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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1953)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, September 16, 1953 y " ■r- Summer Baclielor Degrees Announced Bache]oi’’s degrees were confer red on the following summer grad uates at A&M. ALTO: Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, James Er nest Richardson. ARANSAS PASS: Bachelor of Science, chemical engineering, John Lee Meredith Jr. ARLINGTON: Bachelor of Sci ence, civil engineering, John Jef ferson Roark. AUSTIN: Bachelor of Science, biology, Don Page Warden; Bach elor of Science, industrial educa tion, Angus Arthur Williams. BALLINGER: Bachelor of Bus iness Administration, personnel ad ministration, Walter Ray Hill. BAYTOWN: Bachelor of Sci ence, range and forestry, William Duane Daniel; Bachelor of Sci ence, chemical engineering, Nathan Edgar Welch; Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, John Jay Seligman. BEAUMONT: Bachelor of Bus iness Administration, general bus iness, Edward Glenn Meynig. BELLAIRE: Bachelor of Sci ence, civil engineering, Benjamin Ai'thur Hood. BIG SPRING: Bachelor of Ar chitecture, architectural design, Gilbert Goss Sawtelle. BONHAM: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, agronomy, A. Dow Bell. BROWNSVILLE: Bachelor of Science, wildlife management, Wal ter Pattillo Kerr. BROWN WOOD: Bachelor of Business Administration, general business, Sampson Chappell Guth rie Jr. BRYAN: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, animal husbandry, Eugene Earl Eckols Jr.; Bachelor of Business Administration, ac counting, Archie Albert Gathers Jr.; general business, Ralph Ray mond Krause, Walter Joseph Mer- ka Jr., Thomas Lea Williamson; Bachelor of Science, chemical en gineering, Robert Haines Havard; Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, Joel Ernest Lovell. BRYAN’S MILL: Bachelor of Science, architectural construction, Keith Evett Allsup. CARTHAGE: Bachelor of Sci ence, physical education, William George Blair. CLEBURNE: Bachelor of Busi ness Administration, marketing, Shirley Reed Clark Jr. CLEVELAND: Bachelor of Sci ence, landscape architecture, Thom as Edwin Sawyer. COLLEGE STATION: Bachelor of Business Administration, gener al business, Morris Lamb Jonas; Bachelor of Science, architectural construction, Leon Jackson Ky- burz, civil engineering, Vance Ro- minger Bowman, John Gibbs Leatherman. CORPUS CHRISTI: Bachelor of Science, physical education, Jack Harold Little, Charles Carroll Rus sell, Claude DeVan Watts. CROSS PLAINS: Bachelor of Science, range and forestry, How ard Lynnwood Gary, Alex Henry Ringhoffer. DALLAS: Bachelor of Science, agricultural administration, David Gourley Chambers; Bachelor of Arts, liberal arts, Jerrold J. Bur nett Jr., William M. Niebuhr; Bachelor of Business Administra tion, marketing, Charles Vernon Sorrels; Bachelor of Science, biol ogy, Clyde Douglas Henderson Jr.; Bachelor of Architecture, architec tural design, Joseph Randolph Drake; Bachelor of Science, archi tectural construction, William Mar cus Witty; chemical engineering, Ronald Fletcher Kaspar; industrial education, William Henry Moler. DeLEON: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Jesse Ben nett Tate. DEL RIO: Bachelor of Science, biology, Leonel Flores Fuentes. DENISON: Bachelor of Science, wildlife management, John Nor man Dorchester. DUMAS: Bachelor of Arts, lib- BUY, SEIX, KENT OR TRADE. Rates . ... 3c a woric per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. FOR SALE ® ONE (X) 1949 CHEVROLET Two-Door Sedan, two (2) 1950 Chevrolet Four- door Sedans, and three (3) 1951 Four- Door Sedans. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the Office Of the Comptroller until 10 a.m. Tuesday, Septejnber 22, 1953. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address: Comptroller, Tex- A&M College System, College Station, Texas, for further information. • FOR RENT • $10.00 week) "fejjls paid. Clean garage apartment for 1 Of 2 near 1017 Milner Drive. PRIVATE BEDROOM and !