Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1953)
Thursday, September 17, 1953 Tliii; xsATl ALdUlN rage a Buddy Davis Signs Basketball Contracl Stringbean Walt (Buddy) Davis, the Olympic high jump champ and holder of the world record, ap parently will not be the first human to jump seven feet. He has signed a contract with the Phila delphia Warriors of the National Basketball Association. Davis, 6 feet 8V2, set the present world mark of 6 feet 11(4 inches and took first place at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Fin. A 7 feet plus jump at the 1952 South west Conference meet was shaved because of an uneven spot in the approach area. While at A&M, Davis was also one of the top basketball players in the loop. He scored 952 points in his three years career, including 363 in the ’51 - ’52 season. Cadets, ’Cats Will Field 10 Four Year Men Each Only 10 seniors will be on each squad Saturday night in Lexington when the Aggies face the Uni versity of Kentucky Wildcats in the football season opener. Four are slated to start for the Aggies, while Kentucky may give the call to several more. Don Ellis, quarterback; Connie Magouirk, left halfback; Durwood Scott, right tackle and Eric Miller, left end, are beginning their last year of eligibility at A&M. Ken tucky, however, may call on as Humble Begins 20th Year Of SWC Grid Broadcasts Southwest Conference football games will be brought into the liv ing rooms of Texas fans via radio this season for the 20th consecutive year by Humble Oil and Refining Company. A full schedule of Conference games plus all intersectional games played by Conference schools will be broadcast over networks com prising 58 Texas radio stations. Forty-five games in which con ference schools appear will be heard on the radio. Schedules are so arranged that fans have a choice of several different broadcasts each weekend. West Texas will be able to fol low Texas Tech games over a net work of West Texas stations in other Humble broadcasts. Kick-off of the conference broad casts will be Saturday, when Bay lor faces California, Rice plays Florida, A&M opposes Kentucky, TCU battles Kansas, and Texas faces LSU. Kern Tips of Houston, well- known play-by-play announcer who has handled Humble’s Conference broadcasts for the last 18 years, will head the announcing staff. On the staff are such familiar sports- lasters as Yes Box of Dallas, and John Ferguson. Supplementing the football broadcasts will be a 30-minute TV program on Monday and Tuesday nights. The program, which re places “Texas in Review” during the football season, will show high lights of the preceding Saturday’s games. Tips, who knows conference teams and style of play, will com ment on the highlight plays. He will explain how the interesting plays came about. The football highlights program will be telecast on Monday nights over WBAP-TV, Ft. Worth; KR LD-TV, Dallas; KPRC-TV, Hous ton; KWFT-TV, Wichita Falls; and KRBC-TV, Abilene. On Tuesdays it can be seen on KTBC-TV, Austin; WOAI-TV, San Antonio; XELD-TV, Brownsville; K DUB-TV, Lubbock; and KTXL- TV, San Angelo. many as eight seniors to start Saturday’s game. Co-captains Ray Correll, left guard, and Tommy Adkins, center, will start. Probable starters in clude Tom Harper, left tackle; Jim Proffitt, right end; Steve Meiling- er, left halfback; Joe Platt, right halfback; Tom Pillion, fullback and Herb Hunt, quarterback. Rounding out the Aggie starters will be Don Kachtik, fullback; Joe Boring, right halfback; Sidney Theriot, left guard; Marvin Tate, right guard; Fred Broussard, cen ter; Lawrence Winkler, left tackle and Bennie Sinclair, right end. Although the Wildcats are gen erally rated at the bottom half of the Southeastern Conference in pre - season ratings, they could easily be one of the surprises of that league. The reason ? Four seniors re garded as being among the best gridsters in the South. They are Meilinger, Profitt, Correll and Ad kins. All are two year lettermen. Meilinger is the boy who does anything and everything well. A 220 pounder, he played end, quart erback, halfback, defensive half, safety and handled the punting duties last year. The veteran rush ed for 382 yards and passed for 127. He caught 16 passes for 326 yards and six touchdowns. Against Miami Meilinger was switched to quarterback, the first time he had ever played the posi- NOTICE Removal of Office Dr. M. W. Deason wishes to announce the removal of his office from 313 College Main College Station to ... . 