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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1953)
ed n ont Meet reulated Daily > 90 Per Cent Local Residents Volume 53 The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE “ “ COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1953 Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Price Five Cents hell Appointed ps Sgt. Major Cera; er Sergeant Fred IT. ~alveston has been •geant-major of the ets, announced Col. commandant. Mitch- e his duties immed- ol. Dfivis. ange-d'orestry major n, Mitchell will as- es immediately, said nder Weldon Kruger, reant-major will take the corps staff to- y cadet, Mitchell will ^.sergeant-major from _nch in two years. Air ^eld the job in 1951 2 duties Mitchell ns- be direction of first ivities. He will con- *t sergeant meetings —te company level an- lege S' duties within the 0 'll as coordinate work BankM 8 - er Screening llj^ff^as selected from a iH 1 standing junior cadets ©rough ly screened by O. ;icers, and officers of department. >f sergeant-major has , ay for over a month. NOilTcjiiy gurpi-ised to hear imed sergeant-major,” . “I only hope I won’t m the responsibilities entraM job -" •y pleased that Mitch- J position,” said Corps Weldon Kruger, he deserved the job njT fine showing as first geant major, and I DWAE:’orward to having him ’iriVi' staff,” Kruger added. 1 s ion commander, Joe fl he was glad to see the post. >een pushing him for ce school started be :ve he is the best man n ’ Wallace commented. L '0m®^ ld a t ions for Mitchell’s as sergeant major of n ision staff will be sub- St Ovt 6 m ditary department Vallace. ng the position of top mber Fee VTnt y-f our File irst Day m ,, / f , rt our students tiled ¥ _„TTr ir 22 of tlie 80 posi- UblMuled to be filled in fijjjal student election udzod Dobeing conducted in the tudent Activities, sec- (Horae) Goodwin Hall, and will East ofi-°ug'h Friday, March 20. filing for the various )LLE<X : ' e follows: Co-Editors — Jerry 1 Ed Holder l Co^Editor — B. C. etcher ass Vice President —- m and Lester S. Smith ass President — Jim •e Class President—Jim ass Historian Chuck ass Secretary—Wallace ass Treasui’er — Jim B. re Class Vice President Swofford ■ I y dire Class Recording Sec- ^ rt E. Chinnock ^11 Leaders—J. B. (Jim- Lcui fell Leaders — R. B. Phone 1^’ anc ^ Glenn J. Lang- ARCfc°uncil Corps Represen- . Qur/Jlis (Louie) Capt AorU Council Non-Corps Rep- EEN4—Bill Brucks Life Committee — Doyle Entertainment Manager Hudson, and John C. junior cadet in the corps, Mitchell has won best drilled sophomore in A Infantry and outstanding fresh man in Company 2. He is a mem ber of the Ross Volunteers, a dis tinguished student, held the rank of corporal during his sophmore yeai\ Mitchell is the son of Col. and Mrs. E. H. Mitchell of 5012 Wood- row, Galveston. His father is cur rently serving in Europe as in spector general for the European Theater of Operations communica tions zone. The new sergeant-major is a graduate of Ball High School in Galveston where he was a com pany commander in the ROTC. He also lettered in football. Pioneer Airline Service Cut To Two Flights Daily by CAR SL C Seeks to Help Student-Prof Plan Fred H. Mitchell Corps Sgt. Major School Group Hears By-Laws, Bond Plan The Student Life Committee (SLC) approved yesterday plans to include other student and fac ulty groups in seeking the solu tion to better student and faculty relations. After heaidng Dr. Carl Landiss of the physical education depart ment present the student-faculty relations subcommittee report, the SLC decided the problem should be extended to include comment from the different schools student academic councils, the faculty ex ecutive councils, dean and the Stu dent Senate. The motion was made by Joel The newly formed College Sta tion citizens group for public schools last night adopted a set of by-laws and heard an explana tion of the proposed $385,000 bond issue by the A&M Consolidated School board of trustees. By-laws for an Educational Com mission were adopted as recom mended by