Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Page "4 THE BATTALION Thursday, December IT, 1952 Job Interviews * Battalion Classifieds BVV, SELL, KENT OR TKADE. Kates .... 3c a word per insertion with a t5e minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send Ml classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES »FFICK. AH ads must be received in Student Activities office by 10 a.m. on the flay before publication. • FOR SALE * HOW would your girl friend feel in one of our beautiful fringed jackets? Get her one at HOLICK’S, North Gate. OH! BROTHER, if it’s for little brother, it would be a. holster and gun set from HOLICK’S, North Gate. GIVE A puppy for Christmas! Clean, com fortable boarding facilities (thermosta tically gas-heated quarters for house dogs). Trimming, bathing, nail clip ping. whelping, stud dogs. Dog food, supplies, crate rental. Open Sundays. Friendly economical. THE BAYARD KENNELS, On Highway 6 south of College. • SPECIAL NOTICE • Let Us Malm lour . . . CHRISTMAS CARDS the Photographic Way Senates Industries Old Sulphur Springs Road & Hiway 6 PHONE 3-6887 • HELP WANTED • TECHNICIAN for office work. Call 4-0882. • WORK WANTED • TYPING—reasonable rates. Phone 3-1776 after 5. Directory of Business Services INSURANCE of all kinds. Homer Adams, North Gate. Call 4-1217. Official Notice A&M KINGS On the basis of - fall semester -grades some students will become eligible to order an A&M ring. Such students may now leave their names with the ring clerk in the Registrar’s Office. Their records will be checked and eligibility for the ring will he. determined by Feb. 3, 1053. Orders lor the rings will be- taken between February 3 and 10, 1956 for March 10 delivery. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon each week day. H. L. Heaton, Registrar Job Interviews • Dec. 15—The Gulf Oil Corp. of Tulsa, Okla., will interview January and June graduates in business administration, account ing, economics, petroleum, me chanical, civil, chemical, electrical engineering, geology, physics, and mathematics. Positions are available in their exploitation department, Mene Grande Oil Co., C. A. of Gulf Oil, the Fort Worth Division and the Gulf Research and Develop ment Co. This company will be here Dec. 16. • Dec. 16—Aeronautical, me chanical, architectural, civil and electrical engineering January graduates will bo interviewed by North American Aviation Inc. The engineering department of this company needs engineers for positions as junior engineers with openings in design and develop ment of aircraft structures, power plants, controls, and related fields. They have a training program consisting of orientation in com pany methods and procedures and instruction under experienced en gineers. • Dec. 16—Bendix Products Division is interested in interview ing aeronautical, civil electrical and mechanical engineering grad uates as well as physics majors. They have openings in their guided missiles section, automo tive section, aircraft landing gear section, aircraft fuel devices sec tion fpr positions as project en gineers, laboratory test work and drafting. These positions will be located in South Bend, Ind. • Dec. 18—Electrical engineer ing January and June graduates at all degree levels will be inter viewed by the Rural Electrifica tion Administration of Washing ton, D. C. There is a six-month training course in rural telephone and rural electrification. During this period, trainees re ceive rotating assignments in var ious activities of REA so engin eers may become thoroughly fam iliar with programs, REA organi zation, policies and procedures. Some field assignments are pos- Open House Held By Aero Soeiety Open house for freshmen aero nautical engineering students was hold at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday by the ! A&M chapter of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences in the new Engineering Building. The program consisted of two films furnished by McDonnell Air craft Corp., and a tour of the building. Following the tour, refresh ments were served and an infor mal discussion was held. Prompt Radio Service —Call— Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Ph. 2-1911 Bryan sible after at least one year of service in Washington, D. C. CB Dec. 18—Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. of Houston, will interview mid-term graduates majoring in petroleum, mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering^ Quali fied men who are accepted for the Stanolind training program are assigned as roustabouts for from 6 months to a year, after which they are promoted to en gineering jobs. Engineerings activities in this company are highly diversified, including reservoir engineering, well spacing proration, drilling and production practices and many others. On-the-job training is a regular part of the work, and specialized schools are held per iodically to keep Stanolind en gineers abreast of cun-ent en gineering developments. Job Calls • The Illinois Division of High ways of Springfield, Illinois, has initiated a road improvement pro gram which will be continued for many years and are in need of qualified civil engineers who are interested