214 N. Main St., Bryan DR. M. W. DEASON OPTOMETRIST 214 N. Main St. Phone 4-3530 tion. He ran for two touchdowns, set up another with a 49 yard pass, and scored again on a pass, this time as an end. Proffitt, 6 feet 2, 205, is a very slick pass receiver and a solid de fensive player. A home-town boy, he caught four passes for 77 yards in 1952. Correll, 6 feet 1, 205, made the all-time Cotton Bowl team as a sophomore. A defensive specialist, he has the ability to make a great full-time performer. Adkins, 6 feet 1, 197, must also make the shift to one platoon ball. He was one of 1952’s finer line backers and also has a world of native ability. One platoon play won’t bother this boy. In the last five seasons, Wildcat football teams have won 38 games, lost 15 and tied four. - Battalion Classifieds - BEY, SEEE, RENT OR TRADE. Rates . ... Sc a work per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE ® SENIOR BOOTS. size 9>/,, Wide foot, ISi^-inch calf. Also 3 pairs boot pants, summer serge, khaki and pinks. 30-lnch waist. Priced right for cash. Telephone 6-3643 mornings 9 to 12. EXCELLENT 1947 Plymouth Deluxe, good tires, top condition. See at 305 Park Place—phone 4-9032. BY OWNER, clean 1947 Plymouth 4-door, radio, heater, S350.00 See at 1106 Foster after 5:00 p. m. or call 4-8392. ALMOST NEW “Eicor Tape Recorder” for sale at reasonable price to student or professor. For details see James Cook Apt., 4th floor, Y. M. C. A. bldg. ONE (1) 1949 CHEVROLET Two-Door Sedan, two ("2) 1950 Chevrolet Four- door Sedans, and three (3) 1951 Four- Door Sedans. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the Office of the Comptroller until 10 a.m. Tuesday, September 22, 1953. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address: Comptroller, Tex- A&M College System, College Station, Texas, for further information. '54 '55 ALL AGGIES '56 '57 FREE New Portable Typewriter ($111.58 Value) ROYAL QUIET DELUXE or YOUR CHOICE OF MAKE You fill out a "name card" at The Bryan Business Machine Co. and the winning name will be drawn by a famous Aggie from a locked ballot box at 11:00 a.m. Sept. 25. Two other Aggies will witness the drawing. You Don't Have To Be Present To Win No Box Tops — No Strings Come to 429 S. Main St., Bryan, before 11:00 a.m. Sept. 25 and get a FREE CHANCE TO WIN. Bryan Business Machine Co. 429 S. Main St. — Bryan Phone 2-1328 BRING THIS AD WITH YOU • FOR SALE ONE HOLLYWOOD bed. Innerspring mat tress. $20.00. 116 Poplar E., College Station, Texas. BICYCLE for sale. 311 Bizzell. See Donald Dacy. 1949 FORD, four door 8. Excellent me chanical condition. Priced for quick sale. 4-7438. John G. McNeely. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS. $6.00 down and $6.00 per month at the Bryan Bus iness Machine company. 429 S. Main in Bryan. Free parking. BED MAKING DIVAN, blue, green cover, Well-used, but useable, $15.00. D-5-A College View, 6-3081, evenings best. SMITH-CORONA portable, good condition, $35.00. Du Bose, D-5-A. College View. Evenings best. DIVAN, youth bed, and stuffed chair. Phono 4-8272, 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. New battery and seat covers, good tires, clean and priced reasonable. Phone 4-4594 or 4-7554. EXCELLENT Firestone washing machine. See at 305 Park Place or call 4-9032. First reasonable offer takes It. • WANTED KEEP babies in home day or nights. Mrs. Ethel Hargrove. 404 Dunn St. WILL KEEP choldren in my home $7.00 weekly or 50c an hour. Do hand iron ing. Mrs. Boss Hall. Call 6-3339. HAVE TWO vacancies in nursery, ages 2-5. Near East Gate. Mrs. C. H. Bates, 1010 Milner, phone 4-8479. • FOR RENT • BEDROOM with or without Kitchen privileges. 404 Dunn St. LARGE TWO - BEDROOM apartment in South Oakwood. Partly furnished.