the by-laws committee, with a few minor revisions. The purpose of the organization is set forth in the by-laws as “to aid school authorities, gather facts, and inform the community.” An executive council, composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, and chairmen of nine committees, will serve as the group’s steering committee. Standing Committees The standing committees are state and federal legislation, com munity trends, school plant and equipment, school personnel, com munity sentiment, community rela tions, academic standards and cur ricula, health and safety, and mem bership. At least one meeting a year is specified in the by-laws. Mrs. C. F. Richardson was elect ed secretary - treasurer of the group. Mrs. Walter Delaplane, elected to the position at the grow p’s o r ganj z a tip n al meeting, was unable to take the job. A tour of the school plant; con ducted by Superintendent ‘ L. S. Richardson, and supper in the school cafeteria preceded the meet ing. Bond Proposal Presented John Rogers, school board mem ber, presented the scho'ol board’s $385,000 proposed bond plan to the group. The plan calls for the building of a 12-room high school, a 600 seat auditorium, music, shop and home economics rooms, and indoor phys ical education facilities at Lincoln High School for Negroes. “We believe this program will provide adequate facilities for at least four years,” Rogers said. In explaining the financing pro gram for the bond issue, Rogefs said doubling the present evalua tion would be necessary, since the maximum tax rate under the pres ent evaluation was now being charged. Tax Increase A tax increase amounting to 35 or 40 per cent is estimated by the school boai’d. This would give the school an annual tax income of about $85,000. Bond payments on old bonds and the new bond, if passed would be $34,000 a year, leaving $50,000 a year for main tenance. “We’ll set up our committees and get the ball x’olling as fast as pos sible,” said Di\ Charles LaMotte, president of the Educatioxxal Com mission. A meeting of the Educational Commission and the school boax-d has been set for 7 p.m. Thursday at Consolidated School. Tentative plans call for the Educational Com mission to cii’culate a petition to determine the extent of public sup port of the proposed bond issue. No date jias been set for the bond election. Chest Drive Set Tonight For Dorms The Campus Chest dxnve stai*ts tonight with collections by Student Senate members in dormitory outfit meetings. A showing of “We’ve Never Been Licked,” a Fight Night on Max-ch 24 and an Air Foxve Groxxnd Force basketball game ai’e scheduled as part of the dx-ive. The Student Senate, sponsor of the dx-ive, has set a goal of $1,500. The money will be used for two Twelfth Man scholarships, one to a Texas student and one to a foreign student. A date for the showing of the A&M film “We’ve Never Been Licked” has not been set. Novelty to Semi-Classical Fourteen Acts Set For Talent Show DAN DAWSON Battalion News Staff Fourteen acts ranging fx-om a novelty musician to a semi-classi cal bax'itone will make up the Sec ond Annual Intercollegiate Tal ent Show at 8 p. m. Fxdday in Guion Hall. The 26 performers in the show x-epx-esexxting seven Texas colleges and univex-sities, have been hand picked by the MSC Music Commit tee on its recent auditioning tour, Barton Raynaud, committee chair man aixnounced. Three acts ax-e repeats from last NEWS BRIEFS MSC Dance Classes Cancelled Tonight ffr • ■tudent Senator — John f IF. L. Hansen, Roy Hick- JuMiie Hudson, Edwin D. WW oe J. Jones, Lester S. Alan E. Soefje . Sentator fx-om College $8111 Ids N. Spx-inger Senator from Vet Vil- ntrflrt w. Dancer Jr. ^ Itudent Senator — Buck , ei'i-y K. Johnson fufnW’jj.g gtudexxt Senatox-—B. -Ak, and Donald D. Swof- MSC DANCE classes will be cancelled tonight, Miss Betty Bo- lander, MSC program consultant, x-eVealed. Manning Smith, the instx-uctor, is out of town. * * * THE SINGING CADETS re- turxxed Sunday fx-om their annual tour of West Texas. They visited Brownwood, Ax-m- rillo, Shei-man, and