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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1953)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Tuesday, February 10, 1958 Restrict Intramural Athletics (Continued from Page 1) land Bing, manager of Student Publications. THE RIGHT ANSWER For The Finest Quality Tailoring Is For You To Come in To LEON B. WEISS BOYETT ST. Campus Theater Block These people also will not be allowed student admission to ath letic events, and will be restricted from, intramural athletics, said C. G. (Spike) White, director of Stu dent Activities. The fee is divided into two sec tions—medical and student activi ties. The medical payment is five dollars, while the remainder goes to various activities. Student activity fee breakdown on ($9.20) paid the first semester and $10 paid the second semester is as follows: Athletic Ticket . 1st Sem. ...$4.80 2ml Sem. $2.40 The Battalion ... ... 2.00 2.30 The Aggieland ... ... .80 3.70 Intramurals ... .50 .50 Swimming Pool . ... .10 .10 Student Center . ... 1.00 1.00 Totals $9.20 $10.00 These activities have budgets al ready set up on the basis of funds anticipated from the second semes ter student activity fee. German Student (Continued from Page 1) Rostock. Many of his friends on the Student Parliament wei’e sen tenced to as much as 25 years in concentration camps by the Rus sians. After his departure from Ros tock, Ohse entered the Free Uni versity of Berlin .in the fall of 1950 to continue studying jour nalism. Ohse served as president of the GSCM in Rostock. In the summer of 1951, he represented SCM at a study chalet sponsored by the World Student Christian Federa tion in Norway. fahyfoSay— "/imrou"' For a Valentine Gift that will go straight to her heart — and stay there — choose from our stunning collection of exquisitely fashioned jewelry! Or perhaps your choice is Silver. We carry all the most popu lar and famous patterns. Don’t forget we also have a wonderful selection of Valentine Greeting Cards Caldwell’s Jewelers Phone 2-2435 112 N. Main BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SEIX, RENT OR TRAOE. Rates .... 3c a word per Insertion with a I5e minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... flOc per column-inch. Send 111 classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES DFFICE. AH ads mifSt be received In Student Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. * FOR SALE • BOOTS, ■ 18. Two khaki and tVo pink boot pants. Phon 6-3632 or come by apt. B-12-Z College View. 1939 CHEVROLET, cheap. Excellent motor. Clean interior. Good tires. Body in good shape. Inquire at 901 Fairview Ave. after 5. • HELP WANTED • PHOTO-ENGRAVERS for Student Publica tions. Experience preferred but not nec essary. See Bob Godfrey, Student Pub lications after 2 p.m. BEAUTY operator, excellent opportunity. , Pruitt’s Beauty Shoppe, Southside, Col lege Station. REGISTERED NURSE for office work. Call 4-9882. • FOR RENT • Notice of Sale of Tractor Sealed bids will be received in the Of fice of the Superintendent of the Main Station Farm until 10 a. m., Thursday, February 12, 1953, and then publicly open ed and read for one 1947 Model-A John Deere tractor, new tires and paint, with 2- row bedder and 8-row cotton duster. Pros pective bidders should contact the Main Station Farm, College Station, Texas for further information. f • WORK WANTED - * TYPING—reasonable rates. Phone 3-1776 after 5. Official Notice CHANGES IN STUDIES Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the recommendation of the head of each department concerned and with the approval of the dean of the Student’s school. A student may not add courses after Feb. 7. Any course dropped after Saturday, Feb. 14, shall normally carry a grade of F. David H. Morgan Dean of the College The Physics Department has vacancies for two student laboratory assistants on Tuesday afternoons, one to assist in Physics 203 laboratory from 3:00 to 5:00, and one in Physics 204 laboratory from 2:00 to 4:00. Additional assignments wifi probably be available for those who take the positions. The compensation is 70c per hour. J. G. Potter Head, Department of Physics Students in the School of Arts and Sci ences who earned Distinguished Student honors during the fall semester have not yet secured their distinguished student cards These cards will be issued when called for at the office of the dean, room 107, Academic Building. J. P. Abbott Dean of Arts and Sciences Fall semester students that were initiated into Tau Beta Pi are asked to pick up certificates in the office of Dean Barlow, 214 Engineering Buildng. Dean H. W. Barlow School of Engineering Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th (Across from Court House) Call 2-1662 for Appointment LARGE three bedroom unfurnished house near campus, shopping center and school. Floor furnace, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, screened in porch and large gar age. Available March 1st. 580.00. Call 6-3771. See 601 Montclair. ROOM, private