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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1951)
Page'4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, December 12,1951 Big List of Prizes Already Donated for Best Decorations (Continued from Page 1) With more prizes coming in every day, a complete list is un available, but awards already re ceived are listed beelow. Division I, for residents other than students: $5 cash, College Sta tion Chamber of Commerce; $5 gift certificate, Madeley’s Phar macy; Dinner for two, B&B Grill; $10 gift certificate, Henry A. Mil ler Hardware Company; $5 gift certificate, Marion Pugh Lumber Company; Dinner for two, 12th Man Inn; $10 gift, certificate, Southside Food Market; $2.50 in groceries, Charlie’s Food Market; $5 gift certificate, Pruitt’s Fab ric Shop; Haircut, shampoo and tonic, for male winner, Harris TODAY LAST DAY FIRST RUN —Features Start-*- 1:10 - 2:56 - 4:42 - 6:28 8:14 - 10:00 Barber Shop; and shampoo, set, and manicure for female winners, Pruitt Beauty Shop at Southside, and $5 in washing and drying at The Laundromat. Division II Division II, for Students living outside dormitory areas: $5 cash, College Station Chamber of Com merce; $5 gift certificate, Pruitt’s Fabric Shop; Dinner for two, Wil son’s Cafeteria; $10 gift certificate, Miller’s IGA Supermarket; dinner for two, Campus Confectionary; $5 gift certificate, Marion Pugh Lumber, Company; 2.50 in grocer ies, Charlie’s Food Market; $5 gift certificate, Southside Launderette; Dinner for two, B&B Grill; $5 Cleaning service, Aggie Cleaners; one 8 x 10” portrait, Aggieland Studio; Haircut, tonic, shampoo, shoeshine for male winner, North Gate Barber Shop, and $5 washing WEDNESDAY thru SAT. NEWS — CARTOON STARTS THURSDAY FIRST RUN WEDNESDAY thru SAT. Bud Abbot & Lou Costello —in— Crazy Over Horses’ and drying service, The Laundro mat. Division III, for winning com panies: $5 cash, College Station Chamber of Commerce; $5 cash, Eugene Rush, Life Insurance; $5 cash, Zubik’s Tailors, and a free dish of ide cream for every man ih the winning company, Lipscomb’s Pharmacy at North Gate. ‘Feast of Lights’ Set for Wednesday Hanukah, “The Feast of Lights” commemorating the Victory of the Maccabees tVlll feature the cultur al program of the B’nai B’rith Hil- lel Foundation on Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. at the YMCA Chapel. Cantor Pavel Slavensky of Hous ton will give the liturgical songs connected with the Feast of Lights and will lead the audience in group singing. Traditional refreshments con nected with the Feast of Lights will be served prepared by the A&M Hillel mother's club of Dal las. The meeting is open to the public. LAST TIMES TODAY “Fort Worth” THLRSDAY&FRIDAY BERT GRANET presents PAULETTE PEDRO School Prexys Talk Sports Washington, Dec. 12—UP)—Ten college presidents today renewed their Search for the answers to these two questiohs: (1) What’s wrong with inter collegiate sports? (2) What can be done about it? The presidehts are members of a special committee set up by the American Council oh Education, a private body of educators, to study college sports. They laid the groundwork for their studies in a meeting here last month. Today they were to hear from a football coach, Lloyd Johnson of Harvard, and two physical educa tion experts, Thomas E. McDo nough of Emory in Georgia and S. C. Staley of Illinois. Jordan is president of the Na tional Football Coaches Associa tion. McDonough heads the col lege Physical Education Associa tion, and Staley is president of the American Academy of Physical Ed ucation. The hearings are behind closed doors. But Dr. John Hannah, president of Michigan State Col lege and chairman of the commit tee, fills in reporters after each session. ENTRY BLANK The Battalion 1951 Christmas Decoration Contest Name - — Address - — Division Sections (s) — Return this blank to The Battalion Office by 6 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 17 to be eligible for a prize. USE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO BUY, SELL, KENT OR TRADE. Rates .... 