Denison. The tour was spoxxsored by the Mothex-s Clubs of the towns visited. Their next performance will be March 28, in the MSC. * * * THREE CLUBS selected duch esses for the Cotton Pageant Apx-il 24. Miss Billie Jean Cecil will rep- x-esent the Piney Woods Club. The Poultry Science Club selected Miss Ann Jones and the Pex’miaix Ba sin Club, Miss JoAnn Ragan. * * * C. B. A. (BILL) BRYANT will be the guest speaker at the Kx-eam and Kow Klub meeting at 7 p. m. toxxight ixx rooxxx 3B of the MSC. Bryant is field sales managex* for Johnson and Johnson of Chicago, 111., and has written, published, and lectured throughout th® Unit ed States. * * * THE CHORALTERS, Mary Har- din-Baylor chox-al gx-oup will pre sent the Wednesday evening ser vice at the First Baptist Church in Bx-yan. * * * THIRTY-ONE Air Force cadets of the ninth pilot tx-aining class i-eceivejd their wings at Bryan Air Force Base yestex-day in ceremon ies that included airmen from five nations. * # * THE GARDEN CLUB forum will meet Wednesday at 9 a. m. in the A&M Greenhouse instead of in the MSC as announced in Fri day’s Battalion. * * * DR. J. D. LINDSAY, head of the chemical engineex-ing department, has been named a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineex-s committee on Nuclear Energy. The committee is planning an international meeting which will explox-e the chemical engineering aspects of neuclear processes. year’s show which was a sellout in the MSC Balh-oom. They are Billie Biggs, modern jazz dancer from Fort Wox-th and SMU, Helen Marshall, Ainai'illo pop singer from North Texas State College, and Rosalind Wilson, tap dancer fx-om Coleman and sophoxxxore at SMU. The progi’am, listing perform- ei-s by schools, includes TCU’s Max-y Sut Stramler, pop singer from Houston. Joe Liles, the nov elty musician who plays two tunes at once on his piano, and Charles Douglass, semi-clasical bax-itone from Paducah, Ky., will represent Baylox-. Boop-A-Doop Singer The University of Texas has three acts, Marilyn Bx-onson, folk singer from Austin; Gail Smalley, boop-a-doop singer; and Jimmy Huggins and his boys, instrumen talists. SMLf has three acts. Miss Biggs, Miss Wilson and her pax-tner Pox - - tia Bloodworth, and Jo Newland and Nox-man Bennet who will do the “Honey Bun” act from South Pacific are the SMU participants. Jimmie Harrison, folk singer and Ernie Martelino, Latin Ameri can piaxxist, fx-om Manila, Philip pine Islands, ax-e A&M’s contri butions to the show. Sam Houston State Teachers College will px-ovide a five girl Charleston chox-us lixxe. Miss Betty Bolandex-, MSC pro- gi-am consultant, said that the committee hopes to sell 1200 tick ets. BA Department Adds New Course A new curx-iculum ixx personnel administration has been appx-oved axxd will go into effect Sept. 1, said R. L. Elkins, associate pro fessor of business administration. Business Administx-ation 105, the new course, is the only addi tion. Its pux-pose is to familiarize new students with different phases of the field. It is a three-hour freshman course. Austin, co-editor of The Battalion, and seconded by Junior Class Px-es- ident T. B. Fields. Two Problems The subcommittee x-eport pre sented two px-oblems which must be solved. These ax-e (1) students feel censox-ed by their fellow stu dents if they go to an instructor for help and (2) student and in- structors do not have a close enough x-elationship. Four suggestions offered to cure both problems were: • Cadet officers should encour age underclassmexx to become bet ter acquainted with instructox-s and go to them for help. ® Each student in the unit should be allowed to ask a profes sor over each week to visit his dormitory and eat the evening meal in the dining hall. • Stronger emphasis should be placed on departmental coffees. © Assign students to faculty members, who will act as individ ual counseloxs for this gx-oup. Earlier, the SLC approved Dec. 17 as the date for the second an- xxual 12th Maxx Football Bowl game. Budget Raised For Recreation In 1953 ■ 54 The College Station Recx-eation Council budget for 1953-54 