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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1951)
Battalion Editorials Page 2 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1951 " , Labor Outlook Handbook Stresses Career Planning Accident Tempo SHORTENING DAYS , lengthening nights, and increasing ^ shopping crowds mark the approaching holidays. The tem po of life seems to quicken as the joyous season nears. People scurry about getting ready for Christmas, and there is a tendency to faster driving on the streets and highways. More than ever in the year, this is the time to exercise great er caution when behind the wheel of your car. Under the auspices of the local traffic safety crusade, a vigorous effort is being made to alert motorists to the peril of reckless or careless driving. It is to be hoped that the safety pledges will be taken seriously and that many lives may thereby be saved. Impetus to the safety campaign was given by the re cent meeting Houston of the Texas Safety Association’s exe cutive committee. At one of the meetings, Col. Homer Garri son Jr., state director of public safety, and one of the state’s real experts on traffic problems, was described as a man who could say how many people would probably be killed and where they would be killed during the forthcoming holidays. But what Col. Garrison cannot say, the speaker empha sized, is who will be killed. That is an arresting thought. A study of statistics relating to traffic casualties will show what may be expected in the future. Estimates of this sort have proved to be alarmingly correct. That so many people will die violent deaths in automobile mishaps, and the ap proximate places of their demise, can be foretold with un canny accuracy. But there is no way of saying who will draw the unlucky numbers. There is, however, a way of les sening the probability that it will be you. That is by doing your level best to keep out of trouble whenever you drive—• which means to be alert, careful and courteous; to observe the speed limits and to take no chances that can be avoided. Sobriety, of course, is indispensable.—Houston Post Students undecided about the se- crowded in mid-1950, especially in lection of a major next semestetr very large cities, and the profes- course may obtain helpful infor mation in the new edition of the “Ocupational Outlook Handbook,” according to Maurice J. Tobin, sec retary of Labor. This publication, prepared by the U. S. Department of Labor’s Bu- . reau of Labor Statistics in coopera tion with Veterans Administration, contatins up-to-date information on the facts needed in career planning for more than 400 occupations. The data on immediate and long- range employment outlook is of special interest to college students since America’s mobilization ef forts in the last year have changed employment prospects for nearly every job in the country, whether or not it is related to defense. These data, together with those on training requirements, may help students make a wiser selection of a major and courses. Following are a few highlights from the Handbook: School Teachers More than 75,000 new elementary school teachers were needed for the 1950-51 school year and only 35,000 persons qualified for regular ele mentary teaching certificates in June 1950. The mobilization program has in creased the demand for engineers so much that employers are now seeking additional personnel, even though engineering schools’ 1950 graduating class reached a record of over 52,000. Scientists There is a shortage of scientists (particularly of those with ad- sion may remain overcrowded dur ing the next few years, though the defense program will tend to ease competition among new entrants. Television In television, the' workers in greatest demand are the techni cians, especially those who have a good knowledge of mathematics and electronic theory. Employment opportunities for radio operators (telephone and telegraph), radio announcers, news paper reporters, and photographers are expected to be limited for the next several years. The present shortage of phar macists will probably continue dur ing the early 1950’s although the number of graduate pharmacists reached almost G,000 in 1949—an all-time record. The need for additional trained women is great in all the occupa,- tions in which women have led in employment: in nursing, dietetics, physical and occupational therapy, social work, and library work. Veterinarians There was a shortage in mid- 1950 of veterinarians trained for laboratory work, especially in path ology and bacteriology, and addi tional openings are expected in the near future. More accountants are needed, es pecially cost accountants and CPA’s college graduates with cour ses in other aspects of business ad ministration as well as in account ing have better chances of employ ment than those whose training has been limited to the accounting field. Religious Revolts Followed British Occupation in Egypt (Editor’s Note — This is the second of a series of seven ar ticles written by Lasheen, an Egyptian national, studying here.) By ALY LASHEEN Egyptian Graduate Student After the British occupation, occurred in 1882 a religious re volt spread across part of Egypt. This gave Britain an op portunity to extend her grip far south aalong the Nile River and deep into Africa. It required 17 years of joint Anglo-Egyptian optrations to put down the rebellion. During the long campaign, Britain professed to be a friend and ally of occupied Egypt, with no ulterior motive of her own. But in London, once the cam paign had ended, British states men were not slow to recognize a major political opportunity. With the northern part of the Nile Valley (Egypt) under Brit ish control, why not also the southern part (the Sudan) ? Both parts depended for their existence on the life-giving Nile River. Whoever