3c a word per Insertion with a t5c minimum. Space rale in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send ill classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES ftFFIGE. All ads must be received in litudent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • 25 FT Housetrailer. Apartment size stove. Hot water heater. Reasonable. B-iO-D College View. CHILDREN’S 100 percent All Wool Car digan Sweaters in maroon, with white chenille T on left chest. Sizes 6-8-10 only. Special $1.95. Shaffer's Book Store, across from the Post Office. AGGIE T shirts with the Air Force In signia. $1.35. Shaffer’s Book Store, across from the Post Office. BLACK Four-door Special Deluxe '49 Plymouth with white sidewalls, radio, heater. In fine condition. Money nec essary for College. Contact Freshihan G. H. Lamplcy, Room 418, Dorm 16, or write Box 2511 College Station. nt nes For 1951-1952 Are Here!! If you know his name, you can find out who he is and where he lives by using the handy STUDENT DIRECTORY. Get your copy right away. The STUDENT DIRECTORY contains a listing of the faculty, officers, and employes of the college, and a listing of students. PER COPY, by cash, check, money order or inter departmental order. Get Yours NOW ! ! USE THIS HANDY COUPON STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Tex. Please send me STUDENT DIRECTORY. Enclosed is (money order) (interdepartmental order). NAME copies of the 1951-1952 in (cash) (check) ADDRESS They’re On Sale at The Following Places: • STUDENT ACTIVITIES • NEWSSTANDS 1 AND 2 • NORTH GATE • OOkMITORIES casaa • LOST • LOST PURSE with ID, pictures of Indian girl and money. Please return to Popat, Bizzell 359. Reward. • HELP WANTED • TWO STUDENTS with photographic ex perience, who are interested in photo engraving work, report to room 211, Goodwin Hall. Come only if you have at least one more year at A&M. THOSE MEN desiring to work during their Christmas Holidays in their home county should contact Mr. Long’s office as soon as possible. Only a limited num ber of men will be employed. • SPECIAL NOTICE • FREE—$6 worth of Records With the pur chase of a $12.95 RCA 45 RPM Record Player. Shaffer’s Book Store. North Gate. Across from the Post Office. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. A A.M. Slated meeting Thursday, Dec. 13, 7 p.m. Also a Grand Lodge film. H. Sorrels, W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. Protection for sale: Buy your auto lia bility insurance from an Aggie >- Call Ty Jennings, ’54 6-1636 D-3-B College View. i. I., i m—.f- i 1 : 1 : 1 a Directory of Business Services INSURANCE of all lines. Homer Adams. North Gate. Call 4-1217. • LEGAL NOTICE • Ordinance No. 167 An ordinance entitled “The Traffic Code of 1951” defining words and phrases; pre scribing regulations; providing for proce dure and methods of traffic control; pro viding for reports of accidents; prohibiting driving under influence of drugs and pre scribing a penalty therefor; prescribing driv ing rules; providing for safety measures in turning, starting, signaling, and stopping: prescribing right of way; providing for pedestrians' rights and duties; regulating special stops and restricted speeds; regula ting stopping, standing, arid parking; mis cellaneous rules; regulating equipment on vehicles; providing for inspection of ve hicles; prescribing a penalty for violation Of this ordinance; prescribing procedure upon arrest; prescribing an effective date; repealing all ordinances in conflict here with; and providing a saving clause. Passed and approved this thirteenth day of November, 1951, A. D. Ernest Langford, Mayor Attest: N. M. McGinnis City Secretary Official Notice Fourth installment, payable Dec. 1 -18, to Fiscal Office. Board to Jan. 26 (Christmas recess excluded) $33.0() Room rent to Jan. 26 13.00 Laundry to Jan. 26 (Christmas excluded) 2.65 Total payable to Fiscal Department $48.65 Physics 226 Spring Semester The scheduled hours, WF8, induce ser ious conflicts for some of the students needing Physics 226 in the spring semester. A different schedule will be substituted on the basis of information obtained by the department by December 17. All stu dents who anticipate enrolling in Physics 226 in the spring semester 1952 are re quested to file at the Office of the Physics Department before December 17 copies of their trial schedules, snowing the numbers arid sections of all courses they expect to taka. J. G. Potter Head, Physics Department RADIOS <S REPAIRING Call For and Delivery STUDENT CO-OP Phone‘4-4114 . Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST U08A East, 26th (Across from Court House) Call 24662 for Appointment People Are Funny, Boyle Discovers By HAL BOYLE New York, Dec. 12 — (TP) — Are your dinner invitations falling off? Don’t people ask you to their parties anymore? Maybe it’s be cause you need to brush up on your raconteur-ing. YoUr twice- told tales have gone the rounds too often. So today we offer you—free— two of the best stories we’ve heard lately, and you’re welcome to them. (If you’ve already heard them, don’t write and tell us they’re old. Everything is getting older these days.) The first concerns the Army colonel’s wife, stationed in the Philippines in the years before the last war. She had the kind of cook women dream of—a Chihese named