will be $4,985, based on expected in come. Announced yesterday by Ralph Rogers, secretary of the Council, the budget is $500 over last year’s budget of $4,478. The program for the coming year, howevei’, has been expanded to include more ac tivities, Rogei*s said. Added this year will be the Recreation Couxxcil’s assistance ixx Amex-ican Legion junior baseball and sponsoring of two minor league teams for the Little League Baseball progx-am. Activities included in last year’s program that will be continued this year are swimming, tennis, pre-school, tumbling, senior soft- ball, a Lixxcoln High School pi’O- gram, a community picnic, Chx-ist- mas party, x-ifling, and senior vol leyball. He added that the income for the budget will be dex-ived from fees paid by pax-ticipants in swim ming, tennis, and px-e-school activ ities, plus contributions and $500 carry-over from last yeai\ The contributions, expected to total $2,700, come from the city coun cil. Community Chest, and Cham ber of Commei-ce. Rogex-s expects $1,865 from fees. It was decided by the Council Fx-iday to name recommendations for the City Recx-eation Board at the Apx-il 13 meeting, at which offices will be elected. Those rec ommended must be appx-oved by the the mayor and the city coun cil. Evaluation Report Set for Wednesday The A&M Consolidated Element ary School Evaluation Committee will make a public repox-t of their findings at 3 p. m. Wednesday in the Consolidated cafeteria. The five-man committee has been conducting a “self-improve ment” study of the elementax-y school this week, said Mrs. H. S. Creswell, principal. “Pax-ents and interested citizens are urged to suppox-t their school by attending this committee xneet- ing,” said Michael V. Krenitsky, px-esident of the Mothex-s and Dads Club. Members of the evaluation com mittee are Teresa Cax-rel, Texas Education Agency; Dx\ Alma Free land, Univex-sity of Texas; Dr. Robext Jacobs, A&M Basic Divi sion; Paul Manning, Navasota ele mentax-y px-incipal; Jim Morx-man, Hempstead School superintendent; and Dox-othy Jean Gx-een, fifth grade teacher at Casin School, Austin, College Station’s airline flights have been reduced from six to two per day, following an order by the Civil Aero nautics Board to Pioneer Airlines. Criticized for buying new Pacemaker planes to replace the pre-war DC-3’s and ordered to reduce service to the 21 cities in Texas and New Mexico, Pioneer President General Robert J. Smith announced the airline’s action. “We are grievously shocked that the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington has declared that Pioneer must provide a second class service to the people on its 21-city system in Texas and New Mexico,” Smith said. “This new and latest edict from the board can mean ; ♦■one thing—the board would have H'i 1 J 1 *1 Pioneer be a second class ax-iline Bloodmobiie Unit Sets Goal At 200 Pints Two hundred pints of blood will be the goal of the South east Texas Bloodmobiie Unit’s second visit to the campus, March 24. More than 200 pints were don ated at the Bloodixxobile’s first visit, Dec. 17. First sergeants have beexx given donor forms fox* distx-ibution to their units. Anyoxxe between the ages of 21 and 59 may donate. Doxxors between the ages of 18 and 21 must have the consent of their family. Any staff membex-s, local resi dent or non-doranitoi-y student who wishes to can donate by calling the Housing Office and making axx appointnxent. A doctor and a staff of regis- tex-ed nurses will take donations. They will be assisted by volunteer workers from College Station, with refx-eshments provided by the Kiwanis Club. The volunteer workers and their jobs are as follows: Donor Room: Mesdames C. C. Doak, J. J. Woolket, R. H. Shuff ler, A. D. Adamson, M. M. Norton and J. E. Robei'ts. Canteen: Mesdames J. R. Oden, R. E. Leightoxx, R. D. Lewis, B. H. Dewey and W. R. Horsley. Ox-ange Juice: Mesdames Walter Delaplane and Bx-int Mox-ris. Escort with cax’d and bottle: Mx-s. Lee P. Thompson. Bottle Lablers: Mesdames C. B. Godbey and Bennie Zinn. Walkex-s: Mesdames Fred Weick