controlled tht waters of the Upper Nile ob viously could, if they so willed, control Egypt. Depend on Nile The dependency of Egypt on the Nile has not lessened in 5,000 years. The intensive agri cultural production so vital to Egypt relies on an intricate sys tem of irrigation, perfected through centuries of effort. The system is based entirely on a well-regulated flow of Nile wat- Should the course of the Nile be diverted or damage occur to the dams and reservoirs built by the Egyptians along the 4,100 mile long river, Egypt would be drought-ridden or ravaged by floods. The Nile flows through Sudanese territory for more than 2,100 miles, from the heart of Africa to the present southern Egyptian border. Great Britain knew the stra tegic value of her entrenchment along the Upper Nile. As soon as she had succeeded in occupy ing the Sudan as well as Egypt, her next problem was to try to legalize this occupation and at the same time attempt to con vince the Egyptian and Sudan-, ese peoples that she was in the Nile Valley in the role of pro tector. She devised, and compel led Egypt to>acCept, two docu ments which became known as the 1899 Agreements. Anglo-Egyptian Agreement These so-called agreements provided for a joint Anglo- Egyptian administration in the Sudan. At the same time, the British tried to effect a phy sical separation of the Sudan from Egypt by fixing the Egyptian southern frontier a- long the 22nd parallel. In her occupied state, Egypt was in no position to reject the British terms or debate the legality of the Agreements. The fate of the whole Nile Valley was, indeed, in British hands. Egypt waited until after the Armistice of 1918 to make her first official bid for complete independence. All these years Egypt was a British protector- The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions ''Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texes, is published by students five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms, The Battalion is published four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms, and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscrip tion rates $6.00 per year or $.60 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class natter at Post Office at College Staton, Texas, Under the Act of Con gress of March S, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco. ate with, of course, only a minor participation in the administra tion of the Sudan. Author Plugs In his book, “Egypt,” pub lished in London in 1927, the famous British author, George Young, states: “When the Arm istice came it found Egypt pre pared by counsel with a strong case for independence, built up on the principles of peace as laid down by President Wilson and on the promises made by ourselves to neighboring nations, whose war services and stage of civilization gave them less claim to our consideration than had Egypt. No sooner was the Armistice signed than Saad Zaghloul Pa sha, at the head of a deputation representative of all (Egyptian) points of view, asked the (Brit ish) High Commissioner, Sir Reginald Wingate, for leave to submit Egypt’s case in London. This request, although recom mended by the High Commis sioner, was curtly rejected by the Foreign Office, Zaghloul’s reply was carefully reasoned and quite reasonable; and reconsid eration of the refusal was urg ed by Wingate, whose excep tional experience in Egypt show ed him the mistake that was being made. But this too, was refused.” Won’t Listen The refusal of the British Foreign Office then even to lis ten to Egypt’s case for inde pendence did insult and infuri ate the Egyptian people. Unrest spread rapidly throughout the country and the Egyptian Cabi net collapsed a few days after formation. Discontent grew to outbreaks of violence and Brit ain found herself faced with a revolution. A much delayed note, in 1921, invited the Egyptians . to ap point a delegation whose duty it would be to recommend a sub stitute for the existing British protectorate over Egypt. The British insisted that any new arrangement must insure the special interests of Great Brit ain. (The third in this series will ap pear tomorrow. It will deal with the later British relations with Egypt.) The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-6444) or at the editorial office Room 201, Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-6324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. JOHN WHITMORE Editor Joel Austin Associate Editor Bill Streich Managing Editor Bob Selleck Sports Editor Frank Davis City Editor Pat Morley Women’s Editor T. H. Baker, E. R. Briggs, Benny Holub, Bryan Spencer, Ide Trotter Edgar Watkins, Carl Posey, Gene Steed, Jerry Bennett, Bert Weller Staff Writers Bob Cullen, Jack Brandt Staff Cartoonist Frank Scott Quarterback Club Director Dick Zeek Staff Photographer Pat LeBlanc, Hugh Philippus, Gus Becker, Joe Blanchette Ed Holder Sports Staff Writers John Lancaster Chief Photo Engraver Russell Hagens Advertising Manager Robert Haynie Advertising Representative Baxo Beck Circulation Manager MSG to Sponsor Coffee for Ags Approximately 100 students and faculty members in the horticul ture, agronomy, and landscape ar chitecture departments are expect ed to attend an informal coffee from 4:30 to 5:30 this afternoon in the Assembly Room of the MSC. The coffee is being sponsored by the House Committee of the MSC. A short skit by students will be given, according to Kert Goode, a member of the House Commit tee. calities in which workers are em ployed. To supply a background for long- range educational and career plan ning, over-all trends in population and employment in the U. S. are presented showing the changing nature of occupational and indus trial life. A chapter on interpret ing the information and obtaining additional facts about occupations, and a list of