Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1951)
Thursday, November 8, 1951 THE BATTALION Page 5 A Infantry, B Athletics Win By JOE BLANCHETTE Battalion Intramural Writer A Infantry and B Athletics ad vanced into the second round of the Intramural Cage playoffs and firmly established themselves as the favorites to meet in the finals with their respective wins over A Seniors and F AF last night in DeWare Field House. The infantrymen mauled the sen iors of A Company by the score of 30-3. Ed Moses was the deciding factor in the Infantry win over the Seniors. His field generalship and 12 points made him the outstand ing player of the night plus high For the big games... PIONEER SEE A&M VS. RICE At Houston Nov. 17th Phone 4-5054 point man. The Infantry built a 7-0 lead in the first half and continued to move at a fast clip in the second half. Moses opened the scoring in the second half by dropping in a long shot to build the score to 9-0. Fol lowing in quick succession Charley Smith hit a two-pointer from deel) in the corner and Moses bounced in two field goals. Don Horne brought the score to 19-0 by drop ping in two field goals. Jim Hillman tallied the first point for the Seniors with a field goal from 25 feet out. After that it was .once again all Infantry as “Pumpkin” Pybus hit a field goal and Smith counted for three consecutive field tallies. Hill man hit, again on a free toss for the Seniors and Val Smith counted on two shoi't set shots for the win ners to niake the final score read 30-0. In a contest that was loud and vociferous the quintet from B Ath letics counted a 19-18 win over F AF. Dave Selman was the per sonal scoring machine for the win ners with eight counters. Carlos Gonzales paced the losers noth six tallies. At halftime the Athletes had built a 10-4 lead and had to fight off a determined airmen team in the second half to preserve the win. Hal Douglas opened the scoring for the winners in the second half with a field goal to bring the score to 12-4. Gonzales lessened the margin with two fast field goals but Gene Letsos hit on a gift toss to make the scoreboard read 13-8. After that it was all in favor of the Hart Hall men as the Athletes moved up one more notch in the playoff bracket. .■ Benton Musslewhite Ben White Dick Hightower Mustang Stars Boast Good Records; Out To Sink Ags Ben White of the Mustangs is one of the main reasons for Fred Benners passing record being so outstanding. Starting this season with a 1950 record of 468 yards gained on pass es caught, White has been the. ob ject of many of Benners’ passes in this year’s games as he runs from his end slot. White can also boast four of the passes he caught last year were run over for touchdowns. A senior from San Antonio, White is 6 ft. 4 inches and weighs in at 205 pounds. His pass snatch ing is rated as sensational, and he is creddited with 13 passes caught this year and 196 yards gained on these passes received. Benton Musslewhite One of the leading pass receivers in the conference, Benton Mussle white caught three passes against Texas last week for a gain of 24 yards. One of these passes he caught ended with an addition of six points to the Mustang score. For the season’s record so far, Musselwhite is credited with 18 catches for 258 yards, two of these touchdown passes. His average yards gained on passes caught stands at 14.3. In last years games, Mussle- Avhite also proved he could rush Specials Thursday Afternoon a i 1 r NOVEMBER 8th-9th & 10th WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 1:00 P.M. UNTIL IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE GAME SAT. ® EROZEN FOODS ® 6-Oz. Cans Snowcrop or Honor Brand Orange Juice ... 2 cans 41c Snowcrop or Honor Brand Green Peas ... 2 pkgs. 47c Snowcrop or Honor Brand Spears of Broccoli 2 pkgs. 55c 24c Size (1A Pack)” Patio ” Tortillas 2 pkgs. 35c Half Gallon Size—Lilly Mellokreme each 65c 6-Oz. Minute Maid Tangerine Juice . 