Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1953)
Thursday, October 8, 1953 ' » THE BATTALION Page 3 Unbeaten Ags Sharpen Attack for Sec! Raiders The undefeated A&M football team, surprise of the Southwest conference, yesterday sha y ened up its offense for the Tt. ech game in Lubbock Saturday, with an offensive scrimmage session. WHIM-THt-MST-PICTOMS-PUW oiuvE-m ifSTn^r^THEATRE CHILOREN UNDER 12 YEARSi- fRft DANGEROUS WHEN WET’ ESTHER “WOW” WILLIAMS ‘ONE MINUTE TO ZERO’ NOW SHOWING { coto,.»TECHNICOLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. FRI. PREV.—11 P m7 LAST DAY 66 LAURA” STARTS FRIDTY A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE The first and second teams work ed out against the third team. If Don Kachtik is unable to play, the starting backfield will be quarterback Don Ellis, halfbacks Elwood Kettler and Billy Pete Huddleston or Connie Magouirk and Bob Easley. Kachtik missed the Georgia game with an injured leg. Kachtik may also play at half back instead of fullback if he is ready, paid Coach Ray George. “I don’t know if he’ll be ready or not,” said George. Cadets Fly to Lubbock The Cadets will work on offense, defense and kicking today, with little contact work. The team will fly to Lubbock at 2 p. m. Friday and will loosen up at Jones Stadium Friday night. Joe Boring, Joe Schero, Charley Hall, Cooper Robbins and Donald TODAY & FRIDAY Tl*<e ■'sfliSsSlWI OCK..HUDSON-JULIA ADAMS with MARY CASTLE • JOHN McINTlRE • HUGH O'BRIAN (gen A SAOUl V/A1SH Production - A UNITIRSAl-INItRNAllONAl PICIUKE Plus the All-true Underwater Wonder Show! . . . “UNDER THE RED SEA Made by the Producer of “Kon-Tiki” “One of the years most unusual movies” —Quick Magazine “Strange thrills and beauties — comparable to Kon-Tiki“ —N.Y. Times CIRCLE 4-1250 TODAY & FRIDAY — ALSO — “THE BRIGAND” Starring Anthony Dexter Jody Lawrance QUEEN STARTS FRIDAY RICHARO CARLSON-BARBARA RUSH * a universal international picture CAMPUS TODAY THRU SATURDAY OUT OF THE MOST DARING BOOK OF OUR TIME! starring BURT LANCASTER CLIFT J DEBORAH FRAWK OT1(n KERR SINATRA REED Screen Play by DANIEL TARADASH • Based upon the novel by JAMES JONES Product by BUDDY ADLER • Directed by FRED ZiNNEMANN Adults Children .80 .25 Robbins will miss the Tech game. Tackle Foster Teague was shaken up in practice Tuesday but is ex pected to .play. A squad of 37 will make the trip. George forlornly shook his head and said, “It’s gonna be rough,” when asked about the Red Raiders. “They’ve got a terrific running ball club with Cavazos, Sides and Lewis and good passing.” Cavazos Ran for 674 Yards Bobby Cavazos is the twice all- Border conference and honorable mention all-American halfback be ing publicized for all-America. He rushed for 674 yards and 5.4 yard average in 1952. Against Okla homa A&M last Saturday he car ried 10 times for 68 yards. Sophomore fullback James Sides won a starting berth as a fresh man last year. An all-state, all- America high school player on the 1951 Lubbock state champion team, Sides had a 5.2 yard average last year. TWO YEAR SOUTHWEST COWFER£WCE CROSS- cooum' CW AMP Also LA?>T YB5. ‘SW-C. Z MILE CUAMP Tigers Open District Play Friday; Lead Area Scoring Fish Play Cubs Here Tonight For probably the first time in Kyle Field history, football fans will see two all-America school boy players in action tonight at 7:30 when the Aggie Fish meet the Baylor Cubs. John (Sonny) Ray, Freshman end, was selected on the national mythical team last season at Ray high school of Corpus Christ!, while Doyle Traylor, Cub quarter back, received the same recogni tion while tossing passes for Tem ple. Both teams posted a first game victory. Both Teams Impressive The Freshmen trampled Tarleton State college last Thursday by a 34-0 score, aind the Cubs registered an impressive 21-7 win over the strong University of Texas Short horns. Starting lineup for the Freshmen wilj. probably have Gene Stallings of Baris and John Ray, ends; Bob by Lockett, Breckenridge, and Houston Green, Breckenridge, tackles; Bennie Bloomer, Belton, and Lloyd Hale, Iraan, guards; Walker Griffith, center; Bobby Drake Keith, Breckenridge, left halfback, and Billy Grandberry, Beeville, or Don Carpenter, Grand Prairie, right halfback; Jack Par dee, Christoval, fullback; and Charles Scott, Alexandria, La., quarterback. The Cub lineup will include such high school stars as Reuben Saage, Bill Parsley, Ronnie Guess, Del bert Shofner, Don Berry, Bobby Morris, Paul Buchanan, Neal Wil liams, Tony DeGrazier, Dan Mil ler and Bill Glass. With their big line and fast, hard running backs, the Fish will pro bably concentrate on the ground game as they did in the Tarleton contest when they ran the