the housing office, 101 Goodwin hall. Applications must be on file postmarked no later than midnight Nov. 2, 1953. Registration for the Selec tive Service system is now available to students at the housing office. Students needing information about the Student deferment selective service program may obtain this information at the Bryan Selective Service office, room 310, Varisco Bldg. Mrs. Frankie Krenek Chief Clerk, selective service Applications for degrees are now being accepted in the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School from students expecting to complete requirements for their degrees by INBURANCU of all kinds. Homer <t.d&m» North Onto Gall 4-1217 the end of the current semester. The final date for filing for degree Is October 23. 1953. K&R DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN On Fin Feather Road Bryan, Texas GUY H. DEATON, ’20 TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE We Buy, Sell, Rent, Repair 116 S. Main Ph. 2-5254 BRYAN Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) LOUIS V. HANNA Professional Counselor M.A. M.ed ’51 510 KESTWOOD — FH. 2-7642 Educational Personal Vocational Child Guidance Three Bryan Kids Win Essay Contest Frankie J. Zemanek, eighth grade; Elaine Cargill, seventh, and Phyllis San Angelo, sixth grade, won first prize in the essay con test for Columbus Day held at St. Joseph’s Parochial school in Bry an. The contest was sponsored by the College Station council of Knights of Columbus. Raymond Broussard, grand knight, presented the awards. Second place winners in the sixth, seventh and eighth grade are Sally Lehr, Kenneth Hallaran and Patricia Fridel. Rummage Sale Here St. Thomas Episcopal chapel is planning a rummage sale for this area. Mrs. R. B. Evans, chairman, has asked people to bring any old household goods or clothing by the chapel parish home before Thurs day night. Date and place of the sale will be announced later. SMOKERS BY 1HE THOUSANDS CHANGING TO CHESTERFIELD f/>e Ofi/iyc/aareffe ever to giveyou... © PROOF of LOW NICOTINE The country’s six leading cigarette brands were analyzed — chemically — and Chesterfield was found low in nicotine — highest in quality. © A PROVEN RECORD with smokers Again end again, over a full year and a half a group of Chesterfield smokers have been given thorough medical examinations . . . the doctor’s reports are a matter of record, “No adverse effects to the nose, throat and sinuses from smoking Chesterfields.” A responsible independent research laboratory super vises this continuing program. If you like fresh, neat looking clothes- Take Your Cleaning To . . CAMPUS CLEANERS Copyright 1953, Ltoscn & Mrtss To»acco COtf