Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1951)
▲ Page 2 THE BATTALION Monday, November 5, 1951 Pi i Just Right Da Lee Green, B-4-Y College View, right, gives final approval of the styles to be modeled by two AWS members in Wednesday evening’s style show. The models are right to left, Betty Kyburz of 413 Eisenhower, and Dolores “Dody” Goulas, A-l-Y College View. Women Fashions Styled In YMCA Show Wednesday By PAT MORLEY Battalion Woman’s Editor A glittering array of high- fashion separates, cocktail dress es, suits, coats, and casual dress es will take the spotlight in the YMCA Chapel at 8 p.m. Wednes day, when the Dames Club and the Architectural Wives Society co-sponsor a style show. Narrator and supervisor of the fashion showing will be A&M student wife Da Lee Green, dis play director and advertising manager of Lester’s Smart Shop to Bryan. A 1950 graduate of TSCW, Da Lee has skillfully directed local fashion shows for the A&M Social Club in the MSC, and the Spring Show for all the merchants of Bryan in the Stephen F. Austin High School auditorium. In addi tion, petite Da Lee has arranged and directed a series of fashion feature hours sponsored and pre sented by Lesters. Local girls served as models for these shows. Twenty A&M student wives will preview the latest fashions at Wed nesday evening’s program. All of the models are members of one of the two clubs sponsoring the show, and some of them have had pro fessional modeling experience. “Even though the style show will be directed and presented by Puffers Puff Tonight (Continued from Page 1) Churchwarden bowl: First prize ■—one pound tin of Briggs and one pound of Sir Walter Raleigh; sec ond prize—half pound can of Briggs and a half pound tin of Sutfill’s 79 mixture; third prize— six pocket tins of Sir Walter Ral eigh. Miniature Bowls: First prize—A ■one pound tin of Edgeworth and a pound of Holiday; second prize—a half pound tin of Briggs and a half pound can of Sutliffs; third prize—six tins of Bond Street. Division III Professors and Instructors • Professor’s pipe section: First prize—one Stanhope Briar and a pound tin of Sir Walter Raleigh; second prize—one pound tin of Briggs; third prize—one Hickory pipe and two pocket tins of Reva- lation. Professor’s Cigar: First prize— one box of Roi-Tan Perfectos and a half pound can of Briggs; sec ond-prize—one pound tin of Holi day; third prize—one half pound can of Sutliff’6. Division IV—Cigar Smoking First Prize—one Roi-Tan Per fectos and a half pound tin of Briggs; second prize—one pound tin of Edgeworth; third prize— one half pound tin of Sutliff’s. Division V Cigarette Rolling and Smoke Ring Blowing Amateur Cigarette Rolling: First prize—a one pound carton of Old Gold cigarettes plus a Hickory pipe; second prize—a pound tin of Briggs; third prize—one Hick ory pipe and two pocket tins of Guide. Professional Cigarette Rolling: First prize—one carton of Old Golds plus one Hickory pipe; sec ond prize—a pound can of Edge- worth; third prize—one Hickory pipe and two pocket tins of Guide. Smoke Ring Blowing (Largest Ring): First prize—One carton Old Golds and one Hickory pipe; second prize—a pound can of Sir Walter Raleigh; third prize—one Hickory pipe plus two pocket tins of Guide. Smoke Ring Blowing (Consecu tive Rings): First prize—One car ton of Old Golds and a Hickory pipe; second prize—One half pound tin of Briggs and one half-pound tin of Sutliff’s Mixture 79; fhird prize—one Hickory pipe and two pocket tins of Guide tobacco. Division VI—Corn Cob Pipes First prize—A matched set of seven purex pipes in a leatherette case; second prize—One com-cob pipe plus a.pound can of Holiday; third prize—one corn-cob pipe plus a half pound can of Briggs. Special Division Women Pipe Smokers First prize—one com-cob pipe, a half pound tin of Sutliff’s 79, six pocket tins of Guide tobacco, and six tins of Country Doctor tobacco. . The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” Entered as second-clasa Matter at Post Office at College Staton, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco. JOHN WHITMORE ....Editor Joel Austin Managing Editor