- Call 4-7712, $10.00 WEEK, bills paid. Clean garage apartment for 1 or 2 near 1017 Milner Drive. SEWING machines, Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. • SPECIAL NOTICE • HJU ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. A A.M. Called meeting on Sep tember 17, at 7 p.m. Work in F. C. Degree. Ed Madeley, W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. Prompt Radio Service — C A L L — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN LOST ZARAPE Air Conditioned .... RESTAURANT Open Every Day—5 to 11:30 Closed Tuesday Phone 6-1721 LOST: 1 pair of glasses, tinted prescrip tion lenses, no case. These glasses have prescription ground into lens, reward. Phone 4-5294. Col Edward Saver, Mili tary Dept. Directory of Business Services RECORDED DANCE MUSIC and public address service. Reasonable rates. Phone 6-2554 evenings. LEARN TO FLY C. A. A. Flight Instructor. Reasonable price. Phone 6-5731. INSURANCE of all kinds. Homer Adam*. North Gate. Call 4-1217. Official Notice Student officers of clubs or organiza- tions on the campus are reminded that College regulations require that their club or organization must be registered at Of fice of Student Activities and that a Constitution and a list of club officers must be on file. Students wishing to orga nize home town clubs or technical groups should do so as soon as possible at the Student Activities Office, Goodwin hall. W. D. Hardesty Club Adviser. Reservations for club meeting rooms in the Memorial Student Center may be filed on of after Monday, Sept. 21. Different clubs are reminded to consult the all col lege calendar concerning the time for which a club may apply. Applications will be taken in the social office of the MSC. Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the written recommendation of the head of each department concerned and with the approval of the dean of the student’s school. A student may not add a course after Saturday, September 19, 1953. Any course dropped after Saturday 26, shall normally carry a grade of F. J. F. ABBOTT Dean of the Colifege Any Sophomore student in Agriculture who plans to major in Dairy Husbandry should come to the office of the Dairy Husbandry Department and give their names to the Secretary not later than September 21. A. L. Darnell Professor of Dairy Husbandry In order to make the Borden Scholarship Award to the proper student we would like for any Senior student in the School of Agriculture who has finished two or more courses in Dairy Husbandry to report to our office and leave their names with the secretary not later than September 21. A. D. Darnell Professor of Dairy Husbandry K&B DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN y ? • Y" • On Fin Feather Road Bryan, Texas MOFE DRIVE INN 2516 HiWay 6 So. CHICKEN - HAMBURGERS BAR-B-Q - BEVERAGES YV. YV. (YY'oody) Gilpin A&M ’50 Kraft’s ★ produce ★ Tokay GRAPES . . . Sunkist ORANGES . . Bell PEPPERS . . CAULIFLOWER Italian PRUNES . . . 2 lbs. 29c 3 lbs. 25c 2 lbs. 23c head 25c 2 lbs. 25c 100 Count MIRACLE WHIP e « • • • a 29c DELSEY TISSUE • • 125 Ft. CUTRITE WAX PAPER 5 Pound Sack BEWLEY FLOUR . e • e • • e • • 19c 39c 300 Size VAN CAMP CHILI • • . 2 for 23c . . 37c l/ 2 Size Tin STAR KIST CHI NK TUNA 29c ★ FROZEN FOODS ★ HO Oz. Pkg. PICTSWEET STRAWBERRIES . 2 for 49c 10 Oz. Pkg. PICTSWEET GREEN PEAS . 12 Oz. PICTSYVEET LEAF SPINACH 2 for 35c 2 for 35c 12 Oz.—Chopped PICTSWEET SPINACH . . . .2 for 35c ★ MEATS ★ Beef Pot Roast Spare Ribs Fresh Pork Picnic Roast . . . . Lean Pork Steak Swift Premium Brick Chili . . . Bacon - Armours Star Slab . . 25 Pound Sack BEWLEY FLOUR Maryland Club COFFEE . . O 0 • « No. 2 V z Cgds ST0KELY PEARS 2 cans 73c . 1.79 /" / 303 Size FROST SLICED BEETS 2 for 25c • • . 1 lb. can 89c 2 Pounds KRAFT VELVEETA . 200 Count KLEENEX . . / / • • . 89c 300 Size VAN CAMP HOMINY 11 Ounce 2 for 15c Swift Jumbo Bologna “ By the Piece Sausage - Pure Pork lb 39c lb. 39c 11). 35c lb. 49c lb. 59c lb. 67c lb. 29c lb. 49c 29c ★ DRUGS ★ Ipana Tooth Paste . . . . A * 9 Pint Size j 70%Isop. Alcohol 10c 49c Size j Mennen Baby Powder . / 39c 86c Value " f Dial Shampoo & Soap D/eal 59c Hand Painted Lamps : $3.95 50c Size ' / l boxes 25c VELVET PEANUT BUTTER 35e 300 Size Cans—Frost ^ __ GREEN & WHITE LIMAS 2 for 25c Snowdrift 3 lbs. 85c 1 Pound Quart Bottle Sunshine Hi Ho ... . 31c Clorox 17c 8 Oz.—Sunshine 12 0z - Rath Marshmallows 15c BH Lunch Meat 47c 1 Lb.—Nabisco Ul/o-Gebhardt Graham Crackers .... 31c Tamales 25c 10 Oz. Box—Nabisco Quart Size ' Cocoanut Bars 25c Wesson Oil SUPER MARKET