2 cans 53c Sunkist or Snowcrop Lemonade 2 cans 29c © MARKET SPECIALS ® Mission Pure Pork LINK SAUSAGE . . . lb. 55c Armour’s Dexter Tray-pac SLICED BACON . . . lb. 53c Heart o’ Texas—Whole or Cut-up FRYERS lb. 55c VC Sugar Cured Shank End Butt End HAMS. . .lb. 59c lb. 65c Choice Veal Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST. lb. 69c Kraft Philadelphia—3-Oz. Pkgs. CREAM CHEESE . 2 for 29c JUMBO SHRIMP ... lb. 89c Solid Pack SELECT OYSTERS , pint 89c ® FRESH FRUITS & • VEGETABLES Genuine South American Bananas 2 lbs. 27c First of the Season—Extra Fancy Winesap Apples. . 2 lbs. 27c Flame Tokay Grapes ... 2 lbs. 27c 5 lib. Mesh Bag-—Florida Juice Oranges.... each 33c US No. 1 Idaho—Russett—Mesh Bag An Economical Buy Potatoes ... 10 lb. bag 55c No. 3 Size Pascal Celery each 15c Big No. 4 Size Calif. (23c Value) Iceberg Lettuce . 2 heads 39c Avocados each 15c with the ball as he wound up the season ranked as third rusher on the Mustang eleven. Musslewhite also came in third in yards gained on passes caught. The two in front of him this time were Champion and Benton White. Dick Hightower First string center for the Mus tangs in the last two seasons was Dick Hightow’er, and he will be back this year to throw his 215 pounds against the Aggies. One of the few SMU iron men on this year’s squad,- Hightower is rated by many as a chief candidate in the SWC for All-American. His outstanding- play on both offense and defense has brought him the acclaim of both the team supporters and many critics. Hightower is a senior from Ty ler and stands 6 ft. 1 in. The 20 year old played 240 minutes of ball in 1949 when he was a sopho more, and followed through last year when he was a junior with 359 minutes of playing time to his credit. CHS Sets Bonfire For 6:45 Tonight A bonfire will be held tonight at 6:45 p. m. behind Consolidated Jun ior High School in conjunction with a pep rally for the Consolidated Tigers and Navasota football game tomorrow night. Celeste Curran, Louise Street, Patsy Ross and Martha Ergle will lead the yells. The Consolidated Band will be in uniform and play for the rally. Speeches will be made by Coach O. V. Chafin and others. Following the bonfire the Consolidated Kit tens will play Huntsville. Jerry Lightnin’ Leighton has scored 120 points for the A&M Consolidated Tigei’s so far this season and there are still two games left. If Leighton contin ues at his present rate of 15 points per game he should finish the season with 150 points in ten games. Leighton has scored almost twice as many points as his closest competitor. William Arnold, also of Consolidated, who has 66 points. Arnold will have to average 28 points per game to lead Leighton, assuming that Leighton doesn’t score any more ; touchdowns. Arnold and Leighton Arnold and Leighton have scored over half of Consolidated’s points making 186 out of 282 points this year. Sixth in. the District 24-B scor ing race is George Johnston, of the Tigers, who has made 34 points this season. Only 15 points separate Johnston from the thii'd place pos ition. David Bonnen, an end for Con solidated, has. scored 24 points this season and is the leading target for the Consolidated passers, along with Johnston. Beat SMU The President’s flag consists of the President’s seal in bronze on a blue background with a large white star in each corner. Program Sellers Meet In Goodwin Hall at 5 Program salesmen for the SMU game are to meet in room 209 in the Student Activities Office, Goodwin Hall tomor row at 5 p. m., announced Ro- R ; "«\ manager of student publications. Mrs. Oden, Holland Entertain WSCS The A&M Methodist Womens Society of Christian Service met Mondday evening in the home of Mrs. Ray Oden, with Mrs. Curtis Holland serving as co-hostess. 