in a career of public service in highway engineering. © The engineering department of The Texas Pipe Line Co. of Houston, has a vacancy for a re cent electrical engineering grad uate to do electrolysis and cor rosion work. The job would in volve travel throughout Texas with Houston as headquarters. • The Oliver H. Van Horn Co. Inc. of Fort Worth, is in need of an assistant to the manager of their machine tool department. Duties would consist of making quotations on machine tools, con sulting with prospective purchas ers with reference to their speci fications requirements and tooling required on machines to be pur chased. They would also consist of oc casional trips to the machine tool builder’s plants for purposes of learning about specific lines handled. A mechanical engineei - - i n g graduate is preferred. This company is a distributor of ma chine tools and industrial supplies. For a Perfectly Finished Shirt — Bring them to . . . CAMPUS CLEANERS Good Luck . . . Pipe-Smoking Contest Competitors! ROTHENBERG & SCHLOSS CIGAR CO. Kansas City Denver -— Wichita — Omaha — Tulsa Oklahoma City Distributors Since 1874 — KAYWOODIE — MEDICO — YELLO-BOLE — DR. GKABOW FALCON and SASIENI PIPES Mjyii x \ The Perfect Gift for j *<0^ ‘ ANY Man ... And j ^ A YOU CAN RESERVE IT FOR J JUST THE CHANGE IN YOUR POCKET/ YOUR OLD WATCH WILL MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT The Balance on Easy Terms McCAKTY. Jewelers North Gate Phone 4-1201 Weren’t the old-fashioned Christmases fun? Remember the home-made gifts, the trees trimmed with popcorn and cranberry necklaces and the delicious odors that poured from the kitchen? Some of those customs you can revive yourself, but here at Shopping Center, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to bring back some of those Old-Fashioned low prices. For a Christmas of real savings . . . shop here. SPECIALS for THURSDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th -.12th & 13th Del Monte—2 , /z Peach Halves 2 for.... 40c POWDERED or Brown Sugar 2 lbs 25c Del Monte—No. 2 Sliced Pineapple 25c 39c Gold Medal Flour 5 Ik Folger’s Coffee . lb. 79c Kimbcll’s All Vegetable Shortening . . 3 lbs. 49c Dole—12 Oz. Pineapple Juice . 2for 19c Musselman’s—303 Apple Sauce ... 2 for 35c Gerber’s 12 CANS Baby Food .... 85c (For Babies)—Bib 3 CANS Orange Juice ... 25c Kimbell’s—300—Mexican Style Beans 10c Kimbell’s—16 Oz.—(In Chili Gravy) Tamales 25c Patio—No. 2—Beef Enchiladas .... 45c - - Special Offer ~ Buy 1 {A lb. Armour’s Cloverbloom “99” Margarine, lb. 32c . '. . and Get ]/> Lb. FREE! (Get 2 Lbs. for 48c) 2 FOR 25c Del Monte Spinach 2 Kimbell’s Blackeyc Peas . . 303 Diamond Yellow Cream Corn, 303 Trelis Early June Peas . . 303 K i m be 11 ’s W hole—2 /z Sweet Potatoes .... 33c Del Monte—303G Purple Plums 19c Hunt’s—300 Tomato Juice . . 3 for 25c Gold Medal—8 Oz—MACARONI or Spaghetti 2 for 19c Heinz—H Oz. Tomato Ketchup , . . 25c None Such Mince Meat . . . pkg. 2J e Kimbell’s—12 Oz. Grape Jelly 19c White Karo Syrup . . . . pt. 21c Nigger Head—8 Oz. Oysters . 39c Diamond—80 Count Napkins .... 2 boxes 23c Roll Aluminum Foil Wrap, 29c Choice Baby Beef Broad Breasted Turkeys Armour’s Star Cured Homs Toms . . . lb. 49c Hens ... lb. 59c Soffcasilk CAKE FLOUR . . box 39c Calumet—16 Oz. RAKING POWDER . . .23c French’s—1 Oz. VANILLA EXTRACT . .19c Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES . . 3 pkgs. $1.00 Sun Valley MARGARINE .... lb. 19c Whole or Shank . lb. 56c Butt Portion . . lb. 59c PORK PRODUCE ® 3 lbs. 27c . . ea. 10c U. S. No. 1 Florida TANGERINES . . U. S. No. I PASCAL CELERY U. S. No. I YELLOW ONIONS. 2 lbs. 15c Marshseedless GRAPEFRUIT . . 3 for 14c Fresh COCONUTS .... ea. 9c Angelus—6 Oz. MARSHMALLOWS ..... 12c No. 1—Diamond WALNUTS lb. 39c No. 1 Georgia Gov. Graded PECANS ...... 3 lbs. 99c (Box 24)—Hershey CANDY BARS ....... 89c Northmoor Chocolate Covered CHERRIES lb. 5»c • FROZEN FOODS ® Libby’s—6 Oz. ORANGE JUICE . . 2 for 29c —PICTSWEET— GREEN PEAS TURNIP GREENS CUT CORN BUTTER BEANS SPINACH BROCCOLI Pkg. 19c Center Cut CHOPS (No end cuts), lb. 49c Loin End PORK ROAST . lb. 49c Fresh Short Shank—4 to 6 lb. Average PICNICS .... lb. 35c Armour’s Star Bacon lb. 54c Armour’s Crescent Bacon lb. 39e Armour’s—Cello Roll—Pork Sausage .... lb. 29c Armour’s Wieners .... lb. 45c Presh Pork Liver ...... lb. 29c Select Oysters pt. 89c Fresh Jumbo Shrimp .... lb. 84c CENTER INN Whole Broiled Baby Red Snap- '7CL per, served with Sauce, French | J(* Fries & Salad $1.00 Broiled Baby Beef T-Bone Steak, with Garden Green Salad, French Fries & Sauce • DRUGS • Chlorodent—69c Size Tooth Paste , . . 55c Drone—60c Value Shampoo . , . 39c Odo-Ro-No Cream—60c Size Deodorant . . . 39c Woodbury’s Hand—31.00 Size Lotion .... 50c Listerine—Big 14 Oz. Antiseptic . . . 69c Bayer—Bottle 100 Aspirin . . , 49c Pepto—60c Value Bismol .... 49c Open 7 Days A Week HOURS OPEN Mpn.-Thurs—8 a.nv—8 p.m. Fri. - Sat. — 8 a,in.—9 p.m. Sunday ■— 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Right Reserved to Limit Quantities il ■ll il WmM. ma 4.- j?, I# Kili 7 -'" %l m m/m Mi §i ; ■ Mi ■ I . -- torn > - ' -J I 'M M T; - \ /M®t -j; ' 'A m COUlTlK drive at high WAY 6 ■ SL-.x • V.‘'4* r*'r-r.-A-*•** r '