and C. H. Thompson. Hostesses: Mesdames T. W. Le- land, W. R. Hox-sley, M. T. Har rington and D. W. Williams. Registration: Mesdames Ax-m- strong Price, Paul A. Van Tassell and Thomas H. Swygert. providing second class sex-vice to what the Civil Aex-onautics Board must feel ax-e second class citi zens,” he said. • No decision has been reach ed by the CAB on a proposed Trans-Texas air line service to College Station. Trans-Texas wants to make College Station a stop for flights from Austin to Tyler and from Austin to Beaumont. The CAB hearing in Washing, ton D. C. last Thursday was to determine whether or not there is need for additional air service here. • Smith said that he was “both shocked and stumxed” that the boaxd had placed “an ix-on cuxtain on the service Pioneer can x-ender to the people of Texas and New Mexico.” He said that the boax-d’s trial examiner had x-eported to the board that Pioneex-’s change of aix-cx-aft had met “the standards of honest economical and effici ent management” but had evident ly set aside this finding “as if to punish Pioneer for its progress.” Must Reduce Service As a x-esult of the ox-der, Pioneer xnust reduce sex-vice, dismiss many of the company’s 450 pex-sonnel, stop purchases, study possible sus pension of other sex-vices and con sider sale of Pacemaker planes. Flight 45, depax-ting Eastex-wood Aix-port at 3:53 p. m. for Dallas, and Flight 64, departing at 8:40 p. m. for Houston ax-e the only two flights leaving College Statioxx daily, sixxce the cut. Two other flights to Houston, one to Dallas and one to Austin have been can celled. College Station Postmaster, T. O. Walton, said yesterday that he had heax-d nothing about the cut. It is not known exactly how the action will affect local air mail sex-vice, he said, but it cex-- taixxly will be affected. FSA Executive Board Okevs $40,000 Budget The Fox-mer Students Associa- lection. The boax-d hoped the per- tion executive board approved a 1953 budget of $40,000 Satux-day. An incx-ease of $2,000 over the 1952 budget, the money will be used to finance the Former Stu dents Association loan funds and the A&M Development Fund. Sites for the px-oposed Aggie Inter-Faith Chapel were discussed. Among the sites mentioned was the corner where the Assexxxbly Hall stood aci'oss from the px-esi- dent’s home and the paxk-like ax-ea south of the new gymnasium on Houston St. Distx-icts 2 and 3 of the Former Students Associatxion in the South Plains ax-ea of West Texas were redistx-icted. Eight counties wex-e involved in the change of territory. District 2 gained Lovin, Wixxkler, Ectox-, Ward and Cx-ane counties fx-om Distxict 3. Distxict 3 gained thxee counties, Cx-ockett, Schleicher and Sutton from Distinct 2. The committee in chax-ge of col lections for the 1953 Development Fund is not satisfied with retuxnxs to date, said L. B. Locke of the Association office here. To increase the volume of con tribution to the fund, agents were appointed to take charge of col- Fellowships Given In Oceanography Fellowships and assistantships in oceanogx-aphy are available to graduates in physical and biologi cal sciences and engineex-ing, said Dr. Dale F. Leippex-, head of the oceanogx-aphy depax-tment. Fellowships include the United Gas Fellowship in Engineex-ing Oceanography, $3,000 and the Dow Fellowship in Chemical Oceanogra phy, $2,000. sonal touch would have more ef fect on contributions than mail solicitations. Dick Hexwey, ’42, executive sec- retax-y of the Fox-mer Students Association, said the color and black and white films of Aggie football games wex-e wanted by A&M Clubs throughout the state. Annual meeting of the Former Students Association was set for May 23-24 in the MSC. On March 30, x-epresentatives from A&M Clubs over the state will meet with, student repi-esenta- tives of the same hometown clubs on campus, said Locke. Weather Today SPRING SHOWERS WEATHER TODAY: Partly cloudy with occasional light scat tered rainshowers. The maximum temperatux-e will px-obably be in the upper 70’s and the minimum tomorx-ow morning in the middle 60’s.