occupations appropri ate to persons with certain types of abilities and interests will also be helpful. The Handbook (BLS Bulletin 998) will soon be available in the Millionth DP Leaves Texas Home El Paso, Dec. 5—DP)—Alexander Ranezay, the one millionth dis placed person, and his family were due in Los Angeles today for a second try at settling down in the United States. The Czech refugees landed in Midland, Tex., on Nov. 18, spon sored by Oil Geologist William Y. Penn. However, after two. weeks they decided to move to the West Coast. Penn said they left because they had “a deal more suited to their needs.” He sponsored them with the understanding Ranezay would do gardening and his wife house work. Lydia, Ranezay’s 21-year-old Almost $51,500 in Bonds Sold During First Drive Brazos County’s sales totaled $51,491.50 during the first U. S. Defense Bond drive, Nathan Adams of Dallas, state chairman, informed Judge A. S. Ware, local county chairman. The drive was held from Sept. 3 through Nov. 13. SHOP CHAPMAN’S —for Grumbacher Oils, Canvas Boards, Stretchers, Sketch Pads for all types of art. . . . Colored Metal- lics for that sparkling effect, Colored Poster and Mat Boards, Textile, Water Color, Oil and Pastel Sets. CHAPMAN’S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Bryan, Texas library or placement or counseling daughter, said here yesterday that office on many a college campus, p e nn was planning to sponsor an as well as in the nearest public other DP family. She said there employment service office. Personal copies of this 575-page, illustrated Handbook may be pur chased from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D. C., for $3. had been no misunderstanding be tween her family and Penn. The Catholic resettlement organ ization said yesterday the Rane- zays were moving because of bet ter opportunities for the family. AUSTIN 63 Minutes Mid-Day Flights Phone 4-5054 for information and resemtions-or call your travel agent vanced degrees) for basic and Interior decorators specializing background research, development in modern design were in greater and applied research, and teaching, demand in 1950 than those whose The legal profession was over- training had been predominantly in ; period design. Most openings for personnel jobs, along with the keenest com petition for filling them, will be in highly industrialized parts of the country. Students of agriculture will find excellent employment opportunities not only in farming, but also in teaching, research, veterinary med icine, farm service, and other voca tions associated with farming. These highlights touch on only a few of the industries and occupa tions covered in the Handbook. In formation on each occupation in cludes long-run employment trends as well as the employment outlook resulting from the impact of the defense program; the latest avail able data on earnings, training and qualifications, reequired; working conditions; and industries and lo- A&M Senior Wins Citations From Air Force Jack E. Cavot, senior Aero nautical Engineering student has been presented the Uni ted States Air Force Air Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster for “technical skill, excep tional courage, and selfless devo tion to duty,” Capt. R. L. Turcotte, Bryan Air Force Base Awards and Decoration Offices has disclosed. Cayot, a B-26 pilot in Europe during World War II, received the Medal and Cluster Friday evening during a quiet ceremony at his home. Only he, the presenting of ficer Captain Turcotte, and Mrs. Cayot were present. The dual award covered the per iod from Oct. 11, 1943, to Jan. 12, 1944, when Lieutenant Cayot’s plane was shot down on the return trip from a successful bombing run on Isoletta Dam, a strategic target located on the Liri River in Italy. He was taken prisoner by the Germans and spent 18 months in camp Stalag Luft near Barth, Germany, before being lib erated by advancing Allied troops in 1945. The Cayots have been living in College Station three years, and call the college and Bryan “home.” Jack, who expects to graduate this year, holds a reserve commission as a fi^t lieutenant in the Air Force. Wing Scheduled To Finish Book Soon Dr. Leeonard W. Wing, a profes sor in the A&M Wildlife Depart ment, will complete his second book, “Biology of Birds,” this sum mer. This book on ornithology is to be published next year. The book, which Dr. Wing start ed in 1933, will contain five hun dred.pages and three hundred illus trations. It is the first text book to be published on the subject since 1923. McGraw-Hill Book Company will publish the book. It will be one of a series of publications in zoology. Stude Directories For 1951-1952 Are Here!! If you know his name, you can find out who he is and where he lives by using the handy STUDENT DIRECTORY. Get your copy right away. The STUDENT DIRECTORY contains a listing of the faculty, officers, and employes of the college, and a listing of students. 50c PER COPY, by cash, check, money order or inter departmental order. Get Yours NOW ! ! USE THIS HANDY COUPON STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Tex. Please send me copies of the 1951-1952 STUDENT DIRECTORY. Enclosed is (money order) (interdepartmental order). NAME in (cash) (check) ADDRESS.... They’re On Sale at The Following Places: • STUDENT ACTIVITIES • NEWSSTANDS 1 AND 2 • NORTH GATE • DORMITORIES I POG O By Walt Kelly LFL ABNER Li’l Abner Presents Fearless Fosdick By A1 Capp fosmtjf VOU LEFT AW HOUR AGO,TO CAPTURE A STICK-UP MAM, AT SMIFFANV'S JEWELRY STORE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING7- V*—, .. /vo/” y 7 NV—V ^ I'VE CAPTURED HIM, SIRX'-HE IS MOW KISSING ONE OF THE GIRL CLERKS—AMD I HAVE JUST SHOT HER BOV FRIEND FOR TRYING TO STOP HIM— I COULDN'T WAIT TO EXPLAIN TO THE CHIEF THAT HE IS THE ATOM BUM.?’-HE'S LOADED WITH PLUTONI- UM.’T'-IF ANYTHING