>ath for two day students. Outside entrance. 205 Timber, Phone 6-6188. ' ? ONE HOLLYWOOD bed. Innerspring mat tress. $'’0.00. 116 Poplar E., College Station, Texas. BICYCLE for sale. 311 Bizzell. See Donald Dacy. 1949 FORD, four door 8. Excellent me chanical condition. Priced for quick sale. 4-7438. John G. McNeely. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS. $6.00 down and $6.00 per month at the Bryan Bus iness Machine company. 429 S. Main in Bryan. Free parking. STURDY DESK $7.50, 4 piece unpainted dinette set $10.50. Phone 6-1323. COFFEE TABLE $7.50, matching lamp table $7.50, two pairs of green drapes with valances $10.00. Phone 6-3856. 4305 College Main. .SMALL FURNISHED apartment f° r C °UP le. $47.50. Also unfurnished apaVJment $45.00. Also two bedroom house $50.00 per month. All close in. Phone 3-291? 4 day—4-9844, night. SEWING machines, Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. Directory of Business Services RECORDED DANCE MUSIC and public address service. Reasonable rates. Phone 6-2554 evenings. LEARN TO FLY. C. A. A. Flight In structor. Reasonable price. Phone 6-5731. iNSURaNCH of all kinds. Homer Adame Mnrth Onto Cult 4-1*)17 • SPECIAL NOTICE • HXL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. A A.M. Called meeting on Sep tember 17, at 7 p.m. Work in F. C. Degree. Ed Madeley, W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. BED MAKING DIVAN, blue, green cover, well-used, but useable, $15 00. D-5-A College View, 6-3081, evenings best. SMITH-CORONA portable, good condition, $35.00. Du Bose, D-5-A. College View. Evenings best. DIVAN, youth bed, and stuffed chair. Phone 4-8272. 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. New battery and seat covers, good tires, clean and priced reasonable. Phone 4-4594 or 4-7554. EXCELLENT Firestone washing machine. See at 305 Park Place or call 4-9032. First reasonable offer takes it. • WANTED WILL KEEP children in my home. Special rates for two from a family. C-10-A. C. V. YOUNG MOTHER would like to keep children while mother works. 811 Fair- view, College Station. HAVE TWO vacancies in nursery, ages 2-5. Near East Gate. Mrs. C. H. Bates, 1010 Milner, phone 4-8479. • OPPORTUNITIES • OPPORTUNITY For college student to own and operate route of 1c vending machines. Requires $750.00 investment. Can service in spare time. Champion Vendors, 1119 E. Hous ton Street^ San Antonio, Texas. Official Notice Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the written recommendation of the head of each department concerned and with the approval of the dean of the student’s school. A student may not add a course after Saturday, September 19, 1953. Any course dropped after Saturday 26, shall normally carry a grade of F. J. P. ABBOTT Dean of the College Any Sophomore student in Agriculture who plans to major in Dairy Husbandry should come to the office of the Dairy Husbandry Department and give their names to the Secretary not later than' September 21. A. L. Darnell Professor of Dafry Husbandry In order to make the Borden Scholarship Award to the proper student we would, like for- ahy Senior student in the School’of Agriculture who has finished two or more courses in Dairy Husbandry to report to our office and leave their names with the secretary not later than September 21. A. L. Darnell Professor of Dairy Husbandry The Physics Department invites appli cations for student laboratory assistant- ships for the coming semester. Men who have completed sophomore physics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction grading and the handling of apparatus in the laboratories. The scale of compensation is $.80 per hour for new assistants and $.90 per hour for experienced assistants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants are urged to call at the office of the department and make tentative pro grams for assising as soon as possible. J. G. Potter, Head, Physics Department Dr. Carlton R. Lee ZARAPE OPTOMETRIST Air Conditioned .... 