bath, three blocks from campus. Ideal for one person. Call. 4-4604. ONE WAY trailer. Rent it here, leave it where you'are going. Baker Tire Co. Night phone 2-2115; day phone 2-8159. TWO BEDROOM furnished house in College Hills. Phone 4-5358. Directory of Business Services INSURANCE of all kinds. Homer Adams, North Gate. Cali 4-1217. ATTENTION Students & Teachers If you wish to subscribe to the — DALLAS MORNING NEWS FT. WORTH STAR TELEGRAM SAN ANTONIO LIGHT WACO NEWS or AUSTIN AMERICAN in your dorm or office, contact — JOHN ABBOTT Box 557, C.S.; A-l-X College View; or call Beckwith News Agency, 2-8809. We deliver in College View, Vet Village, Project Houses, at the Faculty Exchange, and in all dorms and buildings on the campus. Dr. M. W. Deason Optometrist NORTH GATE 313 COLLEGE MAIN 8:00 to 5:00 Phone 4-1106 What’s Cooking Tuesday 7:15 p. m.—Pre-Med, Pre-Dental Society Room 107, Biological Sci ence Bldg., Membership cards will be issued and a local dentist will speak. 7:30 p. in.—Knife and Fork Club Dinner, Ballroom, MSC. Aggie Talent Show, Assembly Room, MSC. Accounting Society, Room 2B, MSC. Camera Club, Room 2B, MSC. American Foundryman’s Soc iety, Room 2C, MSC. Business Society, YMCA Chapel This will be a business meeting and plans for the Aggieland pic ture will be discussed. Bldg. Products Marketing, Room 2D, MSC. Sociology Club, Room 3B, MSC. Oiafin Resig ns (Continued from Page 3) dule his first year at the reins of the Tiger football fortunes as Consolidated will move up a bi'ack- et to class A. “I want to wish Jim (Bevans) good luck in the new district next year, and I know he will produce a winning team if anyone can,” Chafin continued. Bevans replied he would stick with the same type of offense used* by Chafin with possibly a few minor changes. “I plan to use the unbalanced line some, Bevans said, “but the brand of football I learned from Chafin will certain ly be good enough for me next year.” The present coach at Bishop has resigned to return to school. Cha fin said he probably will leave some time in April, or he may wait until a later date. A&M Czech Club, Room 3C, MSC. Poultry Science Club, Senate Room, MSC. Mixer Doubles Bowling League, Dining Room, MSC. Texas Aggie Rodeo Association, AI Bldg., Appointment of commit tee for rodeo and arrangement for Aggieland picture. SxyybcL VALENTINE GREETINGS V Come in and see our large selection of Volland Valentines. We have special cards with ap- ^ propriate messages to suit every need. Make your selection early while our stock is complete. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Fty big, powerful Pioneer Paternosters to DALLAS 2 Flights Daily • 87 Minutes 8 p. m.—MSC Bridge Club, Social Room, MSC. Wednesday 8 a. m. to 11 p. m.—Executive Training SC Library, Room 3D, MSC. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.—Executive Training Short Course, Rooms 3B & 3C, MSC. 4 p. m.—Humble Oil & Refining Co., Ballroom, MSC. 5 p. m.—Handball Club, Gym. 5 to 6 p. m.—MSC House Commit tee Coffee, Rooms 2A & 2B, MSC. 7 p. m.—Lutheran Walther Club, Room 3B, MSC. 7:15 p. ni. — Hillel Foundation, MSC, Excellent program. Business Etiquette, Ballroom, MSC. Executive Committee, Senate Room, MSC. 7:30 p. m.—Christian Science Church, Social Room, MSC. Air Force Reserve, Rooms 2A & 2B, MSC. Shower, Room 2C, MSC. Architectural Wives Society, South Solariam of the YMCA. 8 p. ni. —MSC Department Party, Assembly Room, MSC. 9 p. m.—Election Commission, Stu dent Activities. So You Want to So Into Business! Have you ever thought of going into Several Businesses at the Same Time? Unusual thought? Perhaps, but the Property and Casualty Insur ance field protects virtually every type of industrial and commercial enterprise. Factories, stores, schools, churches, hospitals, homes, represent only a few kinds of property being protected by the North America Companies. Careers in Underwriting, Claims, Field Representation and other services are open to the young man challenged by work involving analysis, judgment and business decisions. If you are sincerely interested, contact H. PAUL ABBOTT Director of Education North America Companies 1600 Arch Street Philadelphia 1, Pa. Campus Interviews Thursday, Feb. 12 NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES Insurance Company of North America Indemnity Insurance Company of North America Philadelphia Fire and Marine Insurance Company PROTECT v WHAT YOU HAVE© ’\ NOW... 10 Months Scientific Evidence For Chesterfield CONTAINS TOBACCOS OF BETTER QUALITY AND HIGHER PRICE THAN ANY OTHER KING-SIZE CIGARETTE medical specialist is making regular bi- J monthly examinations of a group of people from various walks of life. 45 percent of this group have smoked Chesterfield for an average of over ten years. - • After ten months, the medical specialist reports that he observed... , „ ^ ^ 1 no adverse effects on the nose, throat and sinuses of the group from smoking Chesterfield* MUCM MULDER CHESTERFIELD IS BEST FOR 10D Copyright 1953, Liggett & Myeis ToIacco