3, Po nMirance / oofj By EUGENE RUSH QUESTION: When I go into the Armed Forces will I be covered by Government insurance ? ANSWER: Yes. Under the terms of the new law, passed last April, every person who is called to active duty for a period of It days but not more than 80 days is insured against death from any cause for tho period of his service, and every person called to active duty for a period of more than 30 days is insured for the period of his service plus 120 days thereafter. The principal amount of the insurance is $10,000 and it is payable to the beneficiary in only one way: $92.90 per month for a period of 120 months. The insurance is free for the time stated, it may be kept, on a premium-payment basis, after the serviceman’s release from a period of active duty of more than 30 days, but only on a 5-year term basis. The latter means that the premium rate in creases every 5 years and that the policy never has any loan values or paid-up values. The law also states that no divi dends, will ever be paid on the policy. . , The premium rate at age 25 is $2.R0 per month for the $10,000; at 30 is $3.20: at 35 is $4.30: at 40 is $5.80; at 50 is $11.90; at 60 is $26.00 ; and at 70 is $58.70. . , In the case of the man who suffers disability of 10% or more as a result of his service with the Armed Forces, it is provided that he may purchase a policy on some permanent plan rather than on the 5-year term basis. NOTE: Any questions on life insurance from A&M College students will be an swered in this column or through direct communication by Eugene Rush. Address yoilr questions to him at Ilox 1211, or call him at 44666, or see him in his office above the Aggielanfl Pharmacy. (Adv.) HOW MANY TIMES A DAY GROCERY SPECIALS • SHOTGUN SHELLS t Typical Values Famous Brands 20 Ga. Maximum box $2.50 Standard hex $2.00 16 Ga. Maximum . box $2.65—Std. box $2.20 12 Ga. Max., box $2.85—Std. . . box $2.40 V/tfc DISCOUNT IN CASE LOTS Popular Brands Cigarettes.... carton $1. 14-Oz. Bottles Libby’s Catsup 2 for 1 Lb. Cans Kim Dog Food 3 cans 25c No. 2 Cans Grade A Fancy Texas Orchard Gardens Grapefruit Juice . 4 cans 25c 46-Oz. Libby's Hawaiian Pineapple Juice . 2 cans 55c 12-Oz. Vacuum Pack Rosedale—Golden Whole Kernel Corn, 2 cans 29c Cream of Celery, Black Bean, Green Pea or Pepper Pot Varieties Campbell Soups . 2 cans 23c Vacuum Pack—Maxwell House Coffee . lb. 83c Bright and Early Coffee 1 lb. pkg. 75c 2Cans Rcsedale Bartlett Pears.... can 39c No. 2 Cans Premier Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple ... can 29c Back in Stock—Divided Grease-proof CHINET. Largest Size 10(4 inch) Paper Plates.... dozen 33c Makes 9 Quarts—White or Yellow’—10-Oz. Can TNT Popcorn can 15c Swift’s Jewel Shortening... 3 lb. carton 75c Parkay Oleo lb. 29c Crisco 3 lbs. S9e FREE!! Buy any two cans of following: Armour’s Plain CHILI can 49c Armour’s CHILI & BEANS , can 41c GET 1 CAN ARMOUR’S TAMALES FREE 'mm IL WrE AH average smoker right answer is over 200! Canvas Back Leather Palm Gloves pair 69c 1 Lb. Boxes Sunshine Krispy Crackers . . each 29c Made of Pure Sweet Cream—Meadowgold Butter lb. 83c Paper Bag—Medium Size White Infertile Fully Guaranteed — Eggs dozen 59c $1.25 Size Hadacol bottle 99c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET We will be closed during all home conference football games, but on such weekends, cur specials will start Thursday afternoon upon receipt of the Battalion, (or about 4 o'clock). Yes, 209 times every day your nose and throat are exposed to irritation . • • 200 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU'RE BETTER OFF SMOKING Philip Morris! kf CIGARETTE Hangover £ means smoking pleasures PROVED definitely milder , . . PROVED definitely less irritating than any other leading brand . . . PROVED by outstanding nose and throat specialists. YES, you’ll be glad tomorrow... you smoked PHILIP MORRIS today!