Mr. Ling, who could dish up a dream meal for one unex pected guest, or a dozen, on quick notice. Big Party One evening, however, she was having a dinner party for 20 peo ple, including a bishop. “This has to be something really special,” she told Mr. Ling that morning, and explained that the ecclesiastical guest was quite dis tinguished. The Chinese cook seemed deeply impressed. That night he served up a splen did meal. As the guests leaned back, relaxing from the tremen dous repast, in strode Mr. Ling carrying a huge and glittering cake. Beaming, he placed it on the, table before the hostess. Choice Letterinn She and the bishop both leaned over to read some flowery letter- Symphony (Continued from Page 1) Reorganized in 1948, the Hous ton Symphony Orchestra made it’s debut on Nov. 1, of that year. On that date, it presented the pre miere of the work of the contem porary American composer, Aaron Copland. It’s Concert schedule has been enlarged so it now presents more than twice the number of musidal events it did in former seasons. ing that Mr. Lfhg had inscribed with icing atop the cake. It said: “Hooray for Jesus!” • The second stoiy is raising laughter in United Nations circles here. It concerns a mythical fu ture meeting of “the Big Three”— Truman, Stalin and Churchill. The trio of world leaders were quarreling bitterly about the prob lems of East and West when sud denly a beautiful little fairy ap peared in the conference room. She wore a trailing gown of white and had a twinkling star on her forehead. Waving her small wand, she said gently: No Harsh Words, Please “Gentlemen, gentlemen, please do not use any more harsh words. I can help you out of your diffi culties. Each of you make a wish, and if I grant it perhaps that will solve your problems.” First, she asked Truman his wish. “I want you to take the biggest H-bomb that can be built, set it down in the heart of Russia, and explode it,'’ he said. “That’ll be a big help.” Turning to Stalin, the fairy said: “And your wish?” Big Tidal Wave “I’d like you to raise the great est tidal wave in history,” he said, “and send it clear across the Unit ed States, and wash every Ameri can into the sea. You’ll see how quickly peace will follow.” The little fairy sighed, and turn ed to Churchill, and said: “And your request?” “Oh, just give me a long cigar and a double brandy and soda,” he said cheerfully. “That’ll be quite easy,” said the little fairy, brightening. “I can do that right away.” “No hurry, no hurry,’ replied Churchill, waving his hand airily. “Serve the other two gentlemen first!” What’s Cooking* AGGIE CHRISTIAN FELLOW SHIP: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m YMCA Cabinet Room. Ross Jen nings will speak, AGRICULTURE COUNCIL Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Senat Chamber MSC. CANTERBURY CLUB: Wednes day, 7:15 p. m., St. Thomas Chapel Important plans for the squar dance will be made. DEL RIO CLUB: Thursday, 7:3 p. m., 2nd Floor MSC. Club pic ture to be made, wear No. 1 uni form or coat and tie. FLAX COUNTY CLUB—Thurs day, 7:30 p.m., Room 305 Goodwii Hall. FOUR STATES CLUB: Wednes day, 7:15 p. m., Room 3-C MSC Important meeting for Christina party. FORT WORTH CLUUB: ThufAi day, 7:30 p. m., Room 107 Nc) Science Bldg. All Christmas danc ticket salesmen are to be pre sent. ^ HILLEL FOUNDATION: Wed nesday, 7:15 p. m., YMCA Cl Attention is called to chanj! meeting place and group piefur to be taken for Aggieland. HOUSTON COUNTY CLUB Friday, 8:30 p. m., Crockett Coun try Club. We will have a bam from Palestine; tickets $2.00 staj or drag. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Basement o St. Mary’s Chapel. NEWMAN CLUB: Wednesday 7:30 p. hi,, St. Mary’s Chapel Chaplain Wcrr will speak oi “Christian Courtship.” SADDLE & SIRLOIN CLUB Wednesday, 7:00 p. m., A&I Lee turc Room. SAN ANTONIO CLUB—Thu^ day, 7:15 p.m., Room 301 Goodwi Hall. Christmas Dance plans, rc freshments. WESLEY FOUNDATION: W«j nesday, 7:15 p. m., A&M Methodis Church. Presentation of the pla “Why The Chimes Rang;” care singing and refreshments. Rex Enright of South Carolina i the Dean of Southern Conferenc football coaches. He came to th University in 1938. The 1924 Quantico Marine foot ball team rolled up 183 points to 13 for its opponents. Vanderbilt scored all 13 of the points. ini \ Lucky Star Nile -fc ‘RED BADGE OF COURAGE” Give the Gift That’s NEW the year round rr\ i n m. m. I * 1 he Battalion is WONDERFUL for Christmas ONLY 50c PER MONTH . . . send The Battalion to your parents. .. your girl friend, brother or sister. Where else can you get such a bargain? ORDER TODAY! Turn in your subscription to Student Activities Second Floor Goodwin Hall DO IT . . . TODAY ! The Battalion