ball across the double stripe for all five touchdowns. $200 00 Rings enlarged to show details CAMERON Also $100 to 2475 Wedding Ring $12.50 Prices include Federal tax Our signature on the Keep sake Certificate and the words on the tag guarantee your Keepsake to be a PERFECT gem! SANKEY PARK 111 X. Main Bryan DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 The unbeaten and unextended Tigers of A&M Consolidated high school, highest scoring team in central Texas high school foot ball, open their district season with Cypress-Fairbanks Friday night. Kickoff time is 7:30 p. m. on Tiger Field. The Tigers have rolled up 191 points in winning their first four games of the season. Consolidated’s defense, which has held their op ponents to only seven points, is also first in central Texas for teams playing four games. A 47.8 point per game scoring average puts the Tigers in second place in that department. Fullback David Bonnen is tied for eighth among central Texas If you like fresh, neat looking clothes— Take Your Cleaning To . . . CAMPUS CLEANERS players in scoring. His three touch down performance against Hemp stead gave him 42 points for the season. Bobby Joe Wade is tied for 14th with 36 points. The first eight unbeaten teams in central Texas high school foot ball are as follows: W I. T Vet Pts Opp Team Elgin 5 A&M Consolidated 4 Calvert 4 Riesel 4 McGregor 4 La Vega 4 Kerens 4 Goldthwaite 4 O'l.OOO 111 0 1.000 191 7 0 1.000 150 18 0 1.000 104 18 0 1.000 101 19 0 1.000 67 24 0 1.000 75 26 0 1.000 140 27 22nd! ANNUAL PRISON 0 SPECIALTY d •'’-'VV •• • : t I- ACTS AA Tv : • I # ■’ V MJj and M FEATURE ATTRACTIONS^ ■ . mmmm RESERVED(fr/y Mifl TAX SEATS 1 ^C. Send Check CR.: : M<3rs.EY. oiYder To PRISON rodeo Ticket opTice MARKET SPECIALS Choice Baby Beef Pot Roast ...... lb. 33c Let Gladiola tell you how good the biscuits are. Let Kraft or Brockles describe the salad. Let Folger’s or Duncan tempt you with their coffee. But let us tell you about the meats. For meats make the meal. And whether you build your Sunday dinner around a steak or a roast, you can be assured of a satisfying meal if either comes from one of our choice baby beeves. Choice Baby Beef Sirloin Steak lb. 59c Choice Baby Beef Round Steak . . . lb. 59c Choice Baby Beef—SEVEN STEAK or SHOULDER ROUND Swiss Steak .... lb. 49c Baby Beef Brisket for Stew or Barbecue. lb. 19c Freshly Ground Wholesome Ground Beef . . . lb. 29c (In lots of 5 pounds or more, lb. 28c) Hormel Midwest or Decker’s Tall Korn Bacon . lb. 79c Kraft’s Cheese Food Velveeta . . 2 lb. box 88c Armour’s Star—All Meat BOLOGNA or Sliced Press. Ham, lb. 49c Armour’s Star Pure Pork Roll Sausage . . . lb. 55c All Meat HormeLFranks V.C. Wieners . . lb. 49c lb. 39c Hormel Pre-Cooked Ham-Shank End . lb. 55c BUTT END 59c FROZEN FOODS ★ GROCERY SPECIALS ★ 6 Oz. Cans—Snow Crop 2 CANS Orange Juice 39c Snow Crop 2 PKGS. Peas & Carrots .... 39c Birdseye- 2 PKGS. Mixed Vegetables . . 39c Birdseye 2 PKGS. Green Peas ...... 39c Stokely’s Honor Brand 2 PKGS. Broccoli Cuts .... 39c Minute Maid Blended GRAPEFRUIT & Orange Juice . 2 cans 33c Yz Gallon Holiday or Lilly Mellorine .... each 59c ★ FRESH FRUITS No, 21/z .Size (Large) Calif. Celery stalk 15c Red Tokay Grapes Ib. 10c No. 1 Calif. Cucumbers lb. 6c Grayson or Goodhope Oleo lb. 19c Sanitary Grade A Pasteurized—/z Gallons Milk 2 bot. 71c (Plus bottle deposits) The Leaner Meats Go into Libby’s, 16 Oz. Can Corned Beef Hash . 35c 4 Oz. Can—Libby’s Vienna Sausage . can 19c 16 Oz. Cans Monarch Gooseberries . . can 43c No. 2 Cans—Dolly Madison Pitted—Dark, Sweet Cherries . can 37c Campbell’s Tomato Soup . . can lie &VEGETABLES ★ Fancy Washington State Red Delicious Apples lb. 17c Calif. Fancy Bell Sweet Peppers . . lb. 13c No. 1 Calif. White Potatoes .... 5 lbs. 33c 16 Oz. Can Fresh Pack Happy Host Green and White Lima Beans . . 2 cans 27c 10 Oz. Jar in Extra Heavy Syrup Monarch Texas Magnolia Figs . . jar 45c 300 Cans—Austex—Without Beans Chili can 35c 1 Lb. Cans—Honey Boy—Chum Salmon can 35c For Floors or Furniture—Red Bingo Polish . . . qt. 21c 6 Oz. Pkg.—New Ace or Bi-Lo—Pieces Shelled Pecans . pkg. 47c Your Cake Success Guai'anteed—Now Mrs. Tucker’s—HYDROGENATED Shortening . 3 lb. can 75c (Limit One Please) Folger’s Coffee ... 1 lb. can 85c (Limit One Please) Imperial Sugar ... 10 lb. hag 89c Popular Brands Carton Cigarettes $2.09 5 Lb. Bag Kimbell’s Best Flour bag 39c Southside Food Market Specials Starting Thursday Afternoon, Friday & Saturday - Oct. 8-9-10 STORE HOURS: 8 a.m.—7 p.m. Daily. Open 30 Minutes Earlier Fri. & Sat. Closed Sundays 3 blocks due South of Kyle Field, College A Complete One-Stop Market WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES