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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1953)
I Page 4 THE BATTALION Tuesday, September 15, 1953 Tishlers Honored On 25th Anniversary Employees’ Dinner Tickets On Sale Tickets foi' the A&M Employes Dinner - club dinner and dance may be pui - chased up to 2 p.m., Wednes day. The dinner will be held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday in the ball room of the Memorial Student Cen ter. W. H. Delaplane is chairman of the committee for the Dinner club and members are Stanley P. Clark, G. W. Schlesselman, Mrs. S. T. Keim, Major J. C. Lowell, Mrs. D. D. Burchard, Mrs. J. B. Coon, Mrs. Charles Richardson, A. C. Magee, H. E. Hampton, Lee P. Thompson and J. Wayne Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Landiss were hosts Sunday afternoon at an open house honoring Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Tishler on their 25th wed ding anniversary. Tishler is head of the physical education depart ment. Over 100 guests called at the Landiss’ home, 803 Dexter Dr. S., to congratulate the Tishlers. The decorations included a port rait of the Tishlers copied from a photograph taken on their honey moon at Niagara Falls in 1928. The portrait was done by James Grif fith of the physical education de partment. The table was covered with an imported white Italian cutwork cloth and service was from an English silver service on white Rosepoint china. The centerpiece, made by Mrs. Edward Madeley, in cluded rose of sharon, white clemitis and white crepe myrtle in a milk glass china bowl. The theme of white and silver was carried out in all the decorations. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. (Spike) White were in charge of the guest book. Assisting in serving were Misses Carolyn Landiss, Rosemary Lenert, Sandra Couch and Marian Gaddis, junior hostesses. House guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist, Chancellor and Mrs. M. T. Harrington, President and Mrs. David H. Morgan, Dean and Mis. J. P. Abbott, Dean and Mrs. W. L. Penberthy, Col. and Mrs. Joe E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Elkins, and Mrs. Luke Patra- nella, The Tishlers have one son, Lt. Ward E. Tishler, who is serving with the air force in Japan. Chancellor 9 s Wife Plans Lawn Party An informal lawn party honor ing all new women employed by the college and wives of new faculty and staff members will be given by the chancellor’s wife, Mrs. M. T. Harrington, at her home on Throckmorton St. at 3 p.m. Wed nesday. Members of the Newcomers club will act as hostesses for the annual affair. Mrs. R. P. Marstellar will speak on “Early Days at Texas A&M,” and the club members will acquaint the newcomers with the club. Mrs. A. D. Folweiler, president of the College Women’s Social club, spon soring organization of the New comers club, will pour. In case of rain, the party will be held at the president’s home, 100 Jones St. CHS Teachers To Hold Reception The annual reception for the teachers at A&M Consolidated high school will be tonight at 7:30 p. m. on the Patranella memorial slab north of the gymnasium. The meeting is sponsored by the A&M Consolidated Mothers’ and Dads’ club. Mrs. Carl Landiss is general chairman. NOTICE Removal of Office Dr. M. W. Deason wishes to announce the removal of his office from 313 College Main College Station to ... . 214 N. Main St., Bryan DR. M. W. DEASON OPTOMETRIST 214 N. Main St. Phone 4-3530 '57 FOR FISH ONLY '57 FREE New Portable Typewriter ($111.58 Value) ROYAL QUIET DELUXE or YOUR CHOICE OF MAKE You fill out a "name card" at The Bryan Business Machine Co. and the winning name will be drawn by a famous Aggie from a locked ballot box at 11:00 a.m. Sept. 25. Two other Aggies will witness the drawing. You Don't Have To Be Present To Win No Box Tops — No Strings Come to 429 S. Main St., Bryan, before 11:00 a.m. Sept. 25 and get a FREE CHANCE TO WIN. Bryan Business Machine Co. 429 S. Main St. — Bryan Phone 2-1328 BRING THIS AD WITH YOU BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SKUU, KENT OR TRADE. Rales . ... 3c a work per Insertion with a 25e minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OUFIUE. All ads must be received in Student Activities Office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • 1949 FORD, four door 8. Excellent me chanical condition. Priced for quick sale. 4-7438. John G. McNeely. • FOR RENT • PRIVATE BEDROOM and bath for two day students. Outside entrance. 205 Timber, Phone 6-6188. SMALL FURNISHED apartment for coup le. 547.50. Also unfurnished apartment $45.00. Also two bedroom house $40.00 per month. All close in. Phone 3-2964. day—4-9844, night. SEWING machines, Pruitt’s Fabric Shop. Carolyn Landis Named CHS Head Cheerleader Carolyn Landiss is Consolidated high school’s head cheerleader for this year and Ann Fleming is drum major. Other cheerleaders are Janice Latimer, Jean Ruddy and Helen Ross. Majorettes are Mildred Dew, Martha Williams, Sally Ruddy and Carol Butler. CS Churches Plan We loom eProgra m s A church-wide welcoming party for new and old Aggies will be held at 6 p. m. Wednesday at the A&M Presbyterian church. Supper will be served followed by a fellowship program at 7 p. m. —O— The program for the year will be outlined at the general get-ac quainted meeting for students at the Wesley Foundation. The of ficers for the year will be in troduced and a worship service will be held followed by a reception and refreshments. The program starts at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday. —O— Holy Communion followed by breakfast will be held at 6:30 a. m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Episcopal chapel. The Wednesday evening prayer service will be held at 7:15 p. m. —O— The Women’s Missionary society of Our Saviour’s Lutheran church will meet tonight at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. L. E. Hearn is devotional leader and Mrs. A. H. Karcher is in charge of the program. The Lutheran Student association will meet Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. —O—- Teacher’s meeting at the First Baptist church will be held at 6:15 p. m. Wednesday and prayer meet ing at 7:15 p. m. —O— St. Mary’s Catholic chapel will Handbook Distributed To CHS Students An A&M Consolidated high school handbook has been complet ed and distributed to the students. The book’s purpose is to give the student a better understand ing of the advantages of the school. It covers all phases of stu dent activities plus a list of the teachers and administrative offici als. Assembled by the homerooms, the book is the work of everyone, said J. J. Skrivanek, high school principal. • LOUANNS FOR HAPPY MUSIC • © F o >4 L0UANNS ej £ T s- fa 3 X Every Friday © X Happy Music With X 0Q "A Cell Block % 3 < < p s Seven 3 % M o • Make • p Your Reservations pi © p s NOW d > V* fa a. Call EM-2688 £ § i FOR LOUANNS * Greenville and Lovers Lane X 3 P at Central Expressway X o • LOUANNS FOR HAPPY MUSIC • hold Wednesday evening service at 7:15 p. m. Friday Morning mass will be at 6:45 a. m. —O— Other Wednesday night services include prayer meeting at rhe Col lege Heights Assembly of God at 7:45, choir practice at the A&M Christian church at 7, and prayer meeting at the Church of Christ at 7:15. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS 210 S. Main Bryan Phd. 2-1584 Read Battalion Classifieds e -+J. S> ^^^^^^VVWNANVWVNV\\XVXVYVWVWVNXVV\V\ M mf . iWWWWWWWW^WXW^XWWWWKWI DonoWvvuiid VNXAXVVNVVVVVNVVVVVSNVVVNVNNVVVVVX LtEU you never believed possible is no\y offered inj^these NEW PARKER "51" and "21" Pens. Ready now at your pen dealer's in time for fall ... for all those who are tired of pens that (^cratch balk or rough up^^Try these new Electro-P,oIished Pens at the first .possible\moment. . ft < I ^ tip**** ‘ aW Will your pen write with— out any pressure at all? These new Parkers will 1 “'They’ve been finished to an incredible degree of smoothness by an exclusive new pen point process — "Electro-Polishing." It employs a special solution charged with electricity which dissolves even the microscopic roughness that might linger on the nibsw Result: * absolute smoothness. You glide across paper. See these new Parker "51" and "21" Pens now at your dealer's^ | The Parker Pen Company,. Janesville; Wisconsin; U.S.A.; Toronto; Canada. WM fiwW'51 ll Parker "SI" $12.50 and up • Parker "21" $5.00 to $10.00 Better Schools build a stronger America! Copr. 1953 by The Parker Pen Company PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS. S6.00 down and $6.00 per month at the Bryan Bus iness Machine company. 429 S. Main in Bryan. Free parking. STURDY DESK $7.50. 4 piece unpalnted dinette set $10.50. Phone 6-1323. COFFEE TABLE $7.50, matching lamp table $7.50, two pairs of green drapes with valances $10.00. Phone 6-3856. 4305 College Main. BED MAKING DIVAN, blue, green cover, well-used, but useable, $15.00. D-5-A College View, 6-3081, evenings best. SMITH-CORONA portable, good condition, $35.00. Du Bose, D-5-A. College View. Evenings best. DIVAN, youth bed, and stuffed chair. Phone 4-8272. 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. New battery and seat covers, good tires, clean and priced reasonable. Phone 4-4594 or 4-7554. EXCELLENT Firestone washing machine. See at 305 Park Place or call 4-9032. First reasonable offer takes It. • WANTED • WILL KEEP children in my home. Special rates for t\vo from a family. C-10-A. C. V. , YOUNG MOTHER would like to keep children while mother works. 811 Fair- view, College Station. HAVE TWO vacancies in nursery, ages 2-5. Near East Gate. Mrs. C. H. Bates. 1010 Milner, phone 4-8479. WOULD LIKE to keep child while mother works. " Close to Southside. Phone 4-4163. MOFE DRIVE INN 2516 HiWay 6 So. CHICKEN - HAMBURGERS BAR-B-Q - BEVERAGES W. W. (Woody) Gilpin A&M ’50 ZARAPE Air Conditioned . . . Restaurant Open every day—5 to 12 Closed Sunday Directory of Business Services RECORDED DANCE MUSIC and public address service. Reasonable rates. Phone 6-2554 evenings. LEARN TO FLY. C. A. A. Flight In structor. Reasonable price. Phone 6-5731. (NSURANCB of all kinds. Homer Adame. North Gate. Call 4-1217. Official Notice Any Sophomore student in Agriculture who plans to major in Dairy Husbandry should come to the office of the Dairy Husbandry Department and give their names to the Secretary not later than September 21. A. L. Darnell Professor of Dairy Husbandry In order to make the Borden Scholarship Award to the proper student we would like for any Senior student in the School of Agriculture who has finished two or more courses in Dairy Husbandry to report to our office and leave their names with the secretary not later than September 21. A. L. Darnell Professor of Dairy Husbandry The Physics Department Invites appli cations for student laboratory assistant- ships for the coming semester. Men who have completed sophomore physics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction grading and the handling of apparatus In the laboratories. The scale of compensation is $.80 per hour for new assistants and $.90 per hour for experienced assistants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants are urged to call at the office of the department and make tentative pro grams for assl^ing as soon as possible. J. G. Potter, Head, Physics Department Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) K&B DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN On Fin Feather Road Bryan, Texas Freshmen. . . . You won't look like the man in this picture— BUT you can look mighty sharp for those football games and dances in Aggie Taitor Made Clothes. They fit perfectly and are tailored to meet your needs. We have beautiful freshman greens for the most reason able price in town. Aggie Tailor Made Clothes 110 MAIN ST. Across from Aggieland Studio Our Motto Is ‘Aggies in Business for Aggies" Wayne Purserley ’54 Leo Draper ’54