803A East 26th RESTAURANT Call 2-1662 for Appointment Open Every l>ay—5 t« 11:30 (Across from Court House) Closed Tuesday Phone 6-1721 eral arts, Luther Dean Beck. FLOREY: Bachelor of Science, civil engineering, William Mullins McDonald. FORT WORTH: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, agronomy, Robert Basil Johnson; Bachelor of Science, range and forestry, Ron ald Calvin Stinson Jr.; Bachelor of Business Administration, gener al business, Joe Edward Bryant, Perry Whitfield Luckey; Bachelor of Science, physical education, Al vin Leonard Langford; Bachelor of Architecture, architectural design, James Boorman Gatton; Bachelor of Science, civil engineering, Clar ence Darrow Hooper, Donald Wayne McCauley; industrial engi neering, Clyde Alan Mahler; me chanical engineering, Don L. Gar rett, Ernest Albert Prochaska, Ed ward W. Wakeland. GALVESTON: Bachelor of Sci ence, industrial education, William Thomas Jay. GARY: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, agronomy, Pink Paul GAUSA, NORWAY: Bachelor of Science, civil engineering, Trond Lund Krokann. GEORGETOWN: Bachelor of Science, range and forestry, Dun can Crosby Cooper Jr. GEORGE WEST: Bachelor of Science, civil engineering, Raymond Harmond Lindholm Jr. GOLDTHWAITE: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Clarence Sidney Smith Jr. GRAHAM: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, agronomy, Bobbie Joe Shepard. GRAND PRAIRIE: Bachelor of Science, civil engineering, James Howard Martin. GRAPEVINE: Bachelor of Bus iness Administration, general busi ness, Gerald Joseph McFarland. GROESBECK: Bachelor of Sci ence, biology, William Hornbuckle England III; architectural con struction, Gilbert Guss Blackmon; industrial education, Loren Lee Curlee. HEARNE: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, William Walter Holtzapple. HONEY GROVE: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, William Esley Floyd. HOUSTON: Bachelor of Sci ence, agricultural administration, Howard Mercer Williams; Bachelor of Arts, liberal arts, Louis Morris Jacobs Jr.; Bachelor of Business Administration, general business, William LeMoyne 1 Minturn Jr.; personnel administration, Leon Oliver Shepley; Bachelor of Sci ence, chemical engineering, William Guy Delaney, Robert Charles Kietz- man, Henry Amos Lee Jr.; civil engineering, David Lee Wood; elec trical engineering, James Edwin Holloway; petroleum engineering, Euclid Deroe Francis Jr. IRVING: Bachelor of Science, civil engineering, Charles Ray King. IVANHOE: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Steve Joe Wheeless. JACKSONVILLE: Bachelor of ^Science, mechanical engineering, Joh! n Oakley Childs. KENNEDY: Bachelor of Business Adminis'c ra ^ on ’ general business, Henry Am! mons Mueller. KILGORE!’ Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, ^ J o h n Thomas Jeter. x* LAMPASAS: B^helor of Sci ence, agricultural eda lca ^ on, John Ryburn Bowden. 11 LAREDO: Bachelor 0 Dq Science ' agricultural engineering, Fra'i nc ' sc .° Xavier Coronado; Bachelor of ,^ CI * ence in Agriculture, dairy husbl'J 1 " dry, Geronimo Trevino Jr.; BacRv* elor of Business Administration, general business, Rodolfo Rivera LIPAN: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, James Rich ard Compton. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.: Bach elor of Science in Agriculture, ani mal husbandry, William Ellison Wright; Bachelor of Business Ad ministration, building products marketing, William LeRoy Todd. LONGVIEW: Bachelor of Sci ence, range and forestry, Harry Eugene Caches. LORENA: Bachelor of Science, agricultural engineering, James Lee Fulbright. LUBBOCK: Bachelor of Busi ness Administration, building pro ducts marketing, James HoWarcJ Gregory. MARSHALL: Bachelor of Sci ence, industrial education, Robert Delone Henderson. MART: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Reuben Boss McDonald Jr. MELVIN: Bachelor of Archi tecture, architectural design, John David Rice. MEXIA: Bachelor of Science, physical education, Roy Irkle Dol lar Jr. MINERAL WELLS: Bachelor of Science, electrical engineering, Jim Bob Vaughan. MISSION: Bachelor of Science, electrical engineering, Jerrel Glenn Bland. MONAHANS: Bachelor of Sci ence, industrial education, Dean Damon Duncan. MOUNTAIN HOME: Bachelor of Arts, liberal arts, Ned B. Estes Jr. PALESTINE; Bachelor of Ar chitecture, architectural design, Hubert B. Strode Jr. PITTSBURG: Bachelor of Sci ence, mechanical engineering, Rob ert Henderson. PORT ARTHUR: Bachelor of Business Administration, person nel administration, Philip Milton Rouse. RIESEL: Bachelor of Science, electrical engineering, J. C. Stew art. RIO GRANDE CITY: Bachelor of Arts, liberal arts, John Adam Pope III. RIVERSIDE, R.I.: Bachelor of Science, chemical engineering, Wil liam Anthony Danesi. SALTILLO: Bachelor of Sci ence, mechanical engineering, Glinn Howard Whiter - SAN ANGELO: Bachelor of Science, agricultural administra tion, Garland R. Marshall. SAN ANTONIO: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Al fred Vander Stucken; Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, agronomy, Roy Henry Louis Bruns; Bachelor of Business Administration, ac counting, Howard Cleveland Alli son; Bachelor of Science, biology, Ernest Arnold Elmendorf; geology, John Buhl Wright; industrial edu cation, William Errol Bless, Rob ert Joe Wicke; mechanical engi neering, Jack Allen Lock. SEAGOVILLE: Bachelor of Science, chemical engineering, Ed ward Anton Konderla. SEGUIN: Bachelor of Business Administration, general business, Edward Linne Goetz. SHAMROCK: Bachelor of Sci ence, agricultural education, Felix Cloyce Clemens; agronomy, Frank Leon Weiss. SHREVEPORT, LA.: Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, William Allen Elston. SLATON: Bachelor of Business AdministHition, general business, James Michael Watkins. SNYDER: Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, Daniel Morgan Gibson Jr., Robert William McGaw. SPADE: Bachelor of Science in Agri., agronomy, Billy Carl Mc- Master. STEPHENVILLE: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Curtis Leon Boase; Bachelor of Arts, liberal arts, Thurman Lavell Walker. SYOSSET, N.Y.: Bachelor of Science, mechanical engineering, William Irving Taufman. TAYLOR: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Gene Verner Rydell. TEMPLE: Bachelor of Science, architectural construction, Ronald Doyle Worcester. THORNDALE: Bachelor of Sci ence in Agriculture, animal hus bandry, Charles Wesley Graham. TULIA: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Julius Wil liam Fincher Jr. UTOPIA: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Harold Ray Smallwood. VANDERBILT: Bachelor of Science, industrial engineering, Winfred Lee Baker. VAN HORN: Bachelor of Sci ence in Agriculture, poultry hus bandry, Steven Roy Johnson. WACO: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, animal husbandry, Da vid James Simons; Bachelor of Sci ence, industrial education, Elden Abraham Werner Jr.; industrial engineering, Robert Floyd Wam- mack; mechanical engineering, Raymond Marlow Jr. WICHITA FALLS: Bachelor of Science, geology, Sterling Doug Goode. WILLS POINT: Bachelor of Business Administration, personnel administration, Frank Travis Scott. WINTERS: Bachelor of Science, agricultural education, Clifton Oneal Poe. ZAVALLA: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture^ dairy husbandry, Robert Marinus Van de Pas. , Wilson Elected (Continued from Page 2) tained his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Cape Town, South Africa in 1953 and worked with the A&M Research founda tion since January 1953 in the field of physical oceanography. * :i< * A DEMONSTRATION at Fort Hood of emergency mass feeding for civil defense and disaster re lief was attended by four members of the Agriculture Extension ser vice last week. Dr. Sylvia Cover, rural home re search department; Mrs. Frances Reasonover, foods and nutrition specialist; Mrs. Grace Martin, head of civil defense, and Mrs. Frances Arnold, editorial office, attended the meeting. Mary Kvelon Announces WeddingDate M iss Mary Kveton, who is em ployed by the Agricultural Ex tension service, has announced plans for her wedding to Paul C. Franks, son of Mrs. Mary M. Franks of Peoria, Ill. Miss Kveton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kveton of Rosen berg, has chosen September 19 as the date for the wedding to be held at the Bryan Air Force Base chapel at 5 p. m. Miss Kveton has chosen Mrs. Henry O’Neal of Marlin as her matron of honor. Miss Sophia Petrash of Wallace will be brides maid. Best man will he Joe Neznik of Edwardville, Pa. Ushers will be Johnny Kveton, Rosenberg, Dick Colby, Benton Harbor, Mich, and J. B. Woiten of Bryan. The bridgroom is stationed at Bryan Air Force base. Fellowship Renewed Here The Arthur Boyd Memorial fel lowship will be renewed here, with a grant of $1,800 from the Ameri can Rice Growers Cooperative ass’n. The fellowship is administered by the Agricultural Experiment station. Lloyd E. Crane of the Beaumont station now holds this fellowship. He is completing the requirements for a ‘PhD, specializing in rice genetics and breeding. Miss Elliott Celebrates Birthday in MSC Miss Ann Elliot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Elliot, Beverly estates, will be honored tonight in the Memorial Student Center at a party for her 13th birthday. Aggie Bridge Club j Starts Thurs. The Aggie Wives Bridge dub will begin regular week ly meetings Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. in the YMCA. This is a temporary location, and after Thursday night, meetings will be held at the MSC, rooms 2A and 2B. There will be intermediate and advanced groups and a class for beginners, taught by interested faculty wives. This “learning” group always contains the largest number of members. The club held an election meet ing Thursday August 20. Officers for the fall term are La Rue Bevier, president; Martha Enlow, vice - president; Gwynn Smith, secretary and treasurer and Mary Mackin, reporter. A committee was also appointed for placing bulletins in College View and project houses to welcome new members. The Aggie Wives Bridge club was first organized in January 1946 under the name of Ex-Ser vicemen’s Wives club. Later it be came known as the Veterans’ Wives club and finally in 1951 the Aggie Wives Bridge club. All Aggie wives and wives of college employes are invited to the Thursday evening meetings. Two Teachers Added To Consolidated Staff Two new teachers have joined the staff of A&M Consolidated high school. They are Mrs. David Darter, science teacher, and Mrs. Rollins Lord, English and commercial courses teacher. Mrs. Darter, a University of Tex as graduate, came to CHS from Austin where she was doing re search. Mrs. Lord was recently graduated with honors from North Texas State college. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS irmrican 210 S. Main Bryan Pho. 2-1584 X /igain this year, the Humble Company Y^IU bring you exciting radio broadcasts of Southwest Coi^ erence football games ... but remember this: neitHW“: r television nor radio gives you the color, the excP tement ’ t ^ le ^ un see i n E a football game with you? r own two eyes- So plan now to drive to as man v football games as possible during the season of 1953. OlV 1 y° ur wa y> st0 P f° r service Under the hV umble si & n - 7“ Go to the games with Humble Follow the Humble route to as many football games as possible; tune in Humble’s broadcasts of those you just can’t attend. Zl ^ (HUMBLE -j-/’ W-' /VM fetkhield pennants ftekef , ! Schedules • -•// J* u HJUlI P rUfc ft Refining C O