Bill Streich News Editor Frank Davis City Editor Allen Pengelly Assistant News Editor Bob Selleck Sports News Editor Pat Morley Women’s Editor T. H. Baker, E. R. Briggs, A1 Bruton, Norman Campbell, Mickey Cannon, Monte Curry, Dan Dawson, Bob Fagley, Benny Holub, Howard Hough, Jon Kinslow, Bryan Spencer, Ide Trotter, John Robards, Carol Vance, Edgar Watkins, Berthold Weller, Jerry Wizig, Raymond York News and Feature Writers Bob Cullen, Jack Brandt i Cartoonists Frank Scott Quarterback Club Director Jim Jenson Photographer Pat LeBlanc. Hugh Phillips, F. T. Scott, Chuck Neighbors, Gus Becker, Joe Blanchette, Ed Holder Sports News Writers John Lancaster Chief Photo Engraver Russel Hagens. Advertising Manager Robert Haynie, Advertising Representative jstudent wives, faculty wives are also cordially invited to attend,” said Marge Dolan, president of the Dames Club. “The South Solarium will be opened following the show,” an nounced AWS president Virgie Sellers. “It will be decorated with flbwers arranged by Sydney Blake.” Hostesses from both clubs are arranging refreshments of Rus sian tea and cookies, which will be served after the show. Hostesses for the Dames Club are Lucy Shelton, Margaret Men del, Catherine Waddle, Carolyn Cathbright, Bernice Bird, and Betty Vernon. Architectural wives taking host ess duties are Sydney Blake, Sarah Kilmer, Marrian Morales, Millie Heltzel, and Betty Kyburz., Joy Belamy, reporter for the AWS, revealed the names of the twenty aggie wives who will v model the clothes. AWS models, in additions to Dolores “Dody” Goulas and Betty Kyburz, pictured above, are Vir gie Sellers, Marilyn Jaccard, Mary Louise Gauldin, Virgina Lemmons, Jeannine George, Gail Goodrum, and Ella La Rue. Modeling for the Dames Club Will be Peggy Maness, Kay Lay man, Myra Burke, Ruth Moore, Eugenia Sorgnit, Isabel! Guerrero, Eleanor Holland, Alice Thomas, Betty Sparger, Jo Worthington, and Virginia Matzen. Visionary Explained The group of unusual paintings on display in the MSC that have caused such a flurry of questioning and comment are the work of Forrest Bess, a former A&M stu dent now living at Bay City, Tex as. Terming his work visionary painting, the artist explains that he is only the “«onduit or means for the vision to come into being.” Draft (Continued from Page 1) eral Hershey said., “We must, therefore, think in long-range terms, in developing plans to pro vide a,n adequate supply of highly skilled manpower. Logical Deferment “I believe the country is aware that it is logical, in deferring stu dents in the national interest, to defer those with demonstrated ability, instead of gambling on those with lower capacity.” General Hershey explained that the intent of Congress was that these students should be deferred only until they have completed their college training. “Deferment” means that a registrant shall have his service delayed or postponed until he completes his education. It is by no means an outright ex emption. The 1951 Amendments to the. Universal Military Training and Service Act provide that any reg istrant who was in a deferred classification on June 19, 1951, or who was thereafter placed in a de ferred classification shall remain liable for training and service un til he reaches the age of 35. There fore, any registrant deferred now as a student will be required, if physically fit, to serve two years in the armed forces sometime be fore he becomes 35. Discipli ne (Continued from Page 1) In summarizing the new order, Carlson said, “it is an extra device which the unit commander has in his own hands and may use at his discretion. Colonel Joe Davis, commandant, suggested to Carlson several weeks ago that he, Garlson, appoint a committee to make a recommenda tion for a quick means of punish ment. This report was prepared and submitted formally and was subject to the approval of the dean of men. In regard to the use of the time, usually alloted to intramurals, Carlson said “Intramurals partici pation is a privilege. Second, if a man is needed, he can be as signed to duty on Tuesday’s or Thursdays, instead of Monday’s Wednesdays and Fridays, when in tramurals are played. The order was presented to the unit commanders at noon today by Carlson. English Depart. Adds 7 Instructors The English department now has seven new teachers, announced T. F. Mayo, department head. They are as follows: R. G. Pick ett, University of Iowa; Ray Past, University of Texas; E. E. Stokes, University of Texas. John Lawler, University of North Carolina; Carl Hartman, University of Iowa; R. J. Salis bury, University of Iowa; B. F. Kirtley, University of Texas. AUSTIN 63 Minutes Mid-Day Flights Phone 4-5054 for information and reservations-or call your travel agent LISTEN AGGIES In Stock Service 19 OZ. GREEN SERGE Perfect Tailoring —GUARANTEED— Leon B. Weiss BOYETT STREET NORTH GATE Art Work by Artist In further explanation, Bess says, “The first impression of the canvases causes a classification of the work as abstract-primitive be cause of their simplicity approach ing the naive. Deliberate, Naive However, the second look shows a deliberate naivete—deliberate in the sense that the forms remain very simple uneffected statements. The statements are provacative and immediately the source is question ed.” Artist Bess has “discarded many values which he considered un important.’ He explains: “Pretentiousness is absent. There is no desire to do a ‘bigger cartwheel’ or ‘be better’ than anyone or anything. “There is the absence of repe tition in subject matter and tech nique of handling point. Each work seems to have dictated itself. The lack of pride in conscious creation is absent. No Connection “The Messiah complex is absent. There is no feeling of concoction either in the paintings or the titles. There is a feeling that one canvas is not ‘better’ than anoth er.” Bess had his first New York one-man showing last winter at the Betty Parsons Gallery in that city. He began exhibiting his work in Texas shows ov^r 15 years ago and has had one-man exhibits in the museums at Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. Bess was a member of the class of ’33 at A&M and majored in architecture while here. ’Scope (Continued from Page 1) tatives of the Agricultural Experi ment Station, the Engineering Ex periment Station and each of the four schools of the college. Dr. S. 0. Brown, professor of biology, is chairman of the committee. Dr. J. B. Page represents the Agricultural Experiment Station on the committee. The Engineering When filter turns, brown—in Medico Pipes or Cigarette Holders—throw it away, with the nicotine, juices, flakes and tars it has trapped. Insert fresh filter for cooler, cleaner, dryer, sweeter smoking. Imported Briar. NEW: MEDICO CREST-13.00 Medico's Finest! Rich Burgundy finish. „ MEDICO V.F.Q. — 52.00 MEDICO MEDALIST-51.53 , Wide variety of styles and sizes. L^Writo S. M. Frank & Co., N. Y., for Booklet 0 MEDICO CIGARETTE H.0LDERS-$1, Experiment Station is represented by D. M. Vestal, Jr. Representing the college are Dr. A. V. Moore, Dairy Husbandry De partment, School of Agriculture; Dr. J. P. Delaplane, head of the Bacteriology and Hygiene Depart ment, School of Veterinary Medi cine; Dr. Brown, School of Arts avnd Sciences, and J. H. Sorrels, Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering. ■ • MARSTON TRIM, ROOMY WING TIP! The MARSTON Meets the current call for the wider look. Lots of toe room in this sturdy, rugged Bostonian. More comfort, plus good-looking design, plus long wear, add up to this fine Bostonian, CONWAY & CO. 103 N. Main Bryan ■THIS IS IT Si^gS SPff# OF HIGH I(»AIITY Sifts BOOK SALE 600 SPANKING NEW COPIES All original editions which sold for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $5.00 Fiction Non-Fiction Children’s Books only 59 c ^ only 89c ★ only 59c 2 for $1.00 3 for $2.50 2 for $1.00 Come early, get the best choice . . . Music, Art, Drama, Travel, History, Science, Chess Books, Mathematics and many others. Do your Christmas shopping NOW. These brand new copies of fine books make ideal gifts. —SALE BEGINS— - TUESDAY MORNING, 9 A. M, - HIE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” LF LABNER She’s Young, She’s Beautiful, She’s Enraged! ! By A1 Capp